Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 198: The Secret Realm Fight: The Fight is a Farce, It's Clearly a Crush

Jump out of the long river to dominate yourself, the cave sky is the same as the ruler, the relativistic effect...

This is the extent to which different civilizations respond to the same phenomenon. When two objects are in different reference systems, there will be a situation where they cannot influence each other.

Nothing can cross it but the unchanging, absolute speed of light, the only yardstick across different frames of reference.

This is the ironclad rule. The iron law of space and time, the iron law of motion.

For immortals, jumping out of the long river is better than all defensive means of protecting the body. Once you jump out of the long river, you are protected by the laws of time, space and movement itself, and ordinary events cannot affect it at all. And when the other person cannot know what your personal time is, the harm he can cause you is extremely limited.

And now, this layer of relative defense has been broken through?

How did he do it?

"You must be thinking, 'How did this guy do it?', right?" Wang Qi's malicious voice sounded from behind Mei Gemu: "Guess..."

Mei Gemu growled: "Tell me..." - Because this is so interesting, "Say it!" - I really want to know, "Make it easier for me!"

Wang Qi chuckled and said, "I won't tell you!"

In fact, when the divine power traveling at the speed of light appeared in space and Mei Gemu left immediately, his end was doomed.

The high-concentration demonic power that Wang Qi placed around him at the beginning was actually a blinding trick.

The meaning of its existence is to make Mei Gemu think that in addition to the high concentration of inner demon power. Ordinary, low-concentration inner demon spells have no effect on him.

In fact, this is also the case. The nature of banishing immortals is very powerful. As long as Zhao Qingfeng does not commit suicide and believes that the inner demon curse is harmless and then actively refines it, ordinary inner demon curses can be exempted.

However, Wang Qi's real killer move. It's not the inner demon curse, but the divine plague curse.

The main body of the Divine Plague spell is "information" rather than material. As long as a complete "code" enters the opponent's body, it can be "infected".

If the high-intensity inner demon curse next to Wang Qi is a 20-megabit broadband, then the low-intensity inner demon curse is a small water pipe of 500 megabits.

With that kind of small water pipe, the Internet is really slow. But as long as you are online. It means that the "virus" has an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Moreover, this small water pipe will still not break - don't forget, the speed of the inner demon's power can also be transmitted at the speed of light.

The Divine Plague spell that Wang Qi cast this time was not the one he improvised to shoot out his own thoughts when he sniped at Mei Ge Mu. He spent about half an hour thinking and preparing. A set of the most powerful divine plague spells have long been selected. ,

Destruction, lurking, self-replication, occupying thinking space, and thought stealing... This complex set of divine plague spells contains all the abilities that Wang Qi can imagine.

Then, this divine plague curse took effect at the last moment before Meige Mu jumped out of the river.

The first card Wang Qi stole was Mei Gemu's "target" for jumping out of the river - the frame of reference where he was going!

Wang Qi followed this idea and came to Mei Gemu's frame of reference.

"How about it, banished immortal." Wang Qi pinched Mei Gemu's shoulder and sneered: "This feeling of being unable to move suddenly when you think you are absolutely safe, and then being approached on the back is like... A man who can only hold his breath for a stick of incense underwater. After diving for a stick of incense, the moment he comes out of the water to breathe, he feels like he is being pulled back to the bottom of the sea - am I right? "

"King...King..." Mei Gemu's consciousness was constantly occupied, his eyes rolled up, and saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth. I don't know how long the memory is, the memory of traveling all over the world as an immortal and forcibly collecting "taxes", as well as other remaining memories of "I", all resisting what Wang Qi instilled.

"It's useless to bark like a dog." Wang Qi continued to irritate the other party. for him. This is also part of the plan. Provoking the banished immortals can also weaken their defenses and mislead their judgment.

"Wang Qi...Wang Qi!" Mei Gemu finally extracted the name of the enemy in front of him from the memory of an unknown "I".

Wang Qi was stunned: "Damn it! You actually know me... don't you, Lao Zhao? I'm actually an acquaintance, Ershuxian, oh, familiar banished immortal, I forgot that you have been beaten to death as an immortal for who knows how many years. ”

"You, you, you...bastard, bastard..."

"It's really you! That's really ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. He fell to the ground laughing. "Speaking of which, since you are Zhao Qingfeng, the various qualities of the soul should be somewhat close to him. Tsk, now you can also set up an experimental group and a control group. You are really an outstanding person." Little white mouse, Lao Zhao, you were tricked to death by me once, now your name is Mei Gemu, right?"

Under the dual torture of the inner demon curse and the divine plague curse, the state of mind of the immortal Mege Mu was on the verge of collapse. Wang Qi's actions angered Mei Gemu and are accelerating the process.

Soon, the abnormal space-time phenomena around Wang Qi were cleared. The gravitational fields of stars and planets bring them back to their original relative time.

