Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Article 153 The significance of proof

In the days that followed, Wang Qi passed through the Fantasy of Ten Thousand Immortals three times to reach the secret place where Gou Dabao was. Each time he entered through a secret route. Out of curiosity, Wang Qi once wanted to locate the calculator in the secret place along his access path, and then find the location of Gou Dabao. However, he soon discovered that the route was protected by the highest level of encryption. If Wang Qi wanted to hack in, he would definitely be caught by Feng Luoyi.

When Wang Qi met Gou Dabao for the fourth time, it was only more than half a month since he first met him. However, in this half month, Gou Dabao had completed the waste of power and foundation building.

It was the bronze fairy maiden law foundation of the upper second grade, with Yaoding Suanjing as the foundation and Turing machine theory as the basic structure.

At the same time, he had cultivated the Tianyan Tulu to a considerable level. Although the law foundation was not built, the strands of Tianyan Qi meridians had penetrated into the cells, recreating meridians outside the eight extraordinary meridians and twelve regular meridians, forming a self-circulating cycle.

The exiled immortal was perfect in the control of magic power. Ordinary cultivators could not match it at all. Their spiritual awareness is also more acute and stronger than that of ordinary cultivators. Since the main part of their way of thinking is not the "personality" on the surface, but the inner immortal consciousness. For the exiled immortals, "personality" is just a "shadow". As long as the inner immortal consciousness is not distorted, the outer "appearance" can be restored instantly even if it is destroyed. Therefore, the rule of "the higher the magic power, the stronger the inner demon" does not exist for them. Only in the early stage of cultivation, ordinary cultivators can't compare with the exiled immortals at all.

Take the speed of promotion for example. If it weren't for Mi's help, if he wasn't crazy enough, Wang Qi would have to honestly follow the time limit of "six years of foundation building".

This is something that can't be envied.

Seeing Gou Dabao's progress, Wang Qi couldn't help but sigh: "Amazing."

"This is normal." Unexpectedly. Gou Dabao, who was not interested in anything, actually replied. He looked at Wang Qi, his eyes flashing with an inexplicable brilliance: "I heard from those people that you are actually a banished immortal?"

Wang Qi frowned: "Who told you?"

This ghost place is extremely confidential, and the illusion is self-contained and not directly connected to the Wanxian Illusion. Only a few winding transfer lines are left to report the progress of the experiment. Wang Qi really didn't think that Gou Dabao could get information from the outside through the Wanxian Illusion.

Gou Dabao said: "It's a few... a few old guys here. One of them heard that you are also a banished immortal. He said he wanted to see what kind of person you are, that you can accomplish something that a modern cultivator cannot accomplish in a lifetime in a few years as a banished immortal."

"They actually told you this? It's incredible. I thought they would be colder to you."

"Do you know? This place is within the attack range of a free and easy cultivator from the Heavenly Sword Palace. And the Heavenly Sword aimed at here is much more powerful than what you can see in Shenzhou. With one sword, it will annihilate all directions. Those who are willing to stay here with me are not evil people." Gou Dabao stared at Wang Qi: "Let's talk about you. I think. You do look a bit like him."

Wang Qi sighed: "Actually... it's just a misdiagnosis. I just look like a banished immortal in some aspects."

"Is that so." The light in Gou Dabao's eyes dimmed a little: "I really thought you looked like a banished immortal at first. Temperament, you really have that kind of temperament... but it's very faint."

"Temperament..." Wang Qi laughed. He is now one with me, and his inner thoughts can be directly transformed into external temperament. And the data-based cultivation law can project this temperament completely through the illusion of all immortals: "Feeling alienated from the world?"

"Indeed." Gou Dabao looked at Wang Qi deeply: "It seems that you have had past events that you can't bear to look back on..."

"I don't think there is anything wrong with it." Wang Qi said expressionlessly: "To be honest, every person who can be called a 'genius' has this mentality to a greater or lesser extent. For example, Tai Tianzun, he has said that he has had a sense of loneliness of 'isolation from the world' more than once."

"Alienation and alienation, loneliness and loneliness are also different." Gou Dabao said: "Tai Tianzun, there are other geniuses. The reason why they feel alienated from others is simply because the whole world can't catch up with them. They always yearn for the emergence of fellow travelers in their hearts, hoping that my way is not lonely. But I am different. I have this feeling for no reason. I don't even want someone to break this barrier and be with me. The same world. "

Wang Qi was surprised: "Is this your idea?"

Gou Dabao nodded and shook his head: "This is 'his' idea. 'He' thinks so, so I can only think so."

When Gou Dabao finished speaking, he looked at Wang Qi again: "And you, although you have this temperament. However. This temperament is actually very weak. All the negative emotions in your heart are covered by a sense of optimism. Although the mind has not reached perfection, it is no longer confused. If you find inspiration and enlightenment, I am afraid you can become a Buddha right away. Even if you are really like me, just a banished immortal, you can go on. "

Wang Qi shook his head: "My practice does not pay attention to this."

