Transforming into a dragon is just to make one's blood express more like the dragon race, rather than transforming into a dragon at the blood level. Therefore, it is difficult for the dragon-transforming demon race to possess the dragon race's magical powers, but imitating one or two is enough. The Black Bearded Dragon King stirred his own demon soul, and the black clouds rolled, pressing the heaven and earth. Both the sea monsters and the human cultivators retreated, and the low-level sea monsters behind it turned pale, and were frightened to death.

But this degraded version of the dragon's majesty did not affect Wang Qi and the others. Born with intelligence and good at breaking through instincts, the human race's "talent" is the real nemesis of the dragon race's magical powers. Although Wang Qi was slightly suppressed due to his body's instinctive fear of fighting, his magic power was not affected at all.

"This senior sister, just help to restrict the opponent, I want to try a new method."

Wang Qi did not want the battle to drag on too long. You must know that this is a battlefield, and it is unwise to drag the combat power of two true golden elixirs. The huge number of frontier guards are not responsible for direct confrontation, but for daily patrols in the western border, killing sporadic monsters, and too many casualties would be bad.

And Wang Qi's suggestion is pertinent. He and this woman have just met, but he has already seen that the other party's practice is the Wanxiang Tianyin. Gravity is the weakest of the four basic forces. It can only show its majesty on a macro scale. It is not obviously destructive, and there are few killer moves that determine the outcome. Whether it is the collapse of the sky palm or the gravitational wave blade, Ai Changyuan has to rub for a long time. However, it wins in a wide range, and it spans many time and space. It is irresistible and irresistible. It is more suitable to use it as a containment than to kill the enemy directly.

Wang Nan saw this guy say this. He let go of his hand and chuckled: "Okay. I'm really curious, how many things do you know? The law of heavenly evolution, the flame of life, the heavenly song qi gang, the elephant phase wave..."

How could the dragon wait for the enemy to slowly discuss tactics? As the dragon body tumbled, the black mist-like demonic energy spread wider. After polluting the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth of Party B, it swallowed it up and then spit it out.

"Evil Dragon Tribulation True Wave! You demons, die, die, die, die!"

"Annoying." Wang Nan slapped her bare hands continuously. Every time she slapped, she hit the air, but her expression was extremely serious. Layer upon layer of twists and turns were superimposed in front of her, and suddenly, the "Evil Dragon Tribulation True Wave" suddenly deflected for some reason and passed under the feet of Wang Qi and the others.

Space tells matter how to move. Wang Nan accumulated tiny twists and turns. In one fell swoop, he deflected the opponent's killing move.

The magic passed by the lower part of the two people. It aroused a fishy smell. Wang Nan frowned: "This guy has bad breath!" The poison that should have killed people in a breath was swept away by Wang Qi's magic power.

For a time, the sea current reversed, and the world changed. The concept and perception of "up and down" of living beings are also based on the direction of gravity. This woman from the Guiyi League seems to be from the same school as Ai Changyuan, and her magic is similar, but in fact her style is very different. She seemed to have given up the method of condensing gravity to tear it apart in one fell swoop. Instead, she focused on the "wide area".

The change of gravity is not intense and rapid. Just close your eyes or ignore the background to eliminate the influence. However, no one can walk out of this abnormal area with their own perception. Wang Qi also wants to fight, so this trap must not be intense.

In the spinning world, Wang Qi and the demon dragon kept a distance of thirty feet, constantly bombarding each other with magic, spiritual light and demon light brushing against each other, and magic and supernatural powers overlapping.

The Tianyan Atlas, which Wang Qi evolved to target the method, ran automatically, and the glow attached to the magic power was like a group of crazy piranhas, spreading wildly as if they smelled blood, automatically breaking all the magic and supernatural powers of the dragon king. Like a natural enemy evolved by nature. The black spiritual power of the demon dragon could only be defeated one after another. Tian Ge Xing directly destroyed matter at the molecular level. Dragon scales flew away as soon as lightning flashed. The entropy increase method of Tian Entropy Jue was the nemesis of all orderly things. Large pieces of scales lost their vitality as soon as the red light rolled up. Even the "dragon spirit" that had just been forged was gradually swallowed up. The demon dragon was furious, but he could not catch the other party's figure, because Wang Qi had already started his unpredictable body movement, and he was already in an unpredictable, uncalculated and unknowable state. It was impossible to see through it!

While he was dealing with it, Wang Qi was still thinking about what method he could use to kill the demon dragon.

"The Unfixed Cloud Sword? This is in the public eye. There are too many observers. Once the Ghost Unfixed Sword is launched, it will become unfixed. Who knows where it will point. Moreover, this demonic power is simply an extension of the perception of the Blackbeard King. This area is completely under his observation. The quantum cloud sword energy cannot be deployed at all."

"Gravitational wave blade? I just used the "Made in Heaven" to deduce it, and it has not been formally incorporated into my own cultivation system."

"Heavenly Entropy Art? There is no time to accumulate power, it is difficult."

"Elephant Phase Wave Power? Difficult..."

