Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 240: A superb

Wang Qi returned to the edge of the podium, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested.

In the field of theoretical computers - the mathematical foundation field of computer science, the most important recursion theory, Turing machine and lambda algorithm, spread throughout China at the same time on this night.

Now, they are nothing more than incomplete and undecidable footnotes. However, there will always be extraordinary people who discover the secrets.

Even if the theoretical significance is put aside, this gain alone is not small.

The leap in calculator theory is equivalent to the leap in Wang Qi's practice.

In the future, he can use the resources of the Divine Sect to perfect his own practice. This alone is worth the price of admission.

Not to mention the theoretical significance of incompleteness and undecidability.

He has rewritten the framework of arithmetic. As long as he gets through the difficulties later, he will become the top calculator in China. Whether it's reputation or anything else, it will far exceed his past self.

This is a hidden benefit.

And by promoting the ideas of the Bourbaki school at this time, he can transform these "implicit" benefits into "explicit" benefits.

The research of the Bourbaki school began with pure mathematics and eventually formed a solid foundation for physics research in the new century.

However, everyone can see this step like him.

More people who know him well are just worried.

Mao Zimiao covered her head, feeling dizzy: "Meow...Sister Ai, what on earth is Xiaoqi talking about..."

Ai Qinglan also had confusion in her eyes: "I'm not sure... I don't understand it, but I still think it's amazing..."

She could barely understand what Wang Qi was talking about - but did this mean anything?

At this time, Chen Feng put down his calculator and said angrily: "This madman..."

"What's wrong? It's a good thing to have a theoretical breakthrough!" Ai Qinglan was dissatisfied: "Xiao Feng, you are not the kind of person who doesn't want to see your friends benefit, are you?"

"The good thing... Wang Qi is going to be in bad luck soon." Chen Feng was a little annoyed: "Because I didn't understand just now, I went to ask Yu Jia... this guy about the talk just now. , He is simply not a human being inside and out, and both sides of the Li clan and the clan have been offended. "

"Li Zong and Lian Zong..." Ai Qinglan widened her beautiful eyes and pressed her chest: "Well... let me slow down and think about it. If I remember correctly, the leaders of Li Zong and Lian Zong are respectively The master and the king, right? It’s this one and this one, right?”

while talking. She stretched out her hand and tapped the virtual image in the phantom.

Chen Feng nodded: "They are the two old people sitting on the left and right of Wang Qi. Ding Ding Xiaoyao... behind them are their disciples, adding up to dozens of Xiaoyao monks."

Ai Qinglan slapped herself in the face: "This kid is indeed crazy... No, no, it's better to say that going crazy is his style... This is normal performance... normal performance..."

Provoking two mainstream schools of thought at the same time is equivalent to angering more than half of the people in Wanfa sect at the same time. Is this not crazy?

Some people are puzzled: "Um...isn't Senior Brother Wang's theory wrong?"

Chen Feng is a good man, but not a fool. He sighed deeply and said: "Why did Yun Duanjun Ke Lanyin, the former leader of the Geting Sect, lose his mind? He was just arguing with Suan Jun... Even if those seniors did not intend to take such extreme measures, so many As a mathematician, it’s actually very simple to ruin his reputation.”

Mao Zimiao's heart twitched slightly: "Then... what should we do?"

"I hope he can get through the next difficulties with the help of the two free monks, Cangsheng National Player and Ji Lao?" Chen Feng said uncertainly.

He knew Wang Qi's temperament well. It is almost impossible to get Wang Qi to give up his idea. He will inevitably face countless cross-examinations from the free monks.

In Wanfa Sect, Bo Xiaofeng clenched his fists, while Bo Xiaoya closed her eyes, too nervous to look.

In various parts of China, more low-level disciples of Wanfa Sect are secretly praying and encouraging Wang Qi. They have just entered the field of arithmetic and do not yet have the persistence of their predecessors. It hasn't been affected too much. When they looked at Wang Qi, they didn't have the same disgust as their predecessors. Instead, they looked at Wang Qi with a kind of pride that "a man should act like a man."

In a mysterious secret realm, Tai Tianzun was also worried about this young man.

Now, perhaps Chen Youjia is the only one who firmly believes in Wang Qi.

Only she felt that even if Wang Qi was overwhelmed by the criticism, his enterprising and brave heart would not be damaged.

After the second sermon was completed. Feng Luoyi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and announced: "Now, comrades, you can start asking questions."

In the Geting faction, Minkov, the close friend of the Lord of Calculation and the "True Universe", stood up and asked in a deep voice: "Have you found an unprovable statement about arithmetic that actually exists?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "No."

He is worthy of being the best mathematician in this world, and he found the weakness of incomplete proof so quickly.

