Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 81: Separation and reunion, a dispute over concepts

After listening to Wang Qi's words, Feng Luoyi fell into deep thought. After a while, he asked seriously: "Wang Qi, answer me a question honestly - 'The larger and stronger the logical system, the more obvious its incompleteness', is this what you mean? Do you have a new idea?"

Wang Qi instinctively wanted to nod, but then shuddered: "No, no, no, I just vaguely had this idea when proving the first-order completeness - because now we can only prove the first-order completeness, so now we can think that everything beyond the first order is incomplete."

It's better not to bring out Gödel's incompleteness theorem before you have thoroughly understood it. Throwing out something you don't fully understand is a bit like courting death.

Feng Luoyi frowned, and seemed to dislike this answer: "How do you know? Intuition?"

Wang Qi's first reaction was to sneer: "Intuition? How can it be... No, no, no, it's not intuition, it's my personal, uh, it's not a conjecture, it should be considered one of the goals of the next stage, starting with completeness."

The person in front of him doesn't seem to like the idea of ​​intuition...

"You have a bad habit. How can you use something that has not been proved as a known conclusion?" Feng Luoyi's expression eased a little. He still scolded Wang Qi and asked: "One of them? What else?"

"I plan to work on the law of large numbers with Junior Sister Bo, and then, I recently joined an empirical department, maybe I will work on mathematical statistics and system theory."

"The law of large numbers is a good topic. Statistics and the law of large numbers should have a combination point, but the topic of system theory is too big." Feng Luoyi criticized Wang Qi a few more times.

"I am not outside the sect, so I have no goal, right?" Wang Qi said with a grin, "For a cultivator like me who is no different from a casual cultivator, I lack resources and guidance. I have no general direction, so I can only study whatever I see."

"If you give me two points, I will open a dyeing factory." Feng Luoyi said with a smile, "Don't pretend to be pitiful. The paper you submitted yesterday is very good. The exchange and citation numbers will not be small. In a month or two, you will be a rich man among the disciples in the Qi training stage."

Bo Xiaoya cheered, "Great! Brother, the treatment I get now always makes me feel that I gave him a waste of money."

Feng Luoyi took another look and said, "In addition, I hope that the Sect Master has decided to give you a nomination - the Daoqi Award in January next year."

"Next year? So it's next year..." Wang Qi was just a little surprised at the time, but not particularly surprised by the Daoqi Award.

The Daoqi Award is roughly equivalent to the "Fields Medal" on Earth - that is, the "Nobel Prize in Mathematics".

However, the Fields Medal limits the age of the winners and only rewards young mathematicians under the age of 40. The same is true for the Daoqi Award, which is specifically awarded to young monks below the Yuanshen stage. However, forty years old is almost the age when a mathematician can make achievements, while the monks of the Jindan stage are far from the most glorious time of their lives, so the academic status of the Daoqi Award is slightly lower.

Gödel's completeness theorem, it is reasonable to win a Fields Medal.

Feng Luoyi looked at Wang Qi: "It seems that you are very confident. But to be honest, it is really difficult for you to win the Daoqi Award. There will be a lot of opposition from the Wanfamen."

Bo Xiaoya was puzzled: "Senior brother is obviously very powerful, definitely the first among his peers, and my brother is not as strong as him."

"This is a factional dispute."

Bo Xiaoya was very puzzled. The children of the Bo family will never understand things like "struggle for power and profit". When other families are scheming for the position of the head of the family and want to kill the whole family, the Bo family has already regarded the position of the head of the family as a burden, a stumbling block and dog shit thrown away casually-Bo Yuehan hated his brother for his whole life because he was covered in dog shit by Bo Ya Ge in his early years.

"This is a dispute over the great principles and concepts." Feng Luoyi looked at Bo Xiaoya again: "Little girl, Wang Qi and I have something to discuss, involving the affairs of the Wanfa Sect - do you have anything else to say?"

