Chapter 103: How lethal is Yingbao’s coquettishness?!!

It was past 1 a.m. before Jiang Feng sent Zhao Liying back to the hotel.

After the IV drip, her fever has subsided and she can have a good rest tonight.

“Remember, no matter how hot it is tonight, you can’t turn on the air conditioner, so you just have to endure it for one night. As soon as Jiang

Feng finished speaking, Zhao Liying asked him:”Aren’t you going to accompany me?””

“I won’t accompany you! You can’t turn on the air conditioner tonight, I can’t stand it”


Zhao Liying laughed angrily, pointing at him and raising her hand to hit him,”I’m sick.”

Zhao Liying wanted him to accompany her, but Jiang Feng said:”It’s already fine.”

“Then I’m not complete yet. Zhao

Liying smiled and grabbed his collar:”Just because you can’t turn on the air conditioner, you left me sick, right?” Is this who you are?!”

But when faced with this multiple-choice question, Jiang Feng’s answer was:”Even if you say I’m a scumbag, not a man, just ignore me from now on and don’t like me anymore; in this weather, I can’t open the door at night. Air conditioning just doesn’t work”


This reason made Zhao Liying realize that she really had no choice at all.

“”Uh huh huh huh~”

This was her last resort, she acted coquettishly, wrinkled her face, and hummed coquettishly.

“Oops, I really am…”

This move came again, and Jiang Feng got a little carried away at this time.

“Just stay with me and stay with me~~~”

Zhao Liying showed her cheek again and grabbed Jiang Feng’s hand to beg for companionship.

“You know, girls can have random thoughts, especially since I haven’t recovered from my illness. This is the time to show off your boyfriend power, but you don’t accompany me. Doesn’t this make me finally warm up? Did you suddenly pour cold water on your heart?”

Actually, Jiang Feng is also in a dilemma. To be honest, he doesn’t want to accompany her, and it’s not just about turning on the air conditioner.

Of course, it is indeed very painful to not be able to turn on the air conditioner in this weather.

But there is another point, to accompany her. She can’t do anything when she’s sick. It’s very uncomfortable.

Even a man understands that you can’t do anything when you hold the girl you like at night.

This kind of feeling, really, you might as well hold a girl by yourself Use the pillow and have a good sleep.

Every man knows this kind of pain and discomfort.

“I haven’t explained this matter to Mimi and Concubine yet. It would be disrespectful to them if I tell them now.”

Now that things have happened, he can only make this excuse hypocritically.

Zhao Liying is now in a dilemma.

“Think about it, we will really be together in the future. You will not be around, but I will have a girl by my side.”

“What would you think if I didn’t report it to you, didn’t tell you in advance, and just decided to cut it off first and tell you later?”

“You must not feel the same in your heart, right?”

Jiang Feng’s words are not lies, they are indeed true.

Although they can accept it, he has to ask, tell them in advance, and let them be mentally prepared. Only in this way can he respect them.

But if he If you don’t tell them in advance, you will tell them first. If there is a first time, there will be a second time.

If this continues over time, problems will easily arise.

“All right.”

Zhao Liying was very disappointed and could only agree.

Seeing her disappointed look, Jiang Feng was very helpless and distressed.

He didn’t want to see the girl he liked lose because of him.

But, he will be with you tonight As for her, on the one hand, she couldn’t sleep well without turning on the air conditioner. On the other hand, she couldn’t do anything and felt uncomfortable. The last point was that she didn’t tell her girlfriends in advance and disrespected them.

In fact, the first two points are fine, just bear with it. Forbearance, one night passed.

The most important thing is the last point, which is also the last thing he can do.

“Okay, I’ll stay with you, but I won’t sleep next to you. I’ll make a bed on the floor.”

“If I don’t sleep with you in my arms, I’m not doing anything wrong to Mimi and Feifei. I’ll just tell them when I wake up tomorrow.”

Under the dilemma, Jiang Feng could only come up with a compromise.

“Hehe~ I love you.”

Zhao Liying nodded happily and said to Jiang Feng.

When Zhao Liying was about to open the door, Jiang Feng thought of a question.

“Doesn’t your assistant live with you?”

After Jiang Feng asked, Zhao Liying, who was just about to open the door, made a move.

