Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 3: Unprecedented

"I don't think it's a problem if this continues. How about I wait a few more days before the Black Bearded Dragon King invites the parents to come, and then take the initiative to go to the deep sea area?"

Regarding Wang Qi's suggestion, Feng Luoyi immediately rejected: "No. You are also a member of the Immortal Alliance and a high-level monk in the future. You should not bear excessive risks before you grow up."

"I always feel like staying here is a waste of time..."

Wang Qi tore off a strip of meat from the "face", and the strong fishy smell made him almost vomit. He put away the dragon meat angrily, and then said: "The most important thing in the world of human beings to refine one's mind is experience... I just went to take a nap after experiencing it."

"This is another shortcoming of yours. You are too impatient and always feel like you are being chased by something."

Wang Qi grinned: "Teacher Feng, you still say that you don't understand people's hearts. Isn't your analysis of me sound and logical?"

Feng Luoyi shook his head: "It's not me. The Illusion of Ten Thousand Immortals has connected a professional team from Yangshen Pavilion. Although they can't take your place in mastering the heart and forging the Taoist heart, they can also serve as an assistant."

Wang Qi was shocked by Feng Luoyi's extravagant behavior. But soon, he looked up at the sky and smiled bitterly: "Speaking of impatience... I was actually a mortal a few years ago, right? Do you think it's natural that my time is limited?"

In fact, he must be used to the rhythm of his previous life? On Earth, a scientist only has a short period of more than ten years to shine.

Feng Luoyi expressed difficulty in understanding this: "Today's young people, when they are teenagers, they start to think about life and death and how short life is?"

"Perhaps I know what you said about the hierarchy of the universe. Do you feel that you are in danger?" Wang Qi fell down again and planned to lie down like this all night.

Feng Luoyi thought it made sense: "Perhaps this kind of mentality is not suitable for you? If you really want to go deeper, it's not impossible."

Wang Qi said happily: "Really?"

"But you have to wait at least another month or two for you to stabilize yourself, break through to the foundation building perfection, and then transform your own cultivation method." Feng Luoyi said: "Your fighting ability is indeed very strong compared to the same level. However, you are going deep into the sea. It is impossible for the demon clan to send only the demon clan below the transformation level to deal with you. What's more, even the demon clan at the demon core stage can keep you behind if they form a siege."

"In addition, the design of the natal magic weapon and the golden elixir must also be put on the agenda. Don't think that you can sit back and relax with my help!" Feng Luoyi said, and then sighed: "At the beginning, I wanted to give You arranged a trial with Tianjian Wenxin. However, because of the incident in Shenjing, Tianjian Palace rejected this request."

"Well, it's a pity indeed - wait a minute, Teacher Feng, was it you who instigated that mess in Shenjing?"

"Instigating? That's an exaggeration." Feng Luoyi said, "I'm just guiding. All choices and thoughts are your own."

Wang Qi shook his head: "Forget it. The transformation of the practice, this can be completed in another month at most."

The so-called "transformation of practice" refers to the opening of the Battle of Shenjing half a year ago. Feng Luoyi passed down to him the "Jinfa Xiufa. Internal Version".

The difference between the "internal version" and the "normal version" is that the "general version" circulated in China has been deliberately reduced in lethality and omitted all changes in killing. But the really wonderful thing about these two versions is that when necessary, a monk who practices the normal version only needs half an hour to transform his practice into the internal version.

The difference between military and civilian use.

For today's Dharma practitioners, the greatest significance of cultivation is to sublimate life and make one's own system more open. In this regard, there is no difference between the ordinary version of the practice and the internal version. In view of the war pattern between cultivators, a thousand or even ten thousand low-level cultivators may not be able to stop a high-level cultivator. Therefore, monks can definitely practice fighting skills after achieving the soul.

In other words, the ancient law was actually crushed by the civilian version of modern law.

According to Feng Luoyi, this was to prevent the Immortal from taking away the technology accumulation of the Immortal Alliance. Banishing immortals is not a fool, but the thinking and wisdom required by ancient and modern methods are not in the same direction. They may not understand the core of modern law, but it is not difficult to seize the "application" of modern law. Therefore, the Immortal Alliance spreads in China. Only the core and lack of applications.

In the ancient immortal war with the universe, only careful steps can earn a glimmer of hope.

After seeing the real technical reserves of the Immortal League, Wang Qi finally understood how deep the madness of this organization went.

According to Wang Qi's estimation, those spells were basically prepared based on the standard of "single-man suppression of the planet in the Yuanshen stage"! This is basically the rhythm of an interstellar war!

But, think about it. In this world, technology does not necessarily need the support of theory. Theory is just a shortcut to technology. China's theoretical level is approximately equal to that of Earth at the end of the 20th century, and its application level can definitely beat the Earth by hundreds or thousands of years!

In the past six months, Wang Qi has also been redesigning his own practice based on those crazy techniques.

