Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 10: The ability to manipulate eternity and the moment

"Cast a defensive spell now and protect yourself, Old Wang!"

WTF! ?

Wang Qi was instantly defeated by Ai Changyuan's shameless appearance. But soon, he laughed.

This kind of thing... sounds very interesting!

The "move" that Ai Changyuan was about to use seemed to be centered on the ball of mana that he had injected into Wang Qi's body. Wang Qi could have relied on the Tian Entropy Art to burn the mana that Ai Changyuan had injected into his body, but he was too curious about the power of Ai Changyuan's "move".

The trick that would make that guy shamelessly use it must be very interesting!

Wang Qi felt the warping of the surrounding space. The world began to distort in his eyes and began to turn into a sphere. Ai Changyuan's body proportions were out of balance and he became a "giant" with a big head - Wang Qi seemed to be observing the world through several lenses.

The movement of light was affected by space.

Wang Qi turned on the flame of life to the maximum. The white flames wrapped around him like armor, and the spiritual energy automatically moved closer to the negative entropy. He was like a natural whirlpool, absorbing spiritual energy endlessly. As long as Ai Changyuan didn't blow up his brain, destroy his soul, or make him lose 70% of his body, he would never die. Then, the dark red magic power represented by the Silent Burning Palm formed a sphere and floated around him.

Positive entropy and negative entropy, life and death, two completely opposite forces constitute an integrated defense.

Ai Changyuan stretched out his fingers and gently crossed the space like an ancient god who drew the Milky Way. Wang Qi saw an incredible scene. Ai Changyuan's body clearly did not move. He just stretched out his hand and drew a line. According to the structure of the human body, he should have drawn an arc with himself as the center. But Wang Qi clearly saw Ai Changyuan's fingers running around him.

Then, Wang Qi felt that the sun was a little bigger in an instant.

"What the hell" Wang Qi stretched out his hand to cover his eyes. This light is really too scary. Just looking outside makes me feel white in front of my eyes.

Ai Changyuan has prepared a big move for so long. Is it optical? I have the impression that Master Yuanli is also one of the founders of Guanghua Hall?

No, it shouldn't be... Optics is just a branch of electromagnetism. If Ai Changyuan is holding back his optical skills, he will definitely practice Tiange. But I don't feel the slightest Tiange spirit in him. And...

Wang Qi sniffed the surroundings, and his nose immediately felt a burning sensation, and it was a little itchy. Now the air is full of Dari Zhenli - a kind of spiritual energy that came to this planet with the sun. It is produced by stellar fusion and spreads with electromagnetic waves.

The concentration of Dari Zhenli soared suddenly. This is not normal. Unless the sun has just experienced a drastic change. A large area of ​​flares occurred in the area facing Shenzhou - but everyone knows that such a thing is almost impossible.

But Wang Qi didn't have much time to think. He heard the sound of violent air flow, like sword energy, but different from sword energy. Ai Changyuan's attack is coming.

It's not using magic power to interfere with the air. It's tidal force, which makes the air flow automatically. This is a "sharp blade" formed by gravitational waves. When it passes through non-fluid, the unbalanced gravity will destroy the macro structure and make the object "torn apart" by itself.

"If it's just one..." Wang Qi stroked his arm. He placed the power of the Silent Burning Heaven Palm on the path that the gravitational wave blade must pass. But at this moment, Wang Qi's face changed. The gravitational wave blades that can cut iron like mud swarmed in. They were all over the place, blocking all of Wang Qi's movements.

"How is this possible?"

This is impossible? If the gravitational wave blades were so easy to rub out, Ai Changyuan would not have had to use the Collapse Heaven Palm just now!


In the eyes of the spectators, the scene suddenly became weird. Just now, the aftermath of the battle between the two seemed to have caused the sea water to boil over a large area, and the smoke blocked everyone's sight. In order not to affect the battle of others, they had not used their spiritual consciousness to watch the battle, but when this battle came to this point, how could they bear it? They all probed their spiritual consciousness into the tax. They only felt that the space suddenly changed, and then Wang Qi disappeared, and there was only a dark sphere in front of Ai Changyuan.

Could it be that Ai Changyuan trapped Wang Qi with some kind of magic?

But Ai Changyuan's next move was incomprehensible to everyone. He stretched out his hands, slowly gathering energy and integrating gravitational waves, borrowing the power of the earth. Then, he waved his hand and shot out a blade of air. Then he changed his position. He gathered energy again, borrowed the power of the earth to integrate the gravitational wave blade. This process was repeated countless times, and Ai Changyuan kept changing his position to rub the waves.

"Could it be that... he sealed Wang Qi, and Wang Qi was still resisting inside?" Huang Shiyun relied on his rich experience in "live broadcasting" to barely come up with an explanation.

Bai Junjie sneered, "Wang Qi is not some evil demon. This is just a competition. If you are sealed, you should automatically admit defeat."

