Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 58 The King in Yellow

When Nie Tianren arrived at the scene, the situation was already under control - at least that's what it looked like.

Han Tao, the Nascent Soul cultivator of Huangji Tiandao, was hanging weakly. Many important points including Dantian were driven into forbidden steel needles, and even his Nascent Soul was locked with heavy soul-binding chains. The most surprising thing is his abdomen - at this moment, his abdomen is more terrifying than that of a pregnant woman in labor. The monk's body is strong, so he doesn't have to worry about his life.

Nie Tianren looked at this young man whom he had always been very optimistic about with disgust. This guy is very ambitious and a good prospect. But now, this good seedling actually had tears in his eyes and was still crying weakly.

——"I don't want to eat shit..."

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

Nie Tianren's angry roar spread throughout the ruins.

While roaring, the majesty of the emperor appeared.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators who were holding Han Tao trembled in their hearts and replied: "We don't know either. After Junior Brother Han came back, he went crazy for some reason and just ate dirt here..."

"Eat dirt? Eat dirt?" Nie Tianren grabbed Han Tao and turned his mind away. He used the Emperor Qi mana cultivated by the supreme heart method of the Emperor's Splitting Heaven to carry his "ten thousand people above the sky" The royal nobility invades the opponent's body. This magic power lasted for a few seconds, and it passed through the ban as quietly as the spring breeze turned into rain, and patrolled Han Tao's body.

He didn't know that on the ground at this moment, Wang Qi's eyes lit up and he laughed softly: "Okay, I've bitten the hook."

Emperor Qi continued to circulate in Han Tao's body. There is a saying that "the emperor goes out to patrol the gods and ghosts to rectify the changes." No matter what kind of curse it is, as long as it encounters Huang Ji's overbearing technique of splitting the heaven, it will be "broken". No evil method can raise its head in front of this supreme aura, and all filth will be washed away.

However, Nie Tianren felt nothing.

The Divine Plague Curse is a piece of thinking built using mathematical means, which is similar to the principle of nerve signals. It's not a spell. It is not an inner demon, there is no essential difference between it and ordinary thoughts in the field of magic.

During Nie Tianren's inspection, it was found that this disciple had not been affected by illusions or invaded by external demons. He wants to eat shit, it's like he was born with it.

Saying "this is impossible" no longer makes any sense. Heretics always have some weird spells. Nothing they do is surprising.

However, there is another thing that Nie Tianren is very concerned about: "Why is Han Tao's body empty of essence and only a little bit of mana left?"

Everyone shook their heads: "Perhaps it was consumed in the battle?"

In fact, this Han Tao did not engage in too fierce a fight. His mana didn't consume much. The reason why this happens. It was entirely because of the inner demon curse that took away his power. transformed into itself. And when the inner demon curse is in a state of divine power, it is difficult to be perceived.

Nie Tianren didn't feel anything. He shook his head and withdrew his magic power. He ordered: "Don't we still have a living one on hand? Ask for a solution. If not, then use the two living ones as hostages and exchange the solution with the other one!"


Little did they know that it was actually too late to ask for a solution.

on the way. Han Tao has already infected twenty or thirty Jindan monks through indirect methods. They are the weakest and can be solved only by the radiation effect of the inner demon spell. Then there are the six Nascent Souls. The first person who fought with Han Tao to prevent Han Tao from eating dirt, the two people who held Han Tao back to seal the power in his body, and the three people who tried to save Han Tao. There is a direct exchange of mana between these six Yuanying monks and Han Tao, so there is also a strong inner demon power lurking in their bodies.

Then, the distracted monk Nie Tianren also had a weak inner demon power in his body.

The harvest this time was really great.

The inner demon network can steal the perceptions of others. Wang Qi can already know what is going on underground.

"Then, let's start."

On the ground, Wang Qi smiled and lightly drew his fingers in the void. It seems like the phone screen saver is turned on.

The Divine Plague spells "Famine" and "Shit Bar" are like some shameless background bundled download software, following the inner demon curse and falling into everyone's mind.

A strange atmosphere suddenly appeared among the ancient practitioners. The few normal people suddenly found that the fellow disciples around them had strange expressions. There are a few people with bad character who stare directly at the dirt. Even Nie Tianren, a great monk in the distraction stage, had eyes twinkling.

The first person to set off a frenzy was a Golden Core Stage cultivator from Tianshu Tower. He looked at the dirt floor. He murmured: "This uncle is eating dirt so hard, is it because the dirt in this forbidden area has some evil-fighting effect?"

"Absurd!" His division commander immediately came out and yelled.

But another monk who was cursed retorted: "This is the place where the 'purifying messenger' is banned. Maybe the stone has some magical effects?"

"How is that possible?" Nascent Soul monk from Wushuang Sword Sect retorted. He was one of the two Nascent Soul cultivators who locked up Han Tao. He had the greatest contact with Han Tao and was deeply cursed. His eyes flickered, and he stretched out his hand to pick off a piece from the rock wall of the ruins: "I'll show it to you. This is just an ordinary broken stone, there is nothing magical about it... Ouch, still, still..."