“Oops, my brain seems to be really burned out, how could I forget this? Jiang

Feng waved to her happily now:”Good night, see you on the crew tomorrow!””


Seeing him leaving in such a drunken manner, Zhao Liying was angry and funny.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to accompany her, but it was inconvenient because her assistant was in the same room as her. Zhao Liying opened the door and saw that there were already people on the bed outside. The sleeping assistant.

She didn’t take a shower either, because she was sweating tonight and had to take a shower tomorrow morning. If she still took a shower now, it would take an extra hour, and it wouldn’t be enough to rest.

She came in He lay on the bed and fell asleep soon.

After Jiang Feng returned to his room, he had to take a shower. If he didn’t take a shower, he wouldn’t be able to sleep.

When it was dawn, Zhao Liying heard the sound of the alarm clock, her assistant Already got up

“How are you? Are you feeling better?”

The assistant saw her getting up and asked with concern.

“After taking the medicine, I feel much better now. Zhao

Liying sat up and heard her assistant say:”Then you take a shower. I’ll go to the restaurant and bring you some porridge. After you take a shower, come out and drink some.””

“I will go to the set later. Remember to call the hotel service and ask them to change the quilt.”


The assistant remembered it and will do it later, and he must keep an eye on it.

Jiang Feng on the other side also yawned.

The first thing he did when he got up was to look at the time. It was 7 o’clock in the morning..

However, he didn’t get up to take a shower or have breakfast, but to go to the gym at nine o’clock to exercise. This is his habit. In the morning and evening, he must free up at least one of these two time periods. Hours of fitness, either in the morning or at night, this is determined.

If you don’t do fitness in the evening, you have to go to fitness when you get up the next morning.

If you do fitness in the morning, you won’t do fitness in the evening.

Seven days a week… as long as you are on the set When filming, he would work out for six days. On the day off, there were many people working out in the gym, many of whom Jiang Feng met when he was working out.

Jiang Feng got on the treadmill, ran for 30 minutes first, and then did abdominal exercises. For patients with muscle tears and strength training, going on the treadmill is not jogging. The speed is relatively fast.

As long as you do stretching exercises and jog on the treadmill for two minutes to warm up, you need to speed up and run for 3 minutes. This can achieve fast fat burning and sweating.

After 30 minutes, the next thing he will do is abdominal muscle tearers and some strength training.

This is also to maintain his figure. In the actor’s industry, he always has a good figure. It is easier to take roles than an actor with a bloated figure.

Whether it is an actor or an actress, an actor with a good figure will be easier to take a role than a fat one. After two hours of fitness, Jiang Feng can be considered satisfied.

Today’s The crew started work at 1 o’clock, so it didn’t matter if Jiang Feng left a little later.

After finishing her fitness at 9 o’clock, she went back and took a shower, and then she was almost ready to go to the crew.

When she came to the crew, Zhao Liying had already said, she was already sitting The stylist put a wig on her.

After Jiang Feng arrived, she didn’t say anything and went directly to change clothes.

While the stylist put the wig on her, Zhao Liying read the script carefully.

She wanted to read today’s scene again. Prepare for today’s performance, so that it will be convenient and not so anxious when it comes to the performance.

When Jiang Feng changes into the costume, he will also wear a hair cover.

But there is a fan in the dressing area, and it is only 9:30 In the past, it was not very hot.

And the weather is not that hot today because it is cloudy today

“Did you go to the gym again?”

Seeing that Jiang Feng’s hair was still a little wet, the hairstylist asked him

“Yes, I came here right after taking a shower. Jiang

Feng looked at the script and replied

“Didn’t you say that you took Zhao Liying to see a doctor last night? Why do you still have the energy to get up and exercise today?”

“I’m accompanying her to see a doctor, it’s not my disease! Someone is just like this, lazy and doesn’t do much exercise, so his physical condition is so poor that he suffered from heat stroke in just one day.”

Jiang Feng’s insinuation made Zhao Liying roll her eyes:”I’m not you, I always have this inexhaustible energy! Now I don’t even have enough time to read scripts. I also have to improve my performance and prevent myself from being so out of line in my performance. How can I still have time to work out?”

“I’m not a monster like you, but I have such great acting talent.”

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