Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2: Classmates, please study on your own while I go to survive the disaster

Today's Immortal Alliance has many concepts that are incomprehensible to the ancient method cultivators.

For example, "the recipes that require extremely rare spiritual herbs or spiritual herbs that are more than a hundred years old are worthless."

This sentence is enough to piss off 99% of the ancient method alchemists. Because these people spend their entire lives "looking for prescriptions, looking for precious herbs, and refining pills" and "looking for mutant herbs, researching prescriptions, and refining pills." This sentence is equivalent to denying their lifelong cultivation.

The thinking of the modern method alchemists is like this-what a joke, the samples of the kind of pills that can only be produced in hundreds of years are so few, how can they be the research object? If you can't study it, you can't improve it, okay? If you have time to tinker with those individuals that have no research value, you might as well use ordinary ten-year-old spiritual herbs to study pharmacology!

As for the style of the modern method alchemists, it is-our goal is to make the world of immortal cultivation have no... ahem, use ten-year spiritual herbs to refine the medicinal effects of ten thousand-year-old natural treasures!

And-one is not enough? It's okay, eat it by the handful, anyway, the cost is low!

According to measurements, the pills made from modern elixirs made from hundred-year-old herbs can be comparable to the ancient pills made from rare spiritual herbs over three thousand years old, and the cost of the former is less than one thousandth of the latter.

Another concept that is difficult for ancient practitioners to accept is that "a cultivator who does not understand theory and cannot study is not a good cultivator."

All the abilities of modern practitioners are based on the exploration of the Great Dao. Therefore, how can a cultivator who only knows mechanical training, accumulating experience, relying on instinct and fighting like a low-level animal be a good cultivator?

It is precisely because of this concept that the courses arranged by the Immortal Academy are also mainly based on theory.

The disciples of the Immortal Academy must finish breakfast before 7:30 every day. At 7:30, all the disciples of the academy gather in the drill ground and practice "Basic Boxing" once and "Basic Swordsmanship" once under the guidance of the assistant teacher of the foundation-building period.

After that, until lunch, new disciples must learn various theories. From the beginning of this year to November, the courses arranged by the Immortal Academy are all compulsory courses, and from December to June of the following year, new disciples can arrange their own courses.

There is a two-hour lunch break after lunch. The afternoon courses are mainly martial arts, spells, etc. In the evening, there is also a theoretical class. After this theoretical class, these disciples of the Immortal Gate end their day's courses.

For every new disciple, the half-day in the morning is extremely precious, because every word the lecturer says here is related to their future prospects.

However, Wang Qi is an exception. Most of the time he was in a trance during the theoretical class. The Immortal Academy is just an entry-level course, and rarely teaches in-depth theories. Several data that Wang Qi cares about most, including the Planck constant, do not involve specific values. This makes Wang Qi very depressed.

"Photoelectric Precision Guided Flying Sword..." Bored, Wang Qi flipped through the textbook: "I'm more curious why the flying sword theory class is arranged for the Qi Refining disciples."

Zhen Chanzi quietly answered in his mind: "In fact, you just haven't learned the art of controlling objects now. It is a basic skill for a Qi Refining cultivator to hurt people with a flying sword."

"If this matter can be explained... I'm more curious why the Liuyun Sect's theory course is taught by a cultivator from Lingshou Mountain."

Wang Qi looked at Xiong Mo, the flying sword theory teacher who was spitting on the podium, and silently complained.

Lecturer Xiong Mo looked no more than thirty years old, and his lectures were quite passionate. In Wang Qi's opinion, Xiong Mo's class was quite good.

But the robe on this guy is clearly a green robe with the logo of Lingshou Mountain! Why would he openly teach the Liuyun Sect's course?

The major is not suitable!

While Wang Qi was thinking, Xiong Mo had already talked about the next commonly used Tianyuan style. His hand gently swiped on the Shuihua light curtain that served as a blackboard, and a formula and several main applications appeared on the light curtain. Xiong Mo cleared his throat and prepared to continue his lecture.

At this time, his face changed, and the spiritual power in his hand could not be controlled, and the light curtain turned white.

All the disciples in the lecture hall were shocked, but Xiong Mo showed a happy face and said: "Students, you study on your own first, I will go through the tribulation! Before I come back, finish questions 2, 3, 5, and 9 on page 42 of the exercise book! I will talk when I come back!"