"Fellow Daoist Mei!" Lian Yichen was shocked, not knowing what had happened. Just now, he suddenly lost the sense of Mei Gemu, and then Wang Qi also disappeared. Then, the two of them appeared behind Lian Yichen, one standing and one kneeling - Wang Qi bent Mei Gemu's arm and grabbed Mei Gemu's shoulder, obviously subduing him.

"What..." Lian Yichen could hardly believe his eyes.

Exiled Immortal... Exiled Immortal also lost to the same level?

Even the seemingly omnipotent Exiled Immortal lost to this guy?

Who the hell is he!

Lian Yichen almost instinctively drew his sword to save him. He knew his own weight. Any Yuanshen Grandmaster could defeat him. If it weren't for the mysterious exiled immortal Mei Gemu to help him, he would not be able to survive in this Shenzhou.

However, Wang Qi is now in a state of cheating, so what if Lian Yichen is several times stronger?

In front of Wang Qi, a cultivator in the Spirit Severing Stage can't make any waves.

Moreover, Lian Yichen, like Mei Gemu, was also exposed to the Heart Demon Curse for a long time. He did not have the essence of Mei Gemu's exiled immortal, so how could he resist the erosion of the Heart Demon Curse?

In response to Lian Yichen's fatal blow, Wang Qi just hooked his finger and triggered all the Heart Demon Curses and Divine Plague Curses in his body. In just a moment, Lian Yichen's consciousness was interrupted and he fell into a similar situation as Mei Gemu, lying on the ground with his eyes rolled up. That determined blow eventually became a joke.

At this time, Wang Qi turned his eyes to Lian Xinling and Lian Xinjie: "Now you two are the only trouble. How should I put it? I am a modern cultivator and you are ancient cultivators. It is impossible for me to let you go. Besides, it is not a good idea to let you stay here..."

-What I am going to do later will more or less violate the laws of the Immortal Alliance. It would not be good if you saw it, right...

Lian Xinjie had already collapsed. She is a Jindan cultivator and her age is at least close to 100 years old. However, too many things have shaken her faith recently - her father, whom she regarded as a god, was defeated by Jindan-stage cultivators one after another, the exiled immortal who defeated her father was arbitrarily humiliated by this heretic, and her father's life and death are unknown...

Wang Qi's glance made her mentally collapse, and she cried like a little girl: "Don't... please, senior... don't... don't kill me..."

And Lian Xinjie, although his hands were shaking and there was fear in his eyes, he still followed the heart method, embraced the Yuan and guarded the One, let his spirit embrace the Dan and condense, raised his long sword, and said solemnly: "Heterodox evil demon... I am... I will not surrender to you... to you! Junior sister... Junior sister, I will protect you..."

"Oh." Wang Qi appreciated such a decision. But it was meaningless. He pointed his finger in the air, and the power of the heart demon mantra gathered. This heart demon mantra power of the combined level of mana, only a trace of it, completely crushed him, a Jindan cultivator, and shattered his state of mind.

Wang Qi kicked Lian Xinling, a Jindan-stage cultivator who was almost frightened to incontinence, unconscious. After confirming that there was no one around, he placed his hand on the Xuansi body simulated by the demon bee cells: "The flow of mana...bus, unobstructed; computing unit, unimpeded; storage unit...perfect."

He waved his hand, and a ray of light fell on the forehead of Mei Gemu, who was shaking. And the other part of this ray of light fell on the Xuansi bodies on the ground.

"Well, I am doing this to ensure the safety of the research materials and make a backup." Wang Qi said so, and issued the final command: "Soul memory, download, transcode, write!"

What Wang Qi has to do now is to steal all the memories of this exiled immortal!

Mei Gemu is different from Zhao Qingfeng. He is a special individual, and he has been highly awakened [the people of the Immortal Alliance think so, but in fact he is fully awakened]. His memory is definitely of great research value.

Perhaps in terms of the comprehensiveness of the method, Mei Gemu's memory is not as good as the Immortal Dao Burning Book Outline, not to mention the Immortal Alliance database, but Wang Qi can learn about the practice of other worlds in this universe from his memory.

Even the mystery of the immortal world may be solved from his memory.

This is also Wang Qi's original intention to arrange the Xuansi body.

Why did he specially prepare the Xuansi body when he had both the Heart Demon Curse and the God Plague Curse? Why not wait for the God Plague Curse to slowly take effect and then directly reap the fruits of victory, but must strengthen the calculation power to fight him?

Of course, it is to leave traces of fighting.

In this way, when the people of the Immortal Alliance ask about it, he can completely say that it is a battle need and fool them.

And if Mei Gemu has any accident while waiting for the Yuanshen Grandmaster [such as being played to death, being played to death, and being played to death] Wang Qi can also use this part of the exiled immortal memory that he secretly recorded to tell the Immortal Alliance that this is force majeure. It's not that I don't work hard, but the exiled immortal is too cunning.

At this moment, Wang Qi's calculator flashed, and then a voice appeared directly in my mind: "Wang Qi of the Immortal Alliance, report the battle situation."

Wang Qi's mouth curled up: "The enemy has lost its combat effectiveness, and the suppression is complete." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Monthly ticket~Recommendation ticket~

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