Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 189: Hundred Thousand Mountains

Wang Qi is now extremely grateful. Half of the spiritual force field Tianyuan method is derived from Tiange Tianyuan Dao, and the other half is derived from Piaomiao Dao.

Whether it is Maxwell's electromagnetic theory represented by Tiange Tianyuan Dao or quantum mechanics represented by Piaomiao Dao, they are both typical linear systems. If it is a nonlinear system, it would be a nearly impossible task for him to reversely calculate through the spiritual force field disturbance.

"Reverse calculation is completed. The direction is determined, the distance is determined... the location of the landing point is approximately within an area of ​​six miles in radius."

Chaos can never invade the subatomic scale. The probability of matter at that scale is not chaos.

Powerful magic power surged from Wang Qi's body. These magic powers were combined with Yueluo Liuli's essence, and then spread in the space around Wang Qi, and then collapsed inward into rectangles.

Those rectangles are the manifestation of the matrix used to reverse the surrounding spiritual force field. Between the interlaced rectangles, countless vectors were calculated rapidly.

At the same time, Wang Qi connected his spirit pool to the teleportation array to replace the spirit stones that had turned into powder. Those spirit stones came from Lian Yichen, a high-level ancient method cultivator. Each one was of the highest quality, worth ten thousand times the lower-grade spirit stones. However, Wang Qi's spirit pool always had hundreds of thousands of stones of spiritual energy, equivalent to one hundred thousand lower-grade spirit stones, which greatly exceeded the ordinary spirit stones in terms of stability and output power.

Gradually, the white light reappeared above the teleportation array. However, Wang Qi did not intend to cross the teleportation array. Now. The enemy over there may have destroyed the teleportation array on the other side, and this teleportation array has lost its target. If he passes through now, I don't know what will happen.

For example, his body may be evenly teleported to every corner of the area within a radius of six miles.

The teleportation array also relies on space and gravity. And the gravity temporarily strengthened by the teleportation array. It is possible to overwhelm the electromagnetic force and easily tear objects apart!

What Wang Qi really needs to do is to re-deduce a one-way teleportation spell!

If this teleportation array is a "cable car" connecting this place to the Shiwan Mountains, and Lian Yichen and Mei Gemu are the evil guests who used the cable car to reach the "opposite side" and almost broke the cable car, then what Wang Qi is doing now is to use the remaining materials of the "cable car" to make a "slingshot" to launch himself over.

After the "door" appeared. Wang Qi did not stop deducing. The rectangle formed by countless spiritual lights moved horizontally and vertically. Sometimes overlapping and sometimes separated. The door formed by the white light soon lost its stability and collapsed into an amorphous white light. Then, Wang Qi made a hand gesture, and the white light turned into a small light cocoon.

Under Wang Qi's control, the light cocoon slowly fell towards the teleportation array. He raised his head and looked at Mi again: "Oh, by the way, Senior Sister, I forgot to ask. You should have reported everything that happened here, right?"

Mi nodded. There are still some concerns: "The teacher has already given the order. At most, a Yuanshen period cultivator will come in a quarter of an hour..."

"For this kind of thing, the sooner the better." Wang Qi shook his head, not wanting to say that this time, for the sake of insurance, he did not impose safety measures such as "self-elimination after a certain number of copies" - after all, he was facing an awakened exiled immortal, and he could not hold back at all. However, on the other hand, this also brought the danger of losing control.

In order to avoid the weird situation of "everyone in Shenzhou is Wang Qi", he had better go quickly.

The light cocoon fell into the center of the formation. Then it turned into a vortex. Wang Qi jumped into it along with the suction. At first, he only felt dizzy and all directions disappeared. After exploring, the material that made up his body was compressed and released by a weird force.

The bowstring of the "slingshot" was throwing him into a non-existent direction with an extremely strong force.

A moment later, Wang Qi appeared on a swamp with his head and feet on the ground.

Suddenly feeling the gravity in a single direction, Wang Qi reacted quickly and stopped his falling momentum. But he seemed to have exerted too much force. Instead, the whole person flew upwards.

The first thing Wang Qi noticed was the difference in gravity.

"This is a closed space-time caused by the interference of the spiritual energy vein with the gravitational field, so the gravity is diverted. The gravity here is slightly smaller than that of Shenzhou. It is also because of this that the creatures here are larger than those outside."

Wang Qi quickly established an interactive system with the surrounding spiritual environment. As soon as the surrounding spiritual energy joined his internal circulation, he immediately felt that his mana was ready to move, and it seemed to be improved again.

"As recorded, after entering here, the mana will become unusually active for unknown reasons."

Wang Qi thought, grabbed a ball of mud with his mana, and gently touched it with the little finger of his right hand. Only a "hiss" sound was heard. Wang Qi only felt a slight burning pain.

