Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 234: Talented people in their twilight years

Unlike many significant mathematical proofs - such as the proof of the twin prime conjecture - the incomplete and undecidable proof is actually quite simple.

Many Wanfa sect disciples who participated in this training have been baptized many times in their three views, and they have long had doubts about the completeness, consistency and decidability of arithmetic.

Now, what prevents them from going deeper is not only their long-term subjective experience, but also interpretations from the classics.

Most of those "classics" were written by the author.

Feng Luoyi, who is also the contemporary representative of the Geting Sect along with the Calculator, gave "Completeness" the final blow, and the intellectual barriers in everyone's minds began to break.

And the proof of undecidability was also taught to them

Feng Luoyi finally said to everyone: "Now, we have only published the first phase of the paper, "On the Formally Undecidable Statements and Related Systems in the Arithmetic Chapter of Volume 1 of "Wanfa Suanzang"". Everyone only The loss of completeness of knowledge. Some monks even know nothing about it.

And soon, we will publish the second phase paper "On Computable Numbers and Their Application to Determination Theorems". That will cause an even greater impact.

Now, you have to bring into play the results of your training in the past few months, use some methods, and gently tell the Wan Dharma disciples you know that completeness and decidability have become history. This is your task now. "


In just a few moments, many monks in the entire training ground dispersed like stars. Only Chen Youjia and a few others were walking out slowly.

Chen Youjia was still hesitating. I kept repeating in my mind: "Should I send that guy a message to ask... This time has the biggest impact on Li Zong. He is a great master in the field of number theory and prefers Li Zong... But, he is the current leader of Wanfa Sect? He must already know... He doesn't need me to care..."

"Yo!" Suddenly, she was tapped on the shoulder... Well, it felt like a spiritual sense. It's a spirit body.

Chen Youjia turned around and saw Wang Qi's smiling face.

"Sure enough, it's you." Chen Youjia took a deep breath: "You are the fault of everything this time, right? Although Mr. Feng did not directly name the author of the paper, I know that it was you..."

Wang Qi took Chen Youjia to a secluded place. . While smiling: "Of course. Apart from a genius like me, who can make such a huge breakthrough?"

Chen Youjia wanted to sarcastically say something like before. But for some reason, she didn't say it.

A paper written by Wang Qi alone would take the Xianmeng half a year to prepare and accept.

He is not a genius, who dares to call him a genius?

Chen Youjia pouted: "Why did you think of coming to see me?"

"My broken paper is too lethal!" Wang Qi rubbed Chen Youjia's face unscrupulously: "See if you are injured."

"Don't make trouble." Chen Youjia waved away Wang Qi's hand: "You know, I am a mathematician who prefers application. Apart from the element of anger, I actually don't take the dispute between Li Zong and Lian Zong that seriously, let alone that." Basics'. Besides...you also made the story of "Blade Assassin"?

Wang Qi immediately looked moved: "I didn't expect that we have already reached this point of understanding! Come! Give me a hug!"

Chen Youjia was hugged by him, but sneered: "Come on, I have a good memory - after all, you told me a story a long time ago, why are you worried that I can't accept it?"

"I have confidence in you, but let's take a look!" Wang Qi took two steps back: "Oh, I have something to do 'over there'. I have to leave first!"

Looking at Wang Qi disappearing, Chen Youjia blinked, and then sent a spiritual message to his father: "How are you?"

There are only four hard words.

Chen Youjia originally didn't expect to get a response. Unexpectedly, her calculator immediately gave a prompt: "Peace."

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………

A smile appeared on Wang Qi's lips. He went to see Chen Youjia while distracted. The projection of "Wang Qi" is not only his distraction, but also synchronized with him through the illusion of ten thousand immortals.

"Fellow Taoist, have you got any ideas again?" Master Turing, who was sitting opposite Wang Qi, asked.

Wang Qi shook his head: "No, no, I remembered some other things. I'm still thinking about the idea of ​​'changing the sky'..."

"The limit of the Heaven-changing style..." Master Turing also felt a little heavy: "Xiangri, what we call 'the changer of the sky in the style' is the Heaven-changing style. I feel that the Heaven-changing style can account for everything... …It’s really unexpected that my algorithm, which can really calculate everything, is self-contradictory and can also provide radically changing ideas.”

Since yesterday, the two of them have been discussing together. Wang Qi did not memorize too many papers in his previous life, and he derived all the proof processes independently. He also benefited a lot from communicating with this genius.

And Wang Qi also found that although Master Turing was a bit more straightforward and stiff, he was still very easy to talk to in essence. Occasionally, when he had a break, he would ask Master Turing for advice on some cultivation issues.

Ji Lao is the ancestor of calculators, and he also admires Wang Qi's digital cultivation method. And this ancestor of calculators also gave Wang Qi a new understanding of practicing law.

