Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 31: All the Myriad Things that Want a Taoist Companion

Banxianshe is a small teahouse inside Wanfamen. There are some similar supporting facilities in each sect. After all, the disciples in the sect are mainly engaged in cultivation, and they cannot take care of their own food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The shopkeeper of Ban Xianshe found that there were a lot of guests today and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He is an outer disciple of Wanfa Sect. He has been working here for almost ten years, so he naturally knows the virtues of the inner disciples. Most of them can go several days without speaking. Most of them are immersed in their own world, and only a few are willing to take the initiative to socialize.

Researchers in applied disciplines are still very extroverted. If it is a subject such as biology that requires multiple people to cooperate in experiments, researchers will also be very talkative. The more purely theoretical it is, the less necessary it is for researchers to communicate with others during their work.

Mathematics is precisely the subject that least requires researchers to speak.

However, if he knew that these people were called here by Su Junyu, it wouldn't be so strange.

A generous and generous guy will not be rejected anywhere. If the guy is an top student and is willing to tell a few jokes to entertain the public, he will be even more popular. Su Junyu is undoubtedly a rare extrovert among Wanfamen.

Su Junyu held a handful of indeterminate cards in his hand and looked at the lobby casually. Today he reserved the venue just to find a bunch of people to realize one of Wang Qi's wonderful ideas. He looked at it and felt that the people were almost here, so he quickly ended the game in hand, then closed the game and clapped his hands: "Fellow disciples! Fellow disciples! Look here!"

More than a dozen pairs of inorganic eyes looked over. And there are still more than half of the monks of Wanfa Sect who are reading books, doing math, going through the illusion of Wanxian, and are quiet in their own world.

Su Junyu didn't care about this situation. He raised his voice and said to the people around him: "Everyone, now, we have a chance. If this is done, we will be famous forever!"

This time there were a little more people looking up at Su Junyu. However, enthusiasm is still low. Everyone here is a dead rationalist, how can they get excited because of a little bit of instigation? Some of them didn't even know this person. They were attracted by Su Junyu's friends purely because they were famous or had a suitable research field.

However, when someone says this, it means - a big project.

Su Junyu knocked on the table. His calculator immediately projected a mirage in the lobby - a PPT similar to the earth. I saw a few big words written on a virtual banner: Use arithmetic to create words.

Word? what is that? Is it a field of arithmetic?

Dozens of eyes stared at Su Junyu silently. I hope he can give an explanation.

Su Junyu asked: "Do you all understand the meaning of Yin-Yang Yaowen [machine language] and Tai Chi Daowen [assembly language]?"

Twenty or so nodding heads.

"What I want to ask everyone to do is a higher-level text - Wanxiang hexagram!" Su Junyu explained to everyone the high-level language defined by Wang Qi. Most of the 10,000 disciples of the dharma sect have vaguely had the idea of ​​​​trying it.

This seems very interesting!

However, there are still some Wanfamen disciples who are indifferent to this and even intend to leave the table.

A really strong person would write Lu Zhi using damn Yin-Yang Yao script!

Su Junyu had already anticipated these reactions, and he continued to talk about the superiority and convenience of this Wanxiang hexagram.

finally. An excited Wanfa disciple asked: "Brother, how much funding did you apply for this time? Is it enough to buy or rent several large calculators?"

Hearing "large calculator", the intention to gear up is even more obvious, and even those who don't want to participate are a little shaken.

A large calculator! It’s fun!

Su Junyu was stunned: "This... is just a small project, and it's not difficult. I plan to mobilize everyone to use their free time to do it, just to relax."

"Not difficult?"

"Someone has already put up a show." Su Junyu said. The most difficult part in this part is an inspiration. As long as the frame is set up, the rest can be slowly polished by manpower.

This is why Java and C++ are gaining momentum. There are many languages ​​that are easier to use than them, and there are a lot of languages ​​that are more beautiful and professional than them. However, it is because of the large number of users. It is more complete and less difficult for ordinary people, so it is widely used.

Wang Qi has basically set up the framework. If there are tens of thousands of mortals who can program, he can also rely on those guys to gradually discover the shortcomings of the "Wanxiang Hexagram", discover various application techniques, and use it to Sublimate step by step.

Those present were all elites from Wanfa Sect. Maybe his emotional intelligence is low, but his IQ is definitely not low. They all saw Su Junyu Huazhong's intention, and both of them were not happy about cooking.

"You want us to do hard work to complete someone's thesis?"

"It's not impossible if we all have friendship, but..."

"You might as well spend some merit points and recruit them directly from the outer disciples."

Looking at his classmates who were talking about it, Su Junyu shook his head: "This is not 'Tao', but 'Yong'. The junior brother who wants to construct the 'Wanxiang Hexagram' intends to make this Wanxiang Hexagram completely public, and no one is allowed to learn and take it. use."

No one spoke anymore, but many people expressed the thought of "Is this person stupid?"

