Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 192: Harvest, New Problems

Spacetime is not as smooth and straight as most people imagine. It is full of bends, wrinkles, and folds. However, these wrinkles, bends, and folds cannot be sensed by ordinary people due to scale. In most cases, three-dimensional geometry constructed using Euclidean axioms is sufficient to understand this space. However, this is always just an approximation.

However, the Wanfa Gate has a series of spells that change the spacetime metric, allowing people to cross the twists and turns of spacetime in a three-dimensional body. But to do this, you must be able to calculate the true face of spacetime.

This is the secret of high-dimensional swordsmanship.

Wang Qi practiced swordsmanship for several times and positioned his swordsmanship at the level of four dimensions. The five-dimensional sword moves can be used as a killing move. Except for a few unique skills such as the Wucuo Sword Net, all his sword moves have been transformed into high-dimensional swordsmanship.

As long as you master the conversion formula, this is not very difficult.

Now, in terms of swordsmanship alone, he can already crush any ancient method cultivator.

Soon, Wang Qi put aside the swordsmanship itself and began to ponder other Taiyu methods, spatial spells.

However, these were not something that could be mastered in a short time. Wang Qi could only draw a little body movement from the swordsmanship, and could occasionally move a few steps, which was a simplified version of shrinking the earth into an inch.

However, another phenomenon caused by this spell aroused Wang Qi's interest.

"What's the matter with the sudden increase in spiritual power around me?" Wang Qi suddenly recalled the first time he met Chen Youjia.

According to Chen Youjia later. She was practicing Xiangyu Chuanyou while on the road. The principle of this air-penetrating escape method is the same as that of high-dimensional swordsmanship, but it is more wonderful. What impressed Wang Qi the most was the powerful spiritual pressure that came at that moment.

"Because the space-time metric changes, the vacuum field changes, and the stable field quantum state shows self-change..." Wang Qi took out another mechanism from the storage bag. It was the Yuliu Type 3 purchased from Qianji Pavilion.

The scales on the wings of the Yuliu Type 3 mechanical butterfly are flat metal plates called Casimir effect devices. The Casimir device can borrow energy from the Dirac Sea out of thin air by taking advantage of the difference in the density of virtual particles inside and outside the paired metal plates. In Shenzhou, the Yuliu Type III mechanism borrows the spiritual energy generated out of thin air from the stable ground state!

"Sure enough, there is a similar feeling." Wang Qi carefully examined the Yuliu Type III mechanism and found that there was indeed a similar feeling near its wings as when he activated the Taiyu Technique.

The ground state of the quantum field has changed, so the space-time metric has also changed.

The difference is that the purpose of the Wanfa Sect's spell is to change the space-time metric to make high-dimensional movements, so it is impossible to control the vacuum spiritual power generated by the spell; the Yuliu Type III mechanism originated from the Piaomiao Palace's law. The purpose is to borrow the power of the vacuum sea. So there is no way to use the changes in the space-time metric that are generated to perform superb combat skills.

"There should be a way to extract vacuum spiritual power and transcend the space-time metric..." Wang Qi carefully studied the spells of the two sects and then put them aside.

Now that the enemy is at hand, it is not a good time to study new spells. Moreover, Ran Yingwei, the true disciple of Piaomiao Palace, and Chen Youjia, the true disciple of Wanfamen, could only obtain one of them, which proved that this spell must be very difficult.

The next test was the two negative entropy magical powers of Holy Light and Holy Flame. Building a foundation is to build a new cycle and a new system in the body. This is to increase the complexity of one's own life system and reduce one's own entropy value. From the perspective of the way of living beings, it is the sublimation of individual life. Just building a foundation, Wang Qi's total amount of Holy Light and Holy Flame has increased several times. Take the soul steel armor as an example. Wang Qi can now control that armor for up to 20 minutes!

"It's another step closer to the invincible cockroach golden body." Wang Qi sighed.

Even if Ai Qinglan's body was shattered, only a small part of the cells at the broken limbs would really die, and there would not even be any cell damage in the rest of the body. Even if Chen Feng does not have such ability, he is not far behind. However, Wang Qi still needs to practice to reach this level.