The two of them also became more and more speculative as they chatted.

Just then, they received a message from Feng Luoyi. Then, the scene in front of them changed, and the two of them had come to Feng Luoyi.

Feng Luoyi said sadly, "Wang Qi, seven days later, I will arrange for you to give a public sermon, through the illusion of the Ten Thousand Immortals, to the entire Wanfamen to talk about this incomplete way. Anyone in the whole Shenzhou can freely choose to listen or not. You prepare well."

After saying this, his face was gloomy: "After all, I have to part ways with my old friend."

He is not from the orthodox Ge Ting faction. But he is also a representative of Ge Ting. He is now determined to support Wang Qi and promote undecidability and incompleteness. In the eyes of the Ge Ting faction, this is him giving the master of calculation a blow in the back.

This is undoubtedly a betrayal.

Master Turing comforted him, "Brother Yuehan, you don't have to be like this. Master Xi is very generous. Fellow Daoist He Waier is his direct disciple. He leans towards the descendants of Lian Zong. Master Suan has not cut off contact with him, let alone you? You are on the right side now."

Wang Qi asked, "Teacher, how is Master Xi?"

"Other Daoists from the Ge Ting Sect have gone to take care of it." Feng Luoyi sighed, "I hope he can survive this disaster."


In the Ge Ting, the fragrance lingered. However, this top-grade spice could not cover up the strong smell of gunpowder here.

"Too ridiculous!" A disciple of the Ge Ting Sect shouted in a low voice.

They dared not speak too loudly, and even used their magic power to focus the sound around themselves. They were afraid of disturbing their mentor.

Now I don't know whether Master Suan has read the paper "On the Formally Undecidable Statements and Related Systems in the Arithmetic Chapter of Volume 1 of the Wanfa Suanzang". They are now discussing how to stabilize their teacher.

"How about this..." A monk of the Goting sect sniffed. He seemed to have cried: "Let's tell the teacher that we still have decidability..."

"No!" Fairy Ruoche exclaimed in a low voice. Decidability will be rejected in a few days! Using this to comfort is also courting death!

And Aikeman took out a few more pages of paper: "This is the part that has not been made public yet."

"What is this... "On Computable Numbers and Their Application to Determining Theorems"..." The monk of the Goting sect who read the paper was like being bombarded by a powerful magical power, and was stunned.

- Even decidability is over?

- Some... some propositions, we can't judge the truth or falsehood at all?

This is terrible...

Many high-level monks shuddered.

At this moment, the door of the inner room of the Goting study was pushed open. The master of calculation walked out with a confused look.

"What are you... gathering here for?"

"Teacher..." "Master!" "Teacher!" "Teacher!" Everyone shouted. Finally, Fairy Ruo Che came out and asked, "Teacher, among the twenty-three questions, the second question has been answered..."

"I know." The master of calculation blinked. At this moment, he seemed like an old man with declining memory, with confusion written all over his face: "I just read the paper... I will know the papers about the twenty-three questions at the first time."

Everyone breathed.

He Waier stepped out of the crowd and asked with concern: "Teacher, are you... okay now?"

"I'm fine." The master of calculation answered like this, and then as if he wanted to emphasize it. Repeated: "I'm fine. Although I didn't expect... I didn't expect the result to come out in this form, but... the second question has been done, which is gratifying."

There was no joy on his face.

"Teacher..." Ma De'en rushed forward: "If you are unhappy... just say it."

"I don't have time for that." The master of calculation finally smiled: "I don't have time to complain about the world. Don't we have things to do?"

Everyone was confused.

The master of calculation organized everyone to gather here for the proof of completeness, decidability and consistency. Now, consistency has been proved, and decidability and completeness have been rejected. What is Xi Boche going to do?

"I was thinking... there may be some problems with their thinking. Of course. Incompleteness itself may not have any problems, but can it really not be bypassed? After all, as a mathematical proof, Wang Qi's incompleteness is really too weak..."

The master of calculation became more and more energetic. For a moment, Xi Boche reappeared the demeanor of the master of the world's calculation school.

But He Wailzhi felt chilled.

-Is this really confidence and new ideas?

-Or is it a kind of self-deception and self-consolation?

Ruo Che, Aike Man, Ma De'en and other free monks were filled with sadness.

They felt that they had witnessed the twilight of a generation of talents and heroes.

Although in terms of age, the teacher is still a young man. The years he has lived are very short compared to the life he still has. However, the Tao of the master Xi Boche is dead.

——During this turmoil, almost no one in the Wanfamen could take the opportunity to reach the top. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The twilight of heroes is always the most lamentable.

In addition, the leader will add five more chapters, and the big alliance will add ten more chapters for a long time. The extra chapters to celebrate the leader will be released on a selected day next week.

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