Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 202: A False Alarm

What exactly is information?

There is no doubt that it has physical properties. Reading, writing, editing, and erasing information all consume energy.

However, there is still no clear explanation of how information affects matter.

Some identical information will show completely different effects on different "carriers".

To give an inappropriate example, if you use pen and paper to copy all the codes of Windows, even if you fill a piece of white paper, the white paper will not have any magical functions.

Obviously the information is consistent, but because of the different carriers, different results appear.

This was also the reason why Wang Qi dared to compile the memories of the banished immortals.

After the memory of the banished immortal is separated from the mind of the banished immortal and the "hardware" of the remnant soul of the banished immortal, it cannot function at all and has no effect.

Although the divine plague spell is terrifying, if it is transcribed into "0" and "1" and then copied onto paper, it will not be able to cause trouble even if it goes against the will of heaven.

With a glance, Wang Qi memorized all the secrets of the changes in Yin and Yang in the Divine Plague Curse from the arrangement of these leaves. This time, he did not dare to reproduce this spell in his body. He took out a calculator that was not of very high quality, and with the help of Jarvis, he re-converted the Wanxiang hexagrams into Yin-Yang lines.

Soon, lines of code became immortal in front of Wang Qi.

Wang Qi inspected them line by line. Then, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay..."

Liu Yi asked anxiously: "What's okay?"

"It's not the most terrifying possibility. The Divine Plague Curse has not changed." Wang Qi sighed: "These codes are clearly divided into two threads. On the material level, the Divine Plague Curse is indeed the same as Mei Gemu. The mana is entangled, but not at the spiritual level."

"The so-called demon transformation is caused by the power of Meige Mu Immortal and has nothing to do with the Divine Plague Curse. However, the subsequent effects are indeed the fault of the Divine Plague Curse." Wang Qi lowered his head and looked at the The leaves, which are either yin or yang, are silent.

The Divine Plague Curse is like a certain defective gene. This gene was originally hidden in Meigemu's "bloodline", causing some kind of innate disease. Originally, this congenital disease was not contagious. but. Meige Mu also carries a retrovirus in his body. This virus can incorporate this gene into itself and then spread it out.

Natural "transgenics" exist in nature, which are also the source of many variations.

Now, Mei Gemu's "immortal power" is the "virus". The Divine Plague spell follows the power of Mei Gemu and enters the trees.

Wang Qi's divine plague spell originally polluted other people's wisdom. And when it comes to these mindless plants and trees. Instead, it has turned into their "wisdom" and the basis for their actions.

However, this is just Wang Qi's idea after all. They do not have the ability to communicate, nor do they have the ability to truly think. They are nearly impossible to control.

Since there is still a trace of the will of the immortal inside, Wang Qi cannot control these tree demons!

The only thing that makes people feel scary is that they carry the power of the divine plague spell. The Divine Plague Curse is life to them, but it is poison to all intelligent creatures, including humans.

"If the code is still here, I think it won't be particularly difficult to deal with those tree demons." Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

The essence of these tree demons is far inferior to that of the Yuanshen Grandmaster, and it is very simple to forcefully correct them.

If that doesn't work, just use the Heavenly Sword to evaporate it.

Wang Qi carries a heavenly sword that has been warmed for several months and is strong enough to deliver a full blow. It is easy to kill these tree demons who are just forming pills.

Liu Yi shook his head: "It's not necessary for the time being. If it's just to destroy it, I can do it, and it can save you the effort of warming up the treasure."

After taking action. As long as you don't take back the magic power you put out, and don't restrain yourself, you won't be exposed to the inner demon curse.

With the power of the Yuanshen Grandmaster, no matter how many tree demons there are, they will not pose a threat. Here, they are not human beings, they have no intelligence, and there is no need to be afraid when killing them.

The main reason is that he is afraid that this vicious tree demon may have other tricks hidden in it, so he dare not destroy it directly. After Wang Qi confirmed it, there was no problem.

Wang Qi frowned: "Let's not be busy yet. Let me ask you, Mr. Liu, can you still feel the direction of Mei Gemu?"

Liu Yi was stunned, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I can't feel it anymore. Even though he left many clues along the way, once these tree demons make trouble, it is basically impossible to restore them."

"The general direction can still be seen." Wang Qi said: "Then, Mr. Liu, you will destroy these trees, and then I will send the swarm of demon bees to search for the enemy?"

That swarm of demon bees has been completely infected, and even Meige Mu can't infect them a second time.

Liu Yi nodded, and then said seriously: "Wang Qi, you must remember that you must not kill him when you are not sure of capturing or destroying his soul. This is absolutely not allowed, do you understand?"

The essence of reincarnation is the random wandering of the remaining souls.

No one can completely control this mechanism.

