Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 31: The crisscrossing skill tree

Xiang Qi looked at Wang Qi and said, "My skills have improved! Have you decided on the method to practice?"

Wang Qi asked: "How did you tell?"

He doesn’t have time to practice mental techniques at all!

"The kick I gave you made a difference."

So kicking people is also a skilled job? Do you have experience?

As soon as Su Junyu entered the door, he took out a book of unknown content and sat there studying it. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Actually, the violent woman has dragged me here three times, but you were not there every time. In summary, the only place you can go to now is the Chuan Gong Hall, right?"

"Shut up!" Xiang Qi said angrily to Su Junyu, and then explained to Wang Qi: "In fact, the action you just released means that you have at least sorted out your own magic power based on a certain skill, and the immediate effect from your From the looks of it, they are probably from Wanfamen.”

Wang Qi had to admire Xiang Qi's sharp eyes. He had indeed relied on "Yi Bi Suan Jing" to move Zhou Tian just now.

Su Junyu finally raised his head and gave a thumbs up: "You have discernment. Our Wanfa Sect's heart method is the golden blond method and will hardly conflict with other methods. Even if you don't major in it in the future, it's not bad to do both as a minor."

Xiang Qi continued: "Actually, I'm here now because I forgot to tell you the importance of choosing exercises."

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows: "Is there any secret here?"

Xiang Qi nodded: "Yes, but most of the disciples of the Immortal Academy will not come until half a month later, so this part of the content will not be taught until half a month. We are afraid that you are in a hurry to practice and choose the wrong method."

"Can't I change my practice if I choose the wrong method?"

Xiang Qi shook his head: "Of course you can change cultivation, but it is thankless. Moreover, the purpose of the Immortal Academy is to allow those who seek immortality to choose the correct method based on their talent and temperament, instead of having to find disciples after entering the school like in the past. More suitable for other methods.”

In other words, the true face of Xianyuan is to choose professional guidance!

Su Junyu continued: "Now Jinfa's understanding of the Tao is becoming more and more thorough. If you can't learn to reach the top in one aspect, you won't be able to take the last step. If you first forcefully study subjects that are not in harmony with you, and then waste your energy on changing the subject, I'm afraid It is doomed to fall far behind others.”

Wang Qi nodded: "I see. So, what is the secret?"

Xiang Qi asked: "How many introductory books have you read? Which parts do you find easier, and which parts do you find interesting?"

Wang Qi pondered for a moment. According to what he learned in his previous life, Wanfamen and Piaomiao Palace were the first choices at that time. Since Taoist manuscripts are not allowed, I must have deceived Piaomiao Palace. But it would be too shocking to tell Xiang Qi now that what he likes is quantum mechanics, which is quite a magician in China. He considered his tone and replied: "After reading the arithmetic book I got here, I suddenly became enlightened. I also like arithmetic very much. And... I think the ethereal way is very interesting."

Su Junyu practices Baize Suan, and is one of the strongest supporters of determinism. He is very disgusted with the "Piaomiao Undeterminedness" of the Piaomiao Palace: "What's the fun in that kind of nonsense? It's just made of sand. The city may collapse at any time.”

Xiang Qi retorted: "What's the explanation for all the wonderful magic in the Piaomiao Palace? At least the avenue they explored solved the problem of the buckle of the sky base and the hybridization of orbital shapes, and greatly strengthened the development of mental methods and spells in the Burning Gold Valley."

"The Sky-based Buckle?" Wang Qi asked doubtfully. "Orbital hybridization" is similar to the Earth's term "orbital hybridization" and is not difficult to understand. But what is a "space-based buckle"?

Xiang Qi gave a rough explanation. China used to call atoms "the foundation of heaven", or "the foundation of heaven" for short. It is the force that connects two atoms together. Because it acts like a button, it is called the "space-based button" - the so-called "chemical bond" on earth.

Wang Qi looked thoughtfully at the dispute between Su Junyu and Xiang Qi.

Pretty much what I guessed. The basic theory of quantum mechanics has taken shape in this world, but in terms of explaining the new wave function collapse, there is still only the observer effect of the Copenhagen School, and several other mainstream explanations have not yet appeared. Due to the existence of Wanfamen and the influence of Shenjun Bai Ze, the "hidden variable" school of thought that the collapse of closed functions is due to a certain physical quantity that we have not yet observed is not the same as on earth. After de Broglie proposed it, it was Completely buried, but there are a large number of staunch supporters.

Moreover, it is certain that the "Bell's inequality" that played a decisive role in the history of the development of physics has not yet appeared.

Xiang Qi and Su Junyu couldn't argue, so they could only shake their heads: "Come on! One day, senior Bo'er will design an experiment to prove himself!"

Su Junyu retorted: "Then we must first find a way to break the seal of the Bouncing Heavenly Lord and rescue the living and dead civet cat."

