The game has progressed to this point, and the 'individual duel' between Zebei Eiji and Zhang Feng has come to an end.

Which of the two is stronger and which one is weaker?

Make a decision!

But Eiji Zebei was not defeated by Zhang Feng. On the contrary, he began to use other methods to help the team.......

Kazunari Fukatsu and Masashi Kawada started a pick-and-roll.

After the pick-and-roll, Kazunari Fukatsu made a fake pass and passed it to the young monk 'Zebei Eiji'.

As soon as Zebita Eiji caught the ball with his front foot, he saw Zhang Feng coming to him with his back foot.

His athletic ability is far beyond that of Eiji Sawabita, making people say that this is really a World of Warcraft.

Eiji Sawabita dropped the ball!

After some false testing, I found that the other party had no flaws.

"rub!"With a sound, Zebei Eiji took a big step towards Zhang Feng's right wing. However, Zhang Feng's steel-like muscles almost pushed Zebei Eiji back.

Zebei Eiji did not do this. In panic, he kicked the ground with his right foot and leaned back.


"This degree of recline is unparalleled."

"As expected of Zebei!"

"Although Zhang Feng is worse than Zebei in terms of personal ability, in terms of technology alone, Zhang Feng is still not as good as Zebei!"

The commentator of the Japanese TV station began to say.

Of course, this is not directed at Zhang Feng, but a consensus of the national audience.

The reason why Zhang Feng was able to ascend to the top throne was more due to his physical fitness comparable to that of Warcraft, rather than Technology.

Speaking of technology, Zhang Feng’s technology is top-notch........

Lean back so much that the whole person is almost 45 degrees to the ground.

Whether it's bouncing or staying in the air, it's amazing.

The picture is picturesque!

But almost at the same time, Zhang Feng also jumped up.

He has a height of 193cm and a wingspan of 208cm, coupled with even more terrifying bullet speed and ability to stay in the air.

Almost instantly, the space in front of Zebei was completely sealed.

"No way!"

"Will such difficult backward moves be covered?"

"How can this be? ? ?"

"It seems that just as he said, the last time he played against himself, he only used 30% of his strength."

Tsuchiya Jun of Daiei Academy, looking at Zhang Feng who was blocking the sky and preparing to send Zebei to block the shot, he said helplessly in his heart:

Tsuchiya Jun, although he is known as the number one ace of Daiei Academy, he is also a star player in Osaka. He and Osaka's leading scorer, Minami Retsu, are known as the"double pride".

But in this year's game, Jun Tsuchiya almost gave up basketball without being beaten by this guy, and he actually scored 80 points in the game!

After the game, he told himself that he only used 30% of his strength in the game.

At that time, he was so angry, but now that he thinks about it, he didn't tell lies.......

"Hey."Looking at himself who was about to be blocked, Zebei Eiji still didn't panic.

"drink!" He suddenly shouted loudly in mid-air. He used all his strength to take back the basketball that was about to be thrown. He then flicked it hard and gave it to Kimio Kawada on the inside.

"Kimio Kawada!"

"It's all on you!"

Zebei roared with blue veins on his face.

This scene shocked the hearts of viewers across the country.

Lingnan's No. 13 'Zhang Feng' is really a monster, and he actually forced Zebei, a super genius, into this state. Look.

Kawada Kimio, receiving the ball inside, faced Naito Tetsuya who was much shorter than him. Kawada Kimio hit Naito Tetsuya with all his strength.


The behemoth Naito Tetsuya, who is 196cm tall and weighs 110kg, also looks a little like a bird in front of Kawada Kimio.

Of course, it wouldn't be like being knocked to the ground like other team's insiders.

But his body tilted backwards sharply...

Immediately afterwards, Kimio Kawada took action



"This damn meatball!"

Naito Tetsuya, who usually always bullies others, found out that besides his boss, there were people who could bully him like this, and he couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

"Ah Feng, although you are very strong"

"But when we take Sanno Industries seriously, we are the ones who really have no solution."

Zebei Eiji pointed at himself and said


"No solution?"

Zhang Feng sneered and didn't say much.

Immediately afterwards, Lingnan attacked, and Zhang Feng asked for the ball in the low post.

It seemed that he was going to attack Zebei with his back....

This made Masashi Kawada on the inside frown. The moment Zhang Feng received Sendao's pass, he was ready to help defend inside.


The next second!

After Zhang Feng received the ball, he followed the same pattern and turned over in front of Zebei.

Backward range!

The ability to stay in the air!

Bouncing ability! etc....

Let the audience feel that Zhang Feng is not without skills!

On the contrary, his skills are still superior to those of Zebei.

Seeing that he turned over and leaned back, Masashi Kawada didn't react for a moment.

It’s different from Zebei!

Zhang Feng did not choose to pass the ball, but directly shot Zebei in the face



"No solution!"

"This is the real solution!"

Zhang Feng said playfully to Eiji Sawabei who was watching the ball and sighing.

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