Ye Chang was sure that he could win. Seeing that Li Ziye was powerless, his mind had already slipped elsewhere. When the mana fluctuations appeared behind him, his reaction was half a beat.

"Mana fluctuations? What's going on? How could this kid break free from my restraints!"

Shocked, Ye Chang couldn't help but look back. What came into his sight were three red lights that hit his face fiercely!

"No! This kid wants to commit suicide!" Ye Chang had fought with modern cultivators more than once, so he naturally recognized the most commonly used fire explosion talisman among modern cultivators. This talisman posed no threat to him, but it could easily kill Wang Qi in the Qi training stage. If Wang Qi died. Li Ziye would have nothing to worry about!

Ye Chang's fingers moved, and the mana around him turned into golden light, rushing towards Wang Qi, trying to annihilate the power of the fire explosion talisman. At the same time, his mind raced, thinking: "He actually unlocked a part of his magic power without my knowledge? Immortal weapon? No, he can't use it... Could it be that he learned the method of breaking through the ban of Luofu Xuanqing Palace that uses thirty-seven magic powers at the same time? What a joke! That method has no use except to deal with the ban method of my Huangji Litian Dao, and it is extremely complicated. He is so bored that he practiced it!"

The power of the Flame Explosion Talisman was mostly offset by Ye Chang, but the remaining shock still made Wang Qi feel a shock in his chest. He did not hesitate at all and activated the remaining talismans in his left hand. Two layers of light mist separated Ye Chang's magic power, and Wang Qi suddenly felt relaxed, and the lost magic power was fully restored! The healing talisman turned into a warm current, flowing from Liu Jing's hand to his whole body, and with the orange light mist that stimulated physical energy, Wang Qi actually felt a sense of full strength!

Wang Qi did not dare to delay, and immediately ran out with his back to Ye Chang after landing. Under the technique of the power of the talisman, his speed far exceeded the limit of the cultivators in the early stage of Qi training, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed dozens of meters away.

"Oh no!" Ye Chang was shocked. If this kid escaped, he would not only lose the clues of the immortal weapon and the inheritance of the ancient method, but also lose the hostage who restrained Li Ziye. He subconsciously raised his hand to perform the spell of catching. At this time, a hand passed through his armpit and pressed on the acupuncture point of his left hand, forcing him to raise his hands a little too high. This spell brushed Wang Qi's body and hit it empty.

"You're done." Li Ziye smiled. His always gentle face looked a little hideous because of the blood. He stretched out his hand and the sword box of the Heaven Sword actually vibrated violently. Ye Chang found that the seal he set was collapsing, and he was immediately frightened.

Li Ziye, who had seen through the mystery of the Huangji Litian Dao, would not give Ye Chang another chance to catch Wang Qi, and he would be defeated if the Heaven Sword broke the seal!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it..." Ye Chang was flustered, and the thought of running away kept flashing through his mind. But he knew that the Heavenly Sword was about to break the seal, and if he turned around, it would be equivalent to selling a huge flaw to Li Ziye. And even if he escaped by chance, the base of the ancient method cultivators would be exposed. What awaits him at that time is a life worse than death!

So, now I... am dead?



Once the thought of despair appeared, it could no longer be contained, taking root in the mind of this Yuanying cultivator and spreading rapidly!

Li Ziye noticed that the aura of the opponent in front of him suddenly fluctuated violently, and secretly said that it was bad.

He actually pushed too much, and forced the opponent to have no way to retreat when he still had a certain strength! This aura was clearly a method of sacrificing one's own life in exchange for a shocking blow and dying together!

"Woo woo woo... Hehehe hahahaha... Boy, you forced me to do this!" Ye Chang roared: "Heavenly Demon Blood Removal Method!"

Wang Qi lay on the ground, struggling to stand up, but because of the injury, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I'm so unlucky... Ugh... I haven't been injured so badly in my two lives combined." Wang Qi sighed, turned over, and used the remaining magic power in his body to repair his body. Only then did he have the opportunity to observe the surroundings.

At this time, the Jade Rabbit fell to the west, and the morning light was dim. With the help of the skylight, Wang Qi could barely see that this was a plain west of Dabai Village.

"Flying really fast." Wang Qi's mind was a little erratic, and he actually envied the supernatural powers of the senior monks: "This time I'm really embarrassed. Well, old man Zhen Chanzi is right, learning some fighting skills should be put on the agenda... Hiss, start tomorrow-oh, old man!"

He tapped the ring on his hand with his spiritual consciousness: "Old man, don't sleep at your age, you fell asleep at that time."

After a long while, Zhen Chanzi's voice reappeared in Wang Qi's mind: "So fast?"

Wang Qi was stunned for a moment and asked back: "What's so fast?"

"You reopened the ban so quickly?" Zhen Chanzi's voice was full of disbelief: "That method cannot be entered without half a month of hard practice. I thought that with your understanding, it is not impossible to understand it in three to five days. It is also possible that Li Ziye and that Yuanying period junior fought for three to five days..."

The ability to model is helpful for learning spells... Why would a guy who will die if he meets a tall tree learn spells!

Wang Qi muttered a few words in his heart, and suddenly his face changed: "Oh, just now there was an explosion behind me that knocked me down. Now I am about a hundred feet away from where Li Ziye and the others were fighting. At that time, I had two talismans protecting me. With this power, they should have decided the winner, right? Can you use your spiritual sense to explore it?"

