Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 21 Unexpected Information

In the inner city of Xinyue, there are not too many teahouses, but not too few either. Although the requirements for drinking water for immortals are much weaker than those for ordinary people, they can't survive without food and drink. Moreover, many immortals like the drink in the cup.

The White Horse Teahouse is located in the eastern part of the inner city and can be regarded as a first-class lively teahouse. The owner of this teahouse takes the people-friendly route. Although it also has famous teas such as Longjing and Biluo, the main business of the teahouse is the affordable and people-friendly strong tea. There is also a small stage in the store, where crosstalk and sketches are performed in turn. Over time, the big boss of the teahouse has become a model of small profits but quick turnover.

Now, Wang Qi is sitting at a table in the White Horse Teahouse, staring at the blue-clothed monk opposite him.

Just now, Wang Qi saw the movements of the blue-robed monk because of the right angle, and immediately had the idea of ​​playing a prank on him, intending to expose the blue-robed monk's movements to the many black-faced monks who were chasing the blue-robed monk. Unexpectedly, the blue-robed monk restrained him, took him all the way to this teahouse, and then put him on a chair casually.

Then, the blue-robed monk sat opposite Wang Qi and began to look through the cards in his hand.

Although the blue-robed monk's method of restraining him lost its effect after he let go, Wang Qi still didn't want to escape. Zhen Chanzi just sent him a telepathic message saying that this blue-robed man was at least a foundation-building monk. If the other party was still upset about his prank and had no intention of letting him go, then he couldn't escape no matter what.

Because he didn't want too many people to know his existence

Xiang Qi would come to find him as soon as he completed the resignation procedures, and there were rules prohibiting hurting people and private fighting near the Immortal Alliance, so there was no need to worry about safety issues for a while.


"Brother, what on earth do you want to do..." Wang Qi looked at the monk who was still studying the cards and couldn't help but bang his head on the table.

The blue-clothed man looked up, looking surprised: "Ah?"

"I said... the crosstalk performers on the stage have changed three times, and the pot of strong tea on the table has lost its taste after being refilled..."

The blue-clothed monk suddenly realized: "Oh! It turns out that so much time has passed - so why don't you leave?"

Wang Qi was stunned: "Fuck, you caught me and you asked me why I didn't leave?"

The blue-clothed monk was also surprised when he heard this: "I just want to prevent you from attracting those guys who are burning, why did I catch you? Besides, even if you say that I caught you here, didn't I release you?"

Ah? Wang Qi looked at the blue-clothed monk's puzzled expression mixed with a little grievance, was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up: "Fuck, you let me go and threw me on the chair? Isn't this usually used to tell others 'sit here, don't move'! It hurts!"

The two quarreled for a while and sat down again. Wang Qi drank a cup of tea in a depressed mood. The blue-clothed monk said with a smile: "Little brother, don't look like that. I am at fault for this matter, but the cause was not your playful heart?"

Wang Qi grinned and touched his butt: "You hit me hard."

"Ahaha." The blue-clothed man laughed dryly twice: "The connection between cause and effect is wonderful, wonderful!"

"Cause and effect?" Wang Qi was about to get up and leave, but after hearing what the blue-clothed man said, he couldn't help but ask one more question: "Is there also a cause and effect part in the current law?"

Zhen Chanzi said that only the great cultivators who have achieved success in practice will involve this level.

The blue monk looked surprised: "Tsk tsk, little brother, which sect did you follow? You don't even know such a basic question?"

Wang Qi replied: "I was just a casual cultivator before, and then I met the security guard, who accepted me to come here to participate in the unified entrance trial."

The blue monk's eyes widened: "You...you...this cultivation level has clearly broken through the Tongtian! A casual cultivator broke through the Tongtian before entering school?" As he said, he raised a thumb: "Genius, thumbs up."

Wang Qi said: "This big brother, please teach me, what research does the current law have on cause and effect?"

The blue monk's attitude suddenly became much more friendly: "Come on, come on, sit down and talk. Um, little brother, what's your name? I don't know the name, it's not convenient to call it. My last name is Su, Su Junyu. "

"Wang Qi."

Su Junyu pressed Wang Qi on the table and said with a smile: "Wang Qi, you haven't formally studied the modern system, so you probably don't know yet. In fact, there are many words in modern law that are just borrowed from ancient law, but the meanings of these words in modern law are very different from the ideas of the ancient practitioners who invented these words. "

Wang Qi said: "I would like to hear the details."

"The so-called cause and effect in ancient law means 'plant one cause and get one fruit', emphasizing a 'cause, condition and effect'. Plant a cause, go through a period of condition, and get a fruit. Cause and effect are unpredictable, but in short, good and evil will be rewarded - that's what the ancient practitioners said. "Modern practitioners seem to get excited easily when talking about the field they are studying and comprehending, and Su Junyu is no exception. He put one foot on the stool in the teahouse, and he was quite eloquent: "But from the perspective of modern law - bullshit. Wang Qi, do you know about Tianbianshi?"

Wang Qi nodded. It's just a function!

Su Junyu continued, "Let's use the simplest celestial change formula to explain the distance. Add one to the celestial element and you get the terrestrial element. Do you understand this?"

Wang Qi nodded again. x+1=y, the simplest function learned in junior high school on Earth.

"There are two number sets involved here, the celestial element set and the terrestrial element set. Any number in the celestial element set plus one corresponds to a number in the terrestrial element set."

Wang Qi silently translated it into the mathematical language on Earth: set x and set y...

