Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 211 Senior Sister Mi’s body?

"Sir, since you recently told me about the mystery of 'number', I can't help myself and keep thinking. Unfortunately, I am dull in mathematics and have never felt the wisdom you once said."

Faced with Wang Qi's advice, Gou Dabao was quite ashamed.

Whether he was looking at the mountains and water, or lying down to watch the floating clouds, he could feel a kind of "throbbing". This throbbing from the nature of heaven and earth would prompt him to deepen his understanding of the ancient law. "Heavenly Way" is like a cheap prostitute to him, who can get it for money.

In order to resist the ancient law, he even rejected all the "beautiful" things in the world and enjoyed "swallowing feces" all day long.

And a few days ago, Wang Qi opened a door to a new realm for him. He saw the principles of heaven and earth hidden in the formulas, and the wisdom accumulated step by step by the predecessors in those formulas. He was deeply moved, so he spared no effort to think about things in this regard.

For Gou Dabao, Wang Qi is the benefactor who brought him the "touching" and "beauty" of modern law, and also his mentor on the road of modern law. He has great respect for Wang Qi.

When he heard Wang Qi's accusation, he was quite ashamed and quite frightened.

Wang Qi sighed slightly.

Although mathematics is the most detached from objective matter in science, it is not a subject that can be practiced simply by "understanding" - or to put it bluntly, "fantasy".

Even a mathematician like Pang Jialai, who is almost born with knowledge, has to learn from things of the level of "Daily Practice of Mental Arithmetic" as soon as he enters the Tao.

In Wang Qi's previous life. Many mathematicians in Europe and the United States believed that it is necessary to do a lot of arithmetic exercises in elementary school. This is conducive to cultivating their sense of numbers - the ladder to "science" and "advanced mathematics". Modern computing tools will only destroy the most important "thinking" left to them by their ancestors.

If you want to learn mathematics, in the primary stage. The only way is to learn more and practice more.

In countless questions, actually apply the formulas you have learned and refine your own ideas.

This step is more important than "thinking about the essence of mathematics". Without this step, everything in the future will be like building a tower on quicksand, seemingly stable, but in fact no different from a castle in the air.

Let's just talk about the "number" that Gou Dabao is obsessed with now. There is a branch of "number theory" in mathematics. And if you want to study number theory. At least you have to be familiar with the various applications of arithmetic, and at the same time know sets and analytic geometry...

This requires at least excellent elementary mathematics.

In other words, just to get started, you have to get a good score in high school mathematics.

And to this point, most people have to go through ten years of hard study.

This is just the prerequisite for "getting started".

This is definitely not something that can be "understood" by "thinking" and "understanding".

If Gou Dabao continues like this, he may not be able to get on the right path.

At the beginning, Wang Qi just wanted to eliminate his resistance to the current law amendment. But now, he wanted to help this poor guy from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Wang Qi's words, Gou Dabao was a little embarrassed: "Sir... this, the elementary school test questions you mentioned, I can easily complete them."

"That's because you are a cultivator. As a cultivator, you have sharp ears and eyes, and your mind is many times clearer than that of ordinary mortals. With that calculation ability, you will certainly have no problem." Wang Qi sighed: "You still have to practice more! Practice something that belongs to you!"

For people who are not familiar with mathematics, you have to use your fingers to do addition and subtraction of more than 20 - perhaps modern people will find this incredible. But many people in ancient times came this way. In the ancient times of the earth. The tricks of mental arithmetic or oral arithmetic can be regarded as something like a "secret book".

What Gou Dabao is doing now is actually equivalent to "counting fingers", but his mind moves very quickly, and ninety or a hundred "fingers" are counted in a flash.

This is not the result Wang Qi wants.

A modern person can do addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, or four arithmetic operations within 100 in an instant.

This is because they have developed a mathematical way of thinking.

This way of thinking is very important. A great mathematician does not rely on strong calculation ability to "count fingers" in his mind to perform calculations.

Mental arithmetic and oral arithmetic are the beginning of the road to mathematics.

Gou Dabao was quite convinced by Wang Qi's words. So, this exiled immortal began his own training at the elementary level.

After leaving Gou Dabao, Wang Qi shook his head slightly: "This is really..."

Zhen Chanzi asked: "What happened to that exiled immortal?"

"It's not that Gou Dabao has any problems... Well, it should be said that he is not against anything. I just feel that the road to mathematics is really difficult."

"It's difficult..." Zhen Chanzi sighed, as if he felt the same way: "I also learned some when I was young, and I feel that the most difficult thing in the world is mathematics."

The unique learning of Luofu Xuanqing Palace, "Daluo Chaos Heavenly Scripture", is related to the Tao of the Five Innate Elements, which aims to describe the five states, five changes, and five properties of matter. It complements the Five Innate Elements representing the transition from disorder to order and the Five Innate Elements representing the transition from order to disorder.