It’s quite delicious…

Even if a Yuanying cultivator does not deliberately practice physical training, his mana will strengthen the molecular connections within his body to another level. The renovated demon clan ruins were built tens of millions of years ago. The main functional part is deeper underground, and the part on the ground is just ordinary rock. For a Yuanying cultivator, this thing is just a harder cake.

However, it tastes more like pine candy.

The Yuanying cultivator couldn't help but think of the time when he had not yet entered the Tao. There was very little land overseas, and the whole family could not eat enough. However, on his birthday, his mother would give him a kind of sugar dew collected from branches. At that time, it was one of the few sweet things in the distant sea area...

Saliva kept pouring out of the mouth of this rough man. Unconsciously, he swallowed the stone. He couldn't help but pick up the second piece and said to others: "It looks like there is some spiritual power. But it should not be able to break evil and curses."

Under that memory that he himself almost forgot, he ate three stones.

This time, several Jindan stage cultivators who were hit by magic could no longer hold back. They all let go of their reserve and hurriedly ran to the stone wall, holding the stone. The weaker ones who were not good at physical training squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil.

A Yuanying cultivator who was not cursed was very curious. He grabbed a little soil and put it in his mouth, but it only caused a strong nausea.

Among those who were cursed, Nie Tianren was the only one who realized the truth.

The more disgusting it is, the sweeter it is.

The more inedible it is, the more delicious it is.

The more smelly it is, the more fragrant it is.

No… No no no no no!

Nie Tianren silently recited the Qingxin Mantra in his heart, but found that he could not get rid of this desire. He did not join the group of half-crazy Xiaojindan, but dug deep into his heart.

Then, he saw the ugly desire that almost made him collapse.

"Don't eat it."

The deterrent power of the distraction period is still sufficient. When he was born, most people stopped moving. Only one Jindan cultivator was so absorbed in eating that he was holding a stone in his hand and putting it into his mouth.

Nie Tianren tapped his finger lightly and took the life of the Jindan cultivator without hesitation. The Jindan cultivator's body, which was as hard as steel, immediately shattered into slag like weathered straw paper in front of this casual finger. Nie Tianren scolded in a low voice: "You have been cursed! You have been ambushed! Don't you understand? You are eating stones and mud now, which is what the enemy wants! Hold it back!"

His words would have been a good medicine if there was no Heart Demon Curse. The Heart Demon Curse is not something that can be overcome by perseverance. Because the more you endure, the more paranoid you become, and the Dao Heart Pure Yang Curse will breed. And leaning towards a false sense of beauty, deceiving yourself that nothing is wrong, will trigger the Thousand Illusion Divine Curse.

And now, everyone has a trace of fear of unknown spells in their hearts. The Five Plagues General Curse goes straight in, expanding this little heart demon infinitely.

Anyone will have a trace of fear of the unknown. If it is a cultivator who can follow his heart, he can destroy such distracting thoughts with a turn of wisdom. However, now there are three demonic curses waiting in the wings.

These ancient cultivators can no longer reverse the situation.

After temporarily stabilizing the situation, Nie Tianren sat cross-legged, activated the emperor's immortal heart, sat in the central palace, and no one dared to disobey him, subduing all distracting thoughts. His consciousness was completely placed on his own magic power, hoping to find the source of the spell. He is a cultivator in the spirit separation stage, and his thoughts can already be combined with his magic power. Now, he is the only one who may be able to break free from the grip of the demonic curse.

However, how could Wang Qi, who has prepared everything, give him this opportunity?

Although he is up there now, don't forget that the essence of the "Yellow King" is a god, the body of the god is the system, and the human body is its human-machine interface. This interface can appear anywhere in the system.

A joyful and piercing flute sounded. The white spell light emerged out of thin air, then transformed into a colorful light, condensing into a flute in the air. Then, there are the "claws" formed by the tentacles. Two "claws" connect this ugly body. However, those ancient cultivators can't see it, because the yellow clothes block the ancient cultivators' detection.

The current Yellow King has obtained the power of dozens of golden elixirs and six Yuanying, and his strength has soared again. Compared with the time when he fought with Han Tao, he is more than six times stronger.

"Who are you?" Nie Tianren frowned, seeming to be very confused: "A god? Why do you want to be in the same boat with the outsiders?"

Wang Qi heard this and controlled the Yellow King to vibrate the air and let out a harsh laugh: "Be in the same boat? Who is more dirty than me?"

Just the sound contains the power of the heart demon, which makes the listener's heart demons grow!

"There is a stele in the Middle Earth, which is nameless and temporarily called the Yellow Book. Read it to my palace." The Yellow King sang a terrible ballad in a vulgar tone. He laughed loudly and said, "My real body is on the earth star of the Pleiades in the Pleiades cluster. Wang Qi summoned me here with a yellow document."

"I am the master of the deep sky sea of ​​stars, and I am having fun in a distant place..."

"I am indescribable!" (To be continued ~^~)

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