Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 172: Ancient Cultivator Reappears [3rd Update]

As the investigation deepened, Wang Qi gradually moved away from Shenjing City and walked deeper into the protected area.

The monsters that Chen Feng followed and observed were all fixed, and had tracking probes implanted in their bodies. These probes can draw part of the mana from the metabolism of monsters for their own operation, and then send signals to the "artificial satellite" of the Xian Alliance, so that the whereabouts of the monsters can be displayed in the "Xianxia Edition GPS". In addition, it can transmit a short-wave signal and also function as a tracker.

As the monsters on the list were crossed off by Wang Qi one by one, the investigation was coming to an end, with only one falcon-like monster left to complete the task. But at this moment, Wang Qi encountered a problem.

"What's going on at this time?" Wang Qi looked at the phantom map in front of him with a confused look on his face. This map illusion was projected directly into his consciousness by the calculator. Logically speaking, it should be every detail, and even the smallest detail should be clear at a glance. However, this map is actually blurry?

The signal source that was supposed to be a small light spot turned out to be like a ball of blurred red ink, and the map itself was also somewhat deformed. Wang Qi initially thought it was a problem with the calculator. But then he remembered that the portable calculator he was using now was the Qiudao Jade.

Qianjige wouldn’t take fake and shoddy products as prizes, right?

Going further in, Wang Qi found that the problem was getting worse. The map began to be completely distorted, and the image that was supposed to be a satellite picture suddenly appeared with snowflakes. This phenomenon disappeared only after Wang Qi switched to the final road rank [Program] at close range.

"It's not a problem with the calculator itself. Could it be that this is a strong interference area? Or is it just outside the service area?" Wang Qi struggled: "If I had known, I would have taken the map offline."

"This seems to be the ruins of the ancient demon clan, and there are unknown spiritual restrictions." Zhen Chanzi knew that Wang Qi didn't care much about this information, so he took the initiative to remind him.

Only then did Wang Qi vaguely remember that this seemed to be the case. When he first came to Shenjing, he heard about the demon clan ruins. Beifeng also came to Shenjing because of the excavation work of the Immortal Alliance.

The Immortal League's development of ruins is very different from that of the ancient times. The main purpose of visiting ancient ruins is to obtain inheritance, magic weapons, materials and other properties left by the ancients. But for today’s Immortal Alliance. These ancient technologies tens of thousands of years ago have no meaning, it is the history and inspiration they represent that are valuable. From this perspective, the restrictions on the ruins are also of great research value. To break the restrictions outside a ruin, the Immortal Alliance must first study it thoroughly, and then use hacker-like methods to "hack" in and close the restrictions normally. This process may take a long time, but since modern practice does not require the substances in the ruins. So they can afford to wait.

Wang Qi jumped up the tree and looked around. I found no signs of human habitation for miles around. He couldn't help but sigh: "This group of ruins is really big. I heard that Lian Jindan and an archaeological team of hundreds of foundation builders are excavating, but there is no one here."

Zhen Chanzi discovered spiritual consciousness. Now his spiritual consciousness coverage is still wider than Wang Qi's sight range. After feeling it for a while, Zhen Shanzi said: "There are two people two hundred feet southeast of you, but it's a bit strange..."

Suddenly, Wang Qi felt that the ring on his hand was slightly warm. Wang Qi trembled, feeling vaguely that this feeling was very familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen this feeling before. Subconsciously he said: "Old man, don't make trouble."

Zhen Shanzi said strangely: "I didn't do anything... Huh? This feeling - wait a minute, kid! Those two people two hundred feet away have discovered you, foundation building period!"

Just when Zhen Shanzi spoke to remind him, two sword lights came out of the forest like dragons emerging from the water!

Wang Qi's eyes narrowed: "This swordsmanship..."


Li Yuncong and Tang Xiao, two foundation-building monks, were lying on the ground in an ugly posture, holding several talisman-like magic weapons and moving inch by inch, as if they were looking for or sensing something.

Tang Xiao has brown skin. Most Shenzhou Xia people cannot have such a dark complexion. It looks like they are a mixture of southern barbarians and other minority peoples. He complained in a low voice: "Master Zhai, are you crazy? What are the benefits of doing this? There will be no new discoveries at all, right?"

"Shut up. Do it carefully." Li Yuncong, who had a much higher status than Tang Xiao, scolded impatiently.

"You said... when will this day end?" Tang Xiao simply gave up his work and looked at the sky, slightly lost in thought.

Li Yuncong seemed to be infected as well. He knelt on the ground and didn't know whether to comfort Tang Xiao or to convince himself: "It will be great if we find that fairy weapon... Then we can leave this ghost place."

"We can go back to the distant sea. We don't have to live in hiding anymore. We still have the opportunity to... eat, drink and have fun."

Tang Xiao looked in the direction of Shenjing City and said in a daze: "I'm not talking about this... about eating, drinking and having fun. Big cities should be better, right? I have never seen a city in my life..."

Li Yuncong sneered: "Are you crazy? All big cities are guarded by heretic souls, and you, a correctionalist, can't hide it in front of them. Do you think you will be caught for dissection, breeding, or experimenting with poison?"

The so-called heretics and the righteous Dharma are the modern Dharma and the ancient Dharma mentioned by the ancient Dharma cultivators.

There is no doubt that these two "Zhengfa cultivators" are ancient Fa cultivators who were treated as street rats in China.

Tang Xiao thought of the heretic monks mentioned by the teacher. Those people are obsessed with "skills" and ignore "Tao", and they will do anything to develop magic. He shuddered and said aggrievedly: "But I just want to see the crowds of people in the ancient books, the scene of crowds of people passed down by word of mouth..."

There are few islands in the distant sea, many sirens, and a small population, so it is impossible to build a city. And for some unknown reason, the entire world of ancient cultivation has been developing underground in the past few hundred years, and all sects are built in dug-out underground cities.

It was like running away from a powerful enemy from the sky.

This made Tang Xiao even more confused. The far sea is actually the domain of the Dragon Clan. No matter how you think about it, the biggest threat comes from the bottom of the sea. Sky? How could a great bird demon appear in a place with only a few islands?

It's just that this is the sect's decision, and he can only obey it. During the decades of monasticism, he spent more time underground than on the surface. Before coming to China, Tang Xiao didn't even know that there really was such a thing as a "forest" in the world.

"Work hard. Don't think blindly." Li Yuncong stood up, picked up the amulet again and lay on the ground, like a dog looking for a lost thing. Suddenly, he said in surprise: "I feel it! The sensitivity of the immortal weapon suddenly doubled! There must be a gap here! Tens of thousands of years are indeed enough time for the spirit to be flawless!"

Tang Xiao reluctantly glanced in the direction of Shenjing City, determined to push the longing back into his chest. Then, his eyes narrowed and he found a person standing on a tree in the distance!

"Senior Brother Li, there is someone there!"

"What the hell, heretic monk?" Li Yuncong made a decisive decision: "We can't let him go back alive! Use the strongest sword technique to attack!"

The two brothers synchronized their hand movements, and the two sword lights turned into two dragons, rushing towards the monk in the distance like a rainbow.

Seeing this sword light, the face of the heretic monk in the distance changed.

"This swordsmanship belongs to you..."

The hatred in it is chilling.

Wang Qi hummed in a low voice: "It's you... Huangji Split Heaven..." (To be continued ~^~)

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