Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 160: Breakup? Incomplete statement!

Why is no one ever worried that someone will prove that "one plus one equals three"?

As far as human logic is concerned, no one can deny the possibility that one plus one equals three. But no one ever thought about this.

This strange "phenomenon" becomes more and more magical the more you think about it.

Wang Qi thinks that there may be two kinds of mathematics in the world. One is mathematics that has nothing to do with humans and exists objectively in the universe. The other is the mathematical system discovered and established by humans.

The mathematical systems discovered by humans are constantly getting closer to nature itself.

Therefore, there is no problem that mathematics is included in the system of "science".

The mathematics discovered by humans follows nature and is in line with nature, so it can be used to express laws at the physical level.

Human beings are not worried about "one plus one equals three", perhaps because they have never experienced the objective fact that "one plus one equals three" in the tens or hundreds of thousands of years they have known the world.

"In any case, arithmetic itself transcends human thinking. It is a close approach and is a Taoist thing, coexisting with heaven and earth." Wang Qi stood up again and said to Gou Dabao: "We never talk about mystery, because "Xuanzhiyouxuan" can't explain the truth behind it. If you want to follow this path to approach the way of heaven, just follow it."

After saying this, Wang Qi turned around and left this secret place.

Consciousness flows along the network of the fantasy world of immortals and returns to its original place. Wang Qi opened his eyes and left the calculator.

For some reason, he always felt a little depressed.

"Huh... I feel really nervous." Wang Qi kicked the floor. Then he walked back to his study, picked up a piece of paper, and wanted to write something, but for some reason, the pen stopped.

Chen Youjia appears. Hugging him gently: "Are you preparing what you are going to tell that banished immortal again?"

"No, thesis." Wang Qi felt his throat was a little stiff.

Chen Youjia noticed that something was wrong with Wang Qi's expression and asked, "What's wrong with you? Can't you figure it out?"

She didn't quite understand. No matter what papers Wang Qi wrote before, he rarely got stuck. It is said that the paper he published on the perfect law was also completed in one go, without any sluggishness. How could such a person be unable to write?

"Now. How about we go for a walk? Maybe we'll get some inspiration..."

Wang Qi shook his head. Looking at Chen Youjia: "Just a little hesitant."

"Hesitating?" Chen Youjia frowned: "What are you hesitating about?"

"I always feel that this is not very authentic...forget it, it's nothing." Wang Qi shook his head: "I was scared by myself."


"Do something unkind." Wang Qi smiled slightly and pushed Chen Youjia away: "Okay, okay, don't read here anymore. What I'm going to write about later is very - very - very shocking. It’s not good for you to scare Xiaojiajia!”

"Don't call me Xiao Jiajia!" Chen Youjia was furious: "I still have to see what you are writing."

"No, no, I can't show it to you." Wang Qi used his magic power to push Chen Youjia out of the room, then sealed the doors and windows with talismans, and whispered: "I don't know how many monks will become obsessed after seeing this. Well, how can I show it to you if I don’t find someone to try it first?”

Then, he picked up the pen and wrote these few characters on the paper——

"On the Formally Undecidable Statements and Related Systems in the Arithmetic Chapter of Volume 1 of "Wanfa Suanzang"

The title of this paper is particularly offensive. In the eyes of those who understand, it is a sharp knife.

A sharp knife pointed directly at the wrongdoer!

For Wang Qi. The publication of this paper almost represented the end of his friendly relationship with the Geting Sect and Feng Luoyi.

No, no, no, maybe when he was talking about those "reasons" with Gou Dabao, he was already breaking with the Ge Ting sect, right?

Even as lawless as he is, there is still a moment of hesitation.

On Earth, academic status is just that: academic status. But here, academic status is tied to something more. Some disputes. It will only be more intense than on earth.

What he has to face is not a certain authority, but a top school, including two top figures from many Xiaoyao, who occupy almost half of the Wanfa sect.

But so what?

After all, the Immortal Alliance is an academic organization, not a religious organization. As long as "that law" still holds true in this world, then its status is unshakable!

"It's time to appear in this world." Wang Qi took a deep breath: "Gödel's incomplete law..."

Gödel's incompleteness law is something that shatters the illusions of all mathematicians and breaks the sanctity of human mathematics in this world.

Mathematicians in the past all had this dream - "Under the premise of ensuring the consistency of mathematics, if there is also the completeness of mathematics, it means that any mathematical proposition can be proven or falsified." For any mathematical conjecture, no matter how difficult it is, as long as time passes and through the efforts of generations, we can always know whether the conjecture is correct and prove or falsify it.

In other words, in mathematics, through logic, one can know anything, it is just a matter of time.

Even if that goal is the "Tao", the "ultimate".

