ps: I currently owe 2 chapters, and I will make up for it this week.

Before the game started, a series of cold electronic sounds sounded in Zhang Feng's mind.

"Ding, the host triggers task 1: [I am the assist king】"

"Mission description: Get 20 assists in this game"

"Mission reward: 1000 skill points"

"Ding, mission 2: Win this game and get 300 skill points as a reward."......


Am I the assist king?

I got 20 assists in one game.

This is not a small amount~

Even though the opponent is bad, assists, this is related to the state of the teammates.

But it doesn't seem to matter, he has [King of Instant Transmission].

What makes Zhang Feng quite unhappy is that he can only get 300 skill points as a reward for winning this game.......

Complaints are complaints!

Life has to be lived!

The game officially begins!

The centers of both sides compete for the ball.

There is no suspense. Uozumi, who is 205cm tall, easily crushed Oda Ryumasa and handed the basketball to Zhang Feng.

Although Wuyuan High School has never played against Lingnan, they know Zhang Feng's abnormal three-point ability.

After the team took possession of the ball, Dai Ming stayed close to Zhang Feng, wary of Zhang Feng's sudden move.

"hey-hey."Zhang Feng smiled slightly. Unexpectedly, Wuyuan High School still put some effort into studying himself before the game.

After Zhang Feng slowly advanced with the ball through the half, he suddenly accelerated....

With lightning speed, her body flashed in front of her like a phantom, which made Dai Ming confused for a moment.

What level of speed is this?

Isn't it too fast?

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Feng strode into the inside lane.

After seeing Zhang Feng break through, many players from Wuyuan High School followed.

Like an arrow, Zhang Feng alone forced Wuyuan High School's defense to the inside.

At this time, Zhang Feng did not force himself. He was less than 3 meters away from the basket....

Zhang Feng suddenly stopped...

The move of passing the ball behind his head made everyone in Wuyuan High School on the field think to themselves,"Oops!"

This guy actually chose to pass the ball?

What a bastard!

However... next second...

Zhang Feng made an incredible move.

His pass behind the head turned out to be a fake move. After drawing everyone's attention away,

"drink!"Zhang Feng shouted loudly and violently flicked the veins on his arms.

The basketball was like a bolt of lightning and was thrown into Yuzhu's hands under the basket.

Today's Yuzhu is not the stupid big guy who was a little slow in reaction a year ago. After Yuzhu received the ball, he jumped up directly under the crowded basket.

Wuyuan High School reacted after Yuzhu jumped up...."boom!"sound...There was a bang from the basket. late...

"drop!"The referee's whistle sounded at this time

"The goal is valid!"

"Defensive foul by Ryumasa Oda"......

Yuzhu started the game with a strong 2+1.

At this time, Yuzhu looked up to the sky and roared


The power of the great ape king is evident.

At the same time, the coach 'Tagaoka Shigeichi' who was sitting on the bench in Lingnan secretly smacked his tongue and said:"Although this fish has become a lot more powerful since he went to the United States. But why, he drooled more."

Of course, Shigeichi Tagoka knows that Uozumi is a fan of Garnett, but you don't want to imitate others and drool, right?"...

Task 1: [1/20】.......

Wuyuan High School offense.

The basketball was passed to the team's ace 'Ryumasa Oda'.

Although Oda Ryumasa is only a first-year player, he has become the absolute core of Buen High School with his fairly good skills.

In the low post under the basket, Oda Ryumasa began a one-on-one duel with Uozumi Jun.

Although Oda Ryumasa has a villain face, his inside skills are quite comprehensive.

Whether it's post-up, mid-range shooting, or cutting, he is among the best among Kanagawa Prefecture's centers.


In front of Yuzhu, it was like a floating cloud.

Oda Ryumasa, who is 185cm tall, held the ball in the low post and made a fake shot.

However, there are no eggs...

Yuzhu didn't take off at all, he just put his hands up.

With a height difference of 20cm, Yuzhu doesn’t even need to jump.

"Kid, are you scared?"

"Three seconds are coming to the basket. If you don't take a shot, it will be a violation."

Uozumi said with a bad smile. In addition to the growth in skills of Lingnan players, almost everyone's trash talk has also made a qualitative leap.

As the captain of the team, Jun Uozumi has even mastered Zhang Feng's trash talk. essence of words

"Humph, do you think I dare not?"Oda Ryuumasa fell into the arms of Zhang Feng because of his crush Ye Zi.

So he hated the whole house. Oda Ryuumasa was full of resentment towards the entire Lingnan.

Oda Ryuumasa, who had lost his mind, chose to attack the basket. Down.

After a feint, he made a short breakthrough.

"Innocent."A smile appeared on the corner of Uozumi's mouth.

His strong and powerful body kept leaning on Oda Ryuumasa who broke through.

When he took action, he gave him a fatal blow.

However, Zhang Feng, who suddenly came in from the outside, It was a lightning steal that directly shattered Yuzhu’s thoughts ,"Bang!"With a sound, the basketball in Oda Ryumasa's hand was cut off.

On the other hand, Zhang Feng's 208cm wingspan stretched his long arms and caught the basketball that was about to bounce out of bounds.

That's right, It was caught back.

While his height and wingspan increased, Zhang Feng's hands also improved significantly after controlling the basketball....

Zhang Feng glanced behind him and couldn't help but smile.

It seems that the cooperation between myself and Xian Dao is becoming more and more tacit.

"drink!"Zhang Feng pulled out the basketball as if he were drawing a knife....


The basketball flew in the sky above the arena, drawing a beautiful arc.

The ball has arrived!

The two emperors are connected!

When Xiandao received the ball, he made an elegant slam dunk.


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