The dragon civilization suddenly disappeared 200 million years ago, and the remaining power hid in the Holy Dragon Abyss. The top of the reptile evolutionary tree never sprouted again - this is the dragon race that most people know.

However, the more he understood the truth, the more Wang Qi felt that the dragon race had a big secret.

When he just arrived in Shenjing, Wang Qi learned one thing from Feng Luoyi - the flame of civilization was ignited on this planet several times. The Hades Stone Monster, the Ancient Sea God, the Cambrian Monster, the Dragon Clan, the Eogene Monster, the Renewal Monster, the Human Race...

Among them, except for the youngest human race, which has not experienced a mass extinction, the other ethnic groups have disappeared inexplicably, and even left no trace.

The dragon race has experienced at least three mass extinctions.

Before leaving Shenjing, Wang Qi began to suspect that the dragon race's body was not built for the planetary biosphere at all. It was too strong. At least the growth limit of the demon god period, each individual has the "zero-point energy power furnace", "strong interaction force protection stand", "molecular cracking device"... This ability is enough for the sea of ​​stars.

Then, Wang Qi just found out that it's not that they don't have the sea of ​​stars, but that they had the sea of ​​stars 200 million years ago, and then they were confused by a "cosmic disaster".

"It is impossible for a normal disaster to make a race that has already entered the universe give up everything and hide on this small planet." Wang Qi stood up and paced back and forth in the cave: "What exactly did they encounter? How terrible is it?"

The old dragon must know something!

The dragon clan may have passed on some truths by word of mouth!

"That's right!" Wang Qi suddenly remembered something: "The dragon who just blew himself up said, 'Outside the Holy Dragon Abyss', 'Find her', which means what happened in the Holy Dragon Abyss!"

"The Dragon King of the West Sea betrayed the dragon clan. This is basically certain." Feng Luoyi said: "Then, that 'she' should be a dragon clan who knows the truth. Female in the transformation stage."

The unknown dragon clan used special magical powers to instill the meaning of his words into everyone's mind. In dragon language, "he" and "she" have different pronunciations. Everyone knows the meaning of the dragon's last words.

"I should go find her!"

"The importance of this matter is no longer the same." Feng Luoyi said: "I will look for all the free and easy monks who can be dispatched."

The Immortal Alliance has hundreds of free and easy monks, but only more than ten of them can be dispatched at will. This is a very valuable human resource. The Immortal Alliance did not have the idea of ​​fighting to the death with the dragon clan before, so it has never sent a large number of high-level monks into the West Sea.

Now, finding the dragon clan next to the Holy Dragon Abyss is no longer an insignificant trial task. It even determines the strategy and decision-making of the future development of the Immortal Alliance. The Immortal Alliance will fight to the death with the dragon clan for this.

Wang Qi asked: "Don't you consider surrendering the Dragon King of the West Sea? Maybe it also knows some secrets of the dragon clan."

"He used the 'True Color'." Feng Luoyi showed no mercy: "That is a flame that can burn a world. Ao Tian unsealed the True Color and killed people with it. It means that it no longer cares about this world."

Zhen Chanzi sneered in the ring: "Listen to your description just now. The Ancient Dragon Emperor is obviously very strong. Why offend the Ancient Dragon Emperor for a West Sea Dragon King? Besides, how old is the West Sea Dragon King? If you want to ask about the secret, it is obviously more appropriate to find the Ancient Dragon Emperor."

Wang Qi nodded: "After I send these guys back, I will go to the depths of the West Sea to find the dragon clan in the transformation period!"

Feng Luoyi shook his head: "No need. About seventeen free monks will lead high-level monks into the West Sea."

Wang Qijian Zhidao: "This kind of thing can't wait a moment! What if the dragon in the transformation stage has been killed while you are mobilizing troops?"

"That doesn't matter much. After we destroy the Dragon King of the West Sea, we can ask other dragons what we want to know!"

"But in this case, the Dragon King of the West Sea doesn't need to stop the dragon from coming to Shenzhou! She may want to convey something to the Immortal Alliance!" Wang Qi insisted: "Moreover, the attack on the West Sea by the seniors does not seem to conflict with my search for the dragon. It is better to say that your attack on the West Sea just provides me with cover."

"I see. Since this is your trial, you can continue to do it." Feng Luoyi nodded: "Now your priority is to get out of here."

If Wang Qi wants to continue to go deeper into the West Sea, he can't rely on Feng Luoyi's power.

After explaining some things, Feng Luoyi disappeared again. He will be very busy next. He can only pay the most basic attention to the few people on the deserted island. All other computing power must be invested in planning the next war.

Wang Qi sat down again and sorted out his thoughts.

"First of all, based on the dragon tribe's glance and the experiences of Ai Changyuan and Wu Shiqin, I can be sure that there are ancient practitioners on this island. However, their purpose is still unclear."

"In addition. Temples... Humans rarely have temples, and even if there are altars, they will not be built overseas. In this case, the so-called "temples" are mostly relics of the demon tribe. There is very little information about the Shixin demon tribe, but the Xinxing demon tribe has been confirmed to be a theocratic society and a Shinto tribe. This relic is 70% likely to be the Xinxing demon tribe, and 30% is the Shixin demon tribe."

"If it is the Shixin demon tribe, then I have to re-understand the environment. But if it is the Xinxing demon tribe, then the situation may be more favorable to me."