Now, that guy still carries the Divine Plague Curse - not the peaceful inner demon network rank in Shenjing that helps mortals use the power of the inner demon to live their lives, but one that is destructive, aggressive and contagious. A spiritual plague.

If this guy is reincarnated for the second time, I am afraid that he will kill everyone around him before he is born.

Wang Qi nodded, looking worried: "I have to say something first. The God Plague spell in that guy's body is not completely correct. With each iteration, the God Plague spell will accumulate some changes - don't look at me like that, who let its blueprint be my spirit? This is inevitable. The tolerance rate of this spell is very high, even if there are small changes, it doesn't matter. However, if it produces a big change, then I may suffer from it."

Liu Yi's face tightened: "I say, how much time do we have?"

Wang Qi spread his hands: "This is a nonlinear system, I don't know either"

After dividing the work, Wang Qi and Liu Yi acted separately again. Liu Yi began to destroy those terrible demon trees. As he raised his hands and moved his feet, a huge sword energy with a horizontal frame of thousands of feet appeared. This sword energy just flashed and chopped half of the demon trees into pieces. Liu Yi still felt it was not enough, so he flew into the sky, raised his hands flat in front of his chest, and a white light gathered in his hands, and endless sword energy surged out from the light ball. Each sword energy was as long as a chopstick and as thick as a chicken egg. These sword energies covered the entire area where the demon tree was rampant like a heavy rain.

Wang Qi returned to the hive. First, he sent out the soldier bees with narrow membrane wings and alienated forelimbs. These demon bees are specially used to attack other creatures in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and they are the fastest.

These demon bees were originally the most numerous in the bee colony. However, they always rushed to the front line during the battle, so they suffered the most losses in Lian Yichen's attack, and most of them turned into those Xuansi bodies on the ground. This made Wang Qi feel that the "manpower" was a bit insufficient.

However, the crawling speed of the six-knife-legged demon bee was average, that is, the speed of a galloping horse, and it could not fly itself, while the speed of ordinary worker bees was far inferior to those soldier bees, so it was difficult to chase the exiled immortal.

He thought for a moment, raised his sword and asked Yueluo Liuli: "Liuli, the prototype of the transformation ability is the innate ability of the ant tribe to differentiate itself, so can you manipulate the differentiation of this group of beasts?"

"You mean, hatch these things into soldiers specifically for flying?"

Wang Qi nodded.

"It can be done." Yueluo Liuli said: "These demon bees are also descendants of alien races. The plasticity of these descendants' blood is very strong and they are also suitable for transformation. In the eggs, they cannot be considered independent lives and have no instincts, so they can be interfered with."

Wang Qi raised his sword high. Yueluo Liuli immediately took action and sprinkled a large area of ​​purple light. At the same time, Wang Qi also used the flame of life to use the power of life to prompt these eggs to hatch quickly.

Soon, a new larvae appeared in front of Wang Qi. They gnawed the beehive and their own egg shells and evolved rapidly. In just a few minutes, these new larvae, which were as tall as a person, quickly shed their skin twice and showed their mature form through incomplete metamorphosis.

Maybe because they were ripened prematurely, or maybe because they didn't eat much, these new "scout bees" were only one-sixth the size of soldier bees and worker bees, and their shapes were very strange. Rather than saying it was like a bee or an ant, it was more like a dragonfly. The wider membranous wings than soldier bees and the narrow third body segment all illustrate this point.

This is the specialized scout. As a beast species, they were born with perfect Qi accumulation, and they were only one step away from forming a pill. With Wang Qi's treatment of one drop of Emperor Liujiang per person, they quickly flew out like an arrow from a string.

Yueluo Liuli suddenly sighed: "Come to think of it, you seem to be surprisingly skilled in doing this kind of thing?"


"Dealing with a spell that gets out of control." Yueluo Liuli said: "You seem to be very experienced."

"Ahem..." Wang Qi turned his face away in embarrassment: "A good boy like me who is eager to help others, of course, must be active in the front line of the spell space-time and make outstanding contributions to the safety of people's lives and property."

"Eager to help others? I thought this was a commendatory word in the human language. Yes You are eager for quick success and instant benefits, and you are also looking for favors? "

"Bah, how can you talk like that." Wang Qi found a dry place on the top of the beehive, sat down and asked: "Speaking of which, do you know the method of that exiled immortal?"

"I didn't expect it to be the art of Jiajie, I miscalculated."


"The method of transferring one's own calamity to others. It is not a simple method among undead beasts." Yueluo Liuli sighed: "I didn't expect that the exiled immortal would also have this trick. Sure enough, every undead beast cannot be judged by common sense." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Do you want to update again in the evening... Everyone, please let me know by subscription, reward, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, etc.

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