"I said!"

Young Zhan was so bumped by Zhang Feng that he almost lost his balance.

At this time, the players of the 03 generation who were watching the game were laughing secretly in their hearts:"Huh, you have today too."

"You have bullied us like this in the past, now comes retribution.".......

The main offense of 'LeBron James' when he was young was breakthrough. As for shooting, it was very unstable, almost like a nerve knife.

But because the breakthrough is somewhat unsolvable, his offensive threat is very terrifying.

However, he met Zhang Feng who also liked [Tank Breakthrough].

What is even more speechless is that Zhang Feng's tank breakthrough is even more powerful.

After all, whether it is weight or speed, Zhang Feng is now much more than You Zhan........

After Zhang Feng knocked away Xiao Zhan, he rushed inside. At this time, Cavaliers player Eric Williams, a Cavaliers small forward who is 203cm tall and weighs 105kg, wanted to help defend. boom! boom!

Zhang Feng suddenly performed a low-altitude and high-speed forward double transformation. Then, with a sharp pull of his right arm, he suddenly jumped from the left.

As for 'Eric Williams', he was like a wooden stake, looking stupidly at Zhang Feng who broke into the inside.

Zhang Feng rushed to the basket and wanted to slam dunk.

But he was pulled by Boozer and Big Z, sending Zhang Feng to the free throw line........

Zhang Feng's free throws were pretty good, and he made two free throws steadily.

The Cavaliers have the ball, and James holds the ball to attack.

As the true cornerstone of the Cavaliers, James directs the movement of his teammates on the court. He wants to open up space and give Zhang Feng a break.

But someone in the Cavaliers disagreed, and that was 'Ricky Davis', the Cavaliers' scoring champion last year.

He stood not far from You Zhan and signaled You Zhan to pass the ball.

Youzhan was very unhappy and still wanted to do it by himself.

But because Ricky Davis stood too close to Young Zhan, Jason Williams and White Chocolate decisively chose to double-team Lao Zhan with Zhang Feng.

Although White Chocolate is a white player, he possesses the top speed and explosive power of a black outside player.

Facing the immature Youzhan, the two of them joined forces to


Zhang Fenghu stabilized the basketball. He did not play it alone, but passed it to White Chocolate.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Feng made a fast break without the ball....

Youzhan's speed is very fast, especially his straight-line speed, which is no worse than the top defenders in the league, and is in the same level as Zhang Feng.

Therefore, Zhang Feng knows that if he plays quickly with the ball, he is likely to be interfered by You Zhan.......

When Youzhan saw Zhang Feng getting off quickly, he followed closely.

For this reason, two human-shaped lightning bolts appeared on the basketball court


"Are they really big players at 203cm?"

"Their speed would embarrass some defenders"

"Yes, it's really too fast."

Both of them are hailed as the 'top talent' rookies in the history of the NBA.

What is top talent?

Being able to enter the NBA means that they are one of the 400 best basketball players in the world.

Any NBA player, There is no one with poor talent.

Among ordinary people, they are undoubtedly geniuses, and Zhang Feng and LeBlanc James are monsters among geniuses.

They are not only very high, but their upper limit is also terrifying........

The speed of the two was about the same, but Zhang Feng was half a body ahead of You Zhan because he started first.

But after Zhang Feng received the pass from Jason Williams, there would be a lag time, and at this time Lao Zhan had already caught up and stood in front of Zhang Feng.

"Never think about my little emperor."Youzhan said very funny

"Well..."After Zhang Feng heard this, he almost peed with laughter.

However, Zhang Feng calmly threw the basketball toward the backboard.

Zhang Feng is 8cm taller than Youzhan. This is not a small distance. You must know that men from island countries are only this long when they are in their prime.

Young Zhan knows that Zhang Feng is a person who can score goals with any posture, well, because Zhang Feng has [infinite shooting].

Youzhan quickly jumped up to stop him.

But the next second...

Youzhan regretted it.

The purpose of this thing is to catch the rebounding basketball and complete a shot...


The rim exploded.

Zhang Feng just completed a self-kick in front of Youzhan.

After the dunk was successful, Zhang Feng patted You Zhan's buttocks, as if to say:"Brother, it's ten years too early to beat me."

You Zhan's face was livid.

The Cavaliers attacked, and Young Zhan took advantage of Big Z's pick-and-roll.

Big Z is a pick-and-roll master. Even Zhang Feng, who is 211cm tall, has a hard time getting around the pick-and-roll.

But because Ricky Davis wanted the ball and was too lazy to move, he asked outside players to flank Young Zhan.

Simply, Young James' dribbling and vision were good, and he found 'Eric Williams' who was ambushing in the bottom corner.

After Eric Williams caught the ball, he shot a three-pointer with his hands rising and falling.

Thank you for Xiao Zhan’s assist!!! ps: No more beeping, resume updating and atonement. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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