Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 16 Return to Oneness

Sensing the situation inside Wang Qi's body, Xi Boche withdrew his palm and smiled happily.

The problem with him is that he likes to be a teacher. The number of his disciples is not the largest in the Immortal Alliance, but it is still quite large. He was the most generous person. When Tai Tian Zun Ai Citan was poor in arithmetic and could not continue his pursuit of the Tao, he even mobilized thousands of monks under his command to solve the arithmetic problems for him.

Therefore, he felt sincerely happy when he saw the kid in front of him break through the "Tianyan Picture Record" to the second level.

The ability of the second level "Tianyan Catalogue" to connect the breath of heaven and earth and borrow spiritual energy is much stronger than the first level. The flow of mana representing "Tianyan Illustrated" grew rapidly. Although the various mental methods are still in conflict, Xibaiche has already exhausted all the chaotic magic power. Under the influence of one and the other, other magical powers were actually integrated one by one by "Tianyan Illustrated Records".

During the integration process, "Tian Yan Tu Lu" was bifurcated several times, but the practice itself had extraordinary characteristics. After the bifurcation, it adjusted itself, and the practice even underwent new changes.

Xibeiche nodded, thought for a moment, took out a pen and paper from the void, used magic power to write down a few words, placed it gently next to Wang Qi, and also placed a spell on the paper to prevent it from being blown away.

Zhen Shanzi asked suspiciously: "Why do you want to help him?"

Since Xibeche has discovered him, there is no need for him to hide himself.

Xi Baiche touched his chin: "This kid is very suitable for me - eh, I just said that I seem to have an impression of him. The kid Jingyun mentioned is him."

"Are the current Dharma cultivators' thinking so out-of-the-box..."

Xi Boche ignored Zhen Shanzi and looked at Wang Qi carefully: "Speaking of which, it turns out that the Qi training chapters of "Elephant Phase Wave Technique" and "Ripple Xuanqi" can really be practiced."

Zhen Shanzi was shocked: "You also show off the skills that cannot be practiced?"

The second half waved his hands: "Oh, that's not true. De Buyi and Xue Ding were both great masters when they created the technique. The technique in the human world has not been practiced yet - but it is theoretically safe."

Zhen Shanzi was shocked again: "Is this kid's talent in modern magic really so terrifying?"

"My understanding ability is very strong, my academic foundation is extremely strong for my age, and more importantly, I have great ideas."

Zhen Shanzi was a little unbelievable. Although Wang Qi was very talented in ancient Dharma, he had already known that Wang Qi was very talented in modern Dharma, but it was another thing for a free monk to say such a high evaluation personally.

"This kid could crush monks in the same realm before the Golden Core stage with just 'Phase Wave'. But if you don't want to become mediocre in the Yuanshen stage, you have to work more on arithmetic." Xi Boche turned around and said: "I just happened to be passing by, and I have something else to do. Tell the kid to please do this kind of dangerous practice accompanied by the teacher in the future."

After saying this, Xi Baiche's figure disappeared into the void.

It was still that weird way of moving, and Zhen Shanzi couldn't understand the opponent's movement trajectory at all.

Wang Qi felt like he had been asleep for a long time.

He felt warm all over, as if he was immersed in warm water, and as if he was back before he was born. There was a strange sense of satisfaction in his whole body.

The aftermath of the previous conflicts between various techniques had long since injured his body to pieces. Now, after the "Tianyan Illustrated" mind method controlled the mana in his body, his mana finally began to replenish his body.

I don't know how long it took before he woke up.

After regaining consciousness, the first thing that hit me was a numb and tingling sensation all over my body.

"Hiss." Wang Qi grinned and looked inside his body.

What was happening inside his body surprised him.

A mana, like a stream or a long river, runs through the Baihui above the head and the Laogong with both hands, forming a criss-crossing mana path. This is clearly the second most important phenomenon in "Tianyan Pictures"! And all kinds of exercises are in unprecedented harmony. "Tiange Xing" formed an electromagnetic field that enveloped every inch of his meridians, and the magic power of "Great Dispersion and Harmony" formed a cloud inside the meridians. The two went their own way, as if they were on two parallel lines. The raging energy of the blazing sun and the magic power of Tiangexing converge in one place, while the light granular magic power representing the "Tian Guang Hua Wu Jue" curls up in the Dantian with the "Tian Entropy Jue". The phase waves created by "Elephant Phase Wave Skill" seep into one's own bones.

And each magic power is not just as simple as doing its own thing. Wang Qi can be sure that no matter what kind of magic he uses, the balance in his body will not be out of control!

But this is unscientific? "Tianyan Illustrated" will actually evolve to the second level on its own?

Is it right that I obviously passed out?

Wang Qi opened his eyes with confusion: "Old man, what time is it now? What happened?"

"You have been unconscious all night. You underestimated the dangers of practice again. However, you were rescued this time." Zhen Shanzi relayed what happened to Wang Qi.

While Zhen Shanzi was talking, Wang Qi looked around. He was also shocked by the tragedy around him. However, he didn't pay too much attention to the traces, but looked at the paper on the ground.

He reached out to pick it up, and the spell on the paper burst like bubbles. There are not many words on the paper, just a few sentences:

"Using "Tian Yan Tu Lu" to control all kinds of mental methods, and then using multiple mental methods to understand the principles of the flow of all things, it is wonderful, but there are still some shortcomings. In the library, the seventh book on the seventh shelf of the Renbu Row, ninth row, second row of the eighth bookshelf, there are a few arithmetic books that need to be supplemented. The book list is attached. In addition, there will be a class on "The Essence of Spiritual Energy" in the Immortal Academy in July, so it will be helpful to master it in advance. benefit."

After reading the note, Wang Qi looked admiring: "You can actually see through my base at a glance. You are worthy of being the top expert in the Immortal Alliance."

Zhen Shanzi asked: "This is the advice of the powerful Xiaoyao, and it is of great benefit to you."

Wang Qi nodded: "Yes, I have to go to the library later."

With that said, Wang Qi endured the stinging pain of regaining consciousness and struggled to stand up from the ground.

After leaving the Chuan Gong Hall, Wang Qi returned directly to the dormitory. Except for the robe on his body, all other clothes were destroyed by the violent Tianenjue, and he was now in a vacuum state. Yesterday, when I was excited, imitating the ancestors might have become a good talk, but doing so today can only be said to be a unique personal preference.

"I won't get excited by a slut's dirty look!" Wang Qi said, looking left and right as he walked towards the dormitory.

Tian Enjue's burnt flesh and hair kept emitting a burning smell. Wang Qi actually washed away the dirt on his body. Only then did he realize that the wounds on his body had scabbed over. There was no way to save his burnt hair, so Wang Qi turned his palm into a knife and cut his hair short.

Looking at himself with short hair in the mirror, Wang Qi touched his chin: "I miss this hairstyle a little bit. But it's a bit awkward to look at it like this."

I always had short hair in my previous life, but in this life I follow Kyushu custom and wear my hair in a bun.

Zhen Shanzi said: "The hand I used to cut my hair just now is a bit like the skill of a swordsman."

"The phase wave can be retracted and retracted freely. Xibaiche is right. I feel that the standard magic weapon of Xianyuan cannot withstand my full blow. People at the same level will never be able to do it." Wang Qi said and looked at it. Look at the soul clock in the room.

It's still some time before the first class. Do you want to go to the library and have a look?


The collection has increased a lot recently. . . Pindao said in a slightly depressed mood. . .

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