This is the first time Naito Tetsuya has participated in an official competition.

It can be seen that as a former rugby player, his adaptability is quite good.

He quickly adapted to the rhythm on the court.

And the more he fights, the better he becomes.

Especially inside the basket, he basically runs over his opponents.

After all, Tetsuya Naito has a height of 196cm and a weight of 110kg.

Naito fell behind and Zhang Feng gave him a look.

Naito then opened the back door of the opponent's center and passed directly to his right, facing the basket.

The ball has arrived and the people have arrived!

Show time!


After receiving a pass from Zhang Feng, Tetsuya Naito hit the frame violently.

After scoring the goal, Naito roared with excitement.

This is already Naito's 7th point of the game.

Naito only played for two minutes.

It can be seen that Naito is the most efficient in eating cakes and can be called the best in Lingnan......

On the bench of the audience

"Where did Lingnan get this big guy from?"

"The power is simply too strong"

"Um. really."

The audience started talking a lot, and these words made the faces of Hainan Amu, Fujima Kenji, Mike Okita, Akagi Takenori and others who came to watch this game change drastically.

Lingnan is already strong enough!

But not To think that there is another monster!

How can other teams survive?.......

"Huh, isn't he just a big stupid guy with strength?"

"It's nothing extraordinary. If you meet this genius, he will definitely be defeated."

Sakuragi Hanamichi said

"Fool." Takenori Akagi scolded

"No, Akagi, although this Naito is big and strong, his body is not very flexible. In addition, he is far from the opponent of Sakuragi and Rukawa Kaede in terms of jumping." Mu Mu analyzed

"Uh-huh."When Sakuragi Hanamichi heard someone praising him, he nodded quickly and said

"Yes, Mugure, what you said is all right, but don't forget one thing, who is the passer?"

"This type of player would not be a concern if placed in other teams, but if placed in Lingnan, he would be an extremely terrifying existence."

Takenori Akagi put it bluntly

, eh... ah...

Mumu fell into shock after hearing Chimu's words.

This is indeed the case. Naito's ball-holding ability and back-up ability under the basket make him unable to work alone.

The opposing team only needs to defend inside and double-team, and it is easy to steal the ball.

But Naito Tetsuya didn't have to consider this issue, mainly because Zhang Feng's super offensive ability attracted most of the opponent's defense.

Simply put, Tetsuya Naito is currently a very good system player.

If he goes to another team, he will most likely be scrapped, such as Miuradai.

Naito is just a beginner, his independent offensive ability is almost negligible, eating cake is the king.......


4 seconds before the end of the half, Zhang Feng caught the ball from the baseline and pushed forward like crazy. Just after half-time, he hit an [Infinite-Sniper], helping the team extend the lead to 45 points.

After scoring the goal, Zhang Feng put his left hand against his ear, making a listening gesture.

The huge score difference makes Wuyuan High Center feel uncomfortable...

But this is not what makes Wuyuan High School feel cold....

What is really chilling is that the female students from Wuyuan High School actually turned their backs and cheered and celebrated for Lingnan

"Afon! Afon! I love you!"

"Afon! Afon! I love you!"

"Afon! Afon! I love you!".......


"A stinker than a stinky fox."

When Hanamichi Sakuragi, who was on the bench, saw Zhang Feng who was like a star holding the moon, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Fool."Rukawa Kaede not far away said

"Bastard, what did you say?"


At the end of the half, the Lingnan players returned to the locker room.

Shigeichi Taoka looked excited. He played so well in Lingnan's first game this year and did not lose the dignity of last year's national champion at all.

At the same time, Zhang Feng, who had 20 assists in the half and gained 1,000 skill points, was letting the system strengthen him.

"Ding, congratulations on increasing the host's vision from [52] to [62], consuming 1000 skill points."



It actually improves the field of vision?

This doesn't seem to have much effect?

Zhang Fengru thought........

In the second half, Lingnan changed the lineup again.

Zhang Feng, Hiroaki Cross Country, Akira Sendō, Tetsuya Naito, Jun Uozumi.

On the other hand, Buen High School changed its starting lineup.

Oda Ryumasa, who was trained by the coach during the break, calmed down a little.

It can be seen that they are planning to make a last ditch effort.


Lingnan in this lineup leaves no hope for the opponent....

Uozumi succeeded in jumping the ball, and Sendao caught the basketball.

Akira Sendō, who was basically in a soy sauce state in the first half, suddenly wanted to exert his strength....

This is a pain for the opponent's small forward Ji Chengyong.

After a series of false moves, Xiandao broke through Jiechengyong's right wing, and Jiechengyong tried his best to catch up. However, Xiandao Akira suddenly turned around and passed the opponent beautifully and cleanly.

Seeing that Xiandao was about to break into the basket, Daiming came over to help defend.

But in this case, Zhang Feng will have a vacant seat....

Zhang Feng, who was in the open position, hit [Infinite Style - Throwing Sniper].

Score! so-easy!.......

After scoring, Zhang Feng and Xiandao celebrated with high fives.

In the first half, Zhang Feng suppressed his desire to attack in order to complete the task.

Now words... hey-hey...

You are welcome!

Wuyuan High School organized the offense, and Daiming passed the ball to Miura Yoshihide, trying to hit the breakthrough point of cross-country Hiroaki.

Dai Miura Yoshihide exerted all her strength and finally rushed in....

However, because he rushed too hard and in order to protect the basketball in his hand from being broken, his head was a little low.

Didn't see it by accident...

He bumped into Tetsuya Naito...


Was bounced away...

Well... sweat...

When everyone was stunned, Zhang Feng picked up the basketball, threw it casually, and gave it to the immortal.

Fast attack under Immortal Way.

Xiandao, one of the two emperors of Lingnan, felt the wind at his feet and quickly entered the half court.

Two opposing players chased and intercepted...

In response, Xiandaoyang smiled.

Suddenly, with a flick of his wrist, the basketball was thrown towards the basket...

The arc is so high that it’s scary...

When everyone thought that the immortal way was about to make a mistake, a figure fell from the sky.

Catch the ball with both hands!

Flat head!

It was a blockbuster dunk against the basket!


The thunderous explosion completely extinguished Wuyuan High School's hopes of counterattack........

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