Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 36: You monkey, I heard you hate thunder?

Mao Zimiao quickly pounced on the demonic ape, lightly stamped a piece of paper on its back, and hurriedly jumped to the side to avoid the opponent's attack. The demon ape roared again and again, speeding up its speed, hoping to catch this hateful half-demon.

Gibbons and cats both rely on agility to make a living. The speed of the Grimace is still higher than that of Mao Zimiao, but after Mao Zimiao unfolds his movements, the flexibility of his footwork is better than that of the Grimace, which makes the situation somewhat deadlocked.

At the beginning, Mao Zimiao relied on the basic series of martial arts taught by Xianyuan with every punch and kick. But soon, her movements included scratching movements that were not part of the basic series.

This is not a suitable attack method for human fingers.

Mao Zimiao obviously also discovered this. The cat-eared girl consciously wanted to correct this, but how could her thoughts about her child's battle be nothing more than a distraction? Whenever she wanted to correct her movements, the rhythm of her movements would always be half a beat slower, and the consequence of this was that she was almost hit by the monster ape several times.

The evolution of "Tian Yan Tu Lu" inspired her bloodline, not only bringing her faster speed and stronger strength, but also stronger instinctive reactions.

At this moment, Su Junyu's voice came to her ears: "Let go and fight. Don't stick to basic martial arts."


Mao Zimiao was confused for a moment. At this moment, the demon ape's claws swept her shoulders, and the huge force took her flying out. Mao Zimiao relied on the powerful sense of balance of a feline to adjust his limbs in mid-air, and used both palms to hold down the demon ape's second blow.

Su Junyu shook his head slightly and continued to transmit the voice into the secret: ""Tian Yan Tu Lu" is a practice that can evolve. No matter what the practitioner's situation is, it can evolve into the most suitable form. For you, the algorithm is the best The basic martial arts of Jie Tui performance is just Wu Qin Xi, which is more effective, and it is difficult to integrate it into your own system. However, if you combine your own nature with Tian Yan's mental method, and then use Tian Yan's way and the way of living beings. It is more promising to understand the Tao behind one’s own nature.”

"Meow?" Mao Zimiao was confused. But soon, the doubts in her heart were replaced by excitement - just letting go and fighting, doesn't it mean that you can fight however you want?

Mao Zimiao no longer hesitated, jumped around behind the Ghost-faced Ape, and grabbed it with one claw.

On the other side, the other Ghost Faced Ape that was fighting Wang Qi was in a much more embarrassed state. Several pieces of the fur on its body were burned, and there was a burning smell from a distance. The electric light on Wang Qi's body flashed, causing the demon ape to become frightened and angry.

Wang Qi possesses the Heavenly Entropy Art. This miraculous skill comes from thermodynamics, and it can achieve extremely high temperatures without repairing fire. Wang Qi's seemingly harmless palm might have the terrifying power of melting gold and eliminating iron. The demon ape suffered from this, and suffered several thermodynamic attacks, so that it did not dare to fight with Wang Qi.

As for the electric light, it is the result of Wang Qi's use of Tiange Xing. Wang Qi just liked to think that Su Junyu seemed to have said that this kind of monster beast and the thundering giant horned deer of the thunder attribute dislike each other. The two animals in front of them sent monkey brains thousands of miles this time because they felt the electricity released by Wu Shiqin. Although he didn't quite understand why monkeys and deer, two seemingly incomparable creatures in the food chain, fell in love and killed each other, he got an important message.

"Wuna Hericium, I heard that you hate thunder?"

Tiangexing is so confused!

Soon, Wang Qi used all the electromagnetic wave skills such as electric discharge, elemental magnetism, electromagnetic field, etc. These little tricks can't be compared to arithmetic, but it's good to disgust enemies! Then, Wang Qi confirmed that the Demonic Ape hated the electromagnetic wave power of a certain frequency. This kind of electromagnetic wave mana looks like this kind of electric light!

As for the material wave that Wang Qi initially said was going to blind the opponent's face, Wang Qi rarely used it. The Elephant Phase Wave Kung Fu is so lethal that if you are not careful, it will cause an instant death attack. If you violate some painful rules like the Fairy Alliance's Wild Monster Protection Law and have your merit points deducted, you won't even be able to cry.

Just then, an accident happened. An earth-shattering ape cry sounded behind Wang Qi. The monster ape that was fighting with Mao Zimiao had been caught with wounds and was bleeding. The demon ape was in extreme rage. He actually used his innate magical power to beat the bottom of the box!

The ape's cry reached his ears, and Wang Qi felt that his head was stabbed hard by several steel needles. Wu Shiqin and Wu Fan, who were far away, also felt dizzy. Mao Zimiao, who faced the blow directly, was even more unbearable. The half-demon girl's head turned black and she actually fell down from the tree.

Among the five people present, the only one who remained awake was Su Junyu, a foundation-building monk. Su Junyu held a card in his hand. If Mao Zimiao was really injured, he would rescue him.

Although this will cause Wang Qi's mission to fail and the goal of obtaining merit points in a short time will not be achieved. But in Su Junyu's view, this failure was purely due to the immaturity of the participants. The root of this problem still lies in Wang Qi's careless selection of people. It would not be a bad thing for Wang Qi to mature after such an episode.

Seeing the enemy fall in front of him, the demon ape roared loudly and pounced. Su Junyu raised his hand slightly, ready to save people. At this time, he felt something and frowned slightly.

At this moment, several invisible blades swept across the battlefield, arriving first and striking the monster ape. Then, a flash of blood appeared, and the demon ape's body was struck with several deep wounds visible to the bone!

The grim-faced ape that was facing Wang Qi hadn't reacted yet. When he saw the enemy, he suddenly turned around and swung his claws with all his strength in excitement. Wang Qi didn't look back. He used the geometry book to outline the rough moves of his opponent, and then pointed with his backhand. A phase wave blade as thick as a thumb shot towards the demon ape's shoulder. This time, one of the demon ape's arms was almost removed.

In just one moment, Wang Qi turned the tide of the battle! What Xi Baiche said is absolutely correct. During the Qi training period, Wang Qi was able to defeat all monks at the same level just by relying on the characteristics of this technique.

Su Junyu knew the purpose of this technique and was extremely shocked. He murmured to himself: "The elephant is invisible and everything is a wave... Can the Qi training chapter of the Elephant Phase Wave Technique really be practiced during the Qi training period?"

The two demonic apes knew how powerful they were and were seriously injured, so they let out several mournful cries, turned around and ran away. Wang Qi did not pursue him, as if the Immortal Alliance had rules. Lai Lai himself did not need to hunt monsters to obtain materials. Third Lai, he had to confirm Mao Zimiao's situation.

Wang Qi jumped to Mao Zimiao. The innate magical power of the Ghost Faced Ape is aimed at the soul. The half-demon girl only had a shock in her soul and temporarily fainted. When Wang Qi woke her up, the half-demon girl showed a silly smile: "Osaki... meow, I feel dizzy. …”

Wang Qi sighed and pinched Mao Zimiao's ears: "Okay, let me help you wake up."


Continuing to act cute, could you please give me a recommendation?

By the way, Baidu ID has created a post bar for Pindao’s works for the book friends of Wandering Spring Bugs. I’m so touched! Interested book friends may wish to go to Shui Yi Shui

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