Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 56: The Stamp of Thought: Damn Liang Feifan

That kid is a monster. Run away, run away...

Only the living can be kings and hegemons.

Keep the green hills.

"Can't win."

Han Tao ran away as fast as he could. Most of the monks in Yuanhai worked their way up from the bottom step by step, but as a Nascent Soul stage monk, he is still a figure who can stand alone. He had not done this for a long time.

However, that Jinfa monk made him retreat and run away!

The supreme heart is broken, and it is unknown whether an emperor's immortal heart still exists. The mind is swaying like a broken candle, and the inner demons are like the shadow under the wind candle, arising and dying at any time.

Maybe that heretic is very good at the magic of inner demons or illusions. But it doesn't matter, because he knows that he will not be able to maintain his combat effectiveness in a short time.

Things like spirit and will cannot be explained simply. Perhaps in the eyes of some people, he just chose a life-saving strategy, but he himself knew that his pride had been shattered, and his hand could no longer control the sword that wished to conquer the world and declare himself a prince.

Because, at the moment when the Dao Heart Pure Yang Curse system shut down and part of the inner demon curse power returned to the state of divine power, his spiritual consciousness resumed its function. Wang Qi did not hide it and fully revealed his Qi.

It’s really the foundation building period.

With only weak magic power in the late stage of foundation building, when faced with the three Nascent Souls joining forces, they captured two people alive and then scared away one person.

"Absolutely, we can't win..."

but. Even though his self-esteem was shattered, there was still a little bit of sanity left. Han Tao still cautiously flew quickly at low altitude. After making several turns to make sure that no one was following him, he secretly returned to the hidden entrance to the ruins. Then use illusion to cover it up.

During this process, he didn't realize that there was an additional thought in his mind.

This was the result of Wang Qi twitching his fingers in the distance. With the "backdoor" and "port" already created, releasing the Divine Plague spell is easier than breathing. For him, will is just a set of algorithms. It is really simple to add some "function" without considering stability and efficiency. Sometimes, he even plans to take action on his own consciousness. Get yourself closer to your ideal state. he thinks. This is actually the same as self-cultivation, but it saves more time.

The only reason why he has not taken action now is that the Divine Plague Curse is too violent and deadly, difficult to control, and the technical means are not ideal. After all, things like spirit and will cannot be explained simply.

And now. He is forcing Han Tao to think:

--I'm hungry.

Monks in the foundation building stage can no longer rely on food and drink to provide bioenergy. In order to get rid of the influence of lust, the ancient method advocates fasting. As a Yuan Ying cultivator in the ancient method, Han Tao has not had this idea for a long time.

It was probably a matter of life and death, so I had this idea.

--I'm hungry. I want to eat……

Although liberating appetite is equivalent to giving in to desire. However, after this catastrophe, after returning home, let's celebrate by eating three big bowls of rice... using the spiritual rice smuggled from China before death.

Han Tao thought so.

Poor him, he still doesn't know that what he wants to eat is not just rice.


After finishing his thinking, Wang Qi walked happily in the jungle of Longwu Island. It seems that he is looking forward to the moment when the results of the victory are accepted. However, he also knew that this kind of thing could not be rushed.

The viruses most likely to exterminate species are not those that are immediately fatal, but those that have a long enough incubation period and are just lethal.

Wang Qi walked along and took in the scenery. This was his first close-up observation of the ecology of overseas islands, and everything seemed new to him. Most of the trees here are from the palm family. But the trees are strange. Not only are they not as straight and straight as ordinary palms, but they are crooked. Some trees are very thick. Some are so low and branched that they become almost shrubs.

Wang Qi had never thought that there was such a palm shrub in the world!

There are even more types of lichens, mosses and the like on the ground. In addition to the common green on the road, Wang Qi has already seen a bright red, a purple and a light blue.

After walking for a while, Wang Qi suddenly stopped and asked, "Azmiao?"


Wang Qi sighed helplessly: "Although it's interesting to see new species, it's boring if you don't talk to me!"

"Eh?" Mao Zimiao smiled and said, "No! The spiritual plants on this island are very interesting and interesting. If I can bring them back, maybe I can get a large reward for discovering new species, meow!"

Wang Qi stared at Mao Zimiao and said, "Do you think my method just now was excessive? It looked like a demonic monk?"

"No meow! No!" Mao Zimiao shook his head fiercely: "I am also a monk in Tianling Ridge, so I still have some academic qualities!"

Wang Qi hit Mao Zimiao on the forehead with a knife: "Stop lying in front of me, you stupid cat! When you find out that you have hundreds or even thousands of merit points, will you have this expression?"

Mao Zimiao covered her head, feeling a little aggrieved: "Meow..."

Wang Qi shook his head: "Forget it. What I just used is indeed a forbidden technique. As a monk of Tianling Ridge, it's normal for you to be uncomfortable with it... Really. But let me explain, I don't usually use it like this. drastic measures."

The inner demon curse cannot be removed, but its effects can be offset. Wang Qi even hopes that one day, all mankind will be able to use the inner demon spell that removes negative effects. However, it is indeed a bit cruel to take away a person's entire soul and vitality to build an inner demon system.

Wang Qi thought of Ai Qinglan's merciless punch again, turned around and left.

Forget it, Tianlingling has this kind of character - really, one less friend.