"Maybe... they are discussing how to seal and break the seal?"

"Then what were they fighting about?" Bai Junjie said, "And even if it was a competition of seals, Ai Changyuan should have continued to strengthen the seal instead of attacking the inside of the seal."

Ai Changyuan's inexplicable rubbing continued for half an hour.

Then, Ai Changyuan snapped his fingers, and the dark sphere shattered like a soap bubble.


The swarming gravitational wave blades were so fast that they pierced through Wang Qi's body like bullets, turning Wang Qi into a honeycomb. The tidal effect caused Wang Qi's blood to flow wildly, either vigorously or countercurrently, and some organs suddenly became hypoxic. Some tissues suddenly became congested. Pain, nausea, dizziness, and suffocation appeared at the same time.

"Wow..." Wang Qi vomited out the black blood mixed with breakfast. Thanks to the flame of life, most of the cells in his wound did not lose their vitality and would heal quickly. He felt a black screen in front of his eyes, but it was because the sun suddenly "darkened".

No, it was not darkening, but...

Wang Qi looked at the sky and felt that the sun was much higher than "just now".

...To be precise, it was much higher than "just now" in my personal time.

Wang Qi asked, "Time? Did you speed up time?"

"No, that's not right." Soon, Wang Qi denied this statement: "If it was the 'Dongtian Xiangxing Ruler', you couldn't attack me just now. After our reference frames were offset, you had to attack me at the speed of light to be effective. Although the gravitational wave itself is the speed of light, the wave blade you condensed is not the speed of light..."

"'The boundary of existence and non-existence'." Ai Changyuan said: "This move is based on the 'boundary of existence and non-existence'."

"'The boundary of existence and non-existence'..." Wang Qi repeated the word.

On Earth, the "boundary of existence and non-existence" is called the "event horizon" - the absolutely inescapable area in space and time. It surrounds the singularity of space and time - the black hole, and conceals the ultimate secret of the universe. Within the event horizon, any event has no effect on things outside the event horizon.

If an immortal pushes another immortal into the event horizon, and the immortal who enters the event horizon is strong enough to resist the gravity of the black hole and radiate his own information at superluminal speed, what will the two immortals see?

First, the immortal outside the event horizon will find that nothing has happened to the immortal inside the event horizon. Even if he cultivates for thousands or tens of thousands of years next to the black hole, he will not see the scenery of the other immortal falling into the singularity. He will never see it, because in his eyes, that event will never happen.

However, the immortal inside the event horizon will bear all the light, gamma rays, X-rays, etc. produced by the universe from the moment he falls to the moment of destruction in an instant - since the immortal can withstand the gravity of the black hole, he can naturally survive such an attack. He will witness the extinction of the universe within the event horizon - in an instant.

For those outside the event horizon, the event horizon is forever. And for those inside the event horizon, the event horizon is only a moment.

The boundary between existence and non-existence, the boundary between "nameless" and "named", "virtual" and "real".

"Of course, this is the final form of this spell." Ai Changyuan explained: "The difference in time flow inside and outside the gravitational field I created is only about a hundred times, and it lasts for a moment."

Wang Qi clapped his hands: "So that's it! The pinnacle of your spell is 'the ability to control eternity and a moment'!"

"'The ability to control eternity and a moment'..." Ai Changyuan savored this phrase: "The wording is weird... but it's so cool! Brother Wang, you really have a talent for naming!"

Wang Qi excitedly held Ai Changyuan's hand: "This is the first time someone has said that to me!"

"But then again, this should be a spell similar to the Cave Heaven Xiang Xiang Ruler, right?" Wang Qi frowned again: "The key to the Cave Heaven Xiang Xiang Ruler is still with magic power. You are only in the late stage of foundation building now, how do you use it?"

"Most of the power comes from the land of Shenzhou." Ai Changyuan pointed to his feet. Wang Qi was horrified to find that the sea water had risen unknowingly, almost level with the dock of the harbor.

"Today is clearly the day of the sun..."

"The tide will recede soon."

Wang Qi thought: "So that's it, it's the gravitational model... The military version of the Wanxiang Tianyin is composed of the most advanced gravitational model. Speaking of which, the Immortal Alliance's research on gravity is really profound."

It's so profound that it's abnormal. In Wang Qi's view, Shenzhou's gravitational model under the framework of general relativity has surpassed the Earth when he left. In contrast, Shenzhou's progress in the quantum gravitational model is basically zero.

Ai Changyuan whispered: "The Immortal Alliance has hidden a lot of technology. It's strange that their data on astronomical phenomena is much more detailed than it should be. I really can't figure out how they observed this... It's like the Xuanxingguan was established millions of years ago, and then used modern methods to observe astronomical phenomena. Many of the astronomical phenomena they recorded should not have been observed by this planet, or they should have occurred millions of years ago..." (To be continued ~^~)

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