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"Su Chen, this matter has passed. Don't cause trouble. I don't want you to get involved in Xia Tao's matter!"

Xia Minqiang persuaded him again. Xia Tao is his son. Why doesn't he want to take revenge for what happened to Xia Tao?

But thinking about the Sun family's powerful position in Wanjiang, they are simply not something they can afford to offend.

A little angry If you kill the Sun family, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Ahem.."Liu Yinglan suddenly coughed violently

"Su Chen, don't think too much about this matter. Please quickly advise your mother. She has been having a cold for a long time and has been coughing. She must have bronchitis. Let her go to the hospital for treatment!"Xia Minqiang said hurriedly.

Su Chen looked at the ring on his finger. It was a ring rewarded by the system. There were countless things rewarded by the system in the space of the ring. With a movement of his consciousness, he took out three red pills.

This The elixir, called the longevity elixir, can not only cure all diseases, but also prevent all diseases, prolong life, and have the effect of beautifying the face.

Su Chen handed the longevity elixir to the three of them:"Uncle, parents, this is a cure-all. Take the medicine that can prevent all kinds of diseases and prevent all kinds of diseases!"

"What kind of medicine is this? Is it so miraculous that it can really cure all diseases?"Xia Guohua looked at the elixir in Su Chen's hand and was very doubtful. It can cure all diseases. Isn't it a miracle medicine?

"You will know the effect after eating it!"Su Chen didn't explain.

The three of them were all doubtful about the efficacy of the medicine, but each of them took a pill and drank it.

"Su Chen, who is this?"

After Liu Yinglan finished eating the elixir, she looked at Qin Xiaoying. She was tall, with a peach-shaped face, and a hint of joy in her eyes. She vaguely guessed something.

Xia Guohua and Xia Minqiang also looked at Qin Xiaoying and looked her up and down. , Xia Minqiang smiled and said:"Is it even necessary to think about it? She must be Xiaofan's girlfriend, she looks like a lotus, and she and Su Chen are a perfect match!"

Qin Xiaoying's pretty face flushed, thinking of Su Chen's"infatuation" for Lin Shiyuan, she quickly defended:"Uncle, aunt, uncle, you misunderstood, I am not Su Chen's girlfriend, I am just his friend!"

"That's right, parents, she is my friend and she came with me. Don't think too much about it!"Su Chen also said

"Turns out they are friends!"Liu Yinglan was a little disappointed.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a big belly, a suit and leather collar, and a somewhat bald head suddenly walked into the room. As soon as this middle-aged man entered the room, he looked stunned and his eyes dropped. Su Chen was very surprised and said:"Oh... I'm not dazzled, right? Isn't this Su Chen?"

Su Chen turned his head and looked over. This middle-aged man's name was Xia Guofu. He was his adoptive father's brother. He smiled slightly and greeted:"Hello, uncle!

Xia Guofu grinned:"I didn't expect that you would come back suddenly?" Do you know how worried your parents were about you after you disappeared? In order to find you, my family’s savings were all spent, and they all thought that something unexpected happened to you outside. Since you have been alive for so many years, why didn’t you send a message to your family?

Su Chen looked guilty:"It's my fault, I'm sorry for my parents!""

"Xiaofan, Dad didn’t blame you!"Xia Guohua said

"Yes, as long as you come back!" Liu Yinglan also said. Xia Guofu asked:"Xiao Fan, where have you been all these years?"

"Wandering around!"

"So you have been wandering for so many years, have you saved any money?"

Su Chen frowned. He didn't understand why Xia Guofu asked this question. He shook his head and said,"No!"

Xia Guofu's expression suddenly changed, and his face darkened:"Then how did you do this? Your parents worked hard and worked hard to send you to college. You haven't come back for so many years. I thought you had made a name for yourself outside? Have you forgotten your parents?

Su Chen frowned even deeper, feeling quite unhappy with Xia Guofu's tone:"Uncle, I'm not doing very well, but there's no need for you to say that to me, right?""


You are my nephew, can’t I talk about you? After all these years, I haven’t even saved a single cent.

You are really a loser.

It’s a shame that you were still a top student when you were in school.

Look at my Xiaoliang and Xiaocheng.

Xiaoliang has already been admitted to the civil service examination, and so has his wife.

Working in a state-owned enterprise, the two of them have now bought a house in the city.

Xiaocheng is now married.

Her husband has several stores in the city.

If he doesn't work, he can earn tens of thousands a month!

"Xia Guofu looked proud.

"Yeah? Are they doing well? What does it have to do with me?"

Su Chen's face turned cold. He didn't have any bad impression of this uncle. He used to be a very simple person. In the past seven years, his personality seems to have changed a lot.

"Why doesn't it matter? You are all cousins. I won't talk about you. How much money do you have? Do you have one or two thousand?

Su Chen's tone was cold:"No, what's wrong?""

"Okay.. To say you are a loser, I think it’s all a compliment to you!"