Obviously, the following questions were not suitable for her. Although Bo Xiaoya was very confused, she still stood up and saluted: "In this case, I will take my leave first."

After Bo Xiaoya disappeared, Feng Luoyi asked Wang Qi: "Do you know what the biggest ideological dispute is within the current law?"

"It should be the debate between Piaomiao Palace and Guiyi League, right?" Wang Qi said: "Tai Tianzun and Quantum Master had three sword debates in Erwei Village, and then Bowang Tianjun questioned Piaomiao Palace with the difficult question of 'both life and death'..."

Feng Luoyi shook his head: "The Taoist priest Buzhun was ruined because of assisting the Demon Emperor, and the people of Piaomiao Palace have been scattered. But on the other hand, Tai Tianzun encountered an unavoidable problem, and his theory was also in jeopardy. In short, this debate has died down, and everyone is just waiting for the final result."

"If you say 'in full swing', within the Wanfamen..." Wang Qi couldn't think of any other debate that could be bigger than this series.

"You kid, you seem to be a disciple of Piaomiao Palace or Guiyi League. When Xianglian and Piaomiao were arguing, I assisted Piaomiao and Ximen Master assisted Xianglian, but I and Ximen Master have the same mathematical principles. Mathematics is the great way, it can transcend the principles of the flow of heaven and earth, do you understand?" Feng Luoyi said helplessly: "Do you know that the ancient mathematics school is divided into two sects, one is Lian Sect and the other is Li Sect."

"Lian Sect believes that heaven and earth are one and all things are continuous. Li Sect believes that heaven and earth are discrete, just like natural numbers, there is nothing between one and two."

"The dispute between the Lian and Li sects actually runs through the entire history of mathematics, and today." Feng Luoyi pointed at himself: "I, Master Xi, are both representatives of the current Li sect. You can also call 'us' the logic school. Of course, in the eyes of many people, the current Li sect is Ge Ting."

Wang Qi opened his mouth very wide, as if his jaw was dislocated.

Wait a minute, I seem to have overlooked something...

The dispute between the Lian and Li sects in the history of the earth is a debate on "geometry and numbers", which later developed into the disagreement between Newton and Leibniz on "geometric intuition and algebraic abstraction", and then "intuitionism, structuralism, and logicism"...

However, "intuitionism and structuralism" did not fight after all, because when structuralism and logicism developed to compete with intuitionism, Hilbert was at the peak of his power, and then von Neumann also joined the logicism side, but intuitionism just happened to have no masters...

However, the intuitionism school on the earth just "just happened to have" masters, not "never had any". Henri Poincaré was born too early. Not only did he miss the great leap in physics that he had always dreamed of, but he also missed out on opponents like Hilbert.

However, the life span of the Xiu family in Shenzhou does not exist...

Wang Qi asked tremblingly: "Teacher Feng, is it possible that Master Xi is planning to lead you to fight Master Pang?"

Feng Luoyi was surprised: "It's not 'we', it's 'us'. Once you publish this paper, everyone will think you are one of us."

Wang Qi's eyes went dark and he almost fell down.


1. Poincaré's life was a lonely life. Top mathematicians always like to run to the field of physics to show their excess IQ, but Poincaré happened to be in the era when the old physics had reached a bottleneck, and there was no good entry point. When Einstein triggered a new round of innovations, he was already old and could not calculate. In addition, he also missed opponents like Hilbert. What was the level of the second-ranked mathematician of his time? Klein was called "Godlike Klein" and "God standing above the clouds". [These nicknames are quite childish] Klein and Poincaré communicated mathematics by letter. Not long after, Klein suffered a mental breakdown due to excessive brainburning, and he never recovered for the rest of his life [Poincaré: I haven't even tried hard, why did you fall down? ]

2. Be careful of the trolls in the comment area, we are looking for moderators and deputy moderators [one person adds featured posts, deletes posts, etc., it's so troublesome~]

3. Ask for recommendation votes QAQ The ranking keeps falling TAT myself

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