Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 99 Combination Punch

Do many people really have free will?

On Earth, the question began as a theological question, then became a philosophical question, and then, as Stephen Hawking put it, finally being explored as a scientific question.

Are our choices based on our own free will, or are we made by a biological machine called the "brain" after a series of binary judgments?

From an evolutionary perspective, the latter is actually more likely. After all, things called "self-awareness" or "free will" have no effect on increasing survival rates, and should not become dominant genes and expand the entire population. Even supporters of free will believe that free will is actually more like the redundancy of "intelligence", an incidental manifestation of the highly evolved human brain.

In other words, as long as you understand the brain deeply enough, it is actually very simple to control people's will. Because the foundation of will is always the material thinking organ.

The same is true for the Chinese people.

Both the soul and the brain, two thinking organs, can influence people's will. Giving specific stimulation to specific parts and sending specific content with specific power can be enough to interfere with people's emotions, influence people's judgments, disrupt people's perceptions, and ultimately control people's consciousness.

The human heart is actually such a simple thing.

This is the basis of Yangshen Pavilion's magic.

For Wang Qi, retreat, fear, and wavering are inevitable. This has nothing to do with will identification or not, it is purely because Chenfeng's power interferes with his thinking and shakes his thinking from a subconscious level.

What should we do at this time?

It's very simple. Since "retreat" has become an inevitable factor and a quantitative value, then this quantitative value should also be included in the calculation.

When your instinct of thinking is also deceiving you, mathematics still won’t!

Chen Feng changed seventeen kinds of martial arts fists in a row, some were like ice hell, freezing the world, some were like the true fire of the sun, burning all things, some were like the emperor coming to earth with magnificent momentum. The fist path on his hand also changed seventeen times, and each path was completely inconsistent with the martial arts fist intention. When his demeanor is elegant and noble, and he is alone in the troubled times, his fists and feet are despicable and vicious, and he specializes in walking down the three paths; when his demeanor is ancient and majestic, simple and unpretentious, his hands and feet are hard to distinguish between reality and reality, and are inexplicable; but when he is innocent and innocent, he jumps When there is no trace left, the fists and feet open and close together and move forward inexorably.

Martial arts fist intention itself is the art of suggestion. When ordinary cultivators perform this trick, they must also suggest it to themselves. Originally, after deceiving and hypnotizing oneself, the soul would be activated, and the magic power would function more smoothly, which would invisibly increase one's strength. But for Chen Feng, it was too stupid to give up this illusion technique to fight with fists and kicks, so he didn't give any hint to himself at all.

This has an additional advantage, that is, his temperament does not have to match his fist and kick moves at all, and others will always misjudge his movements based on his simulated martial arts fists.

The two fought with fists and kicks for a while, and finally Chen Feng forced Wang Qi away with his powerful fist, and he took a few steps back and said, "It's almost time."

Wang Qi put away his fists and feet and wiped the sweat from his head: "This is the first time I have been beaten down by someone." However, as expected, there was no dullness at all. Instead, his fighting spirit was high.

I finally saw the level of the Five Ultimate True Inheritances!

Chen Feng shook his sore arm bones. In the recent battle with Zhihong, Wang Qi became more and more proficient in mastering the first-order fist. Several times in defense, he used the first-order fist to fend off Chen Feng's attacks. Chen Feng couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "The moves you learned on your own are really abnormal. It seems that the proof of completeness really gained you a lot - just in terms of your boxing and kicking skills, you are the most solid person I have ever seen. If one doesn’t work, we’ll have to have a good fight after you build the foundation.”

Wang Qi was quite confident: "My boss, it may not be this situation by then."

After Wang Qi established his foundation, there was no qualitative gap between the two, and Chen Feng could not defeat Wang Qi so easily with illusions.

After the discussion, Chen Feng went to the living room to change into a pair, and then went to the empirical department to get busy. Wang Qi went to Chen Feng's study to sort out the battle just now.

