Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 69: The Choice of Paper [Recommended Second Update]

Meat, or food high in calories and protein, can be regarded as a source of happiness for human beings from both a physiological and psychological perspective. After eating happily, Wang Qi returned to his room and burped happily.

Zhen Shanzi just couldn't stand the look of this kid: "What have you become? And I have this ring. You've ruined it like an immortal weapon."

Wang Qi casually picked up a piece of scratch paper and rubbed it on the "mathematics" of the jade ring: "I did encounter something good today. I'm so happy."

"You don't want to be happy when others don't invite you." Zhen Shanzi sighed: "People are crazy!"

After wiping the ring, Wang Qi leaned forward and prepared to sleep. But he lay there for a long time without falling asleep.

Still too excited.

Wang Qi got up from the bed. Anyway, the Xiu family didn't have any need for sleep, so they might as well find something to do.

With this thought, Wang Qi looked at the source of his inability to sleep - the storage bag taken from the Shenjing warehouse.

"Anyway, there are still a lot of things in the storage bag, so let's try playing with them first."

The first thing Wang Qi took out from his storage bag was a bottle of reagent. This bottle of reagent is contained in a transparent glass bottle and is only a few tens of milliliters. Unlike the reagents on Earth, this glass bottle has two layers, and there is a vacuum between the two layers of glass. Then the mouth of the bottle was engraved with special seals to prevent the infusion of spiritual energy. This is a standard bottle of Yuanlingqi reagent, which can eliminate the interference of spiritual energy on the experiment as much as possible.

After Wang Qi played with the reagent bottle for a while, he put it back into the storage bag. Such a bottle of reagent is worth five stones of spiritual energy. Considering that his spiritual pool has been somewhat dry recently, Wang Qi still thinks it is better not to play with this.

More importantly, he was engaged in theoretical physics in his previous life, and most people in this lineage were crooks and experimenters.

And to be honest, there are not many biological reagents such as glucose that are harmless to humans and animals. Most of them are toxic, and a few are highly toxic. Wang Qi has a strong body and is not afraid of poison, but it is not impossible to mix several unknown solutions together to create something that can poison a monk. The laboratory reagent management guidelines must still be followed.

After putting away the bottle, Wang Qi took out a piece of jade and a piece of obsidian iron: "I'd better make a calculator tonight and try my hand at it."

Making a calculator is not a DIY assembly machine. It is equivalent to buying electronic components and soldering the motherboard yourself, and starting from scratch. This is as difficult as China's future IT leaders in the 1980s and 1990s, who dismantled the original parts from scrapped electrical appliances to build their own computers.

"Let me think about it, theoretically speaking, the most important thing in refining a calculator is to refine the Yin and Yang Yao. The Yin and Yang Yao is to the calculator what the logical operation unit is to the computer... Then, the mechanism of the Yin and Yang Yao is "Yao Determination" In fact, the calculator and the "Yao Ding Sutra" are of the same origin but different phenomena... Refining Yin and Yang Yao requires a material with both positive and negative properties..."

Wang Qi muttered to the discretion placed on the ground, seeming to be thinking about it. Zhen Shanzi sighed: "I saw the day you made weapons alone, and the first time you made weapons, it was something I couldn't understand..."

However, a quarter of an hour passed.

However, half an hour passed.

Wang Qi is still thinking hard.

Zhen Shanzi called out: "Hey, boy, you have to think for so long to practice your skills?"

Wang Qi raised his head with a serious expression: "Hey, old man, I found a serious problem."


"What's the first step?"

Zhen Shanzi roared: "You have been thinking about feelings for so long but you just don't know how to start?"

Wang Qi felt that he was quite innocent: "I didn't choose a training tool. It's not a required test."

"Wait a minute, where is the basic theory course of weapon refining? Is this a compulsory course?"

Wang Qi scratched the back of his head: "Basic theory of weapon refining... Oh, this, although this is compulsory, it is not within the scope of the exam. At that time, I remember that I was, I was, oh, resolving the conflict between the body and mind, and I didn't attend the lecture. ”

"I don't take the exam because it is not something that must be mastered to seek Taoism, but it is a necessary skill for cultivating immortals, you idiot!" Zhen Shanzi scolded: "Taking a bath is not necessary for walking thousands of miles, but you really What will happen if you don’t take a shower all the way?”

Wang Qi corrected: "Taking a bath is for the sake of health. It is easy to get sick if you don't take a bath. To outsiders, it seems that bathing is necessary..."

Okay, I’ll try to catch up on my knowledge of the refiner when I have time...

Wang Qi sighed, put away the materials, and sat down at the desk.

If you can't refine weapons, you'd better write a thesis.

Wang Qi found a piece of draft paper, thought for a while, and wrote down the title of the paper - "A Discussion on Bo's Law of Large Numbers."

Bo's law of large numbers, also known as Bernoulli's law of large numbers on earth, is the first limiting law of probability theory in history. Its core idea is very simple. The more times an experiment is repeated with a random outcome, the closer the frequency of a certain outcome will be to its probability. When the number of trials is large enough, the probability of an event can be replaced by the frequency of the event.

"Bernoulli's law of large numbers is a special case of Chebyshev's law of large numbers, and Poisson's law of large numbers is a generalization of Bernoulli's law of large numbers... It's better to choose Poisson's law of large numbers this time..."

Poisson's law of large numbers also has a certain weight in the history of mathematics, but it is not as dominant as Chebyshev or Markov. In addition, it only goes one step further than Bernoulli's law of large numbers. Bernoulli's law of large numbers proves the stability of the frequency of events in random experiments repeated under exactly the same conditions, while Poisson's theorem shows that when the conditions of independent random experiments change, the frequency remains stable.

Watching Wang Qi write a bunch of things on paper that he can read but can't understand, Zhen Chanzi sighed: "Sometimes I really don't understand what you mathematicians think. Things that can be guessed intuitively, you have to be entangled..."

"Intuition can't find the Tao." Wang Qi said as he wrote: "Moreover, the law of large numbers is proof that my generation is on the right path."

The laws that humans have mastered are only the statistical averages of random events, but based on the mathematical expectations, variances, forms and parameters of random distributions obtained from these statistics, people can know the "frequency" of random events. As humans observe more events, the "frequency" is closer to the "ideal probability".

That is the "Tao".

After Wang Qi wrote half a page, he suddenly stopped and put the written part aside.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm going to discuss the rest of the paper first."

This is Wang Qi's answer. As a newcomer, it is normal that the papers he sent out are not taken seriously. Not being taken seriously means that no one reads it, which means that he can't get merit points, and it also means that he can't improve his reputation. At this time, it is a wise choice to tie Bo Xiaoya, who comes from a famous family, to himself. Moreover, he has just graduated from the Immortal Academy and has "taken a small step forward in the field of probability theory, and a big step forward for the Immortal Alliance", which is a bit abnormal. But Bo Xiaoya is different. She is proficient in large number swords and has a deep understanding of the Bo family's law of large numbers. It is more normal to publish together in the name of the two.

"So, what are you going to study next?"

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