Xue Ding'e's cat...

Wang Qi silently complained about the similarities between the two worlds.

Xiang Qi stopped arguing with Su Junyu and continued to say to Wang Qi: "Don't listen to him. In short, you have the highest attainment and the best talent in mathematics and science, but you are interested in the Piaomiao method? Either Wanfamen or Piaomiao Palace—personally, Piao Miao Palace is good after all.”

Su Junyu was dissatisfied: "Hey!"

"After entering the Wanfa Sect, you will become nervous, taciturn, stay indoors, and may also develop various weird habits..."

Do you mean all mathematicians are otakus? Wang Qi suddenly felt like he had been shot in the knee.

"Of course, you have to make your own choice." Xiang Qi changed the topic and said, "Whether it is Piaomiao Palace or Wanfa Sect, it is your own choice. Next, I have to tell you a few things to pay attention to."

"First of all, the choice of exercises must be in line with your temperament. Exercises are a matter of a lifetime. If they are not in line with your temperament, it will only make you regret it for the rest of your life."

"Secondly, you need to prioritize..."

During the process of Xiang Qi's explanation and Su Junyu's supplement, Wang Qi gradually understood some of the characteristics of Jinfa's exercises.

Today's laws all come from the great road of heaven and earth and the laws of all things, so they are very similar in nature. The mutual exclusion between the exercises is also small, and theoretically it is not impossible for one person to practice all the modern exercises at the same time.

However, this is only theoretical.

First of all, if you want to practice a skill to a deeper level, you must have a deep understanding of the laws corresponding to that skill. However, the energy to cultivate a family is limited after all, and knowing everything will only lead to sparseness in everything.

Secondly, although the essence of modern law leads directly to the great road, the scope of the "great road" is too large after all. Depending on the scope of use, the performance patterns will also be different. For example, the Maxwell equations behind "Tiange Xing" can explain the electromagnetic activity in the macroscopic world, but it cannot explain the photoelectric effect, nor can it go deep into the microscopic realm. The quantum mechanics corresponding to "Large Discrete Parameters" has never found a way to transition from the microscopic to the macroscopic. In contrast, "Tiange Xing" focuses on continuous movement of Qi, while "Great Dispersion and Harmony Deed" focuses on the discontinuous movement of mana. It is absolutely impossible to practice both at the same time.

But this does not mean that today’s Dharma, mind and Dharma cannot be practiced at the same time. If you study "Yao Ding Suan Jing" and "Geometry Book" simultaneously, you can obtain the supreme code of "Xiangyu Tianzong Gong". Once you have mastered the "Fire Sun Wave Qi" and "Tianguang Transformation Technique" to a deep level, you can truly get a glimpse of the path of brilliance through the "Particle Wave Double Shape" passed down by Taitianzun Ai Citan.

In addition to two opposite and mutually reinforcing exercises that go hand in hand, there is also a model of majoring in one discipline and minoring in multiple disciplines. For example, the power of Guanghua and electromagnetic techniques such as "Thunder Technique" or "Tianguang Transformation Technique" can be taken to a higher level if the "Great Dispersion Gathering and Tongqi" is also practiced. "Yao Ding Suan Jing" and "Tian Yan Illustrated" are the most common minor skills. These two mental skills basically will not conflict with other mental skills and external skills, and can improve the performance of the major skills. power!

During the two people's narration, Wang Qi gradually sketched out the appearance of the skill tree of Immortal Dao in his heart.

It turns out that the skill tree of the modern Immortal Way is completely different from the ancient method! A single ancient skill is an independent skill tree, which limits the possibility of development from the beginning. Today's skill trees are criss-crossed, some exist in different skill trees at the same time, and some require two skill trees to be clicked at the same time to learn.

Damn it! This makes it even harder to decide! There are so many good exercises, it’s impossible to give up any of them!

Wang Qi looked at Xiang Qi with some resentment.

At this time, Xiang Qi said the last note: "Finally, you must remember it to death! Stop practicing immediately if you find that the technique is not in harmony with yourself!"

Wang Qi was puzzled: "Why?"

"Xianyuan is here to give you the opportunity to make mistakes! Here, you can be exposed to various different techniques and try more. Since you are not yet involved in all aspects, the experience it takes to transfer is also limited. Relatively few. However, the Immortal Alliance does not grant unlimited opportunities. After you leave the Immortal Academy, you will have to go through many tests and bear the price yourself!

Wang Qi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The boy didn't listen to Xiang Qi's warning at all, but her words gave Wang Qi a crazy idea.

After Xiang Qi and Su Junyu returned, Zhen Shanzi said, "Boy, are you going crazy again?"

"Hahaha." Wang Qi laughed: "That's right! I just chose the late stage of difficulty. But...haha! The Immortal Alliance also recognized it! Youth is for making mistakes!"

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