Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 71 Angry Chen Feng

Chen Feng looked unhappy when he walked into the Wanfamen station.

Because Wang Qi did not report to him on time this morning.

This was not a big deal. After all, Chen Feng's empirical department has not been officially put into operation, and he has not been busy like a dog. And it is normal for Wang Qi to get a sum of materials and go home to study and become obsessed.

However, after he finished a few experiments and went to feed mice with Bei Feng twice, he found that Wang Qi still did not come, and there was no sign of him coming.

This is different. Punctuality is a very important quality for researchers. Chen Feng did not intend to use Wang Qi as an ordinary researcher, so he did not force him to do so. However, breaking his promise is too much.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, he finally couldn't sit still. If Wang Qi was not still a foreign affairs monk of the outer gate of Shenjing, and the monk could run away, but the temple could not run away, Chen Feng would have called the police and said that he had absconded with the money. Oh, no, he is the law enforcer himself, and he can come out to search for Wang Qi himself.

However, even if he did not intend to make a big fuss, he was not willing to let it go. He could have done a lot of things while waiting for Wang Qi. Thinking of the wasted time, Chen Feng became even more angry. So when he arrived at Wanfamen, he opened the door in an impolite way.

He kicked the door in.

It was Mo Zhenzhen's turn to clean the yard that day. She couldn't help but tremble when she saw Chen Feng rushing in aggressively. Yangshen Pavilion specializes in soul and mind power, so when Chen Feng is angry, his momentum is several times stronger than that of the cultivators of the same level. Under this terrible momentum, Mo Zhenzhen trembled a few times and shouted: "Master... Senior Brother, Senior Brother..." It was unclear whether she was greeting Chen Feng or calling for the senior brothers of the sect to come and fight the enemy.

Feeling the terrible power in the yard, the two true disciples Huangfu Lian and Li Yue who were still in the Wanfamen station rushed out. Li Yue's first reaction was to draw her long sword: "What do you want to do by breaking into my Wanfamen station?"

The light in Liu Yunxiang's bedroom was also on. The old man walked out of the room slowly: "Is this young friend a disciple of Yangshen Pavilion? Is there anything that cannot be said in a nice way?"

Chen Feng glanced at the trembling Mo Zhenzhen, suppressed his anger and restrained his momentum, and asked: "Sorry, I am here to find a foreign affairs disciple named Wang Qi."

"Wang Qi?" Li Yue was still a little confused. She didn't often stay in the Shenjing resident, and was not very familiar with the Qi training disciples here. Huangfu Lian knew Wang Qi and said: "Brother Chen is looking for Wang Qi with such murderous intent, is there something important?"

Chen Feng suppressed his anger and told the reason why he came. Li Yue's eyebrows were raised after hearing this: "That bastard actually ran away with your experimental funds?"

"Not that bad?" Liu Yunxiang was a little confused: "That kid is not the kind of person who would do such a thing."

Wang Qi has always emphasized that his identity is a foreign affairs disciple, so everyone around him regards him as an external disciple. But Liu Yunxiang, as the resident deacon, clearly knows that Wang Qi is a true disciple. Wang Qi is now only being sent out because of identity verification, but his future achievements may not be low.

Thousands of stones of spiritual energy? This may be difficult for ordinary disciples. But if a true disciple writes a few papers and then applies for an experimental project, let alone thousands of stones, even tens of thousands of stones plus a thousand merit points can be approved. Wang Qi has no need to leave a bad record in the Immortal Alliance for a mere 5,000 stones of spiritual energy.

Chen Feng nodded: "I don't understand it either."

"You are just too good. This is obviously a violation of the law and a crime." Li Yue said angrily.

At this time, Mo Zhenzhen replied in a slightly trembling voice: "That... Senior Brother Wang, he didn't go out all day today..."

Chen Feng frowned: "What's the matter?"

"When Senior Brother Wang came back yesterday, he happened to see us celebrating Junior Brother Li's breakthrough, and then..."

Chen Feng sighed: "Don't tell me he still has a problem with alcoholism."

At this time, Chen Feng already regretted cooperating with Wang Qi. His next job requires mathematics, but it may not be so dependent. Ordinary living spirits' proof requires the ability to write out the formulas to be used, and those who can calculate it at will are already talented. Wang Qi is the type who can give the answer within one second given the data, but this speed is not indispensable.

In contrast, lack of credibility or poor living habits and no sense of time are all major problems that can deny a person's laboratory career.

Mo Zhenzhen quickly shook her head: "No, Senior Brother Wang doesn't drink at all..."

Li Yue asked: "Anyway, where does the scum who ruined the reputation of our sect live?"

Mo Zhenzhen couldn't disobey Li Yue, so she raised her hand and pointed to Wang Qi's room. Li Yue took two steps forward and raised her hand to break Wang Qi's door.

Then, a strange spiritual fluctuation came out of the room.

On the first day Wang Qi moved in, he posted several aura-isolating talismans in the room. In the past month, he has posted a lot of them. Even a Jindan cultivator like Liu Yunxiang can't easily sense Wang Qi's condition.

"Is he practicing... huh?" Mo Zhenzhen was shocked after seeing Wang Qi's condition clearly. Although the fluctuation of spiritual energy looked like a practice, Wang Qi was not meditating or even in a state of concentration. He was sitting in front of his desk, gesturing with a pen in his hand. Then, countless papers were spinning around Wang Qi.

"Is this... magnetized paper?" Chen Feng was very knowledgeable and probably guessed the trick Wang Qi used. Electromagnetic force is the force that connects atoms. All atoms have magnetic moments, but they cancel each other out, making them not obvious on a macro scale. In theory, Tiangexing can magnetize everything and then operate it.

It's just... magnetizing organic fibers, shouldn't it be a Jindan stage ability?

He didn't know that Wang Qi was used to wet the four corners of the paper with water, and then manipulate the magnetized water. Magnetizing liquid is still very simple.

Li Yue's knowledge is much worse than Chen Feng, who is a true disciple. Her first reaction was to wake Wang Qi up and confront Chen Feng face to face. With this idea in mind, she condensed a ball of cold wind in her palm and prepared to hit Wang Qi.

Jin Fa's mind method has been tempered for thousands of times, and any factors that may lead to obsession have been prevented. Even if someone suddenly interrupts the practice, it will not be a big deal, at most it will be uncomfortable for a while. Li Yue thinks this is a relatively gentle approach

The cold air condensed into a ball and flew towards Wang Qi. At this moment, Wang Qi sensed the attack in front of him, looked up blankly, and his eyes did not meet. Just when the cold air was one foot away from him, he showed joy on his face and stabbed the pen in his hand forward.

Then, Wang Qi stabbed the pen in his hand forward, and a sword energy shot out.

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