Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 185: Lian Yichen got what he deserved

If you want to practice righteousness, you must leave this continent.

This is what the extremely long memory told Mei Gemu.

The world here is incredibly special. It is rampant with heretics - if you only look at this point, it doesn't matter. In fact, there are not many cases where heretics are rampant and comrades-in-arms have their own world. However, there are so many existences in this world that can kill immortals, which is very suspicious.

There may be immortals living in seclusion in this world. But...the speed and probability of those clones being worn out are a little too scary.

——There are many hidden monsters in this world... no... not only, but also in this sky [which is what the immortals call the solar system].

Since the key parts were erased by the Divine Plague spell, Mei Gemu didn't actually know the memories of "his" other reincarnations. However, the banished immortal possessing the wild cat in the Qiangdi Plains managed to save the last thing. This residual impression made Meige Mu know that the world here was different.

So, he embarked on the path of leaving China and pursuing Dharma.

He vaguely remembered that there were hidden stakes arranged by Zhengfa monks in this area.

The "other self" seems to be some kind of big shot, and he has a good relationship with the Dharma monks overseas - at least on the surface. He knew that many of the hidden stakes laid by Zhengfa monks in China - to be honest, these hidden stakes were hundreds of years old and basically had no effect. The biggest achievement in the past one or two hundred years was the killing of a golden elixir monk who was the true successor of the Five Ultimate Skills. in addition. A few years ago, he also arranged many back-up men in Xiaodong, China, and even had his people within the Immortal League. However, with the loss of his memory, he was not sure whether he could still restrain those lurking guys within the Immortal Alliance. On the other hand. Xiaodong has been repeatedly raided by the Immortal Alliance since the year before last, and the backup left behind by "him" may not be safe.

Therefore, now, his best choice is to look for the hidden piles of ancient cultivation and then sneak overseas.

——There is no conflict between "I" and the Holy Emperor.

——"I" and Saint Emperor Zun are different individuals. But there is no conflict.

This is what the incomplete memory told Mei Gemu.

As long as Meigemu can leave China. After recovering half-completed cultivation, he can remove his divine body hidden in the void, use the divine body to refine his golden body, get rid of the innately weak and weak body of the human race in this world, and become an immortal again.

As long as he can leave China and recover part of his mana.

His original plan was to look for those hidden piles near Tianjiang Plain. But he didn't know it until he arrived at Tianjiang Plain. The hidden piles there had been removed six or seven years ago [when Wang Qi returned to his hometown a few years ago]. Then he headed to the nearby contact point. What's even more strange is that those contacts were suddenly wiped out just a few days ago [Lian Yichen was silenced]. With no choice but to follow this road, he walked towards Xiaodong's arrangement, which he didn't know whether it still existed.

On this day, he finally came to Sujia Town - the only way to go south to the Liangxiao Land.

"I remember that there seemed to be an ancient teleportation array nearby... but it was not leading to overseas, but to a secret realm. It was inappropriate, inappropriate." Mei Gemu thought about how to leave along the way.

Suddenly, he felt a shadow.

"Is there anything...that can threaten me..."

The golden eyes were instantly ignited. He remembered.

I was killed by something similar to "this breath"...

countless times……

Killed countless times!


"It's getting late." Wang Qi is not afraid of the dark. His eyes were already capable of night vision. In addition, it is very easy for him to create light.

"Hey. Old man."


"Have you found one? Someone who looks like you or your adoptive father or your brother?"

Zhen Shanzi sighed: "No... probably. I can't say for sure. I know that the Su family and the Luo family are not extinct, and there are so many descendants. I am actually very happy... but looking at it all the way, I don't think there is any. Which ones are particularly like me...or like my old friends from before?"

"That's normal." Wang Qi closed the book: "Have you had any luck?"

"There are a few... not so crooked ones."

"I'm a little bored." Wang Qi put away the book and said, "Let's go back to Langde after reading this. Anyway, you don't particularly care, so there's no need to go to Xiaoxi."

"Originally I didn't care, but when I heard what you said, it seemed a bit weird..." Zhen Shanzi said in a strangely dull tone, "You have such a bad mouth..."

"I have some pretty good ideas." Wang Qi said, "I've almost played it this month."

"Forget it. Since the Luo family and the Su family are still there without the blessing of monks like us, why should I care?" Zhen Shanzi sighed: "Instead of caring about the essence and blood roots, I should care about my future cultivation. … It’s better to go back, it’s better to go back.”

After reaching a consensus with Zhen Shanzi, Wang Qi began to recall his machine bird. Now the faces of all the people named Su in this town have been entered into the database, and the calculation results will be available around tomorrow morning. Soon, Zhen Shanzi was able to identify it.

What he had to do was to give the name and address of the person that Zhen Chanzi had chosen to the Immortal Alliance. The relevant institutions of the Immortal Alliance would collect samples and send them to Tianling Ridge as one of the materials for Zhen Chanzi's bloodline.

In the next two or three years, Zhen Chanzi could wait for news in the ring.

At this moment, the long sword behind Wang Qi suddenly vibrated.