Xia Guofu shook his head, not in the mood to talk to Su Chen, and looked at Xia Guohua:"Guohua, I just discussed it with Zhang Jun. He is willing to give you an extra 20,000 yuan to buy your house. There isn't much land, and people are willing to pay 100,000 yuan, which is already a lot of money. You and Yinglan should think about it carefully!"

Xia Guohua and Liu Yinglan's faces darkened, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Brother, this land is sold, where do you want our family to live in the future?"Xia Guohua's face was very ugly.

Xia Guofu said coldly:"It's not that your old house can't be lived in. It can be renovated. Moreover, for one hundred thousand yuan, you give me back fifty thousand yuan, and there is still fifty thousand yuan left. You can stay in the old house. , rebuild a house!"

"That old house is in the mountains. We finally moved out. Do you want us to live in the mountains again? Liu Yinglan said with a pale face.

"Brother, you really went too far. Just for 50,000 yuan, there is no need to do something so extreme. After all, we are all a family, so why be so aggressive!"Xia Minqiang interrupted angrily.

"Hmm..what about a family? Can a family just borrow money and not have to pay it back? How many years has it been? Four years!"Xia Guofu snorted coldly.

"Aren’t you just short of tens of thousands of dollars to buy Xiaoliang a car? It’s not like you can’t borrow these tens of thousands of yuan, and Xiaoliang himself, after working for so many years, doesn’t he still have the money to buy a car? Please be tolerant to Guohua and the others. Besides, Su Chen is back now. I believe I must pay you back faster! Xia Minqiang said.

Xia Guofu pointed at Su Chen and sneered disdainfully:"Heh...he is a loser. He has been missing for seven years and has not saved any money. How can I expect him to pay back?" Today, no matter what, I have to pay this amount back!

Xia Minqiang became angry and said angrily:"Brother, since you are going to do such a cruel thing, I will help Guohua pay you back the money!"

Xia Guofu said flatly:"No...you don't want it. Xiaotao still needs so much treatment fees every month in the hospital. You should keep the money and give it to Xiaotao!" I don’t think you have much left of the one million the Sun family paid you, right? Let Guohua sell the house, this is the best way!"

Su Chen has been listening, and through their chat, he also learned some information. His adoptive parents borrowed 50,000 yuan from his uncle. In order to make his adoptive parents repay the debt, his uncle was so ruthless and forced him to let his adoptive parents pay off the debt. Selling the house to pay off the debt.

What kind of relative is this? Isn't it too impersonal?

Especially Xia Guofu, calling him a loser made him feel angry.

He suddenly said coldly:"Uncle, for a mere fifty thousand." Yuan, you are so demanding for debt, and my father is still your biological brother, why don't you give me any favors?"

"Just fifty thousand yuan? hehe! You sound pretty cool. Can you afford 50,000 yuan? Xia Guofu said with disdain.

At this time, Qin Xiaoying took out a black bank card and handed it to Su Chen:"Master, I have 150 million in this card. Take it and treat it like it is Tuition for teaching me your craft!"

"What? One hundred and fifty million?"

Qin Xiaoying's words shocked De Xia Guofu, Xia Guohua and others. They all doubted their ears. Did they hear wrongly?

They all looked at the bank card in Qin Xiaoying's hand. Xia Minqiang, Xia Guohua, Liu Yinglan, and others. Xia Guofu was filled with doubts. Was there really 150 million in this card?

150 million. For simple villagers like them, it was an astronomical figure that they could not even imagine.

, turned into stunned, because Qin Xiaoying's bank card, he found that it was a black gold card made of titanium metal.

He actually didn't know much about black gold cards, but he had read news about black gold cards in the newspaper..

It is said that the threshold for owning a black gold card is very high. First of all, you need to have a minimum annual deposit of more than 100 million, and only the super rich people on the Bairun rankings, influential celebrities, and national dignitaries are eligible.

You don't have to be rich to have a black gold card!

This girl wearing sunglasses actually has a black gold card? Is this black gold card real?

Xia Guofu's heart was filled with confusion. I was very doubtful whether the black gold card was real or not.

After all, Su Chen just kept saying that he didn't even have a deposit. How could someone give him 150 million in the blink of an eye?

This plot twist was too outrageous. How do you want him to believe it?

Su Chen looked at the black gold card handed to him, but he didn't take it. He already owed Qin Xiaoying a favor and didn't want to owe another one. He thought about Qin Xiaoying's promise to pay his tuition just now. Suddenly he thought of Ma Jianyun and planned to ask him for some tuition.

After all, Ma Jianyun is now the richest man in China's new generation, with a lot of money.

"Xiaoying, can you contact Ma Jianyun?"Su Chen asked

"Yes, I have his number!"Qin Xiaoying responded.

"Call him!"


Qin Xiaoying nodded slightly, hurriedly took out her mobile phone, and made a call to Ma Jianyun.

After a while, the call was connected, and a deep voice came from the other end of the mobile phone:"Junior sister, does the sun come out from the west today? Why do you have time to call me?"

