Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 365 Combat Strength Test

"It seems that there is still some strength left... I have seen through Xiao Baishuang's skills!"

While Wang Qi was dodging the attack with his unpredictable body skills, his eyes, ears, and skin were collecting data from the outside world. Although the unpredictable body skills would make him unable to grasp the specific information of the outside world for a moment, when he did not use this body skill that used the physical laws of the microscopic world, his sensory organs were comparable to scientific research instruments.

"From the violent fist wind that appeared on his fist and the abnormal shaking of his clothes... This body training method is probably a spell that uses violent spiritual energy to interfere with kinetic energy and make it chaotic and unpredictable."

Spirit is an energy index. And "force" is the effect of an object on an object, which is a way of transmitting kinetic energy. The fist will release its kinetic energy to the object of attack, causing part of it to deform or break.

The reason why the monk's fists and feet are powerful is because the magic power increases the index of kinetic energy. However, the kinetic energy carried by the fist does not operate in one direction. He himself is the combined force of several forces, and when he hits others, it will become several partial forces.

If only one of the partial forces is strengthened, the destructive force generated by a punch can be concentrated in one or several directions.

"Although the operation of this magic power is chaotic, it has certain rules - maybe in addition to concentrating the power, it also induces stress, causing the destruction of the macroscopic structure of the material. This is probably the powerful force that is finally obtained after accumulating experience for hundreds or even thousands of years. If it were me, after a series of mechanical experiments, it would take at least ten years to invent this kind of boxing."

Xiao Baishuang attacked more and more crazily, and he was angry because more than thirty punches did not hit. Just as Wang Qi thought, the ability of the "Qi Wang Ling Shen Shen Body" is based on classical mechanics. Force, kinetic energy, mechanical waves, stress, these are all the fields of this body training method. After solidifying the violent spiritual flow that interferes with all classical physical phenomena in the body. Any force-based attack will become several partial forces to cancel each other out after entering his body, and when he attacks others, the power of his fists and feet will not be wasted. Moreover, as long as it is an object, there is a certain chance that he will break it with one punch.

Moreover, he relies on more than just this unique skill of adding physical attack and physical resistance to survive!

He learned the skill of using metal elements and self-protein to create an active alloy body from the titanium body of Fenjin Valley.

He learned the skill of transforming the body into an inhuman being from the ancient body refining method Demon God Six Secrets.

He did not give up the body refining method of the Five Absolutes Five Extremes Body, which can isolate spiritual power with a membrane after activation.

He did not dislike the method of accumulating toxins in the body, the Ten Thousand Poisons Colorful Body.

Under the effect of various methods, Xiao Baishuang is confident that even a Divine Transformation cultivator may not be able to easily penetrate him with one blow. And his fist can even compete with the Nascent Soul Stage!

However, Wang Qi's response is very simple.

He also punched Xiao Baishuang.

Without Dan Shaying Cheng, Xiao Baishuang can also be considered a modern law cultivator. Wang Qi has no "suppressing one level" effect in the law theory. The two fists of the two people with different law powers, the foundation building and the golden elixir, collided without any fancy moves.

"Puff" It was the sound of a hide water bag being punctured. With one blow, Xiao Baishuang's right fist and right arm were shattered into pieces. What active alloy, what body refining technique, all seemed to be ineffective. The powerful force directly crushed his hand.

"What?" The eyes of the Yi family Yuanying were about to pop out of their sockets. He knew Xiao Baishuang and knew how difficult this guy's body refining technique was to fight, but in front of Wang Qi. Xiao Baishuang's arm was not even as good as a shortbread, and it broke at the touch!

"Action will be accompanied by reaction, the three great principles are very important, learn them well." Wang Qi laughed and dodged backwards to avoid the sword formation that came to Xiao Baishuang's aid. This battle was actually far from as easy as he said. In that moment just now, Wang Qi did several things. First, a powerful ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field was emitted from his hand. It enveloped the path that Xiao Baishuang's fist had to pass through. Then, he once again released the strong interaction force. In the last few seconds, he calculated the force conditions of the fists when the two fists intersected based on the mana on Xiao Baishuang's fist.

Ultra-high frequency has long exceeded the perception of ordinary cultivators. They will destroy objects at the molecular scale, causing materials to fatigue quickly, reduce strength, and become easy to destroy; strong interaction force is the strongest spear and the strongest shield. In that moment, Wang Qi's body was maintained by the strong interaction force, which made his body indestructible. Although it was less than one hundredth of a second, in that one hundredth of a second, Wang Qi was invincible; and in the last few seconds, Wang Qi threw a punch specifically for Xiao Baishuang!

The body refining method, at least the body refining method that appeared in Shenzhou, no matter how strong it is, it only continuously strengthens the chemical bonds and strengthens the electromagnetic force that binds the atoms that make up the body together. Under the Tiangexing who manipulates electromagnetic force and the strong interaction force, Xiao Baishuang has no chance of winning.

With the support of huge computing power, Wang Qi can quickly cast most powerful spells and crack all the laws he knows. The biggest problem restricting Wang Qi now is neither magic power nor computing power, but the casting speed, which is also known as "hand speed".

"The combat performance test is over." Wang Qi relied on his unpredictable body skills to dodge thirty flying swords in succession. With this body skill, no matter how many observers there are, they can't get a precise target.

