Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 160 Brothers! ?

Wang Qi had nothing when he left Shenjing. When he returned to Shenjing, he had a priceless jade on his waist, and nothing else had changed - unfortunately, this was just Wang Qi's wishful thinking.

At least in Shenjing, no one would think that a cultivator who could get the jade of seeking the truth would be ordinary.

On the day Wang Qi returned, Liu Yunxiang brought all the cultivators from the outer gate of Shenjing to welcome Wang Qi. Judging from the situation, if there were not enough people, they would even prepare to line the streets to welcome him.

In the following days, Wang Qi began to miss Bo Xiaoya very much. This stubborn guy was very calm when facing all kinds of high-end stuff. When Wang Qi was exploring the functions of the jade of seeking the truth, every time she explored one, she would calmly say: "Ah, the one from my uncle/grandfather can also work." Or "Oh, I've seen a similar calculator at home."

In comparison, the group of fellow disciples in Shenjing were too enthusiastic! Wang Qi had to endure the stares of these fellow disciples whether he was eating, drinking, or taking a bath. Then, no matter what mathematical problems these guys encountered, they would come to Wang Qi for advice, regardless of whether it was Wang Qi's area of ​​expertise. This kind of thing was fine at the beginning, and it made Wang Qi feel a little happy. But no one could stand it after a long time.

Fortunately, Chen Feng still had a few empty rooms. Wang Qi, who was annoyed by the enthusiasm of his fellow disciples, moved to the next door of Chen Youjia before the New Year.

As the most elite cultivators, Chen Feng and Chen Youjia looked much calmer when facing Qiu Dao Yu. Although living here still inevitably makes them treated as rare animals by Chen Feng's group of Tianlingling outer disciples. But it is better than staying in Wanfamen.

In the first month of the year, many of the empirical researchers in Chen Feng's empirical department applied to go home for the New Year. Chen Feng's research was somewhat unsustainable, and recruiting new empirical researchers required training, which was not worth the loss, so he simply took a long vacation. There was no need to go home before the 20th of the first month of the year. Since there were no large-scale experiments to do, Chen Feng began to stay in the study to write his thesis. He planned to write a paper on this phase of research during the Chinese New Year.

What surprised Wang Qi was that Chen Youjia had no intention of going home for the Chinese New Year.

But it was good that the three unwelcome guys could spend the Chinese New Year quietly together in Shenjing - it was a pity that this was still Wang Qi's good wish.

As soon as the third day of the Chinese New Year was over, someone unexpected came to disturb his peaceful life.

I don't know if it was because they heard that Wang Qi had beaten countless Wanfamen Zhenchuan in the outskirts of Shenjing or heard that he won the Daoqi Award, the local monks in Shenjing suddenly became enthusiastic about Wang Qi. Take Du Bin as an example. This young man seemed to have completely forgotten that he was bullied by Wang Qi in the Immortal Academy. He regarded himself as Wang Qi's classmate and friend. He would go to Wang Qi every one or two days. After he found out the preferences of the three people here, he gave them countless gifts according to their preferences, gave Chen Feng a lot of ancient books, and gave Chen Youjia a lot of local delicacies and snacks.

I don't know if it was the effect of the pile of ancient books that Du Bin brought, Chen Feng didn't show any contempt for this "intermediary law cultivator", and politely invited him into the yard. Other Shenjing cultivators also sent business cards and gifts through Du Bin.

Wang Qi himself was confused about this phenomenon. It stands to reason that neither Chen Youjia nor Chen Feng is weaker than him. Why is he the only one so enthusiastic?

Chen Feng saw it very clearly: "They will not pay attention to the core circle of the modern law immortal way, and even if they pay attention, they can't understand it. In their eyes, you are still the exiled immortal with a talent against the sky, and the higher your material nature in the modern law immortal way, they will only think you are more miserable."

This explanation made Wang Qi very speechless. He really didn't understand what the standard of exiled immortals was, and why there was such a strong confinement force that made people sure that a math master like him could not achieve the Yuanshen. He had also asked Chen Feng to check his soul, but Chen Feng, who was also a cultivator of Yangshen Pavilion, felt that Wang Qi's soul was special, but not so abnormal that it was not like a human. As long as Zhao Kong's own soul could be derived, it should not be difficult to achieve the Yuanshen. You know, even the demons whose souls are far different from those of humans have the opportunity to achieve the Yuanshen by practicing the law of the present law.

Is this a bad joke of Yangshen Pavilion? Or is it a special test given by Wanfamen?

Wang Qi didn't know that the answer to this question was soon presented to them in an intuitive way.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, Du Bin suddenly came up and said that he hoped Wang Qi would meet someone. Wang Qi originally wanted to refuse. It's okay for the old man to condescend to play house with you, but how can you waste my precious time to go out and attend a social banquet? However. The useless old man in Wang Qi's ring suddenly insisted that Wang Qi find a way to go to the circle of descendants of the ancient law in Shenjing. Wang Qi couldn't figure out whether he thought he had an illegitimate child or just wanted to mock the descendants of contemporary monks. But this old man was at least useful, so Wang Qi agreed to his request.

Du Binling Wang Qi left the yard and got on the Iranian carriage that had been parked at the gate for a long time. Wang Qi didn't quite understand why he had to take such a transportation that was not very comfortable - although the horse pulling the carriage was a famous BMW and the carriage was made of precious wood, the simple structure determined that this thing had limited shock absorption. However, there was no ban on flying in Shenjing City, and there were many people, so his body movements were greatly restricted. He might not be as fast as the carriage, so Wang Qi didn't suggest running there by himself.

It felt like the carriage had been going for more than 20 minutes. Wang Qi got off the carriage and saw that it was a restaurant. This restaurant was luxuriously decorated. There were very few guests, but they were all either rich or noble. Wang Qi asked Du Bin: "Are you inviting me to dinner?"

"No, no, Brother Wang, I really have a few friends who want to see you." Du Bin was very humble. He led Wang Qi into the restaurant and went directly to the third floor: "A few big... ahem, senior brothers have already booked a seat, saying they want to see you."

The two arrived at a third-rate private room. Du Bin gently knocked on the door and said, "Everyone, I have invited Brother Wang Qi here." After that, he automatically left.

After the private room was opened, a seven-foot-tall man was revealed. He was like granite that had been attacked by wind and sand, firm and heavy but fierce enough to smash everything, especially his fists were covered with intricate patterns, and the cuticle was like the scales of a reptile monster.

And his cultivation level...

"Jinfa, Jindan Perfection." Zhen Chanzi quietly reported the other party's cultivation level, and then asked in confusion: "This guy is obviously a very pure Jinfa practitioner, why do I feel that he is completely different from you?"

"I am completely different from most Jinfa practitioners, and I am the only one who practices so many mental methods at the same time." Wang Qi replied to Zhen Chanzi in his heart, and at the same time bowed and asked: "Excuse me, this..."

"Brother, we have been waiting for you for a long time!" Before Wang Qi finished asking, the ugly strong man grinned and directly pulled Wang Qi into the private room. (To be continued ~^~)

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