"If at this moment, we call the Heavenly Yuan Collection the cause, then the Earthly Yuan Collection is the result, and Zengyi is the 'Tao' that leads the cause to the result. And our current method is to seek this 'Tao'." Su Junyu raised the teacup on the table and drank it all: "The ancient method said that cause and effect refers to the illusory luck. The current method discusses cause and effect, and seeks the way from cause to effect. Take this time for example, your temporary playfulness is not the beginning, the initial cause lies in your temperament. And your temperament leads to the result of 'you were thrown to the chair by me', how many factors are involved? According to what law does it lead to this result? How to calculate it if it is put into the algorithm? Thinking about it this way, it is really interesting."


Wang Qi's mind was racing-that is to say, in this world, determinism has not been completely falsified?

Due to too little information, Wang Qi could not judge what level of research the Shenzhou monks had reached in mathematics and physics, but he at least knew that Piaomiao Palace became one of the Five Wonders, which meant that quantum mechanics had at least been established. And quantum mechanics is the first wave of power to impact determinism!

Wang Qi asked tentatively: "This sounds very powerful. If you cultivate this method into a magical power, wouldn't you have the upper hand in every battle with the enemy?"

Su Junyu laughed: "Wang Qi, you have a good eye! This is a top-level cultivation method of my Wanfa Sect, Bai Ze calculates!"

It is indeed determinism and Laplace's demon!

Wang Qi pretended to be puzzled and said: "But the senior security guard who brought me here seemed to have mentioned that the Piaomiao Palace is uncertain. The Piaomiao Dao..."

Su Junyu frowned and interrupted: "That's the cultivator of the Piaomiao Palace who went crazy. Forget it, don't believe the specific principles here before you get started. If you encounter strange things in the future, you should also remember one sentence-if the fruit seems to have no roots, you haven't found it yet."

Wang Qi was a little surprised. This Su Junyu's words revealed so much information.

First of all, quantum physics has been established in this world, but it is not yet stable-at least the distance of the collapse of the Schrödinger wave function has not been determined. Su Junyu insists on the determinism of "specific causes lead to specific results", which shows that he tends to be a "hidden variable" school in his explanation of this problem, that is, he believes that the reason for the collapse of closed functions lies in the factors ignored by researchers in their research. This proves at least two points: first, chaos theory has not been developed; second, Bell's inequality, which is the key to the success of quantum mechanics, has not appeared!

"But judging from chaos theory and Belle's inequality, the scientific level of this world has probably reached the level of the 1950s. No, there seems to be something wrong. If the Shenzhou monk 'Five Masters of Nirvana' corresponds to Qian Xuesen on Earth, then at least it is close to the 1970s... That's not right. According to the immortal history I already know, there are several flaws. The Tianze God Lord corresponding to Darwin is the first free and easy monk of the modern law and the predecessor of Yuanli Shangren Newton. But according to the history of the earth, Darwin was born 150 years later than Isaac Newton..."

"Isn't this strange correspondence perfect? ​​Then what is its principle? Does it have anything to do with my crossing?"

Seeing Wang Qi fall into thought, Su Junyu thought it was his words that caused the later generation to think deeply, and laughed: "These things will slowly understand when you enter school. You must know that the practice of the entry of the modern law is a process of smashing the three views and then pasting them together."

Wang Qi didn't care about this. His worldview had been reshaped many times when he was studying in his previous life, and it was reshaped again after crossing, and he was almost resistant to it.

Today's harvest is already great. Now that we have understood the mathematical level of Shenzhou, we can determine what mathematical tools should be used to analyze the manuscript of the Taoist Priest Buzhun. As for the rest, as long as we know what iconic methods the Piaomiao Palace has, we can roughly understand the context of the Taoist Priest Buzhun's manuscript.

In the future, we have to do several experiments including the blackbody radiation experiment, or get the data of these experiments. In this way, we can analyze this manuscript. If we can get the current method and figure out how to combine theory with the method...

Hehe, I am a little excited just thinking about it!

At this time, Su Junyu took out two decks of unfixed cards from his pocket, picked a few cards from the newly bought booster packs, and then pushed one of them to Wang Qi: "Do you know how to play? I'll lend you one if you play."

Wang Qi smiled: "Brother Su, you really love this."

Su Junyu was beaming with joy: "This is where I practice."

"Practice?" Wang Qi raised his eyebrows: "Bai Ze calculates?"

Su Junyu nodded: "That's exactly Bai Ze calculates! A game of unfixed cards, if I look at it from my perspective, is a system that constantly introduces new causes. If I can use the constantly introduced 'cause' as a basis and calculate the result of 'victory', that's where I practice."

Wang Qi flipped through the deck that Su Junyu lent him, and his hands trembled: "This, this, this... so many with a rarity of eight or above?"

Among the unfixed cards in Xiang Qi's hand, the rarest one is the "Xuanjin Dianguang Jue" with a rarity of eight!

Su Junyu smiled harmlessly: "Draw hard, and miracles will happen. This is how I got my 108 cards with rarity above 8."

"Fuck the rich! We are friends!"

"Okay, if you beat me, we are friends."

Wang Qi thought about it and said bitterly: "It's unrealistic. I don't recognize most of the cards here."

As a poor guy who has only played the basic pack, I really can't play the cards of the rich!

Su Junyu took out a book from the storage bag: "Rule book plus full illustrations. Lend it to you."

Wang Qi flipped through it: "Look, the basic pack card set detailed explanation... expansion packs 'Holy Infant's Disaster', 'Imperial Shock', supplementary packs of Holy Infant Sect and Imperial Heaven Breaker... Tsk tsk, the supplementary pack of Daluo Xuanqing Palace 'Peerless Heaven', and the rare cards behind it - hey!"

Suddenly, Wang Qi's pupils shrank, and then he burst into laughter: "Wahahahaha, I really want a pillow to sleep!"

In his hand, the illustration book just turned to "Piaomiao Palace Rare Card List".

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