During the Battle of Shenjing, he used his body to connect the True Mirror of Ten Thousand Immortals and the inner demon network, and endured massive calculations. In this process, the "Tian Wei Gong" of Wanfamen, which is the basis of his Dharma foundation, has been greatly strengthened, and he has passed the test one after another. While he was taming the Flame of Fate, Tianyan Illustration also received an essential sublimation. Relatively speaking, the other techniques cannot keep up.

Calculator-based methods are basically known for their all-encompassing compatibility. It can be paired with any golden elixir. However, in the Battle of Shenjing, he achieved a huge breakthrough in his heavenly skills, which completely turned Faki towards computing power. In this case, it would be a bit of a waste for him to choose a physics-related golden elixir as originally planned.

Wang Qi's current idea is to compile all his miscellaneous skills into the Tianyan Catalog in the form of genetic information, and then let the Tianyan Catalog imitate the inner demon curse as "software", and the Tianzong Gong is formed. Golden elixir, as "hardware".

This is an unprecedented "double golden elixir" idea.

The Heavenly Position Kung Fu has no advantages in offense and defense, but with the Tianyan Divine Power as the "software", Wang Qi no longer has to worry about offensive and defensive capabilities. The excellent calculation power of Heavenly Position Skill can also further promote the power of various magical powers.

Wang Qi's inspiration originally came from Ai Qinglan. Wang Qi was greatly touched by Ai Qinglan's move of weaving the magic of refining gods and transforming demons into a double helix chain, and then inserting it into the divine system at will. The "spiritual system" is essentially interoperable with the Divine Plague Curse. During the Battle of Shenjing, Wang Qi had already tried to write spells in the inner demon system, but this time it was just more complicated.

Even while taking a nap, the skills in his body were integrating in the direction he expected. Every second, Wang Qi becomes stronger and more suitable for fighting.

"As for the part about the way of life in your 'Double Golden Pill', I have entrusted Jiyin Gu to help."

"Thank you. But I think this depends on the Divine Plague Curse, the Divine System and the Inner Demon Curse..."

"Don't even think about it. You're already banned in this area."

"Hey, how can that be possible? Why would I ask you to help me break the ban?" Wang Qi laughed slyly: "I will write a road rank myself and then ask you to verify it... Look, there is nothing waiting for you in Shenjing. "Xing, many inner demon network routes need to be redesigned, and there are not many talents in China who can program routes, right?"

Feng Luoyi actually nodded: "What you said makes sense..."

Just when these two researchers with very low limits were discussing some "forbidden techniques", Zhen Shanzi issued a warning: "Be careful, someone is coming."

As soon as Zhen Shanzi finished speaking, a shout came from near and far: "Hello - fellow Taoist - are you here? That person from Wan Dharma Sect!"

Feng Luoyi was an illusion projection, and only Wang Qi was about to see it, so he didn't do anything. Today at noon, Wei Yijing, a disciple of the Liuyun Sect who was rescued by Wang Qi, fell into the strong wind and fell next to Wang Qi. When she saw Wang Qi, she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay... Fellow Taoist, I've been looking for you all day, and I'm exhausted... I have to say, you escape the light so fast!"

Wang Qi was a little confused and pointed around him: "It shouldn't be difficult to find me like this, right?"

Wang Qi's move made Wei Yijing very happy: "I said you...you can also do this magic? Hahaha, it's quite similar to simulate the breath of a monster. I thought there was a high-level monster flying around here. It’s been a long time!”

What illusion? This is a real dragon aura, and it’s directly related to the Holy Emperor!

He rolled his eyes and then asked: "Speaking of which, why are you looking for me? I wonder if there are many pill-forming demon clans here?"

Wei Yijing felt that she was going to be defeated by this "natural" guy in front of her: "Do you know it's dangerous here?"

Wang Qi blinked: "Yes for you."

I have no problem opening Wushuang here. Even if I provoke the map BOSS, I can still call Grandpa.

"Fellow Taoist, you are obviously in the foundation building stage! I admit that I am not as good as you, but you are also very dangerous." Wei Yijing pulled Wang Qi and was about to fly to Langde: "Let's go, let's go! It's dangerous to stay here for a second longer." !”

Wang Qi enlarged the purple light around him: "It's very safe."

"Yes, your purple light is a magical power in the soul realm, right? It's enough to scare low-level monsters, but what if the high-level monsters come?"

But the mission I received from the old man in the ring was to "lead out the dragon clan"...

In response to Wei Yijing's insistence, Wang Qi could only keep a straight face: "Fellow Taoist, this man and woman are not close to each other..."

"Is this the pure love of your Wanfa sect? I didn't even hold your hand, okay? Let's go!"

After all, why did the black sect start again...

Feng Luoyi suddenly whispered: "Your identity and mission are confidential. It is not good to keep entangled like this. Go with her."

"Over there with the Black Bearded Dragon King..."

"I will keep an eye on it and I will notify you as soon as it approaches the coast." (To be continued ~^~)

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