Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 237: Wang Qi's Ascent to the Summit [Part 2]

Land, noon, the sun is shining brightly.

And in the underground where the sun cannot reach, Wang Qi sat quietly. He did not repeatedly confirm the theory he prepared. He was sure that his theory, which condensed the wisdom of countless mathematicians on Earth. The theory of Feng Luoyi and Turing Zhenren's many efforts, was the perfect answer.

When the things to be said could not be better, the mentality became the decisive factor.

Since the hour of Mao, Wang Qi has been sitting here quietly, using the characteristics of the Qingxin Mantra and the I-Fa Ruyi to subdue all kinds of fears and confusions in his heart, polish his own nature and control his Shangqing Lingbao.

Between one breath and another, his heart gradually became empty.

Gödel's theory, the ideas of the Bourbaki school, and the various attempts made by other Earth mathematicians to "break through incompleteness" and "break through the barriers of finiteness".

All of these flowed through his heart.

In his previous life, he only had a brief taste of this field. However, in this life, he has countless insights into this field.

Before noon, Wang Qi got up and came to the large calculator that had been prepared in advance. This large calculator is called "Langde Mirror", which is one of the nine largest sub-devices of the Wanxian True Mirror. In order to cope with this unprecedented public preaching, the Immortal Alliance generously lent out this calculator that was responsible for the defense array of the Western Frontier. .

Wang Qi put his hand on this mirror several feet high. The surface of the Langde Mirror transformed into a stream of light like water. Wang Qi looked puzzled, then sat cross-legged, and his spirit entered the Wanxian Fantasy.

"It is worthy of being one of the nine sub-devices of the Wanxian True Mirror. It is awesome!" Wang Qi's consciousness was compatible with the Wanxian Fantasy, like a fish in water, and soon realized the extraordinaryness of the calculator.

Its ability to process data is really huge. With Wang Qi's strength, he could not feel the limit at all!

After passing through a hyperlink that had been left in advance. Wang Qi's consciousness followed the invisible channel and entered a deeper place.

Then, here, he saw Chen Jingyun who was waiting for him.

In the era of Xiaoyao "retirement", Chen Jingyun, who is half-step Xiaoyao, is the dominant one on the stage. After all, he is the current leader of Wanfamen. He is also the one who organized this sermon.

Chen Jingyun seemed to wait for a while. He saw Wang Qi and nodded. He said, "Are you here?"

"Yeah." I don't know why. Wang Qi felt a little uncomfortable.

This cultivator, who is known as the crown of Wanfa, is still expressionless as he was seven or eight years ago. He said, "In fact, I have wanted to see you for a long time."

"This is the first time I have met you since I graduated from the Immortal Academy." Wang Qi tried hard not to show all kinds of strange expressions.

Chen Jingyun sighed, "Yes, we haven't seen each other for six or seven years. In the blink of an eye, you have grown to where you are today."

After saying this, Chen Jingyun made a "follow me" gesture and took Wang Qi to "walk" deeper into the Wanxian Fantasy.

Wang Qi looked at Chen Jingyun's back. Suddenly, he had a mentality similar to a prank. He wanted to remind the head of Wanfamen that they seemed to have a bet or something...

--He was still able to think about such boring things in this situation, which showed that he had a strong mentality.

As if he had noticed something, Chen Jingyun said: "I was wrong to exile you from Wanfamen."

"Forget about it. After I fought with the exiled immortal, I knew why you did that." Wang Qi seemed to have forgotten what happened in the past. For him, if he had stayed in Wanfamen, he might not have had the opportunity to meet Chen Feng and Chen Youjia. And his cultivation method that could shock ghosts and gods was born outside Wanfamen and in the midst of many battles.

"Another thing, I said at the beginning that if you can make amazing achievements in the field of mathematics, I will kneel down and apologize to you."

Wang Qi suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Jingyun with burning eyes. It can be seen that the other party did not mean to kneel down, and he did not force it: "This matter. If you are willing to kneel down, kneel down?"

"I owe it for the time being." Chen Jingyun suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to manipulate something: "This is not a physical body, and it is not necessarily sincere to ask for forgiveness. If you and I meet in reality, I will kneel down and return it to you." Chen Jingyun opened a golden door and said: "This is the place where Mr. Feng prepared for you to preach. You go in. There will be many free and easy spirits coming to listen to this sermon. You... take care of it yourself."

Wang Qi entered this magnificent place and saw people crowded around. There were more than a hundred people sitting there.

In the current law immortal way, there are hundreds of free and easy cultivators. In the era of theoretical breakthroughs and the rapid development of the entire system, dozens of people will be promoted to free and easy every year. Now is the bottleneck period, and there will be a free and easy promotion every one or two years. No one cared about the specific number of free and easy monks in the Immortal Alliance.

Most of these free and easy monks were from the Wanfa Sect. Among them, there were also monks from the Guiyi Alliance and the Piaomiao Palace. These two sects were most closely related to mathematics. Although mathematical logic and number theory had already left their fields, the breakthrough in mathematical logic would itself lead to the breakthrough in mathematics itself.

