Chapter 156 KG, why is my sinking step useless [3/5, please subscribe]

After Garnett finished speaking, he asked Zhang Feng and David Lee to demonstrate.

This can't help but make Zhang's plump face black lines...

Your uncle's...

Could it be that you want me to be your sparring partner?

Garnett was stunned by Zhang Feng's resentful gaze. He coughed slightly and explained,"Afeng, right? I asked you to come over to train together, not to treat you as a target.""

"But I think this trick may be very effective for you."

"I'm very optimistic about you."

After Zhang Feng heard this, he had no choice but to nod his head.

However, at this moment...

A series of mechanical and cold electronic sounds sounded in Zhang Feng's mind

"Ding, the host triggers a random task——【I'm not just a sparring partner】"

"Ding, mission description: Block 10 opponent's bottom step attacks."

"Mission reward: 500 skill points."

After hearing the system's prompt tone, Zhang Feng couldn't help but be shocked.

I'll give it a try!

This system is generous enough now. It knows it feels sorry for me, 500 skill points.

I want it~

This sparring partner is very exciting........

Immediately afterwards, Garnett taught David Lee the movement skills of the bottom step in great detail.

After David Lee made a few moves in the air, Garnett thought it was pretty good, so he asked David Lee to play against Zhang Feng to see.

"Hey, I’m coming on the 32nd."David Lee said confidently before catching the ball.

"Oh, come on."Zhang Feng responded.

Garnett passed the ball to David Lee. After receiving the ball, David Lee followed the [sinking step] taught by Garnett and swung his upper body strength in an attempt to push Zhang Feng away.

However, Zhang Feng, who was a head shorter than David Lee, bent his body and pressed against David Lee's waist.

This made David Lee feel that the other person was like an iron tower....

Although David Li looks quite strong, he is only 17 years old and his strength has not been fully developed. He cannot hold up against Zhang Feng at all.

After all, Zhang Feng's strength is not considered weak among NBA insiders!!!

140kg bench press!

As a result, David Lee's pace cannot be used.

The scene is extremely embarrassing...

Not only David Lee, who is an inside player, can't stand up to Zhang Feng, but also Garnett, who wants to show off in front of the students.


"David Lee, you have problems with your footsteps and upper body strength."

At this time, Garnett found a step for himself and guided David Lee again.......

Continue practicing [Sinking Step]. this time...

Zhang Feng clearly felt that David Li's use of weight and strength was much stronger.

But Mr. Zhang was also a shameless person during his lifetime....

David Lee couldn't successfully turn around.......

"What's the matter with you?"

"Didn't I make it clear enough?"

Garnett saw that David Lee was so useless that he couldn't even stand up to a small guard, so he suppressed the anger in his heart and gave him some guidance again.

However, the result was still the same....

Although this is just an exercise, Zhang Feng, who has a paranoid character, insists on holding on to his position.

"KG, maybe...I'm really not suitable for this low-level step."David Li said with a blushing face.

"Oh, forget it"

"Try the next one."

Garnett sighed helplessly.

Then, Garnett found a black insider who looked very strong.

He was 193cm tall and weighed 103kg. He was a power forward.

At 193cm, he could barely play in the high school arena. Playing inside.

But being able to enter the ABCD training camp shows how strong this black insider is in other aspects.

This black man is much stronger than David Lee, although his understanding of the bottom step is worse. Some, but under Garnett's"careful" guidance, Zhang

Feng became a training partner again....

The stocky black insider ranked 19th used his strength to squeeze Zhang Feng away. However, after turning around and finishing the ball, he was blocked by Zhang Feng.

This brought Garnett, who had been celebrating the impending success of the black stocky inside man, to an abrupt end....

The scene became awkward again...

My day!

This guy doesn't give me any face at all....

Immediately afterwards, Garnett found a few more insiders.

However, what surprised Garnett was that although this kid was thin, he was really strong.

The one with quick steps is not as strong as him.

The strong one is not as fast as him.

Moreover, this guy's bullet speed and shot blocking are very good.

"KG, I don’t seem to be suitable for practicing sinking steps either."

"KG, me too".......

At this time, Zhang Feng had completed 10 blocks of [Sinking Bottom Step] attacks.

The system's 500 skill point reward has arrived.

The system beep sounds again

"Ding, the host's [upper limb strength] has been strengthened, from [75] to [80]】"

【80]'s upper body strength is already comparable to the mid-to-upper level of NBA power forwards.

Among these young geniuses who are still fully grown, except for a few, no one is Zhang Feng's opponent.

Seeing Garnett's attempts to no avail, I felt embarrassed.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng said to Garnett:"KD, I seem to have some understanding of Shen Di Bu. Why don't you let me try it?""

"Oh, you?"


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