Next is the electromagnetic spell that has been placed for a long time. Most natural phenomena in the world are the result of electromagnetic interaction. Tian Gexing's magic in the field of magic is unparalleled in the world. Compared with the Qi training period, when he could only strengthen all the chemical bonds of an object at once, Wang Qi can now do more subtle operations. He can easily weaken the chemical bonds of an object and reduce the strength of the object, or directly attach a special electromagnetic field to his hands to break the chemical bonds somewhere. This is cutting at the molecular level. Unless Wang Qi's electromagnetic field magic power can be offset by magic power, no magic weapon or body training monk can stop Wang Qi's bare-handed attack.

"I heard that there are people who specialize in this in Fenjin Valley and Benlei Pavilion, who can break the magic weapon of the same level with one punch, known as the 'weapon-breaking art'. Mine should have some power, right?"

The next test was the elephant phase wave power and the heavenly entropy art. Because the material wave blade was too strong, Wang Qi cut everything with bare hands, and there was really no suitable target here, so he had to give up. What was surprising was that many of the key points of the Silent Burning Heaven Palm had been broken without attack. Wang Qi had now figured out the secret of this peerless palm technique that he had never been able to use during the Qi Training Period!

"My swordsmanship is definitely outstanding in the Foundation Establishment Period, with a weighted value of 2 to 3. Although the Silent Burning Heaven Palm only has one move, it is at least a start of 4." Wang Qi calculated in his mind: "The Flame of Life, the footwork, and the Kunshan Sword are also of high quality... After all these calculations, my weighted value is at least around 17."

In the early stage of foundation building, the weighted value is seventeen, which means that he can at least challenge the perfect foundation building cultivator with a weighted value of fourteen, the early stage of Jindan cultivator with a weighted value of four, or... the Nascent Soul with zero weighting!

He is now even stronger than Xiang Qi two years ago!

"Most ancient cultivation methods are negatively weighted, but considering that I have been encountering ancient cultivation methods with positive weighting recently, all those Jindan are regarded as having a weighted value of about positive two... The divine power of that Li Jijiu is not simple, it is actually high entropy power, which is a positive weight of four to five..."

One-on-one, Wang Qi is not afraid of anyone in the ancient cultivation team. Because of the magical power of the Holy Flame, he can escape even if he can't beat them. But if he is besieged, Wang Qi is in danger.

Ancient cultivation methods should not be so stupid that they can be defeated one by one.

"Let's discuss it with the old man later." Wang Qi thought so. He always left this kind of thing to Zhen Chanzi, and he only had to do what he was good at.

After sorting out what he had learned, Wang Qi opened the Tao-Seeking Jade and tried a few times, but found that he still could not enter the Fantasy World of Ten Thousand Immortals. He opened the notepad and recorded the new problems encountered in his practice.

The more he knew, the more he understood how much he didn't know.

"First, the problem of the space-time metric and the infinite vacuum sea...; Second, in the Taiyu technique, Xiangyu travel and Hilbert space... Third, the power of the elephant's Xiangbo power has reached a bottleneck... Take time to analyze the reasons why the magic power presents both particle and wave properties at the macroscopic scale, and explore the essence... Fifth..."

Wang Qi touched the card with the pseudo-personality sealed on his waist, and added another one: "Sixth, when I was fighting with the demon race and condensing the pseudo-personality, it can be seen that the consciousness of the human race in the three realms of the world should still be more closely related to the brain. The abnormality of the soul will not affect the cognition of the human race. What a huge impact on life. This makes it even more difficult for me to understand the phenomenon of the banished immortals having difficulty passing the heavenly gate. All the experiments I have done at this stage have proved that the banished immortals having difficulty passing the heavenly gate is actually a fallacy, but I have seen the banished immortals stuck before the Yuanshen with my own eyes... Could it be because of the "Qujian Collection"? "

"Note: Prepare the experiment and persuade Chen Feng to pass the "Qujian Collection" to some banished immortals for observation"

"Seventh, my consciousness has some changes when using those yin and yang hexagrams condensed by the soul's origin... Explore the connection between the soul and the will..."

"Note, my feelings at the time are as follows..." (To be continued ~^~)

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