Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 359 Godlike Teammate

"In other words, this is what happened. Is it correct?" Ai Qinglan seemed to be in a very good mood when she asked Wang Qi.

Wang Qi glanced at Chen Feng behind Ai Qinglan with a teasing look, nodded and said: "As you can see. I messed up and made a big mess, and then Shenjing was targeted by the Tianjian. In order to cope with this crisis, I brought Chen Feng in, and then I brought you in as well. "

"I see, that's it. That's why I was drugged and plotted against you."

Wang Qi hurriedly held his head and crouched on the defensive: "Senior sister, please be merciful! I am doing this for your own good, right? Look! The relationship between your childhood sweethearts is as good as before. Congratulations!"

Ai Qinglan stretched out her hand to pull Wang Qi up, with a smile that could not be concealed on her face: "Senior sister, I don't blame you at all for this matter!"

Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good - um!"

Without warning, Ai Qinglan suddenly punched Wang Qi in the abdomen. Wang Qi's throat felt so sweet that he almost choked and bled. Ai Qinglan's terrifying punch force was like putting a piece of explosive into his body, and the terrifying power swept through his body in an instant. All the muscles were thrust into the pockets, all the bones were cracked, and the nerves were severed one by one under such terrifying force.

It was unimaginable pain.

Wang Qi felt a strange sense of weightlessness. He was thrown high and then knocked down a courtyard wall.

"Didn't you say you're not angry..." Wang Qi felt like there were countless ants digging hard in his body. He had never felt such pain since he was born. Although the injury is not serious. In just one breath, the flames of life restored his body to its original state. However, the pain seemed to still remain in his body, continuing to stimulate Wang Qi's consciousness.

"But, there is something you did that deserves to be beaten!" Ai Qinglan's voice was filled with a hint of evil: "How can you know death if you don't know life? Those who don't know life and do death should teach them by death. You don't know how to do it." Understand the value of life, never respect life, and will not consider the possibilities that life brings - you should not interfere with the demonstration of the way of life from the beginning. "

The pressure of the golden elixir stage completely overwhelmed Wang Qi's spirit. But even at this point, Wang Qi still smiled and said: "I didn't kill in vain...it was all for the sake of proof..."

"You can't just do this one demonstration in your life. You should have considered the consequences from the beginning." After Ai Qinglan left these words, she turned and left: "Take the results you have achieved so far, as well as the data. Bring them all to me."

Wang Qi coughed up a mouthful of blood. Quietly said to Chen Feng: "Your wife... this is fierce enough..."

Chen Feng could only express regret for this: "The rules that need to be followed in the empirical work are to ensure the meaning of the empirical results, as well as the seekers themselves. You have trampled on what countless predecessors in Tianlingling have summarized, and of course she will be angry ——And this time you also implicated a whole city of people.”

The amount of information accumulated by Wang Qi and others, coupled with the confidential technology and cutting-edge papers provided by Feng Luoyi, is very large. Excluding mathematical logic and open system interconnection, which are closer to pure mathematics and have little to do with biology, it took Ai Qinglan half a day to read them all. When Chen Youjia asked for dinner. She just put down the last piece of information and exclaimed: "Unexpectedly...Senior Feng has opened up so many top-secret laws to you..."

Chen Feng asked doubtfully: "Is there a problem?"

"Xiaofeng, you are also from Tianlingling, think about it carefully!" Ai Qinglan picked up a paper on infectious diseases: "This, all research results on plague diseases are extremely confidential, and the confidentiality level is second only to If you want to study Tianjian, you have to go through many layers of scrutiny. I remember that in order to learn blood grafting [transgenic], I traveled to many places and went through many examinations - and there is one person here who can't pass the examination at all."

Reiki makes the distance between theory and technology infinitely closer. This is a universe where scientists can easily double as engineers. No virologist on earth can create a world-destroying plague on his own, but the group of plague cultivators in Tianling Ridge in China can all fight biochemical crises with their bare hands. Therefore, if you want to study this field, you must first go through numerous examinations and regularly go to Yangshen Pavilion for spiritual evaluation. It is impossible for a banished immortal like Wang Qi to pass political review.

"And..." Ai Qinglan turned to glare at Wang Qi and pointed at another draft: "You are applying for this kind of plague curse. Are you basically trying to enhance the lethality of the inner demon curse?"

Wang Qi had a clear conscience: "The main purpose is to improve the completion of the inner demon curse and deepen our understanding of the inner demon curse so that we can develop countermeasures."

Chen Feng and Chen Youjia shook their heads: "Who believes this..." "That's true."

"I always feel that when Senior Feng gave you these things, it was as if he was out of his mind - could he still want you to continue to complete this vicious spell that can kill the entire human race? Generally speaking, there is no need to study countermeasures. Is this it?" Ai Qinglan muttered. Then, she picked up another piece of data and asked: "As for the inner demon's power, there should be a way to refine it from the spiritual level, right?"

