Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 164: Collapse of magical power

Wang Qi's consciousness was wandering in the collapsed Wanxian Fantasy. This time, what he felt was no longer the orderly sea of ​​information, but countless scattered information clusters. In Wang Qi's perception, these scattered information clusters were like the chaotic asteroid belt in the outer space, discrete and disordered, but connected by some invisible force.

That was the calculator that had not yet been physically disconnected from the Wanxian Fantasy.

Ninety thousand Yuliu mechanical butterflies flapped their wings together, and the total amount of spiritual energy that was even higher than the total mana of the Yuanshen period was extracted from the vacuum sea. Wang Qi's consciousness flowed in the opening and closing of the wings, merging these spiritual energy with his own consciousness and transforming them into his own mana. Then, these mana were injected into the large calculator in front of Wang Qi, and the large calculator transformed these mana into spiritual waves that could be used in the spiritual resonance, spreading Wang Qi's consciousness in the paralyzed network.


As soon as he entered the Wanxian Fantasy, Wang Qi felt the incomplete meaning of denial and collapse. The mana he injected into this virtual network all had a tendency to self-denial. However, the butterfly group that served as Wang Qi's second brain just flapped its wings, and the collapse was eliminated and corrected.

That was the manifestation of Gödel's incompleteness theorem in this network. In this world, the structure of the network is just imitating the soul of living beings, but the logic is not so strict, and many places are "naturally formed". The true meaning of Gödel's incompleteness theorem has broken all those "black boxes". In the network, all logical contradictions have erupted, and the entire network has collapsed directly.

This power can even extend to reality. However, those who can understand this true meaning must at least have the Yuanshen period or top Jindan with the cultivation of the spirit of separation and transformation. Wang Qi can naturally feel the terrible power. However, after he independently derived Gödel's incompleteness theorem, his own power and thoughts. Have long been baptized and reconstructed by this incompleteness, naturally not affected by this power.

In the entire Shenzhou, only Wang Qi could retain his consciousness in this collapsed Wanxian Fantasy.

It has nothing to do with realm, only logic.

At first, Wang Qi thought he could do something. After all, Feng Luoyi physically forced all large databases offline, and issued an evacuation warning, causing most Wanxian Fantasy users to go offline. This caused the power of Wanxian Fantasy to shrink temporarily.

But soon he found out. He actually couldn't do anything. Whether it was the two immortal-level calculators "mathematics" and "discrete", or the butterfly swarm comparable to a supercomputer, they were too small compared to the entire Wanxian Fantasy.

In this case, he didn't practice the golden elixir and think about "saving Teacher Feng" with a carefree mind. He began to let his consciousness quickly transmit in this network that had lost order, and reorganized the area he could see.

Countless Wanxiang Guawen were released from Wang Qi's body. These Wanxiang Guawen quickly merged into the Wanxian Fantasy. He began to rebuild a complete and unrejected logical core. Wang Qi intends to use this gadget as a link to reshape the Wanxian Fantasy around him.

If the Wanxian Fantasy in normal times is a peaceful and prosperous world with strict rules and measured behavior, then the Wanxian Fantasy now is undoubtedly a chaotic world with the collapse of rituals and music, with undercurrents surging, and if you are not careful, it will swallow the browser whole.

However, there are also benefits to chaotic times. At this time, all the usual rules have lost their power to maintain, and the secrets that were strictly guarded in the past have been exposed.

Of course, Wang Qi cannot hack into the database of the Immortal Alliance. Long before the Great Collapse, Feng Luoyi had already made physical isolation.

But for Wang Qi, his biggest gain was to experience the Great Collapse itself.

"So that's it, in this universe full of spiritual black boxes, this incomplete theorem has such an application!"

Wang Qi exclaimed, while expanding the "field" woven by his Wanxiang Guawen

This is not an easy job. Now, the entire Wanxian Fantasy is still full of negative power. If there is any logical incompleteness or incorrectness in the code of the domain built by Wang Qi, the entire system will be destroyed immediately. However, Wang Qi never tires of it. He keeps writing, is constantly rejected, and keeps building.

With each step forward in his work, Wang Qi will feel resistance several times greater than before. However, he still slowly expands his domain. Gradually, his domain begins to expand slowly.

This virtual domain is expanding in a network that has been broken into machine language. This is not a real space. The data that Wang Qi "expanded" also flowed into the central processor Wanxian Zhenjing as it still existed.

Soon, he suddenly felt that the resistance to his expansion disappeared.