This is what is called "we must know, we will know."

But now, the two theories that Wang Qi is about to write will shatter this dream that still exists in China.

We can never prove that a complex set theory rule of more than one order is self-consistent.

Any compatible formal system cannot prove its own compatibility.

These are Gödel's two incomplete laws.

Human logic is actually not self-consistent.

We may never get to "there".

Wang Qi knew that the appearance of this paper would shake the entire Wanfa Sect. Countless monks would be afraid of this theory, and even afraid of its proposer.

Then, the reputation of the Ge Ting Sect, which had once taken care of Wang Qi's line, would inevitably plummet.

This is inevitable.

As for how many people would go astray because of the shaking of their Tao heart?

I guess it wouldn't be too few, right?

But Wang Qi had to write.

It was a long-destined thing for him to part ways with the Ge Ting Sect. Moreover, both emotionally and rationally, he really didn't want the master of calculation to lead a large group of top free-spirits to a direction that could never be said to be correct.

For him. Doing so can probably be regarded as liberating the labor of those powerful monks, so that they can turn their minds to some more correct and more beneficial directions for the whole of Shenzhou, right?

Moreover, Wang Qi now really needs fame.

Data-based law revision has the potential to create an era. And Wang Qi needs fame to promote it better and create an era. He wants to be a leader in the new era. For this plan, fame is necessary.

In addition, the great reputation of the Goting School actually hindered Wang Qi's plan and the development of mathematics in Shenzhou.

Wang Qi announced the ideas of the Bourbaki School as early as six or seven years ago. Now that such a long time has passed, his speech in Fuso should have spread with the reputation of the Goting School. However, the life of the Goting School. In turn, suppressed the growth of the ideas of the Bourbaki School in this world.

——Because the master of mathematics does not like this idea.

Wang Qi initially borrowed the east wind. Now the "east wind" has run out, and if it blows further, Wang Qi will be suppressed instead.

The achievements of the Bourbaki School are the cornerstones of many subsequent physical theories.

Therefore, Wang Qi must either change the Goting School or destroy its reputation.

Of course, even without these reasons, Wang Qi would publish this paper.

Because... he is a seeker of truth.

"It's just such a simple thing..." Wang Qi wrote this paper, and the expression on his face gradually changed from a bitter smile to a smile.

This time, Volume 1 of "The Calculation of All Laws" was the fuse for him to publish this theory. With this theory. Set theory has been standardized. The turning point of history can come.

And the ideas he intentionally or unintentionally taught when teaching with the exiled immortal... can probably be regarded as his warning to the monks of the Goting School.

——"Don't be scared by me."

Now, the time is ripe.

As the paper progresses, Wang Qi gradually develops some inexplicable changes.

He has completed the process of the law and self being one. There is no need for the soul to interfere with the magic power. All his thoughts are synchronously and truthfully reflected in the practice.

Long ago, he wrote down this theorem, which was a milestone in the history of mathematics, to prevent himself from forgetting it. But at that time, he just wrote it down without thinking deeply.

And at that time, Wang Qi was only in the middle stage of Qi training. It was completely different from the current stage of Dan formation.

So, the change began.

The cycle in Wang Qi's body, which had been self-contained and running endlessly, suddenly broke.

- Incomplete.

- Inconsistent.

The mana was cut off inch by inch, and it was difficult to continue. Wang Qi's mana system almost completely collapsed.

The white flame flashed on Wang Qi's body. Sensing that the system was out of order and Wang Qi was heading towards collapse, the flame of life was automatically activated in an attempt to save everything. However, the negative entropy flame that had been invincible before also began to collapse and could not be generated.

The flame of life is the embodiment of life. And life happens to be a complex system.

For any complex system, humans cannot assert that it is self-consistent.

Three purple rays popped out from Wang Qi's body. This power from the Ancient Dragon King has merged with Wang Qi, but it is still an independent individual. Now, Wang Qi's magic system is no longer enough to accommodate them.

Collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse...

Everything in Wang Qi is self-destructing.

——However, the view that "all axiom systems are incomplete" is just a misunderstanding of Godel's incompleteness theorem.

The collapse stopped at the last line.

Then, the ring on Wang Qi's hand and the shoulder armor on his shoulder began to glow.

[Detected condition B]

[Execution, plan Yin]

For a monk, thinking about things that are inconsistent with his own practice is very dangerous. Especially for a monk who has completed the unity of the law and the self, if his thoughts conflict with the practice, it may cause the whole line of the magic system to collapse, and he will die.

Wang Qi's practice was created by himself, but its foundation was from his predecessors. It contains concepts that contradict incompleteness.

Since he already knew the danger, how could Wang Qi not make a plan? (To be continued ~^~)

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