Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 114: Elimination of the Unfit [Please vote for recommendation]

In the end, Chen Feng personally persuaded Chen Youjia to come back.

Wang Qi glanced at Chen Youjia anxiously. He regretted defeating the opponent with his feelings. Whether you are a mathematician or something else, it is really shameless to always sell your feelings, and it is even more shameless to make a girl cry.

However, I don't know if Chen Feng used his magical power to erase Chen Youjia's memory. The girl's expression remained as usual when she sat back down opposite Wang Qi. And Wang Qi could even feel that the tense atmosphere between him and Chen Youjia had disappeared a little.

Wang Qi initially felt that this was a misjudgment caused by his inability to read the atmosphere, but Chen Youjia really had no intention of continuing to argue with him. This made Wang Qi very happy, because in this way he could afford the salary paid by Chen Feng.

Chen Youjia looked at Wang Qi and asked, "Does my father make you feel wronged?"

To others, the story of the sad man was full of resentment. It would be impossible to write without the momentum of Meng Jiangnu crying down the Great Wall.

Wang Qi Nana said: "Actually, this is a storybook legend compiled by me... There is such a sentence in it, it is not a sentiment - don't mind it."

"Do you know how to do this?"

Wang Qi smiled helplessly: "What are you asking me for? All I can say is to coax girls."

Chen Youjia's eyes were blurred: "You and the junior sister of the Bo family had a very heated fight."

Wang Qi then remembered that those who engage in theories in this world are high-level monks and belong to the ruling class. Only mathematicians can resonate with this story.

Mathematician, girl. There are not many names that can be searched for using these two keywords, and even fewer people know Wang Qi.

Especially as far as Wang Qi knew, he and Bo Xiaoya still seemed to be in a scandal.

Wang Qi felt that as a man, he had to protect his junior sister's reputation for innocence - it was not easy to find someone who had no distractions to do research with you, and it would be bad if he made everyone unhappy with rumors. So Wang Qi looked at Bo Xiaoya and said, "I never told Junior Sister Bo this story."

Chen Youjia nodded understandingly: "Sorry, I listened in advance... What do you think I do?"

Wang Qi said seriously: "I wrote it for you."

"Don't be kidding, have we known each other for only a few days?" Chen Youjia looked in disbelief: "Although I don't know much about romance, I at least know that writing stories is difficult."

"There was a poet in ancient times, and it was said that he could compose hundreds of poems by drinking wine..." Wang Qi's reason for organizing: "Literary thinking is such a non-linear thing, and you can't stop it if it comes."

Chen Youjia received a knowing blow, and his eyes that were already very popular almost bulged out of comic proportions. At the edge of his field of vision, Chen Feng showed a look of disdain, and then secretly gave a thumbs up.

This guy is just telling lies... He really goes to great lengths to pick up girls, bro.

In order to prevent Chen Youjia from falling into chaos and causing the restarted meeting to collapse again, Chen Feng cleared his throat and focused his attention on himself: "It seems that you two have reached a consensus. This is good, very good. . Then let’s return to our career—the greatest career.”

"I think the most important goal of our study of 'morality' is to make your illusions better able to pry open other people's hearts." Chen Youjia still said it bluntly.

"No, no, no, you are wrong, Yujia." Chenfeng said proudly: "Although I can only apply it to this step, 'humanity' can play a greater significance in the entire human race."

Wang Qi was somewhat interested: "I think it is quite useful to be able to guide administration and ensure peace and prosperity for the country and the people."

"It's more than that." Chen Feng still shook his head: "The way of humanity is the way of evolution of the human race. To explore the way of humanity is to fight for the future of the human race!"

Wang Qi was a little confused: "The way of evolution? Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest? But the human race's belief in mutual support has made this invalid, right?"

"People do not only care for their relatives, nor do they only have children for their children, so that the old will have a certain end, the strong will be useful, the young will be prosperous, and the lonely, lonely, and sick will all be supported." This is the expansion of human race 60,000 years ago. Earth is the faith left behind. Although due to the existence of ancient laws, the following tens of thousands of years were a society of naked cannibalism, this ideal was eventually written down.

Chen Feng shook his head: "So, you don't know enough about the way of life. Natural selection and survival of the fittest are very primitive theories of natural evolution. There is no real life circle or predatory chain.' 'Survival of the fittest'. Only the 'unfit' are eliminated."

"Is this different from survival of the fittest?"

Chen Feng suddenly stretched out his right foot like lightning and kicked Wang Qi hard. Wang Qi hurriedly retreated, but his knees were still inevitably hit by the opponent's toes. Wang Qi shouted in pain: "Chenfeng, what do you mean?"

"The human knee is a typical product of evolutionary failure." Chen Feng explained to Wang Qi: "It is too complicated. As a terrestrial plantigrade creature, human beings have very low requirements for the knee's range of motion. Such low requirements are not useful at all. Such a complex bone structure. You also know that the more delicate the structure, the more likely it is to have problems, and the knee is one of the parts of the human body that bears the most pressure - it is as if the knee grew just for the sake of injury. "

"In addition, there is the recurrent laryngeal nerve - this nerve that controls human breathing is not directly connected to the vagus nerve and throat muscles. Instead, it takes a long way around the heart and then connects to the throat muscles."

Chen Youjia said: "This is the phenomenon I just mentioned. Evolution originates from mutation, and this mutation is often not the optimal solution, but only the "satisfactory solution" that meets the minimum requirements - this mutation phenomenon can be modeled by the study of the "divergence" of the function by Suanjun..."

Wang Qi looked at Chen Youjia in surprise.

This guy's talent is not to be underestimated. If he told her to study the "Three-Body Problem" with her, maybe he could come up with chaos mathematics in advance?

Chen Feng continued to explain: "The path of evolution is always "elimination of the unfit". As long as it is not favorable enough to affect childbirth, any negative bloodline may survive. This is applicable to any race. The biggest advantage of our human race is the brain, the innate intelligence, and the division of labor and cooperation brought about by pseudo-sociality. Protecting the disadvantaged such as orphans and the disabled is not against the way of natural evolution.》"

"And my other goal is to explore the way of evolution of the human race through studying the human order!"

Wang Qi was a little moved - a scientist with ideals is always easy to move people. He clapped his hands and said, "Boss, I'm very happy to be involved in this project."

Especially, I can be sure that it will allow me to reasonably propose chaos theory and social science.

Chen Feng nodded, looked at the time, and said, "Anyway, please put aside the dispute here-now I'm going to follow up on the empirical evidence over there, you continue to process the data. Don't quarrel."

After Chen Feng left, Wang Qi began to get nervous again. But Chen Youjia quickly got into the state. For a while, there was only the rustling sound of paper and pen rubbing against each other in the study.

Wang Qi was suspicious for a moment, then smiled and picked up the banknotes to prepare for work. Just then, he heard Chen Youjia ask: "Can you write a complete copy of the story you just told me?"


How to use literary means to seduce a science and engineering girl with some otaku attributes?

Science fiction stories may be more useful than poetry and songs?

In short, the relationship between the two has broken the ice.

Please recommend!

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