"Yue Luo Liuli?" Wang Qi took the sword in his hand, brushed his fingers across the purple sword spine, and used the Qingxin Mantra to soothe the sword-shaped real dragon. Yue Luo Liuli is a dragon in the transformation period, equivalent to the human race's Yuanshen - even better. If she kills someone in her dream, Wang Qi really has little confidence in surviving.

More than a month ago, Mi accidentally fell into a state of serious injury and weakness. He had to "retreat". And Xi was also seriously injured. From then on, the task of taking care of Yue Luo Liuli fell on Wang Qi alone.

Yue Luo Liuli was already seriously injured. Before, Mi had always represented the Immortal Alliance to talk to her and exchange laws and so on. Without Mi, Yueluo Liuli simply relied on sleeping to speed up the recovery of her injuries.

Yueluo Liuli's essence suddenly flowed back into Wang Qi's body along the fingers of Wang Qi who cast the Qingxin Mantra. Wang Qi was stunned, and heard Yueluo Liuli roaring: "Parasitic beast!"

"What?" Wang Qi was a little puzzled: "I said, Your Highness, were you talking in your sleep just now?"

"It's not a dream. We dragons don't dream either!" Yueluo Liuli roared: "It's a parasitic beast!"

Wang Qi's expression became serious: "Exiled immortals...what kind of magic power?"

"It's not the cultivation method of this world, it can't be classified into the immortal way and witch way unique to your human race, it's not the renewal of the divine way, and it's not the new demon way and devil way." Yueluo Liuli said: "If you judge by the total amount of mana, it's about equivalent to the early stage of Dan formation."

"It's not the cultivation method of this world..." Wang Qi immediately felt the seriousness of the matter. The two exiled immortals he confronted head-on in Shenjing. Lu Wan and Shu Rongrong. They can crush the cultivators of the Spirit Severing Stage with their Yuanshen bodies. And they are not completely awakened. They have not completely gotten rid of the Yuanying method of this world, but just picked up some moves from the previous life.

This awakening is more thorough and more terrifying.

Yueluo Liuli let go of herself. Wang Qi understood, and the magic power flowed into Yueluo Liuli's body, flowing through Yueluo Liuli's acupoints. The "back door" that was washed away by Mi a few months ago reappeared in Yueluo Liuli's body.

"I am seriously injured and have not recovered. I may not be able to leave that parasitic beast. I will give you my essence and demonic energy. I'll leave it to you."

"Got it." Wang Qi responded, separated a mind, and entered the Wanxian Fantasy through the calculator. This consciousness of his went directly along the special dedicated channel to find Feng Luoyi.

He saw Mi in a fantasy. Mi's human image was wearing a small jacket and barefoot, swaying in the fantasy. She seemed to be somewhat happy when she saw Wang Qi: "Junior brother. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Senior sister, where is the teacher? I have something urgent to ask you."

"Urgent matter? The teacher seems to be very busy recently." Mi frowned: "You can ask me anything."

"Can I ask you about the exiled immortals?"

"Exiled immortals? I know a part of it..." Mi hesitated: "My authority is not that high."

"A part is enough." Wang Qi asked: "Are there any exiled immortals in the north of Liangxiao area now?"

Mi answered quickly: "Absolutely not. The exiled immortals known to the Immortal Alliance cannot go to the place where mortals gather without permission."

"Oh. I understand."

Wang Qi smiled and disconnected from the illusion of all immortals.

"In other words, that guy is 100% an enemy!"

The dragon essence of Yueluo Liuli mixed with Wang Qi's spiritual consciousness was spilled. Then, in just a moment, Wang Qi locked onto the enemy wearing a bamboo hat.

Then, a purple light flashed, and the Yueluo Liuli sword carried an indomitable momentum. Hundreds of feet away, he chopped straight at the exiled immortal. The purple sword light shot up into the sky, and Yueluo Liuli also let out the dragon clan's unique war cry at this time.

"Parasitic beast! Die!"

First-level sword, the sword of harmony.

In just one sword, the most perfect swordsmanship!

Before the long sword arrived, the sword energy had already fallen. The unparalleled sword energy shredded the bamboo hat supported by ordinary strips, revealing the golden, non-human-like animal pupils of the exiled immortal. In mid-air, Wang Qi and the Naxian's eyes met. I saw a golden light flash in the eyes of the exiled immortal, and the spiritual consciousness that was tempered like a divine weapon with thousands of hammers and forgings rushed out of his eyes.

The sword of extermination!

Wang Qi groaned, and felt that a sword pierced into his mind from the ancestral hole between his eyebrows, stirring fiercely, as if to destroy everything. But he completed the unity of the law and myself, and the magic power had the characteristics of the soul. The natural magic power with the head as the core immediately resisted, and while the sword that killed the soul was biting each other, it was iterating at a high speed, evolving the ability to specifically counter it. Wang Qi shook his head and woke up.

Mei Gemu was also surprised. His move only asked the soul and not the magic power, so it should not be offset by magic power. This is also his reliance on overcoming his own shallow magic power. But since Wang Qi overcame it, it can only mean one thing...

"It turned out that the law and I are the same!" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Please give me some monthly tickets and recommendation tickets QAQ The recommendation tickets this week are not strong QAQ

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