The Wanxiang Guawen, according to the scenario described by Su Junyu, can allow the cultivators of other sects to participate in the construction of the Wanxian Fantasy - for a long time, this has been the exclusive domain of the Wanfa Sect cultivators. If it were them, they would most likely take the Wanxiang Guawen to various sects in exchange for benefits.

However, for Wang Qi, the Wanxiang Guawen itself is the greatest value. This is directly related to the strength of his practice. As for the merit, with the promotion of the human system, the Heart Demon Curse, and the artificial golden elixir method, it will naturally increase. The income brought by the Wanxiang Guawen is just a small part for him. It is better to open it up to promote the growth of the Wanxian Fantasy.

Su Junyu shook his head and sighed, "That's all you want... you want benefits, right? Lao Zhou, Lao Li, come up."

Two Wanfa Sect inner disciples walked up to Su Junyu, their faces full of eager expressions. They are all golden elixir cultivators, and their cultivation is not weak. Su Junyu put the calculator containing Wang Qi's written path rank into one of their hands, and then activated it.

The data of the technique cannot be directly run by the calculator, and it is very large. Wang Qi has stored it in the cloud of the Wanxian Fantasy, while the one in Su Junyu's hand is a client-like thing, which can directly download the data of the supernatural power through the Wanxian Fantasy.

First, it is still the usual breakthrough of the Tianyan Tulu. The vitality of the fat monk suddenly surged, and continued to undergo qualitative changes. This vigorous vitality has been transformed fourteen times before it stopped. In a blink of an eye, the Wanfamen monk surnamed Zhou also possessed the extraordinary Tianyan Tulu cultivation.

Another monk surnamed Li followed the same method and soon had the same Tianyan Tulu, and the aura was similar.

This is more amazing than breaking through the barriers one after another. The Tianyan Tulu is heavy accumulation, and every exercise will leave traces and influences. Those who like war can be good at fighting, those who like quiet tend to keep healthy, and those who like to learn promote spiritual wisdom. In Shenzhou, no two people can practice the Tianyan Tulu exactly the same.

"They took time out yesterday to practice the Tianyan Tulu, and there was a trace of Tianyan magic power in their bodies, and then they directly used Lu Zhi to activate it." Su Junyu explained: "Their Tianyan cultivation comes from Lu Zhi rather than their own understanding."

Wang Qi's approach can be called "cloning", copying all of his Tianyan Lingxi to others. The Tianyan Tulu developed in this way will naturally not fit their own path, but the paths of these cultivators have nothing to do with the Tianyan Tulu. This section of the Tianyan Tulu's cultivation is just a convenient tool for them, so it doesn't matter.

Everyone saw it. They were not shocked by the power of the Tianyan Tulu, but instead asked in doubt: "Has anyone solved the connection problem between the exercises and the calculator? The calculator directly controls the exercises?"

"It's not that exaggerated. The Tianyan Tulu itself has the function of 'accumulating spiritual resonance', just like inheritance. And the calculator's method can accept and transform the yin and yang Yaowen. The effect of the combination of the two." Su Junyu said: "Everyone has a method of a calculator or other methods based on the Yaoding Suanjing. If you practice a little bit of the Tianyan Tulu, you can gain an extra cultivation and magical power out of thin air."

Magic power?

Seeing that everyone was confused, the two took the initiative to explain: "We all have an extra magical power in our bodies."

Someone asked curiously: "What is it?"

"He can read your mind, but it's just the entry-level."

"Tsk." The disciples shook their heads.

What's the use of this? Which cultivator doesn't know how to gather his mind with both hands?

If this method of "calculating magical power" can only provide entry-level magical powers, it doesn't make much difference.

Su Junyu shook his head: "If you think so, you will suffer a great loss."

"What do you mean?"

"This method equates magical power, spells and road order. One road order is a magical power, which can be directly introduced into the body, saving countless efforts of accumulation and avoiding the randomness of the awakening of magical power in Tianlingling. In other words, as long as the road order is well compiled, even the Piaomiao Wudingyun Sword may be learned in a short time."

The attention of many Wanfa disciples finally focused on them.

"Moreover, this also means that we can easily master a spell that we would never touch according to the original path." Su Junyu said: "For example, telepathy."

All the Wanfa looked at each other, still not understanding why this was brought out separately.

Su Junyu was disappointed: "We are disciples of Wanfa Sect! We are disciples of Wanfa Sect where everything is calculated!"

"But, there is one thing that is difficult for us to calculate, that is human heart!"

Su Junyu said in a sad and angry tone: "Human heart is irrational, too emotional, too absurd, and difficult to cover with calculation. And the avenue of mathematics is to forget oneself first, so we are not good at it. This has also caused us to be ridiculed by other sects!"

"What did they say? 'Wanfa also wants to have a Taoist partner?' 'Haha, Wanfa'."

"But," he changed the subject: "Now we have another chance to reverse this impression!"

Most of the audience breathed a little harder. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Daily black Wanfa.

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