Among these people, Wang Qi saw Feng Luoyi and Master Turing sitting opposite him. Master Turing, who was always gentle, waved at him and smiled friendly.

On Wang Qi's left, Master Xi Boche sat without saying a word. Behind him were the people of the Gating Sect, almost all of whom looked sad. And behind the people of the Gating Sect, Wang Qi also saw many big figures of the "anti-Piaomiao Sect" of the Guiyi Alliance.

Among them, there are many people whom Wang Qi has met in Tongtian Daotang.

The Master of Calculation, the master of the world's calculation school, is eager to help others, has many students and fellow students all over the world, and has fellow students all over China.

And these people may be Wang Qi's enemies today!

On Wang Qi's right hand side is the sneering Master of Calculation Pang Jialai. Behind him, a few Shaoli School mathematicians are showing sinister expressions.

As long as Wang Qi wants to carry forward the ideas of the Bourbaki School and complete the achievements of the "Pope of Mathematics" Grothendieck, then these people will not be his comrades-in-arms!

The only one who can be called a helping hand...

Wang Qi looked at the few Piaomiao Palace Xiaoyao around his teacher and smiled bitterly in his heart.

The only one who can be counted on is Teacher Feng and Turing Zhenren...


——This is my home court!

Feng Luoyi stood up, looked at Xi Boche calmly, and then looked at him calmly: "Wang Qi, you can start now."

There is no red tape, and there is no unnecessary ceremony. At this juncture, none of the many free spirits of the Wanfa Sect cared about the meaning of secular etiquette.

Wang Qi said: "My predecessors, and the many Taoist friends who are listening to me, now I will tell you the most subversive theory I have ever seen, and the most challenging theory to your intuition and rationality..."

This sentence, along with the Wanxian Fantasy, spread to all the places that the Wanxian Fantasy could cover.


"My predecessors, and the many Taoist friends who are listening to me, now I will tell you the most subversive theory I have ever seen, and the most challenging theory to your intuition and rationality..."

After a delay of two incense sticks, Wang Qi's words also sounded in a mysterious cave.

"What a crazy young man." Wave Heavenly Lord Xue Ding'e blurted out when he heard what Wang Qi said.

Wave Heavenly Lord Xue Ding'e and Tai Tianzun looked at the projection made by a calculator together. This projection was not very clear, and the resolution was very low.

This is also one of the costs of being too far away. The channel connecting to here from the mainland of Shenzhou is not strong, and the "bandwidth" is limited. Most of it controls and maintains a huge sealing formation. There are not many parts that can be used for communication.

The first person in the current Dharma cultivation, Tai Tianzun Ai Ci Tan, squinted his eyes and listened for a few minutes, then nodded and agreed with the other party's evaluation: "It's quite crazy. But he has the ability."

"How did you see this?" Bodong Tianjun was a little surprised: "If I'm not mistaken, he is still telling stories now?"

Wang Qi's speech still started with the story of the "puppet judge".

This is one of the pillars of Gödel's incompleteness theorem, self-reference.

"If you pay attention to the recent papers in the field of mathematics, you will understand that this story is quite brilliant." Tai Tianzun said.

"You kid actually pays so much attention to mathematics? What did Mr. Min from Wanfamen say about you when you were studying? 'You are just a lazy dog, you don't even have any interest in mathematics'!"

"A hundred years ago, I learned to enjoy the joy of mathematics. The most exquisite part of it is pure enjoyment."

Bo Bo Tianjun was a little curious: "Then why did you give the opportunity of your avatar to listen to the sermon on site to others? I thought you still didn't like mathematics."

"I just couldn't bear it." Tai Tianzun restrained his smile and said: "Master Xi has been very kind to me, I don't want to see him fall."

"Do you think the Gating Sect will be in trouble this time?"

Master Xi stood on the side of Tai Tianzun and Bo Bo Tianjun in the dispute over the Piaomiao Xiangxiang. Moreover, the key surface geometry of the Xiangxiang Dao also originated from the Gating Sect. In terms of emotion and reason, Bo Bo Tianjun did not want the Gating Sect to decline.

"Feng Daoyou came to me before, hoping that as a close friend of Master Xi, I could go and give him some advice. But I refused." Tai Tianzun said: "In my opinion, the differences between the Li Zong and Lian Zong are very boring and meaningless. It's just a fight between frogs and rats. I think so now. Since I hold this view, I shouldn't interrupt. By the way, you have heard of this theory, right?"

"There are too many twists and turns in the Li Zong and Lian Zong of the Wanfa Sect. I don't fully understand its great significance." Bodong Tianjun said frankly: "At first I thought that this little guy was just shattering Master Xi's dream. Master Xi has other things..."

"I am not a mathematician, so it is difficult to judge the significance of this incomplete way in mathematics. But I can be sure that it has great significance in speculation." After listening for a while, Tai Tianzun sighed: "Once this principle comes out, the knowledge and understanding obstacles of the people in Shenzhou will be much smaller."

"There is no problem with self-reference. As long as there is no big problem with the formalization later, he will be one of the top mathematicians in Shenzhou, right?" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The last few days are a critical moment, and this is a section that involves a lot of theory. Please allow me to polish it. The leader will send more updates within this week.

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