Mao Zimiao was behind him and said in a low voice: "Although...it's really a bit like a demon, but Xiaoqi, you are not that kind of person. Moreover, Shiqin is still in their hands and they want to rescue her, as well as Senior Brother Ai. . It’s not okay to use drastic measures. Also, I know that you hate Gufaxiu because of your hometown... If the same thing happened to me, it might be even more extreme..."

Wang Qi turned around in surprise: "You don't mind if I destroy the soul?"

Mao Zimiao blinked: "When I first entered the sect, I didn't know how many mice I had to dissect every day..."

Wang Qi raised his forehead: "I almost forgot..."

On earth, no means can prove that "soul" is a material thing. It is also impossible to explain why this material thing is necessary if it exists. Therefore, on Earth, "soul" in most contexts is by default equated with "thinking" and "consciousness."

However, in this universe, the soul is material. After Jinfaxian Dao revealed the nature of the soul and the truth about the tribulation, the soul no longer possesses the sacredness. No one cares about annihilating the soul anymore. This is of the same nature as attacking the brain - no human rights organization in China has ever declared that attacking the enemy's head in a fight is inhumane, right?

Wang Qi asked: "Then why did you ignore me just now?"

Mao Zimiao lowered his head: "I always felt that you were so strange just now... and earlier, when you were fighting with that giant dragon..."

I always feel like I've been pushed further away by you again...

You live a wonderful life no matter where you are, but I don’t even know...

Wang Qi scratched his head, feeling that girls are so pretentious and weird sometimes. He sighed and decided to resort to the last resort.

"Meow! What are you doing! Let go!"

Wang Qi rubbed Mao Zimiao's ears and said with a smile: "La la la la... just because you don't talk to me about this matter to make me bored?"

"Meow! Let go!"

After a little fuss. Wang Qi then took two steps back. Mao Zimiao blushed, covered her ears, and stared at Wang Qi without saying a word with tears in her eyes.

"Um... Azimya, I'm embarrassed when you look at me like that..."

"Humph." Mao Zimiao twisted his neck.

Wang Qi sighed: "We are in a hurry to save people..."

Although it takes a long time to wait for the "Trojan horse" to explode, but, saving people is like putting out fire!

Mao Zimiao glanced at Wang Qi and said, "Oh."

The two walked a few more steps. This time, Mao Zimiao took the initiative to ask: "That forbidden technique. What is it?"

Wang Qi smiled: "This is a little gadget I tinkered with in Shenjing."

The Inner Demon Curse is an epoch-making technology that will be promoted to all of China in the future, and it is not something that needs to be kept secret, as long as the truth about the Shenjing incident is not revealed. Wang Qi picked up some words that he could talk about and explained the wonderful effects of the inner demon curse.

Mao Zimiao was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "Aren't Shiqin and the others in danger?"

"Don't worry, this spell has the lowest level of screening and judgment, and it will not be contaminated by Dao Jinfaxiu."

This is the mechanism that Feng Luoyi completed writing in Shenjing. otherwise. He may not dare to hand over the memory of the inner demon curse to a lawless person like Wang Qi.

"But, according to what you said, this can't defeat a monk in the distraction stage, right?" Mao Zimiao thought for a while: "Maybe a monk in the distraction stage can't get rid of the inner demon curse in a short time, but it can still contain the impact... …Osaki, you have such a weird smile.”

"Because I know a guy from Yangshen Pavilion and learned some strong suggestion skills. If a specific area of ​​the brain or soul is stimulated, a strong suggestion that overrides instinct will be formed. This kind of thing can shake monks more than ordinary inner demons. The mind is more difficult to control than the inner demon. Once it is hit, the ability to concentrate on casting spells will be reduced by several percent." Wang Qi said: "Originally, this kind of strong suggestion is easy to remove, but it is mixed into the inner demon spell. "

For Mao Zimiao, there is no need to talk about the divine plague spell. However, some special applications can still be talked about.

Mao Zimiao asked curiously: "What hint did you give that monk?"

"As far as the results are concerned, one is 'you will lose this one'. The other is 'hungry'." Wang Qi smiled: "There is another one..."


At this time, Han Tao had just walked into the corridor. It was obviously a short flight, but it made him feel like he was about to collapse. He held his hand on the corridor, and then he realized that his hands were covered with dust.

"Uncle Han, you are back." The two Jindan monks saw Han Tao and saluted him respectfully.

Han Tao nodded, but looked at his hands.

Dusty hands.

--I am so hungry……

After Yu Jian came to the same house, Han Tao's whole mind relaxed, as if he had just had sex, he was in a trance, but he also felt a special sense of pleasure.


In a daze, he licked his hand unconsciously.

This is a very strange thing. If something that is instinctively judged as "inedible" enters the mouth, the throat will automatically lock, and then there will be a feeling of vomiting. Some people can't use it even if they force themselves.

Dust and soil are naturally one of them.

However, Han Tao felt like licking soft white sugar.

He looked at the thin layer of soil on the ground and felt like stepping on a large piece of scrambled eggs or roasted chicken. The rock wall looked like loose sugar to him.

The more disgusting, the sweeter it is.

The more inedible, the more delicious it is.

The more smelly, the more fragrant it is.

At this time, Han Tao discovered the faint blue light reflected on the stone wall. That was the brilliance of the Five Plagues General Curse, and the light source was himself.



Wang Qi laughed very disgustingly: "There is another one...very special. I call it 'Eat Shit! Liang Feifan!'"

To be honest, I don't really want to use this trick. I hope that the group of ancient practitioners are all fasting and don't build toilets. (To be continued ~^~)

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