"Yes, I forgot." Gou Dabao shook his head: "But then again, this is not a method of practice, it's just a way of expression. It is not contradictory to the essence of your modern immortal way-don't look at me like this, in fact, I have a very accurate view of this aspect. Of course, it is also thanks to 'him'. "

Wang Qi was a little concerned about a certain issue: "Speaking of which, you just kept emphasizing 'him'..."

"I don't want to admit that I am 'him', so I keep saying it over and over again." Gou Dabao said calmly: "I don't have much ability. The only thing I can use is my perseverance."

Gou Dabao, a banished immortal, always looked as if he was dead and remained silent before. Don't talk to Wang Qi at all except when necessary. Unexpectedly, he would now have a few more words with Wang Qi because of Wang Qi's status as an immortal. Wang Qi felt that this was an opportunity, so he temporarily added a few questions: "Gou Dabao, I have a few more questions. I hope you can answer them."

"Oh." Gou Dabao nodded, still looking uninterested: "Ask."

"What's the biggest obstacle to your practice of modern law?" Wang Qi pondered his words and asked this question: "Although I have received reports that you think they... well, that they have no spirituality, Nonsense. But I want to know what it feels like.”

"It's not what I think, it's what 'he' thinks." Gou Dabao seemed to be particularly concerned about this matter. He pointed at his heart and corrected Wang Qi, and then continued: "When you say 'specific'... how specific do you want it to be?" ?”

"How specific is it...how specific is it..." Wang Qi thought for a while and said, "Let's take the 'Yao Ding Sutra' as an example."

"Yao Ding Sutra..." Gou Dabao frowned first, and then said: "In 'his' opinion, Yao Ding Sutra is probably the worst cultivation method. It's mechanical, rigid, and has no spirituality. Word."

"Mechanical stiffness? No spirituality?" Wang Qi frowned: "Does it mean that it has few changes? What about the more popular technique of Wanfamen, Yi Bi Calculation Sutra?"

"Yi Bi's calculation of scriptures? Ridiculous."

Wang Qi scratched his head: "Well, can you explain specifically why it is ridiculous?"

Gou Dabao said: "'He' doesn't know why you want to delve into some 'self-evident' issues, and why you want to develop some weird and meaningless concepts for some self-evident issues."

"It has no practical significance?" Wang Qi was puzzled: "But those methods have really been turned into laws that can be used?"

"But 'he' believes that what really supports those laws is not your empty and tangled concepts, but other things."

Wang Qi lowered his head and pondered: "It seems that the ideological differences here are really serious."

"To be more specific... let's just take that sentence, the 'On Wandering Chapter' of Yi Bi Suan Jing." Gou Dabao said: "'False refers to two numbers to make them into business, and the formula is two'... The beginning and the point of the chapter on falsehood. Is there any truth to this step? What is the meaning of a false assertion?

Wang Qi scratched his face: "This...this is obviously very meaningful..."

Yi Bi Suan Jing·On Wrong Chapter is a demonstration of irrational numbers. When applied to the practice of law, it is the true meaning of martial arts that is ‘unfounded’. When medieval mathematicians demonstrated irrational numbers, they used the method of reductio ad absurdum. In earthly terms, it can be restated like this - "Presuppose two numbers p and q, and the square of their ratio p/q is and, that is, we can get (p/q)^2=2, p^2=2q ^2. In other words, if p^2 is an even number, then p must also be a purchase book. Then there must be an integer x such that p=2x..."

And this whole process, from the beginning to the conclusion, is all falsehood, all falsehood, and all fallacy. However, it points to the answer to a practical question?

How confusing and ridiculous is this?

"If this doesn't make sense, then won't it be true that 'the hook square plus the stock square is equal to the string square' soon won't be true?" Wang Qi asked Gou Dabao.

"The Pythagorean Theorem...shouldn't it be self-evident?"

Wang Qi slapped his head. He got it. This is probably the attitude of the guy in front of me towards arithmetic. He likes to skip explanations and rely on experience and intuition to complete the process and achieve results. For them, the so-called explanation is - "Infinite Heavenly Lord! This matter is over. Please take a closer look, fellow Taoist." [Look! This has been done! 】

But as a mathematician, this kind of thinking is simply inexcusable.

Suddenly, a strange thought flashed through Wang Qi's mind: "Brother."


"As of now, it is your subjective will that really determines your body's actions, right? That immortal is more like a rule. As long as you don't cross a certain standard, you won't even feel the immortal in your body. will?"

Gou Dabao hesitated and nodded.

"In other words, if I can make you develop some new concepts that do not violate the concepts of immortals, then you might be able to get a glimpse of the true secret of Wanfamen's practice!" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Monthly ticket...recommended ticket...

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