The first is the gain in martial arts. The first-level swordsmanship was originally learned by accident when he wielded the sword casually while relying on Gödel's Completeness Theorem. Zhenmen's swordsmanship itself was still very rudimentary and needed to be perfected by himself. Through the transformation ability of group theory, he can arbitrarily transform sword skills into sword skills and palm skills, and can also feed back his experience in fist and kick skills to sword skills.

Then there is the tactical experience. The girl who happened to pass by was right. He had achieved the ultimate in the basics of martial arts. He was a master in calculating every punch, every kick, and every magic project.

However, he still doesn't know what he can do, he doesn't know what level of power his swordsmanship can exert, and he doesn't know where his shortcomings are.

Chen Feng's choice of tactics gave Wang Qi a lot of inspiration. If it really comes down to boxing skills and clever moves, he is actually far better than Chen Feng - no, Tianlingling's boxing style is actually "beating the master to death with random punches", and Ai Qinglan is not necessarily better than him in this regard . But relying on the simplest pseudo-martial arts fist skills, he could in turn suppress Wang Qi and fight. Although the technique that allows people to forget short-term memory for seven seconds is terrifying, it also has great limitations. But after Chen Feng used pseudo-martial arts fist to suppress his opponents at the same level, he had the room to perform his unique skills calmly.

A single powerful skill has little effect, but it would be terrifying to combine multiple suitable skills into a set like Chen Feng.

Wang Qi certainly wouldn't copy Chen Feng's way of dealing with it. His fighting style is completely different from Chen Feng's. When facing a strong enemy, he prefers to see the opponent's flaws and then decide the outcome with one blow. Before that, he would rather take a few punches himself and keep the margin to observe the opponent.

The "strong" and "weak" that determine the winner is not only based on strength, but also on the information both sides have, as well as tactics - wisdom, and also strength.

Even if the opponent is the type who can constantly strengthen himself in battle, I can be stronger faster than him!

What he wants to learn is Chen Feng's combination of skills. He knows a lot of mental skills, swordsmanship, body skills, and spells, including the Daxiang Xiangbo Gong and Tian Entropy Jue, which have powerful lethality from the beginning, and Tiange Xing, which is a system that encompasses thousands of things. However, most of his skills lack coordination.

"Mathematics is the core and the basis for connecting all kinds of cultivation methods... My math level is higher than in my previous life, and Gödel's completeness theorem can also allow me to go a long way on this road, so I need to use the cultivation method of the Wanfa Gate as the basis and framework to find a fighting style that suits me." Wang Qi fell into thought: "Then the most suitable for me..."

I don't know how long it took, Wang Qi was suddenly awakened by a strange vision.

It was the sound of a sharp blade breaking through the air!

Wang Qi hurriedly opened the window, and then saw a scene that frightened him - there were more than a dozen flying swords in the sky flying towards this yard!


Stephen Hawking expressed such a view in "The Grand Design": philosophical problems will eventually be transformed into scientific problems. For example, questions such as "What is life" and "What is the essence of the world" were discussed by philosophers thousands of years ago, but now they are studied as scientific problems.

I personally think that this is the correct relationship between philosophy and science. Any philosopher who wants to infer the laws of nature from philosophy will eventually be slapped in the face by history. Let’s not talk about Aristotle who was a little further away. Even Hegel, the greatest philosopher in modern times, was not immune to this. [Hegel once asserted: If astronomers have learned a little philosophy, they should know that there are only seven planets in the solar system, and there can only be seven. Then Gauss threw out a paper - the calculation of the orbit of Ceres, proving that it is a planet (by the way, there was no concept of asteroids and dwarf planets at that time. According to the judgment method at that time, the number of planets in the solar system was simply terrifying)]

When it came to the last philosophical master Heidegger, philosophers had learned their lesson. They no longer discussed the essence of the world, but the relationship between man and the world - that is, the philosophy of life.

This is philosophy in reality. After the emergence of the "scientific method", it is just a dying predecessor for science. Philosophy has no guiding significance for science itself. Its role is only to encourage scientists to move forward - that's all.

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