Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 173: Becoming famous, meeting

Wang Qi was not surprised at all that Turing was the first to stand up.

Because, on earth, the scholar who wrote "On Computable Numbers and Their Application to Determination Problems" is named Alan Turing - a peer of the real person Turing.

Wang Qi believes that even if he does not publish this paper, the monk will publish a similar paper in three to five years.

Of course, Wang Qi does not think that this is plagiarism - in fact, it is difficult to define this situation. Although there are certain similarities in the history of the two worlds, the real Turing is not the Alan Turing after all. In the history of the world, Turing did not have the inspiration to solve this decisive problem.

Moreover, as a physicist in Wang Qi's previous life, he was not bored enough to memorize the paper on undecidability. That paper was independently derived by Wang Qi himself, and most of it was Wang Qi's own original content.

But even so, Wang Qi still bowed respectfully to Master Turing: "I don't dare to take it seriously. If it weren't for me, Master Turing would be able to figure out this important truth in another three to five years.

Turing waved his hand: "That's not necessarily the case. I do have some ideas in this regard, but I am a loose person. I either spend time in the fantasy world of ten thousand immortals, or wander around Fuso. I am not as focused as many. Fellow Taoist. For me, you have saved me several years of hard work! And this is not a single point. Many of the logical problems in Ten Thousand Immortals Illusion can be solved by giving me another year... In less than half a year, I can update the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Immortals to another generation!"

Calculator is always based on logic.

Incomplete and undecidable are both major breakthroughs in the field of arithmetic logic.

How could such a breakthrough not lead to the development of calculators?

And what does the development of calculators mean? A comprehensive upgrade of the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Immortals!

A fantasyland of immortals. It is one of the biggest reliances of the Immortal Alliance at present. It can be said that if the Great Immortal Alliance is able to operate smoothly, this illusion of ten thousand immortals is indispensable.

It can be said that this is definitely one of the theories with the greatest practical significance in recent decades.

It might even start an era!

Suanjun's expression was a bit resentful. He felt that he had just said that Wang Qi's theory was useless, but the people here praised it loudly. This is really disrespectful to him. only. He is also quite interested in calculators. Anyway, no one here dared to laugh at him for being shameless, so he simply crossed the crowd and discussed it directly with Master Turing.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand set theory, he just opposes using set theory as the foundation of arithmetic and hates turning set theory into a word game. He still likes calculators.

And more people cast their eyes on Wang Qi.

"Bah bang bang."

After the first round of applause sounded. Only then came the second and third steps... more and more Xiaoyao monks began to applaud. The sparse applause gradually became one.

As Feng Luoyi said, whether they admit it or not, the history of arithmetic has opened a new page.

Just as their will cannot determine whether the sun rises from the east.

Arithmetic has entered a new era.

An era akin to the ethereal realm of physics.

Amidst the happy applause, Wang Qi walked back to his seat. At this time, he heard Feng Luoyi's message.

"Well done."

Apart from that, there are no other words. Feng Luoyi is indeed not very good at talking.

Wang Qi nodded and held his trembling hand.

At this time, he was so excited that he could not speak.

The conclusion of the paper is indeed not his. but. The process was independently obtained by Wang Qi, and the inspiration was also his own. how to say? This paper is not his biological son, at least it should be considered an adopted son, right?

Although he has long known the historical status of the undecidability theorem, is there any reason for him not to be excited?

Even for the "witness" alone, it is worth singing for three days!

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this. The second question and the tenth question... Now no one in Wan Dharma School will doubt that you can't break through the heavenly barrier, and the Nirvana Tribulation will most likely not be a problem for you. Now, let’s all guess how long it will take you to become enlightened and free.”

"Teacher is so complimentary..."

"I'm not complimenting you." Feng Luoyi shook his head and smiled: "After this small meeting, you will be the well-deserved number one in arithmetic and logic, and there will be no one better than you among your peers. Even among the 'seniors', I'm afraid there aren't many who can call you superior - of course, this cannot be a reason for you to despise your seniors!"

"Yes." Wang Qi nodded, still a little dizzy.

"In the future, if you have any plans, just submit the plan openly. As long as it does not violate the principles, the Immortal Alliance will support you. Whatever you want to do, just do it!"

This sentence brought Wang Qi back to reality. His eyes were shining - after saying so much, he finally had something substantial.

"So...the ban on Tianling Ridge is..."

"Only this is impossible." Feng Luoyi refused: "Don't even think about it."

Wang Qi's face immediately fell: "I just said I supported you..."