In Wang Qi's body, the Tianyan cultivation method flows unfixed, countless spiritual combinations are arranged, and all kinds of magical powers are generated as desired. All kinds of offensives are handled by Wang Qi at will, and there is no embarrassment of switching cultivation methods. At this time, Wang Qi discovered that his biggest flaw has become "no trick that can determine the outcome in a multiplayer melee." In the battle of Shenjing, he obtained nearly 100,000 people's heart demon spell power, and used powerful magic power and even more powerful computing power to cover up this defect and complete the cross-level crushing.

Of course, this is for him, a cross-level demon. Now, his weakest board is close to or even far exceeds the strengths of his peers.

"It seems... I can only try the move I just created?"

Wang Qi had another idea in his mind, and immediately rushed towards the dragon.

"Human demon ah ah ah ah! Yin and Yang Purgatory, half a step away!"

The dragon didn't know what the "qi-accumulating demon" on the opposite side wanted to do, but it at least knew that it couldn't let the enemy use its methods calmly. This time, it was no longer a half-baked demon magic or dragon magic. This was a human magic that it obtained more than a thousand years ago when it intercepted the last batch of ancient magic practitioners who fled. Although this method was born from the human method, after thousands of years, it had already been transformed into the most suitable spell for itself.

The black halo spread from the evil dragon. This is the "boundary" it drew with its dragon body. The dragon body shook, and the spiritual energy naturally surged. The two extremely opposite spiritual energies stirred each other, and finally formed an insurmountable boundary.

Even if there were thousands of troops, they would never step over this half step!

The agitated spiritual energy, one fierce and one quiet, one burning and one freezing, is the law of two sides of the same coin. Wang Qi was the first to crash into a piece of cold and poisonous gas, and his body was blocked. He was just unpredictable, not really entering the ubiquitous quantum state. The barrier that he couldn't cross in his normal state was still impossible to cross after he used this body technique, unless he comprehended a deeper quantum tunneling effect. The cold demonic power stuck to his power, and behind him was a hot poisonous flame like an underwater volcano, extremely violent and exterminating. If he took another half step forward, this power would completely erupt. Even with Wang Qi's current strength, he definitely didn't want to get involved.

So, Wang Qi could only change direction and fly upwards along this spiritual ban. "Yin Yang Purgatory" followed him like a shadow, as if the real hell was choosing people to devour. Wang Qi readjusted his internal cultivation method, temporarily closed the unused magical powers, and exerted his own computing power to the maximum, all of which was supplied to the unpredictable body technique. Jarvis took over part of the function, recording the changes in Wang Qi's cultivation method at this moment, and then supplying Wang Qi after the battle.

After climbing to the highest point, Wang Qi's magic formula had reached the edge of this abnormal gravitational field. The unpredictable body technique was not good at speed, and at this moment he was barely three feet away from the "Yin Yang Purgatory".

But, enough.

Another "program" suddenly started to run at full capacity. That was the Heavenly Entropy Art. Wang Qi rushed back to the "Yin Yang Purgatory" with a strong chill.

"Useless, useless! How can a mere demon compete with the sea monster in "cold" and "freezing"!" The black demonic aura made the Jiao King aware of Wang Qi's move. It sneered, and the scales in its throat stood up, brewing a real killer move.

Dragon spell, Dragon Roar!

For the Dragon Clan, everyone knows the entry-level spell. For ordinary demons, it is a real killer move!

But he was wrong. Wang Qi's Heavenly Entropy Art this time was not aimed at the Black Bearded Jiao King, but himself!

The entropy reduction of the Heavenly Entropy Art produced extreme cold. As long as matter does not move, there will be no excess consumption, and no energy will be converted into meaningless heat energy. And at absolute zero, microscopic particles do not move, which is the real "eternity", completely cutting off the eternity of heat death. This is "entropy reduction"!

Wang Qi's speed slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye. When he barely touched the "Yang" of "Yin Yang Purgatory", his speed was already "zero".

Wang Qi could only control the direction of the unpredictable body method, and he himself could not understand his position and speed. And now, for the first time, with the help of Tian Entropy Jue, he controlled his speed.

Indeed, to completely stop the movement of microscopic particles, an absolute zero is required. Even if Wang Qi drained his mana, he could not reach this point. However, he is neither truly "absolutely still" nor a real microscopic particle. He just used the body method of microscopic particles. He is just temporarily equivalent to a microscopic particle in a small system.

Position x momentum ≠ momentum x position. He is now "still", the position has been determined, so what about momentum?

That is - undetermined momentum!

Momentum is possible from infinite to infinitely small!

The huge contradiction triggered the agitation of the vacuum sea. Wang Qi felt an indescribable majestic power. This force is a hundred times or a thousand times greater than the force he can mobilize. Even a one-way explosion has considerable lethality.

The small ripples of the Dirac Sea on a macro scale are irresistible tsunamis for individual creatures.

The aura that came out of nothing shattered the Yin-Yang Purgatory in an unreasonable way, dispersing the V-neck giant dragon's demonic power. The chaotic electromagnetic blast, the strong wind, and the spiritual power flow were all things that interfered with everyone's vision. Wang Qi realized the opportunity. "Made in Heaven" flashed behind him. Then, the quantum cloud sword energy spread out.

The last wail of the Black Bearded Dragon King echoed between heaven and earth. (To be continued ~^~)

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