Then, the virtual world that had broken into "sand" was being powerfully corrected and reshaped by the invisible hand.

A figure appeared in front of Wang Qi's consciousness, it was Feng Luoyi. But at this time, Wang Qi felt that the breath of this top free and easy person was not very good.

Wang Qi asked cautiously: "Teacher, are you okay now?"

"Not good at all." Feng Luoyi said in a bad tone: "After reading your paper, I feel that my last hundred years have been in vain. I am like a fool, doing some stupid things here... I even started to feel that you were right, I deserved to be laughed at by that bastard me..."

——The most important thing is that I discovered that I may never reach the realm of the great road.

Seeing that Feng Luoyi was in such a bad mood, Wang Qi consoled him: "Teacher, don't say depressing words. The so-called 'self-evident' is the enemy of the development of arithmetic!"

"Didn't you say that Suan is the Taoist, free and self-sufficient?"

"It's Taoism, but it's not learning." Wang Qi shook his head: "If it weren't for Master Ximen, I definitely wouldn't be able to realize this incomplete truth. It goes without saying that thinking about 'it will be done if it's right' is not Good attitude. We need to know 'what is right', but also 'why it is right' - or sometimes, the latter is even more important, just like today's fantasy. , we only knew 'how to use' before, but failed to construct it with strict logic..."

Feng Luoyi smiled bitterly: "Logic... arithmetic logic... haha..."

"Teacher, you are wrong. Although we have already touched upon the incompleteness of logic, logic is still sufficient in known fields! Moreover, there is a complete axiom system in terms of models..."

"Okay, okay, do you really think you have become a great master? Are you going to teach me a lesson?" Feng Luoyi interrupted Wang Qi, and then smiled bitterly: "It's perfect...if not for the last moment, recalling enough I may not be able to return to the complete sky-painting style..."


"Okay. Things here are strictly confidential for the time being. I will take care of it." Feng Luoyi wanted to wave Wang Qi away, but the hand he stretched out unconsciously patted Wang Qi's shoulder: " This time... well done."

Wang Qi shook his head: "Sorry..."

"There is nothing to be sorry for. As you said, even if we are considered Taoists, we can blame the Tao for not being in line with what we have in mind?" Feng Luoyi sighed: "Compared with Tao, what we old guys have established is A little bit of brilliance, not worth mentioning.”

"Go and celebrate after you go out. From now on, Wan Dharma Sect will definitely be your world."

Feng Luoyi asked Wang Qi to retreat, and then reorganized the network again.

Wang Qi returned to consciousness and found that it was less than ten minutes before he entered the network. This riot that spread throughout China actually only lasted a few minutes. The furious Xi had calmed down, but the aggressive and thin spiritual energy in the air made people feel very uncomfortable.

Chen Youjia grabbed Wang Qi's hand anxiously and asked, "What happened? What happened?"

"It's nothing. Teacher Feng... encountered a little problem." Wang Qi smiled and patted Chen Youjia on the head: "Compared to this, what should we have for dinner?"

Wang Qi really didn't dare to tell Chen Youjia about what happened just now. Although the girl's thoughts are more inclined to the neutral party that "disputes between sects and sects are purely boring", no one knows how the average mathematician will be stimulated after reading Gödel's incompleteness theorem.

This kind of "thundering" thing should be left to professionals!

Chen Youjia refused to admit it and knocked off Wang Qi's hand: "Speak clearly! Don't change the subject for me!"

Wang Qi shook his head and suddenly had the idea of ​​"trying a new magical power". He said to Chen Youjia: "Junior sister, throw a spell at me, anything."

"I'm sick." Chen Youjia threw a small spell casually, wondering what Wang Qi wanted to do.

Seeing a spell coming, Wang Qi stretched out his finger and swiped lightly, only to see that the spell immediately collapsed on its own.

Chen Youjia was shocked: "This... this is..."

She clearly felt that her spell suddenly fell into a state of self-contradiction, the forces inside attacked each other, and the spell structure was completely destroyed. Although this makes the spell tend to collapse, it is different from the entropy-increasing chaos power of the Tian Entropy Jue. Wang Qi didn't even use any special magic power.

What kind of power is this?

"The new magical power I just realized in the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Immortals." Wang Qi laughed: "Just now I was experimenting with my magical powers in the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Immortals with Teacher Feng... and then, accidentally... I killed the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Immortals. Ah, it seems."

Chen Youjia's eyes widened: "One...accidentally..."

"Yeah." Wang Qi nodded: "A genius like me..." (To be continued ~^~)

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