Chapter 656: The Best Actor! Tea art master!!

“Why did you come back with so many mooncakes?”

After everything was moved in, Zhao’s mother asked her daughter.

After Zhao Liying saw these mooncakes, she said:”Jiang Feng’s crew wrapped up yesterday, and he gave the Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake gift boxes to the crew in advance; these were given to the crew yesterday. The staff distributed the leftovers, so I brought them to you to eat. Otherwise, he would not be in the country during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he would not be able to send them over by then, so I brought them over in advance.”

The daughter’s explanation made Zhao’s mother understand.

Although the daughter said that these were the leftovers from the mooncakes distributed by her son-in-law to the crew, they would not think too much about it. They would not think about it and only gave them the leftovers, or I really thought that they could only eat leftovers.

Their family is not that narrow-minded, and their son-in-law Jiang Feng is not such a person.

As for mooncakes, for their family, they can eat as much as they want. Jiang Feng can afford to eat anything. Jiang Feng distributes mooncakes to the crew. If there are any leftovers, they can’t just throw them away, right? It’s a waste, but it’s left to them to eat for themselves. On the one hand, they are all artists and rarely On the other hand, when it comes to eating this kind of food, they are all artists and don’t often stay home. It’s okay to eat one or two occasionally, but they keep so many at home. They go out to film a movie for several months and wait for their return. By that time, the shelf life of the mooncakes has passed.

Therefore, in order to avoid waste, it is best to take them back to my wife’s parents-in-law to eat.

And in this way, the parents-in-law do not have to buy mooncakes.

“When Jiang Feng ordered so many mooncakes, didn’t he count them?”

Dad Zhao opened a box of mooncakes, took apart one and ate it first.

“I have figured it out, but I will also budget for a few more boxes to avoid accidentally smashing or crushing one or two boxes, so that I can have enough to make up for it.”

“For benefits like these given to the crew, they will basically reserve a little more. I would rather have more than less, otherwise one or two people will be missing by then, which will be very embarrassing.”

Zhao Liying understands this very well, so she helps her husband explain this problem.

“Then this is too much, a dozen boxes of mooncakes? Looking at the packaging, it costs at least two to three hundred per box, right?”

Dad Zhao saw that this package is not cheap. It would cost two to three hundred to buy it outside. When her father curiously asked about the price, Zhao Liying laughed and said,”It is sold in the market for more than one thousand.”

“ah? More than a thousand per box?”

Looking at this mooncake, it’s a little bigger than a spoon. A box of mooncakes, which is 9 mooncakes, costs more than a thousand yuan?

Although he has a rich son-in-law, a celebrity daughter, and his life is very good, but seeing it is so expensive A box of mooncakes, I still can’t help but be surprised

“Hehe, it is sold for more than a thousand dollars on the market, but the actual cost is only a few dozen yuan.”

“Brand mooncakes like this are sold in gift boxes”

“Take these mooncakes for example. Zhao

Liying pointed to these mooncakes and said to her parents:”The cost of a box of mooncakes is about fifty or sixty yuan, but the customization of this gift box costs dozens of yuan, and the manufacturer costs about one or two hundred yuan.” The price is wholesale to the brand, and the brand adds its own brand logo and wholesales to the retail store. The price is 500 yuan per box. Then after the retail store purchases the goods, the price will be more than 1,000 yuan, and some will even price 1,500 yuan. dollars”

“Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the price was only 1,500, because before the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wanted to take advantage of consumers who wanted to buy good-looking packaging or brand names. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the price became lower day by day.”

What Zhao Liying said are ordinary people who don’t know the inside story.

After hearing this, her parents couldn’t help but shake their heads.

“But your son-in-law is very proud. These kind of mooncakes sell for more than 1,000 yuan outside. He found an acquaintance to order 400 boxes of mooncakes, and the price was about 100 yuan. The manufacturer was almost the ex-factory price, not the wholesale price; and Employees will be happier if you give this kind of exquisite mooncake gift box”

“It’s the same price of 100 yuan, but you can buy more than 1,000 mooncake gift boxes in the world. You can imagine how much the employees like it.”

Zhao Liying has learned a lot in the past few years since she got together with Jiang Feng.

She would never know this kind of inside story.

Even if she became a star, even if she achieved her current status, if she hadn’t She would never have the opportunity to know such a detailed understanding of a husband like Jiang Feng who was engaged in business and investment.

“Moreover, mooncakes with beautiful packaging like this are not as delicious as mooncakes that are not branded.”

“It just looks good and is exquisitely made.”

While chatting, Zhao’s father opened another mooncake and ate it.

Seeing the child’s father eating so happily, Zhao’s mother said:”Don’t eat it, old guy, I’ve already eaten three.”

“Why don’t you give me something to eat? My uncle-in-law can’t eat the food he honors me with.”

My father kept calling me uncle, which made Zhao Liying laugh and hit her father’s shoulder.

At this time, Jiang Feng came in. When Zhao Shisen saw him, he asked:”Have you had breakfast?”

“No, I got up, took a shower, changed clothes, and then went out and came over. I didn’t have time to eat.”

Of course Jiang Feng answered his father-in-law’s concern truthfully.