"This is not a trivial matter. You have only received the affirmation of my Wanfa Sect, but the matter in that area is mainly under the jurisdiction of Tianlingling." Feng Luoyi coughed twice: "However, don't worry about the problem of amending the law. As long as you can go through the normal procedures, someone will naturally help you promote the amendment. The Immortal Alliance will also set up a special project team to conduct research."

Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Data-based amendments are related to his path to the soul. Wang Qi can't help but care about the dimension.

And because data-based amendments are the path opened by Wang Qi himself, with the improvement of this amendment, various experiments are inevitable.

Feng Luoyi's words are equivalent to relieving Wang Qi's worries.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, you can leave." Feng Luoyi realized that this meeting had already gone off topic.

They came to discuss how to save the life of the master of calculation, not to listen to Wang Qi's report.

But now... the life of the master of calculation seems to be a little more dangerous.

If Wang Qi's incompleteness is equivalent to pouring a dose of Hedinghong into the master of calculation, then the incomprehensible is equivalent to adding two kilograms of arsenic. The great cause proposed by the master of calculation in the early years and the ideal he fought for half his life have been completely destroyed by Wang Qi's two mathematical principles.

Wanting this, Feng Luoyi felt that his head hurt a little more.

However, who made them all mathematicians? Faced with such a truth, is there any reason for them not to listen?

Thinking of this, he smiled bitterly and added: "Today's matter must be kept secret and not mentioned to anyone. Until I allow it. Do you understand?"

Wang Qi nodded, with a sincere face.

For some reason, Feng Luoyi was even more worried.

Wang Qi didn't know what Feng Luoyi was thinking now. He stood up, thought of many predecessors and apologized, and then left this illusion.

The discussion in the illusion was still fierce. Even Xiaoyao, the core of the Ge Ting faction, and the most hardcore supporter of the master of calculation, joined the discussion.

No one wanted to fall behind.

After noticing this general change, Feng Luoyi smiled.

——On the other hand, Wang Qi throwing out "undecidable" at this time is not without benefits. At least, it completely destroyed the persistence of those free and easy cultivators of the Ge Ting Sect, shattered the thoughts they relied on for decades and hundreds of years, and allowed them to officially break through this time.

If there was no "undecidable theorem", those free and easy cultivators might still regard "determinative proof" as the last straw, clinging to it tightly, and even hoping to find something that contradicts incompleteness to refute Wang Qi.

Of course, this is only a possibility. Feng Luoyi and Turing Zhenren, the geniuses who first got rid of the obstacles of past knowledge and views, actually vaguely judged the results of the determinative proof. If Wang Qi had not published the undecidable theorem today, they would have had a chance to do it after a while.

However, the "struggle" of these free and easy cultivators would only make Feng Luoyi feel troubled, thinking that there were many things that were difficult to perform, and it was possible that the master of calculation would see the clues.

Now Wang Qi didn't leave them any thoughts at all, which was just right.

Thinking of this, Feng Luoyi spoke up and stopped the discussion of many free and easy monks, saying: "Everyone, stop for a moment. Let's get back to our topic."

Except for Master Suan, many free and easy monks stopped discussing automatically. Originally, Master Suan Pang Jialai did not pay attention to Feng Luoyi's meaning. It's just that Master Turing, who was discussing with him, had stopped the topic, and he couldn't talk about it alone, so he had to give up.

Feng Luoyi looked around and said seriously: "Now, which Taoist friend has doubts about the incomplete principle and the undecidable principle?"

Even Ikeman, who was the most thorough in his thoughts, shook his head and said: "Amazing genius, I surrender."

"Then, everyone has no objection to my previous opinion, right?"

Feng Luoyi's original suggestion was to gradually change the thinking of the entire Goting Sect through the core monks of the Goting Sect, create an environment for thinking, and guide Master Suan in a certain direction.

The best way to create this "thinking environment" is to let all the free and easy monks of the Songting Sect follow the path that Wang Qi laid out several years ago, and prove the completeness of some axiom systems through methods such as transfinite induction, so that the master of calculation can see hope and understand that even if mathematics is incomplete, there are still complete axiom systems.

This way, the impact on him will be smaller.

Originally, Feng Luoyi was worried that the monks of the Songting Sect would be unruly and unwilling to accept this idea. However, Wang Qi's second paper has eliminated this possibility.

"After talking about the master of calculation, let's talk about the matter of the Immortal Alliance." After agreeing on the incomplete and undecidable things, Feng Luoyi's tone suddenly changed: "Everyone, the fifty-third exiled immortal has been confirmed." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update, please vote for the monthly ticket!

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