"It's the same as what's shown in the data. A combination of several biological toxins... Under the influence of the strange spiritual energy, these toxins are not decomposed, but continue to exist and accumulate in the mud. Year after year, the swamp mud is extremely poisonous."

"However, this is still within the defense range of my body function... When I entered the Immortal Academy, the 'Thousand Plagues and Ten Thousand Poison Needles' given to me for free by the Immortal Alliance are really powerful... If necessary, I can choose to drag the enemy into the mud. That guy's cultivation method is quite special. The real medium of power is blood, and his body is more like a magic weapon. This complex toxin may pollute his blood. However, we must be careful. After all, the other party is a banished immortal, and he may have a secret method to use the toxin in reverse."

The other party is a banished immortal, and is fully awakened. Although its predecessor died on this planet, it is unlikely to be the kind of immortal who can easily destroy a star. However, it is still possible that its existence is longer than the history of the entire human race.

It is never too careful to deal with such an enemy.

But now, Wang Qi can easily sense the other party.

"After all, you have been infected with my plague of disaster. Not only will your self-awareness be suppressed, but also part of your magic power will be distorted to be close to my magic power."

"Under the secret method of 'same air attracts each other', you have nowhere to escape!"


Mei Gemu, who was supported by Lian Yichen, was cautious at first. But soon, a strange sleepiness invaded him. He had to let go of part of his mind and close his eyes to take a nap.

At the same time, he kept searching for the current practice method in his memory.

"Over-stimulating the demon blood has changed my body, and several meridians have been damaged. The cultivation methods I originally chose are no longer usable. Moreover, the situation is urgent now, and I can't choose those cautious methods."

"The human race, the representative species of this world, is too weak. However, their bodies are still within the template of the "living spirit map" of the Queen Wa, and they should be able to find a useful cultivation method... By the way, who is the Queen Wa... It seems very interesting..."

"In addition, there are also techniques... This is a poisonous land, a poisonous land... There may even be creatures in the demon god period... The technique of poisonous poison, the method of controlling beasts..."

In this universe, no matter which world or civilization, there is only one righteous way of cultivation, that is, to build a spiritual power circulation system in the body. In addition, whether it is to cultivate the body alone, strengthen every cell, or control external objects, and seal the demon blood and demon soul into your body, it cannot be considered a righteous way. Those cultivation methods can only be used as a little auxiliary means of the righteous way.

The dragon race's transformation method has already explored all the possibilities of carbon-based creatures, but they still have to honestly temper their own essence and demonic energy, construct a supernatural body, and become a demon god or a Mahayana, because of this point - theoretically, a dragon race in the transformation period can even directly have a physique like a small celestial body as long as it has enough material to construct a body. Not to mention the Mahayana of the human race, all the human cultivators in the 80,000-year history of ancient cultivation cannot compare with such a dragon race.

However, this is ultimately limited. When it reaches that step, it will end.

And building an internal circulation of spiritual energy to become an open and orderly system, the road to the future is unlimited.

This is because of the strange characteristic of spiritual energy that tends to be orderly.

Mei Gemu does not understand the theory of the current method. However, his long experience enables him to see this point.

Suddenly, Mei Gemu's heart was agitated.

He felt that something closely related to him appeared not far away.

"This feeling... Damn it! That strange attack is actually alienating my mana. This secret method... people of the same kind attract each other? Vibrate the mana in your body and resonate with similar mana around you..."

Mei Gemu suddenly raised his head and shouted in a low voice: "We have been discovered!"


Lian Yichen was shocked. This monk who looked a little strange seemed to have fallen asleep after being led by him to escape. He was just wondering if this guy really consumed too much mana or was a little stupid. But from what he said, he has been sensing the enemy?

Mei Gemu certainly would not say that he was manipulated. This would only make Lian Yichen throw him away. He asked, "Do you know where there are poisonous insects gathering nearby?"

"Poisonous insects..." Lian Xinling said anxiously, "Even if you are a Gu cultivator, it's too late to find Gu now, right?"

"I have my own way!"

Lian Yichen was silent for a moment, then asked, "As for poisonous insects, I don't know. And ordinary poisonous insects may not be able to cause trouble to that guy. You may not know that most of the elite cultivators of the Immortal Alliance are immune to toxins... But if you don't require "poison", I do know something."

"'Beast swarm species'." Mei Gemu's eyes lit up.

The mainstream races in this world are all "flesh and blood species", but in the vast universe, not all creatures appear in the form of flesh and blood species. There are also clusters of cultivators composed of several individuals. The immortal world calls it "beast swarm species".

For beast swarm immortals, a single individual cannot be considered an immortal, at most it is just a banished immortal. And for beast swarm cultivators, even if a certain individual in the body achieves immortality, it cannot be considered an immortal, it can only be considered a half-immortal body.

Among the beast swarm species, the most common one is the "insect swarm"!

"If there is a cyprid species here... at least it will be enough to delay time." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Monthly ticket... Recommendation ticket... Monthly ticket...

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