“You kid, you didn’t eat breakfast and didn’t say anything, why are you standing there in a daze? Seeing that her father cared so much about his uncle, Zhao Liying became jealous:”Comrade, am I your daughter?” He is your uncle, is he caring a little too much? Just ask him if he has eaten breakfast. Where is your daughter and me? Why don’t you ask me when I don’t see you?”

“Hey, go, go, a daughter avoids her father, haven’t you heard of it?”

“Now that you have grown up, your father will avoid you. Zhao

Shisen’s reason made Zhao Liying laugh until she was dumbfounded:”Is this how a female eldest daughter avoids her father?””


Jiang Feng stood behind his father-in-law and winked at his wife proudly.

But Jiang Feng thought about it and began to feel guilty:”Oh, by the way, Dad, on the way we came here just now, Yingbao was mean to me; I just want to ask out of concern, is it safe to wear shorts when the sun is so strong in August and you won’t get tanned?”

Jiang Feng started his green tea performance, adding fuel to the fire and complaining to his father-in-law. Zhao Liying opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted.

“Then Yingbao said to me fiercely:”Black, black, I am the most immortal in the world, and my whole body is white.” After hearing his son-in-law’s complaint, Zhao Shisen ate mooncakes and pointed at his daughter:”Come here!””

“Dad, hahaha~”

Zhao Liying was given green tea by her husband. Of course she laughed angrily:”Dad, I don’t have it.”

“Dad, you know, in recent years, many people in society have fallen into trouble.”

“So a driving recorder will be installed on the car. I also installed it on my car, and it has recording.”


After hearing her husband’s move, Zhao Liying rushed over with a smile.

Jiang Feng didn’t dare to hide, so she stood behind her father-in-law and pressed his shoulders.

“ah! ah!”

Zhao Liying slapped Jiang Feng on the back, and Jiang Feng was wailing in an exaggerated way.

“Zhao Liying, are you serious? If I don’t take care of you, you won’t be able to survive, right?”

Not to mention the father-in-law, even the mother-in-law couldn’t help but educate her daughter after seeing this scene.

Zhao Liying laughed and looked at her mother who was threatening her, but she didn’t say anything.

“Mom, before I went to bed last night, I said that I would stay here tonight and play mahjong with Mom. But your precious daughter said that you must not play mahjong with Mom. What did I say? Play mahjong with you, and if you win, you will say that I have no vision; if I lose to you, you will say that I am incompetent.…”

“I didn’t believe it at that time. I thought you couldn’t be such a person, Mom. You always praise me and don’t talk about me behind my back.”

Jiang Feng will carry out the green tea to the end. This is just stupid Zhao Liying.

“Sure enough, this girl didn’t care if she didn’t stay in the family, and she even tried to instigate a relationship between her husband and son-in-law.”

As she said that, Mother Zhao rolled up her sleeves and went over to clean up this girl who was about to float.

“Mom, I didn’t say that.”

Zhao Liying can only hide behind her grandma now.

“These were all compiled by Jiang Feng.”

Zhao Liying pointed to Jiang Feng with a smile, saying that this tea art master made up all this.

But what about Jiang Feng? How could he, a tea art master, let go of such an opportunity?

“Dad, you heard it too. I called her an affectionate nickname like Ying Bao.”

“But as for others, it was Jiang Feng who called Jiang Feng.”

Jiang Feng shook his head as he spoke, with an expression that said I was wronged and didn’t want to say anything. This made Zhao Liying even more angry and speechless:”Hahahahahaha~”

“How can you deny it now?”

Zhao Shisen asked her daughter, what should I say now?

“Yes, you can say that Jiang Feng made up those things just now; but you directly called him by his name. We heard this with our own ears, so what else are you going to do with your quibbles?”

“My brother-in-law treats you like a man with a long shadow and a short man. Otherwise, you are the wife before the wife and the wife after the wife. What about you?”

Zhao Liying, who was questioned like this by her parents, was so angry that she bit her lip and couldn’t speak.

On the surface, Zhao Liying bit her lip and laughed angrily, but in her heart she was very happy and sweet.

“Go, bring a bowl of noodles to my uncle and bring him in for breakfast.”

Zhao Shisen asked his daughter to get breakfast

“It’s better for me to go. I cook at home on weekdays. Yingbao’s hands are so beautiful. She said she was born to hold them specifically for me. Don’t be ungrateful and let her touch such a secular thing that smells of oily smoke.”

“Hey I really am, I can’t help it.”

After hearing his son-in-law’s complaint, Zhao’s father completely went berserk.


Zhao Liying was already laughing so angry that she was speechless.


Mother Zhao even provided Father Zhao with tools to deal with his daughter. Jiang Feng, who was standing behind his father-in-law and mother-in-law, smiled and raised his eyebrows at Zhao Liying.

Zhao Liying laughed even more angrily after seeing his triumphant appearance.

“Jiang Feng, please remember, you still have to go home tonight.”

Zhao Liying gritted her teeth and warned Jiang Feng.

“Mom~~~~Look at her!!”

Jiang Feng grabbed his mother-in-law’s hand and stamped her feet to act like a macho man.


Zhao Liying is really at her wits end for this shameless man.

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