Zhen Chanzi pondered for a moment: "It was just the aftermath that swept... With this kind of power, I'm afraid both of them used self-destructive methods to fight for their lives. Forget it, I'll go and take a look."

After saying that, the jade ring heated up slightly, and Zhen Chanzi's Mahayana spiritual sense quickly surged in all directions.

"It turned out to be a situation where both died..."

"What?" Wang Qi's face turned pale and he struggled to stand up.

"Hey, what are you doing? Sit down and heal your wounds!"

Wang Qi snorted and did not answer.

"With your current injuries, if your internal organs are further stimulated, you will really die!"

Wang Qi asked: "What's the situation over there now?"

"Listen to what they say..."

Wang Qi emphasized: "What's the situation over there?"

Zhen Chanzi said helplessly: "The body of that Yuanying period ancient method cultivator is gone. It is estimated that he used the Tianmo Jiexue Dafa to sacrifice his own life in order to die together. Li dead, and I can't save him even in my prime."

Wang Qi kept walking: "If I can't even hear his last words, then I owe him a lot."

Zhen Chanzi said angrily: "If you feel that you owe him, no matter how small it is, it's still a life!"

"At least now, I have a chance to fulfill his last wish!"

Wang Qi felt the broken internal organs bumping around in his body with every step he took. Fortunately, the explosion was not too far from Wang Qi, and Wang Qi didn't walk for long.

The air here was saturated with the smell of blood that could not be blown away by the night wind. The soil that had just been blasted by the power of an ancient Nascent Soul cultivator's self-explosion was shattered into a substance like fine sand. There was only a large pit left at the center of the explosion. In the faint morning light, a person could be vaguely seen lying at the bottom of the pit.

Wang Qi slid down the edge of the pit. Fortunately, the cultivator's self-explosion was a spiritual agitation rather than a high temperature and high pressure, so the soil in this large pit was much fluffier than the surrounding soil. Wang Qi endured the pain and crawled to Li Ziye's side with his hands and feet, reaching out to shake the latter: "Hey, Senior Brother Li, hey..."

The physique of a Jindan-stage cultivator is indeed strong. Li Ziye's life force has been extinguished, but he is still conscious: "Ah... I'm back..."

Wang Qi nodded, but was afraid that the other party couldn't see it, so he answered again: "Yes."

"You... call me Senior Brother... It seems that you have made up your mind to... go to the Immortal Alliance?"

"Don't talk." Wang Qi held Li Ziye's hand: "Is there any way to open your storage bag or other magical tools? There should be medicine in it..."

Li Ziye's hand moved slightly, and Wang Qi quickly let go. Li Ziye's right hand moved to his waist with difficulty, and gently touched a small bag: "Open it... Find some pills. The ones in your ring... Seniors should be able to distinguish the basic medicinal properties."

"Is there anything that can save your life?"

Li Ziye wanted to shake his head, but in the end he just tilted his head: "Life is gone... There is no resurrection."

Wang Qi exhaled: "Do you have any wishes?"

"Wishes... Let me think..." Li Ziye thought for a moment and let out a low and unpleasant laugh: "Ahem... Help me?"


"Ahem... I want to chase a girl, but what's the point of you helping me chase her?"

"The chief disciple of Piaomiao Palace? I can bring a message."

"But I'm dying." Li Ziye's tone was quite relaxed: "Bring it, except for a piece of pity, what's the use... Just add to other people's troubles..."

Secret love ruins a life...

Wang Qi sighed and asked: "Besides that?"

Li Ziye said: "Thinking carefully, I don't have many... ahem... how should I put it, I won't die in peace until I achieve my goals, and I can be considered relaxed and comfortable in this life. There are things I want to do, but these things... I just want to do them myself. You doing it for me... is meaningless to me."

"Do you regret it?"

"It's a pity... I can't see enough of this world... and the supreme way... I haven't heard of it yet..."

"Do you regret it? Regret saving me?"

"Actually, I regret it." Li Ziye's voice became lower and lower: "I really don't want to die. I really don't want to die. In fact... if I had known... I would die, I might not have saved you. But, who made me bad at arithmetic..."

"Don't joke, Wanfamen is based on arithmetic, how can you be bad at arithmetic."

"I just can't figure it out... I can't figure out whether I can win... I can't figure out which one makes me feel worse, watching you being captured or dying here..."

Both of them were silent for a moment.

Li Ziye said again: "Actually, you don't have to regard my affairs as a burden... If you have a mental block because of this... I saved you in vain... Haha."

Wang Qi tried to make his voice more stable: "Actually, I live for the sake of excitement, happiness, and cultivation."

"That's good..."

"If you feel that you owe others too much, you can't be happy."

Li Ziye smiled at last: "If you really want to do something for me... If someone solves Xi's 23 Calculations in the future... Just burn a copy for me. Oh, the head master uncle will probably solve the 'Pearl Question' and achieve perfection... By then..."

"I remember. I burned a copy for you, right?"

Another moment of silence.

"How long will it take for the sun to rise?"

Wang Qi looked at the sky: "Soon."

"I've been unconscious for a long time... I really want to bask in the sun before I die."

"I'll wait. The sun will rise soon."

Wang Qi said, looking at the cloudy sky.

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