Wang Qi thought so and turned out the spoils that he had not used for a long time.

The Soul Steel COS outfit obtained in the suburbs of Shenjing... Bah, Soul Steel Armor. And, the sun petals that symbolize one of the eight great saints of the demon clan.

"If it is to update the demon clan, then the remaining spiritual restraints here should not recognize the aura of the Demon Emperor of the Sun, right?" Wang Qi held the petals in his hands. The petals of this Senecio are thick and tiny, yet have a quality that belies their appearance. Wang Qi could feel its heaviness.

"Since it is a symbol of Shinto, light, heat, and beauty, the Thousand Illusion Divine Curse is the most suitable." Wang Qi muttered to himself, and a white curse light hung down from the void. The thoughts of 100,000 people are "influencing" this petal little by little.

"Add more ingredients." Wang Qi thought. Use part of your mind to arrange a new road order. He wanted to use both the inner demon curse and the divine plague curse to concoct this monster treasure.

At this time, Zhen Shanzi suddenly asked: "Little devil, let me ask you a question."


"I read in the book of your Immortal Alliance that Guixu is the strongest celestial body, right? Why do you presume that the creatures of Nebula are the most powerful enemies?"

"Oh, old man, you can actually read popular books. You've made progress!"

"Don't come here to make fun of me!" Zhen Chanzi said angrily: "If I were alive today, not to mention being better than you, at least I would be better than most modern Dharma cultivators!"

"Is this... a decision to practice the current method?"

Zhen Shanzi smiled and said: "According to your unbelievable statements, it is not considered an immortal world. There are many dangerous things in this universe. After practicing the modern method, there is still hope to resist one or two. If you practice the ancient method, you will probably have to wait for death. "

Wang Qi nodded: "People should go to higher ground."

"Stop talking nonsense and answer my question quickly!"

"Do you know what dignity is as a teacher? Is this the attitude of asking questions?"

"Did you respect me when you were practicing the ancient method?"

"That's right." Wang Qi accepted this statement, and then explained to Zhen Shanzi: "You said Guixu..."

"Guixu" is what China calls "black hole".

"Gui Xu has the strongest gravity, and you also said that the range of influence of gravity is unlimited. If Gui Xu becomes a demon, maybe it really has the power to destroy the universe?" Zhen Chanzi also opened his mind.

Wang Qi shook his head: "Not to mention that the influence of gravity is infinite, but the speed of gravitational wave propagation is limited. Just talking about time... have you seen Ai Changyuan's move 'Without Realm'?"

"I've seen it."

"The river of time always flows slower near a strong gravitational source. If this effect is magnified to the maximum, it means there is no realm." Wang Qi said: "There is always a layer of there is no realm around Guixu. This you always Do you know?"

There is no boundary - the event horizon is the cloak of the singularity. In general relativity, a black hole is composed of a singularity and an event horizon surrounding it.

"As for the existence and non-existence, the existence and non-existence is forever. But as for the existence and non-existence, the existence and non-existence is just a moment. Therefore, even if Guixu can become a demon, it has no influence on the universe. Meaning - the entire universe only lasts a moment! Even if it is conscious, what can it do? The universe is gone. "

"Is this... caused by too much power?" Zhen Shanzi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The universe itself cannot have a will because it is unique. It is an isolated system. It is always in a state of increasing entropy, while the basic element of life is decreasing entropy.

If there really is an existence that calls itself the "will of the universe", then it is either just the aggregation of a part of the power of this universe, or that universe is just a vassal of a larger system, rather than an independent system.

After getting the answer, Makoto retracted her ring with satisfaction and prepared to continue reading.

Wang Qi knocked on the ring: "Hey. Old man, why don't you come out and give me some advice?"


Just as Wang Qi had just finished thinking about life, time and the universe, Ai Changyuan had just finished a beating.

A long boot stepped on Ai Changyuan's face and kicked him away. A disciple of Huangji Split Heaven Dao wearing a crimson robe said disdainfully: "Cartilage."

He had fought against Jinfa Cultivator, had also dealt with some rebellions among his "comrades", and had seen some tough guys. This was the first time he had seen a kid like this, who burst into tears after being punched and kicked, and who said whatever he asked.

After all, he is still a monk. No matter what, he has to see soul-searching techniques and voodoo techniques before he surrenders, right?

After the torture, he stuffed Ai Changyuan and Wu Shiqin into the corner of the cave, and then walked to another ancient cultivator: "This kid is indeed a pustule. He is a descendant of a noble family. Thanks to his family's cultivation, Those who talk a lot have never experienced life and death.”

Another ancient cultivator looked dull: "Perhaps, he is very shrewd. In the conversation with his companion, he seemed to have deliberately not disclosed his address. Then, when his companion talked about the 'monkeys who escaped from the mainland,' he decisively threw it away calculator and shouted for mercy..."

"Why, do you really want to use a soul search on him?" One person advised: "The soul search technique also has a burden on your soul..."

"I thought of a way to test whether he is really stupid or pretending to be stupid." The monk who came before brightened up: "We kept that couple of bitches, didn't we just want to force out some heretical methods, and use them later? To explore the way? Let’s ask him about the core part of his family’s martial arts later and see if he can explain it!”

"If he refuses to talk even to death, then use Soul Search to deal with him!" (To be continued ~^~)

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