"Brother Ma, the master is looking for you!"Qin Xiaoying said directly

"What? The master is looking for me." The person on the other side exclaimed,"Have you gone to see the master? Aren’t you allowed to go to the mountains to visit your master?"

"No, it’s the master who has come down the mountain!"

"What? Master has gone down the mountain? Why didn't you inform me? Quick... I want to talk to the master!"The voice on the other side was very excited.

Qin Xiaoying handed the phone to Su Chen. Su Chen took the phone and put it to his ear and said straight to the point:"I want to tell you something!"

"Master, please tell me!"The tone on the other side was very respectful.

"You are so rich now, do you think you should pay your tuition?"

"Yes, of course. How much tuition does the master charge?"

"How much are you willing to give?"Su Chen asked, wanting to test Ma Jianyun's bottom line.

"Master, as long as you are willing, I can hand over all the company shares to you immediately. I am very busy every day now. This life is really tiring. I hate money. I don’t want to make money anymore. I don’t care about money at all now. not interested!"


Su Chen was speechless. Why did this apprentice talk so pretentiously?

"I'm not interested in your company. You have so much money, why should you give me a tuition fee of 100 million? Is this a problem?"

"Of course, no problem, master, where are you now??"

"I'm in Wanjiang City now!"

"I'm in Xihang City. Do you need money right away?"

"Want it soon!"

"Okay, then tell me your bank account number, and I’ll have someone transfer the money to you right away!"

"I just came down the mountain and I don’t have a bank card for the time being!"

"So where is your address? I happen to have a friend in Wanjiang City. Can I ask him to send the money to you?"

"Sure, I’m in Tangqiao Town now. When your friend arrives in Tangqiao Town, ask him to call me!"

"good! I will ask my friend to get the money to you as soon as possible!"

After chatting, Su Chen returned the phone to Qin Xiaoying, looked at Xia Guofu with some cold eyes, and said coldly:"Wait a while, someone will send me money, and I will give you the money I owe you. Return it to you immediately��"

Xia Guofu looked blank at this time. Regarding the content of Su Chen's call, he did not hear what Ma Jianyun said, but he could deduce it from what Su Chen said.

It seems that Su Chen asked someone named Ma Jianyun to ask for 100 million in tuition fees. Ma Jianyun asked one of his friends to send 100 million to Su Chen?

"Xiaofan, who is this Ma Jianyun?"Xia Guofu has never heard of Ma Jianyun's name. He asked curiously. Living in the countryside, you may not even know how to use a smartphone. How can you care about who the new generation's richest man is? Su Chen's lips curled up into a sneer, and when he was about to answer, a man suddenly walked into the room.

He is about 27 or 28 years old, well-dressed, tall and thin, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and holding a briefcase in his hand. He looks quite stylish.


As soon as the bespectacled man entered the room, he raised his gold-rimmed glasses and looked at Su Chen. His expression was stunned at first, and then he looked shocked:"Damn... Xia... Su Chen?"

"Very surprising, right?"

Su Chen said indifferently. The man with glasses was his cousin, Xia Guofu's son Xia Liang. However, Su Chen had a bad impression of him since he was a child. Not only was he bullied when he was a child, but he also remembered that when he was studying, He had been bullied by others. As a cousin, Xia Liang not only stood by but even helped those who bullied him.

The reason may be because Su Chen was just the adopted son of Xia Guohua and Liu Yinglan, so he had always been bullied by Xia Liang. exclusion

"Of course it's an accident. We haven't seen each other for so many years and I already thought you were dead outside. Xia

Liang smiled coldly. He had a bad mouth and was not in the mood to talk to Su Chen. He walked to Xia Guofu and said,"Dad, when will you pay back the money?" I plan to go to the 4S shop to look at the car in the afternoon!"

"Xiaofan said he would pay it back in a moment! Xia Guofu replied.

Xia Liang glanced at Su Chen and said unexpectedly:"Oh...Su Chen, have you made a fortune in the past few years?""

Su Chen didn't even look at Xia Liang one more time and turned a deaf ear.

"Why don't you speak? Have you forgotten about us people after getting rich?"

After saying that, Xia Liang glanced at Qin Xiaoying and frowned slightly. He felt that the person in front of him looked familiar?

But when he thought that this was the countryside, he felt that he was definitely overthinking it.

"Su Chen, is this your girlfriend? Xia Liang asked, pointing at Qin Xiaoying.

Su Chen still turned a deaf ear and regarded it as nothing.


Seeing that Su Chen ignored him, Xia Liang's face became angry:"Su Chen, if you make a little fortune, you will be great, right?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Chen's mouth, but he remained silent.

"Depend on!"

Xia Liang was so angry that he threw away his briefcase, rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards Su Chen angrily. However, when he looked at Su Chen's majestic figure, he suddenly stopped and gritted his teeth. Said:"Su Chen, okay... I'll count on you! So when will you pay back the money?"

"Why are you in a hurry? In a moment, you won’t lose a penny!"Su Chen sneered.

At this time, Xia Guofu asked the previous question again:"Xiaofan, who is Ma Jianyun?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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