Throughout his life, Gödel never found an unprovable statement that contained actual mathematical content. This is also the reason why there are not many followers of the incomplete theorem.

The world of earth mathematics has not encountered such a statement in the past hundred years.

——In fact, according to Gödel's idea, humans will not encounter this statement for quite a long time. It must exist in the unknown part of arithmetic, hidden in the fog.

There are many mathematicians who will not pay attention to this thing that does not contain actual mathematical content.

Minkov sneered: "So, is your proof really as significant as you said?"

"I just inferred the existence of such a statement, which does not mean that I know the statement." Wang Qi said: "This is like saying that when someone dies, it is not difficult to determine whether it was homicide or suicide, but it is difficult to determine who is the murderer. It’s much harder.”

"Yes, I admit that your argument is indeed very strong. However, I can't see its actual significance."

Since Wang Qi knew the existence of this weakness, how could he not make preparations? He had already prepared an answer to this question. Follow the good advice: "When ancient mathematicians were studying conic sections, they would not know that their theory was one of the foundations of "The Arithmetic of the Great Dao". We also would not know what this incomplete proof process would do in the future. So - when will we find an undecidable statement that contains actual arithmetic? I don't know, and I can't know. Only time will tell."

"I also said it. The incompleteness of arithmetic lies not in the known, but in the unknown. Facing the unknown, we never know what we will encounter."

Wang Qi could only say this. Before the emergence of coercive laws, this kind of criticism will exist.

This answer obviously cannot satisfy all opponents. One after another, top strategists stood up and refuted Wang Qi. Some of these objections hit home. Some are not painful or itchy. Wang Qi responded one by one.

However, Wang Qi is not completely alone.

Suddenly, some mathematicians found that they could not speak out their words - they could not speak in this illusion of ten thousand immortals! At this time, Master Turing stood up, cupped his hands in all directions, and said with a gentle smile: "Everyone, can you allow me to ask a few questions?"

There is only this powerful Xiaoyao who has been immersed in the field of calculators for hundreds of years. Only in this illusion can one suppress many. Even if someone is dissatisfied, they can only choose to listen at this time.

Master Turing stood up and asked Wang Qi: "Friend Wang, I want to discuss the limits of functions with you..."

As soon as Turing spoke, the others were stunned.

This...this Xiaoyao, where does he stand?

Seeing him sitting with Feng Luoyi, shouldn't he be here to help Wang Qi?

Why did the questions he asked were more pointed than those asked by most people?

Wang Qi smiled: "I have some new ideas recently..."

After Wang Qi answered this question, Master Turing immediately asked the second question.

"Have you ever considered an axiom system with infinite axioms?" Turing asked: "Every time a new axiom is added, the new axiom system becomes more powerful than the original axiom system. Each axiom system explains The previous axiom system. In this way, every system is always conflict-free. In this way, no matter how many axioms we use, there will always be a more powerful one. The axiom proves that the previous axioms are consistent and non-contradictory, then this system can be said to be impeccable, right? "

"I think so too. But unfortunately, this axiom system with infinite axioms is meaningless." Wang Qi said: "We must first be familiar with all the axioms in an axiom system before we can make judgments based on this axiom system. If an axiom system has infinite axioms, it is impossible for us to know what it can state or judge..."

The questions and answers between the two people became more and more fluent and enjoyable. Gradually, the strange movements around him became smaller.

Master Turing clearly asked them about the various shortcomings they noticed in a more systematic way and from a more in-depth perspective.

Under this premise, Wang Qi was still able to answer questions fluently. Countless theorems derived from incompleteness, supplements to incomplete proofs, and new calculator technologies were all answered by Turing and Wang Qi's questions. It showed in the answer.

Minkov snorted, and said disdainfully in the private chat: "It's just a double act...the two of them are definitely right for each other. Turing is just a bastard!"

He Weier smiled bitterly: "But even if it's a request... it's extraordinary. At least, I can't ask."

The Q\u0026A between Wang Qi and Turing is to show that his theory is systematic.

The theme of preaching is determined to be incomplete and undecidable. This cannot be changed. What they are doing now is to show off their skills in the question and answer session and block Yunyun's mouth.

Even if everyone can see that these two are singing a double act, so what?

If you ask questions now, you will most likely run into someone else's knife and bring humiliation to yourself!

This is a unique double act in history!

Master Turing openly turned this question and answer into a personal discussion between himself and Wang Qi. The two people were also inspired, and the discussion gradually broke away from the scheduled content and began to develop deeper.

This time, there were very few people who could even interrupt.

Pang Jialai looked at the two people in the question and answer session, shook his head, and just sneered: "This fart is loud, so it's not too smelly."

On the other side, the bettor Xi Boche didn’t say a word from beginning to end. (To be continued ~^~)

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