"Yes, there is, but the method of creating reverse spiritual power to neutralize it requires very high control of the spiritual power, so it is not a method that can be promoted more widely."

"I understand." Ai Qinglan nodded and picked up the latest edition of the Great Method of Refining Gods and Transforming Demons: "Based on the Tianyan Illustration, let this practice be perfected by itself in the confrontation with the inner demon curse. This The idea is good, but it seems that you haven’t fully utilized the characteristics of Tianyan Illustrated!”

Wang Qi was surprised: "Senior sister, isn't the characteristic of Tianyan Illustrations evolution?"

"No, no, no, no." Ai Qinglan shook her finger: "The biggest difference between Tianyan Illustration and other cultivation methods is that it requires accumulation."

"The great roads in the world all come from the system of Master Yuanli. Master Yuanli's "The Theory of the Great Road" clearly explains the principles and axioms, so all the practitioners in the world can explain them in one sentence. However, Master Yuanli There is also an overlooked concept - the accumulation of spirituality over time. This accumulation is the foundation for living beings to move from simplicity to complexity."

Variation, pluralism, opportunity, uncertainty, purposeful procedures, historical information, and imprecise replication at the genetic level give living things more possibilities.

Wang Qi thought thoughtfully. When he first built the foundation, he used this characteristic of the Tianyan Catalog as a storage in the calculator structure. However, he still scratched his head: "You said this, who knows... can you tell me how to do it specifically?"

Ai Qinglan stretched out her hand: "Give me the historical version of this great method of refining gods and transforming demons - whether it is before or after the revision, including the original version."

"Jarvis, user registration, Ai Qinglan, set to the first level of authority." Wang Qi shouted. In the void, a mechanical voice immediately came: "Size scan, confirm... Iris scan, confirm... Mana and energy... Hello, Fairy Ai."

Wang Qi introduced: "This is an acquired will that I made. I usually don't need it temporarily and then some data with research value will be saved by it."

Ai Qinglan curiously looked at the light screen that suddenly appeared in front of her: "Not bad, this thing is really interesting."

Since there were several experimenters, one or two versions of the method of refining gods and transforming demons could be produced every day in the beginning. Ai Qinglan quickly scanned the more than twenty versions of the exercises in front of her, and then focused on the first and latest versions. In the meantime, he raised his left and right hands, and countless milky white light mist emerged, condensed into talismans, and then floated above her palms. When there are enough talismans, they begin to gather and splice automatically.

Gradually, two double helix structures took shape in Ai Qinglan's palm.

She expressed that exercise in another "language" that she was familiar with!

"This simulated bloodline contains the spiritual power of the technique." Ai Qinglan did not forget to explain to the other three people: "Then, I will use these things to deduce the technique itself."

After saying that, Ai Qinglan closed her eyes. The room was getting brighter and brighter. Countless talismans appeared around her and were spliced ​​into the structure that Wang Qi was familiar with.

Countless long chains appeared around Ai Qinglan. Each strand of the double helix is ​​like a genome. Its base pairs are characters, and each genome is a version of the technique.

Against the background of countless chains of life, Ai Qinglan looks more and more ordinary.

Some of these "gene fragments" resemble dandelion seeds, and some resemble some kind of jellyfish. They are floating softly next to Ai Qinglan, looking beautiful. Chen Youjia even wanted to touch these long ribbon-like chains.

"I see...I know." Ai Qinglan whispered, pulling with her hands. The surrounding chains of life seemed to be inspired by some kind of inspiration, floating in the same direction, splicing, and coupling.

Then, a real long chain circled Ai Qinglan, spinning gently.

Wang Qi was stunned: "Are you...putting together several versions? Well, with all due respect, senior sister, we don't even have time to simplify it now..."

"Remember what senior sister taught you? 'Redundancy' is also a part of the way of life. Eliminating harmful things, retaining harmless things, and highlighting beneficial things are the laws of life evolution. Because 'redundancy' means room for mutation and Buffering. It is precisely because the redundant part retains some of the resonance, so there are many changes hidden in the creature." Ai Qinglan finally looked at Chen Feng: "Xiao Feng, is this technique unqualified? ”

"Of course, that's why I need your help."

"Yeah, sister, I will teach you well today!"

"Ahem." Wang Qi interrupted the flirting couple: "Speaking of which, senior sister, how do you solve the problem of complicated exercises?"

Ai Qinglan asked back: "Junior brother, can you feel that more than half of your bloodline is meaningless redundant data?"

"It's really...well, you are an expert."

Ai Qinglan smiled and said: "Very good. Then junior brother, let me have a look at your inner demon system."

Wang Qi asked suspiciously: "What to do?"

"By the way, I'll help you get rid of that 'god'." (To be continued ~^~)

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