Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 73 Gödel's Completeness Theorem [Additional Update 4]

Wang Qi's breakthrough began.

"For the simplest first-order predicate logic..."

Wang Qi's mana seemed to sense the upcoming breakthrough and became agitated.

One acupoint after another was opened, and new yin and yang lines were generated in batches.

"Perform logical calculations..."

When Wang Qi wrote this sentence, all the yin and yang lines in his body began to operate at full capacity.

"...It can prove all logically valid formulas..."

Wang Qi's hand holding the pen turned white because of excessive force, and his black eyes became deep.

An answer was about to come out.


When Wang Qi put down his pen, all the yin and yang lines in his body were instantly shattered, and the explosive mana instantly filled his body.

However, the boy did not sense it. Or rather, he sensed it but ignored it.

I know! I know!

He vaguely felt that what he was going to write next would be the greatest glory of his life.

"It can be considered that the first-order predicate calculus is complete."

At this moment, the Yaoding Suanjing was running wildly, and the yin and yang Yao began to condense again in the major acupoints, but the number was doubled than before!

Wang Qi didn't care about checking the condition of his body, because he was already in great joy.

"Wahahaha, I know! I know!"

A finger tapped on his desk twice: "Can you explain first, what do you know?"

Wang Qi saw Chen Feng and was a little surprised: "Boss? Why did you chase to Wanfamen? We agreed to tomorrow...ah!"

As he said, Wang Qi actually screamed.

"I'm going to you..." Chen Feng's ears hurt, and he said helplessly: "You also know that you broke the appointment."

Wang Qi suddenly grabbed Chen Feng's shoulder. The great god asked: "Tell me the truth, how many days have I broken the appointment?"

Chen Feng was confused: "How many days? You broke the appointment for one day and I found you here. If you don't come for a few days, I might have to change clothes to arrest you."

"One day?" Wang Qi was dazed for a moment: "What time is it now?"

"Xu Shi..."

Isn't it right? Less than a day? This is unscientific.

Wang Qi grabbed the top draft on the table, which was the one he had just finished, and asked, "Is this really written by me?"

Chen Feng's face changed: "Are you possessed and your brain damaged? Do you want me to check it for you?"

"Tell me first if it is true!" Wang Qi's voice became more anxious: "Old man, you also saw it, tell me if it is true?"

Zhen Chanzi said: "Yes, it is indeed written by you."

Chen Feng was in doubt: "You don't remember what you wrote? This is what you just finished."

Another "old man" Liu Yunxiang also walked in: "I saw it with my own eyes, it was written by you. Child, what are you writing?"

Wang Qi seemed to have lost all his strength, fell to the ground, and said: "This is unrealistic..."

Everyone in the Wanfamen station was awakened. Everyone gathered around curiously. Seeing Wang Qi's lost look, Li Yue, who had suffered a loss before, was very unhappy: "Playing tricks."

Wang Qi suddenly shuddered: "Sorry everyone, can you go out for a while? I need to be alone."

Liu Yunxiang wanted to take a look at Wang Qi's paper, but Wang Qi held the paper: "Sorry... This can't be shown to others now... Uncle Liu, please go out for a while, I really need to be alone."

Wang Qi's words made several disciples of Wanfamen change color slightly, and Li Yue was even more angry: "How dare you be rude to Uncle Liu?"

Liu Yunxiang stopped the accusations of the disciples of Wanfamen and said: "Let's go out and wait."

Chen Feng and a group of Wanfamen disciples came outside. Everyone talked about Wang Qi's abnormal behavior.

Mo Zhenzhen sighed: "It turns out that the rumor that geniuses can be promoted all the way by writing papers is true."

The sighs of the people around were slightly envious.

"That's right, Senior Brother Wang is actually..."

"He must not be an outer disciple..."

Hearing the discussions around him, Li Yue, whose favorability towards Wang Qi had already dropped off the charts, snorted: "It is true that writing papers can increase your cultivation, but it is not that simple. The reason why your cultivation increases is that the process of thinking drives the soul. As long as you really think, even if the things you think about are wrong, you can still increase your cultivation."

Someone asked curiously: "What if the conclusion is wrong?"

Huangfu Lian said in a deep voice: "It will deviate from the right way. If you insist on making mistakes, it will even be difficult to turn back. Under normal circumstances, don't try it easily."

A disciple who has a close relationship with Wang Qi asked Liu Yunxiang nervously: "Uncle, Senior Brother Wang's conclusion should not be wrong, right?"

Liu Yunxiang shook his head with satisfaction: "This... I don't know?"

This conclusion is very correct, and Wang Qi is very confident about it.

Because this conclusion was not drawn by him, but by a mathematician on Earth.

Gödel's completeness theorem.

Compared with Gödel's incompleteness theorem, this theorem is not very famous. It originated from Kurt Gödel's doctoral thesis. It proves that in the formal system, first-order predicate calculus is complete, and all logically valid formulas in first-order logic calculus can be proved.

However, first-order predicate calculus is a relatively weak mathematical system. If it is only applied, it cannot even define natural numbers, let alone arithmetic.

For the Hilbert Project, Gödel's completeness theorem is a major breakthrough, but it is far from the final word effect of the incompleteness theorem. Moreover, the completeness theorem is just a step further on the basis of von Neumann following Hilbert's ideas, rather than a genius leap like the incompleteness theorem.


"This is really an unscientific speed." Wang Qi muttered to himself.

For a god-level mathematician like Gödel, this paper may just be a doctoral thesis, but most mathematicians in the world cannot write such a paper.

In other words, ordinary mathematicians may not understand it.

"Although I know the general idea and the conclusion in advance, but... I actually came up with it in one day?"

Wang Qi was stunned.

Knowing the general idea and conclusion does not mean that there is no difficulty at all. This is equivalent to everyone going to a new map to find treasure. Ordinary people don't know if there is a treasure, but Wang Qi knew there was from the beginning, and saw a signpost.

But he still needs to find the specific path by himself.

At first, he didn't even think of proposing Gödel's completeness theorem in one go, but just followed von Neumann's idea and found a special subsystem of the arithmetic system to prove it.

"Is my level so high?"

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