This fierce speech shocked everyone, including Wang Qi. After Xiong Mo finished this sentence, he immediately rushed out of the classroom, leaving everyone in the wind.

Wang Qi asked Zhen Chanzi blankly: "You seem to have said that it is the most dangerous for a cultivator to overcome tribulation, right? But listening to the tone of this Master Xiong... This is no different from 'I have to go to the bathroom'!"

Zhen Chanzi was speechless and choked: "Maybe he is confident... I really can't keep up with the times..."

Three minutes after Xiong Mo rushed out, the weather quickly turned cloudy. Just now it was clear, and in the blink of an eye, dark clouds came from nowhere and covered the entire sky. Thunders continued to sound, as if a huge wheel was rolling over the clouds. Blue and white light snakes swam in the dark clouds, exuding a terrifying breath.

Including Wang Qi, all new disciples who practiced Thunder or Yuanci Heart Method felt that the mana in their bodies was faintly out of control. In the air, there was a powerful electromagnetic field that was constantly gathering power.

"So that's how it is... the strong magnetic field interferes with the magnetic poles of the water vapor, causing clouds to appear in the sky... the brewing of thunder calamity starts from the magnetic field?" Wang Qi originally wanted to study the principle of thunder calamity, but the magnetic field of "Heavenly Song" on the verge of losing control did not give him this opportunity. Wang Qi had no choice but to sit down and silently practice the mind method to regulate his breathing.

On the training ground, Xiong Mo looked at the dark clouds in the sky nonchalantly. He patted the back of another Yuanshen-stage cultivator standing beside him affectionately - it was just that he hit him a little harder, almost causing the other's chest to resonate - and said: "Yunxiang, this time it's all up to you!"

The Yuanshen-stage cultivator named Yunxiang almost vomited blood: "Brother Xiong... Be gentle, if you slap me to death, no one will help you overcome the tribulation!"

Xiong Mo rubbed his hands: "Okay, okay. By the way, how is your practice of the Prison Thunder Curse? If you can't bear it, do you want me to transform?"

Taoist Yunxiang shrank his shoulders and looked like he wanted to vomit: "Don't! Your mental health value will decrease!"

Xiong Mo looked smug: "The moves that destroy the enemy mentally are the best moves! It's coming soon."

"Yes, yes." Taoist Yunxiang looked helpless: "Fly off the ground. It's safer."

Xiong Mo followed his words and floated with Yunxiang three feet above the ground. Yunxiang waved his sleeves, and the "Yuan magnetic energy" from "Heavenly Song" was waved out from his hands. These magical powers condensed in the air but did not disperse. They were bound around the two people by Taoist Yunxiang with a spell. When the surrounding Yuan magnetic energy was thick enough, Yunxiang clasped her hands in a circle and used the Yuan magnetic energy in her body to drive the magical power that had just been released. The Yuan magnetic energy around the two people rolled endlessly, and finally became a round circle.

Yunxiang's forehead was sweating: "Okay, the Lianxu thunder tribulation can't hit you. After the thunder tribulation dissipates, the breathing of heaven and earth will no longer interfere with you. You will be a genuine Lianxu Grandmaster. Congratulations."

The modern method cultivator will encounter the first thunder tribulation when he is promoted from the Jindan stage to the Yuanshen stage, and there will be one when the Yuanshen stage is promoted to the Lianxu stage. Lianxu stage is the second hurdle of the third stage of modern method cultivation, "Grandmaster". If the Yuanshen stage is a strong person who suppresses one side, then the Lianxu stage is the backbone of the Immortal Alliance.

As he was talking, a thunder tribulation came down. However, when the lightning touched the round sphere constructed by the Yuan magnetic energy, it was blocked. The blue arc of electricity wandered on the surface of the sphere, but it could not do anything to the two monks inside!

If Wang Qi came again, he would definitely recognize the true face of this shield at a glance - Faraday cage, a structure used to shield electromagnetic waves!

Xiong Mo laughed wildly: "Ahahaha! What can this thunder tribulation do to me?"

Yunxiang covered her face: "You said it as if you were carrying it yourself."

Xiong Mo patted Yunxiang's shoulder affectionately again: "This is not the point! Ahahaha..."

"I'm going to die! My bones are broken!"

Yunxiang's screams were covered by the increasingly fierce thunder.


Just when Xiong Mo was going through the tribulation, at the top of Xinshan Mountain, the back hall of the Immortal Alliance headquarters.