These paths are also vaguely related to mathematics.

Zhen Chanzi also learned some mathematics. It is precisely because of this that when Wang Qi just entered the Immortal Academy and was being tested to solve the pre-questions of Yao Ding Suan Jing, he sighed that "it is really difficult to calculate with ten fingers on both hands".

Wang Qi did not resonate with this at all. The "difficulty" he sighed and the "difficulty" sighed by Zhen Chanzi were not the same. Instead, he said contemptuously: "It's just calculating with ten fingers on both hands..."

-Isn't it just the conversion between decimal and binary? How difficult is it? It's just junior high school content.

Zhen Chanzi also remembered this embarrassing incident and laughed and cried: "Don't I know this..."

This is the development of mathematics. Top mathematicians can always invent some new mathematical tools and methods, and prove that these methods are universal. Then, in front of these new methods, the ancient problems can only be crushed into slag.

Many elementary and junior high school level questions have stumped the world's top wise men.

Those elementary school students and junior high school students actually learned the fruits of the efforts of those ancient sages, so they can solve these problems so easily.

Being able to teach one's own "thoughts" and "Tao" to children in such a simple way is the most amazing thing in the world.

After the conversation, Wang Qi said what he was thinking: "Old man, what do you think mathematics is now?"

"Originally, I thought I knew it. But after listening to your discussion of "Tao-transformed things", I don't understand it anymore."

"For Gou Dabao, in fact, "mathematics" and "words" should be similar things, both of which are used to "talk about the mysterious." Wang Qi analyzed: "Mysterious, not writing and not writing, but you can always use words to play tricks... For Gou Dabao, the mathematics he understands is a kind of "barbarian language" that can be used to "play tricks."

This is not surprising. Even if the immortals are devoted to seeking the Tao, they still have to live. And daily life is inseparable from the four arithmetic operations. Even if the development of mathematics was suppressed, elementary arithmetic and elementary geometry could still be developed. In this case, it is impossible for immortals to be completely ignorant of mathematics.

However, for immortals, "calculation" is just a means. It is not even a "technique", but a "self-evident" skill.

Taking "calculation" as the foundation of Tao and cultivation? Joke!

Would you take eating, drinking, defecating and urinating as the foundation of cultivation?

The ancient mathematics school in Shenzhou attributed everything in the world to "numbers", believing that "numbers" are the basis of heaven and earth, and that everything is the basis of the mathematics school. The Lianzong of the mathematics school, which split from the mathematics school, believed that the basis of heaven and earth is the geometry of points, lines and surfaces.

This is also very different from the understanding of mathematics by the disciples of Wanfamen today.

Whether it is the Lizong of today represented by the Master of Calculation or the Lizong of today represented by the Lord of Calculation, neither of them will look at heaven and earth in this way.

Exiled immortals are not ordinary mortals. In their previous lives, they were great heroes and sages who had cultivated to the stage of transcendence and longevity. They have their own views on the nature of heaven and earth. At the same time, they have the vision of walking through countless worlds.

They can see the foundation and essence of Shenzhou's current law at a glance.

They will never accept the concept of Shenzhou's current law of immortality.

This is why Gou Dabao hates mathematics.

Wang Qi was sighing and thinking. Suddenly, he felt a sharp intention coming from the sky. Then, the ground shook slightly.

Wang Qi pushed the door open and saw a giant sword the size of a door panel stuck in the yard.

"Is this... a long-distance freight flying sword? And judging from the style of the hilt, it's not from an ordinary merchant, but from the shipping agency of the Immortal Alliance." Wang Qi circled the giant sword twice, wondering: "Could it be sent to the wrong place? Have I bought anything recently?"

Mi tugged at Wang Qi's belt: "That, it's not for you. It's mine. Because this thing can only be unsealed with your help, I calculated your walking speed and sent it here at this time."

"Is it yours, Senior Sister?" Wang Qi was curious: "What is it... Uh, this shape is a bit scary."

Wang Qi took out a coffin from the storage compartment of the freight flying sword.

This coffin is not big, and it looks more like a child's coffin.

"It took me a lot of effort to make it." Mi had a look of boasting on his face: "Open it and take a look."

Wang Qi opened the lid of the coffin. There was a little girl lying inside. She looked only about six or seven years old, and she was wearing the blue robe representing the Wanfamen.

The most important thing is that her appearance is exactly the same as Mi's virtual image.

Wang Qi's first reaction was to pinch the little girl's face.

Mi shouted: "Don't touch me!"

"What on earth is this... this this..." Wang Qi pointed at Mi's shadow, and then looked at the flesh and blood body lying in the coffin.

"My human body." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Tomorrow... Tomorrow I will definitely add more chapters for a thousand monthly tickets...

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