Thirty people rushed out from behind Zhao Qingfeng in unison, as if they were controlled by one person. Thirty flying swords returned to their masters' hands, and thirty cold green blades were aimed at Wang Qi. In the process of moving, this group of cultivators did not forget to launch rounds of volleys. In the sword energy, crescent-shaped air blades danced wildly. Facing such a battle, Wang Qi could not help but stop.

The unpredictable body method is not without any weaknesses. The speed is not an advantage, and the caster himself cannot confirm his position and distance at the same time. Facing this kind of attack covering all directions. The unpredictable body method has no advantage.


"Formation? 'New Moon', love them to death."

As Wang Qi said that incomprehensible words, a shadow appeared behind him. One hand on the waist, one hand raised up.

Then, in the sword formation. Ten people felt that they stepped on empty air, ten people felt their hearts sink, and ten people felt that the ground suddenly tilted, and they instinctively took steps that they had practiced thousands of times in accordance with the way of "walking on the slope".

The formation is a system artificially constructed with the power of the person who formed the formation as a bridge. The power of the people in the formation can overlap with each other, and the system itself can also provide a small amount of additional power. This system certainly has a certain fault tolerance rate. However. Wang Qi reversed the gravity under the feet of the ten people. Added five times the gravity near the hearts of the ten people, and changed the direction of the gravity received by the ten people. In an instant, everyone took the wrong step, and the formation collapsed naturally.

Then, the blue torrent appeared in the forest. The medicinal wine in the forest ambushed a large group of Xiagai monster insects. This kind of heart demon curse spirit transformed by the five plagues total curse is like a bullet shot by a metal storm, covering every inch of space. The formation was broken, and all the Jindan monks suffered backlash. How can we resist the erosion of the heart demon group?

The Five Plagues Curse with the new system installed has weakened its lethality and infectiousness. But as long as Wang Qi is willing, this thing can temporarily show its original power. Moreover, because the new system is powerful, it is even more powerful than before. All the Jindan cultivators were knocked down by the Heart Demon, fainted, and could not fight again.

"How dare you, thief!" Yi's Yuanying was furious, and the high-intensity Yangyan Yuehua Qi dispersed the Xiagai monster insect. With the rebellion of the Du family, the weakness of the Heart Demon Curse, which could not be called a weakness, was also known to the world. The curse of the spirit Gu Curse flew away all at once, blocking everyone.

"Hateful!" Everyone knew. The Heart Demon Curse is best at eroding the soul, so Yi's Yuanying put away his spiritual consciousness. Zhao Qingfeng did not dare to use Wang Qi's spell to test his anti-heart demon magic, and also put away his spiritual consciousness. In the blink of an eye, they lost the trace of Wang Qi. The azure light of the Five Plagues Curse perfectly concealed the blue robe of the Wanfamen on Wang Qi's body.

"Where exactly is it?" The Du family's Yuanying was a little anxious. At this moment, a sharp intention quietly wrapped around his neck. He was startled and wanted to turn his head.

However, "touch" is also "feeling". It is also observation. Before he turned his head, a sword energy pierced his cervical vertebrae, and then strangled the fragile Yuanying in the Dantian along the Du channel.

The Misty Unfixed Cloud Sword is the sword of cause and effect!

Hearing the dying groan of the Yuanying cultivator. Zhao Qingfeng broke out in a cold sweat for the first time. ;

This is not right! I am a saint in heaven, how could... how could I fall in such a place!

I am obviously destined to achieve the right fruit and eliminate the outsiders!

"Wang Qi!" Zhao Qingfeng let out the last trace of anger. He drew out his long sword, burned his mana, burned the golden elixir, and poured all his strength into this sword. A thick and clear sword light swept across the poisonous insects around him. This sword light was not a straight line, but a chaotic spiral, flying out from small to large circles to sweep the Five Plagues Curse around. During the flight, part of the sword light quickly collapsed and condensed into sword symbols. A sword light actually cut out the momentum of the sword formation!

With unpredictable body skills and Taiyu escape, it was not difficult for Wang Qi to avoid this move. However, he was so curious about the power of this sword that he couldn't help but want to crack it head-on.

"Is this the ancient version of the sword that is different from the Wanfamen's one law to create all laws? Just treat it as the second stage of the combat performance test!"

Wang Qi glanced at the sword light containing the sword formation. Each sword symbol is a flow direction of the sword energy. Countless sword symbols are cast into a flowing formation to lock the power of the sword energy, and Longquan is sharp without cutting. The sword energy will not dissipate before hitting the target.

With just one glance, Wang Qi constructed a model in his mind, a Hilbert space. There are only a few sword symbols in this sword light, and there are several dimensions in Wang Qi's Hilbert space.

The computing power of the Five Plagues General Curse Network was fully activated. In the blink of an eye, Wang Qi saw the flaw in the sword formation. He strode towards the sword formation, then swung the sword seemingly casually and sheathed it.

Like a butcher cutting a cow, a winding Tai Chi fish line cut open the sword light containing the sword formation.


Zhao Qingfeng felt a chill in his heart. That move of "One Sword Creates All Methods" was his biggest trump card. But even his trump card was no match for Wang Qi's casual sword! He only had the strength to escape at this time. He no longer hesitated, quickly set up the escape light, turned around and left. He no longer had the courage to face this monster.

This Wang Qi, who has not yet shown his body skills...

Before Zhao Qingfeng could even think of turning around, a fist knocked him unconscious.

Then, Wang Qi pointed a finger at his forehead.

"Bang." Wang Qi said onomatopoeia.

Then, Zhao Qingfeng knew nothing. (To be continued ~^~)

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