Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 211: Research on Shinto Principles

The way of Shinto is to fool the people. It is evil and wicked to harm the hearts of the people and serve one's own body. It is evil and is the enemy of humanity.

This is the definition of Shinto by the Immortal Alliance.

However, few people know that in the very beginning, in the tribal era of the human race, it was the practice of Shinto that gave the human race the power to rise.

Thanks to the powerful brain, the human race is born with spirits and has both sex and life. However, it is precisely because the brain replaces the position of the soul as the thinking organ that the human race is not like the demon race, which can only rely on "thinking" to strengthen the soul and complete the opening of the spirit, and in the process of opening the spirit, it has explored the means of absorbing spiritual energy and storing energy. The first humans carefully worshipped the heaven and earth and heroes. And the heroes revered by the tribesmen also gained a little bit of power beyond the scale of mortals. The heroes of these tribes gathered the thoughts of the people and gradually became stronger. They could even keep their heroic souls immortal after death and protect the human race. In order to explore the ability to communicate with the heroic souls and ancestors, ordinary humans gradually developed the most primitive witchcraft methods such as sacrifice, rituals, and blessings.

This is the origin of the human race's Shinto.

At the same time, the human race began to study the cultivation method of the demon race to accumulate energy, accumulate knowledge of spiritual energy, and combine the primitive Shinto and totem worship to use the power of incense and faith, and began to explore ways to strengthen the body.

It is precisely because of the emergence of Shinto that more people equals greater power, and the human race realized the importance of gathering. As a result, this planet where personal force is supreme has evolved into a collective thing called "civilization". It is also because of the emergence of Shinto that the human race can reproduce the first settlement in Shenzhou where big demons are rampant.

Then. History has a big deviation.

"About 80,000 years ago, it suddenly appeared." Chen Feng said: "The ancient immortal way quickly took shape, and then Shinto also ushered in a wave of explosions, getting rid of the primitive nature worship and totem worship, and entering the period of gods."

It is called "The Immortals Spread the Law".

It was as if they had entered the cultivation civilization overnight. The ancient immortal way had left the primitive stage of guiding and nourishing qi, and entered the mature era of practicing qi, building foundation and forming elixir. The divine way no longer worshipped totems and heaven and earth, and people began to consciously create gods. Even the magic way and the ghost way appeared at this time.

All this happened suddenly. From primitive worship to the divine court, from breathing and nourishing to longevity and sublimation, this process was accomplished in one fell swoop. The ancient investigation department of the Immortal Alliance has not found any evidence of the existence of any intermediate excessive cultivation.

It really seems that an immortal passed down this law.

The first emperor of the human race, "Yuan", regarded the immortal as the imperial teacher. He killed people everywhere, unified the human race, and created the first immortal dynasty "Dayan". After the emperor succeeded, he ascended to heaven, and the imperial teacher immortal returned to the immortal heaven.

However, this historical material is questionable. It is ridiculous to say that the ancient cultivation method that claims to inherit the orthodoxy of the human race and is the eternal law does not pay much attention to history. In their view, this thing is a prop that can be obtained in any convenient way. On the contrary, modern Buddhism has been investigating the past, hoping to seek the truth from history. In the past 80,000 years, too many historical materials have been destroyed, especially the part about the emperor's teacher. There is no reliable history at all, let alone physical historical materials as evidence.

For example, the residence of the immortals, "the capital under the emperor", Kunlun Immortal City. Since the Middle Ages, there have been ancient Buddhists who have been trapped by resource problems and have been frantically looking for this immortal residence. In an attempt to obtain the immortal legacy that no one knows whether there is. However, every inch of land in Kunlun Mountain has been explored in the past 60,000 years, but no trace of the capital under the emperor has been found.

Wang Qi looked at Zhen Chanzi. Zhen Chanzi said that this is indeed the case. In the last days of the law, cultivators are frantically looking for ancient relics. Sects like Tianshulou are even more focused on reading ancient books. Geomancy is part of their practice, and tomb robbing is a sideline.

However, the existence of the immortal heaven has been revealed by the ascended cultivators of all generations. This is why the Shenzhou cultivators have always believed in this legend.

"Ahem." Chen Feng coughed twice: "Sorry, sorry, I'm a bit of a teacher. I want to explain it thoroughly when I encounter a problem. The mystery of 'the immortal's teaching' is not our focus."

Wang Qi, who has never been a teacher but is still a demon master, nodded to show his understanding: "It is easy to be like this after staying with a kid for a long time."

"Ahem, the reason why I tell you about the source of Shinto is to make you understand the principles of Shinto."

Aura is a peculiar physical quantity. It tends to be a complex and orderly system, and tends to negative entropy. Human consciousness is a negative entropy system composed of spiritual [information], so human thoughts can directly command aura.

What's more, the aura affected by thoughts will have subtle changes in its eigenform, making it easier to transform into mana.

This is the original Shinto, which gathers the thoughts of everyone and transforms them into special mana and divine power to achieve a heroic spirit.

Wang Qi said: "This is the principle of Shinto... Gathering the will of all living beings and transforming it into one's own magic power. At the same time, the spiritual power transformed from the will of all living beings limits the nature of the power of the gods."

But... what the hell is the world-destroying power of Hongyuan Sect? There are so many people in Shenzhou praying for the destruction of the world? Is the Immortal Alliance so angry that people resent it?

Seeing Wang Qi's doubts, Chen Feng emphasized: "This is the original Shinto, especially before the 'immortals passed on the law'. After the immortals passed on the law, things were very different. Shinto learned some new tricks. At the same time, its principles have also undergone earth-shaking changes."

"Earth-shaking? Don't tell me they don't need incense anymore."

Chen Feng asked back: "What is the principle of practicing Taoism for longevity?"

Wang Qi scratched his head: "This principle is very complicated. If you want to ask me why..." He remembered the mystery of the flesh and the secret of life span that Ai Qinglan had mentioned before, and replied: "Establish a new system in the body to enhance the complexity of the life system and maintain negative entropy."

Chen Feng nodded: "I didn't expect you to understand it well - yes, this is the principle of longevity. The original Shinto is just to accelerate the gathering of spiritual energy, which is equivalent to saving the effort of meditation and transformation of spiritual energy. The system still needs to be built by the practitioner himself."

"But the God Taoism is different. It turns faith into a system - religion. Establishing a religion becomes a part of Shinto practice! With an external storage system, the great religion will always prosper, the gods will always be strong, the incense will never go out, and the gods will never die. "

Wang Qi said anxiously: "Stop, stop... Who can tell me how to turn faith into a system?"

Chen Feng called Chen Youjia, who had just finished his midnight snack: "Youjia, do something to Wang Qi, whatever, just think of it as seeking Taoism."

"Oh." Chen Youjia responded lightly, then stretched out his hand and slapped Wang Qi's head.

Wang Qi said angrily: "What are you doing?"

"He asked me to do it." Chen Youjia calmly pushed the blame to Chen Feng. Chen Feng smiled and said, "Calm down, calm down. Look, Yu Jia hit you, you want to retaliate, then Yu Jia hits back, and then you continue to hit. You two are two parts, 'attack-return' is the 'order' that connects you, and this is the simplest system."

Wang Qi's face darkened: "Did you express the meaning of 'all things also want to have a Taoist partner' and 'even if the other party is also all things' as if nothing had happened?"

Chen Feng's expression did not change, and he continued: "However, such a simple system cannot absorb any spiritual energy. The complexity and order of the system called 'religion' are far higher than the two of you..." (To be continued ~^~)

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