A layer of haze covered the back hall, and Chen Jingyun, the crown of all laws, sat in front of the main entrance of the back hall. After sensing the breath of thunder, he looked towards the hillside, and a rare smile appeared on his dull face: "Another person has been promoted to the Refining Void Realm."

At this time, a violent cough came from the hall. Chen Jingyun immediately stood up and quickly walked to the door of the back hall. At this time, a middle-aged beautiful woman pushed the door open. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled: "Master Chen, you can come in. Palace Master Deng is fine."

This woman is the Laser Female Lord Ma Juli.

Chen Jingyun showed a happy expression and pushed the door open to enter the back hall. There was a bed in the back hall, and the Palace Master of the Heavenly Sword Palace, Deng Jiaxuan, who was known as Jianming Cangqiong, was lying on the bed, his face as white as gold paper.

Chen Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Jiaxuan, how do you feel?"

Deng Jiaxuan smiled and nodded reluctantly to Ma Juli: "Not bad. Thank you Madam Juli for saving me."

Ma Juli shook her head: "It should be so."

More than half a month ago, Ma Juli brought the seriously injured and dying Deng Jiaxuan back to Xinyue and asked Chen Jingyun to protect him. After that, she stayed in the back hall to heal Deng Jiaxuan.

Chen Jingyun asked suspiciously: "With so many of you going together, even if the Taoist No Permission is strong, he shouldn't be injured like this, right?"

Deng Jiaxuan shook his head: "It has nothing to do with the Taoist No Permission... Ahem, it's useless for me to die. I fell down before I even saw the enemy."

"Didn't you say that we only need to wait in the South China Sea for seven days?"

Deng Jiaxuan wanted to speak, but Ma Juli stopped him and answered for him: "The Bai Ze calculation of the White Ze God has not been completed yet, and one thing has been missed. The Taoist No Permission of Piao Miao Palace has a hot temper and cannot forgive the Taoist No Permission's betrayal. As a result, when trying to stop the Taoist No Permission, , and actually got really angry. Lord Bai Ze's plan was just to entangle Taoist Buzhu for a while, but Taoist Buzhu pressed Taoist Buzhu to chase him for thousands of miles, disrupting the plan, and the result was..." Speaking of this, Ma Juli shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The two brothers fought to their death in the North Sea and both fell into the sea. Palace Master Deng rushed from the South Sea to the North Sea, and his old injury recurred. "

"Where are they now?"

"Taoist Buzhu has found the instruments of communication with the Immortal Alliance, but Taoist Buzhu is still missing."

The three talked about the problem of Taoist Buzhu for a while. Then, Ma Juli got up and said goodbye. Deng Jiaxuan asked Chen Jingyun: "How is the Immortal Academy?"

"Same as always. Teaching is not my forte, so I didn't interfere much there."

Deng Jiaxuan nodded and smiled: "The best... I still have to retreat in secret to recover. I'll have to trouble you to take charge of the overall situation."

"In addition, someone just passed the tribulation outside, the refining thunder tribulation, in the direction of the Immortal Academy."

"The kid from Lingshou Mountain, ahem." Deng Jiaxuan said: "I felt it too."

Chen Jingyun looked a little hesitant: "I don't know if I should tell you about the last thing. About the new disciple named Wang Qi..."

At this time, the female laser master Ma Juli ran back to the hall in a panic: "Master Chen, something went wrong!"

Deng Jiaxuan instinctively wanted to touch the Heavenly Sword, but this action aroused his injury, causing him to cough: "Ahem, what's the matter?"

Ma Juli pointed outside: "Look."

Deng Jiaxuan followed the other party's finger and looked outside. There was a haze outside the back hall, and several golden bridges were looming in the haze.

"Isn't this the 'Hongmeng Yiqi Formation' of the Wanfa Sect?"

Chen Jingyun nodded: "I set it up."

Hongmeng Yiqi Formation disrupts time and space in the haze. If you want to break the formation, you must walk through the several Hongmeng golden bridges inside without repeating. The foundation of this formation is called "Yiqi Painting Method", also called "One-stroke Painting", which is a derivative of topology.

Ma Juli asked cautiously: "Do you remember how many flags you used?"

"Seven, this is the safest way."

Ma Juli was devastated: "Doesn't the seven bridges prove that there is no solution?"

"The enemy can't get in."

"But have you ever thought about how we can get out!"

Chen Jingyun showed a look of astonishment on his face.

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