The concept of entropy originates from what the Earth calls the second law of thermodynamics and China calls the third law of Fentian. It represents the degree of "disorder" in a system. The concept of entropy increase also comes from this theorem. It originally meant the inevitable flow of heat from higher to lower temperatures. After generalizing this, we can draw another conclusion - in an isolated system, entropy increase is inevitable.

The universe is the largest isolated system. In other words, this is the ultimate theorem that reveals how the universe dies.

At the end of the universe, all available energy will be converted into heat energy. In this way, all matter loses its "movement". Elementary particles cannot exist, all superstrings break, time disappears completely, and space no longer makes sense.

This name is heat death.

The peerless palm technique of the Nirvana Burning Heaven Palm is exactly the method that takes the meaning of heat and death and transforms the world into annihilation. With one palm strike, the spiritual energy was annihilated, all living things were extinct, and the energy was transformed, turning the heaven and earth into an oven. When you practice to the extreme, you can even destroy a piece of time!

Wang Qi was a little strange. Although the Immortal Alliance has a merit exchange system, any skill can be exchanged through one's own efforts. However, as a top secret skill weighted seven to ten, the exchange price of the Burning Sky Palm of Nirvana is close to 10,000. It is obviously not a foundation-building monk like Chi Lianxue. Affordable.

"Where did he get this palm technique?"

With a trace of doubt, Wang Qi put on a defensive posture, as if facing a formidable enemy. The introduction method cultivation in the foundation building stage is not worth mentioning, but it is different to practice the introduction method of Nirvana and Burning Heaven Palm. Even if he has only mastered the Nirvana Burning Heaven Palm, Chi Lianxue can be said to be an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

And, most importantly, this enemy is different from all the opponents Wang Qi has experienced. Yang Jun is very dangerous, but he is possessed by an evil spirit and has no sanity at all; Ai Changyuan is strong, but the fight with him is in the nature of a sparring or competition, not a life and death battle.

But Chi Lianxue was different. He was powerful and cruel. More importantly, he had been the guardian of the West Sea and must have experienced countless life-and-death battles and had rich experience.

Unlike Wang Qi's solemn expression, Chi Lianxue's expression was extremely ferocious and fanatical. A red light shot out from his eyes, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The majestic red light surged out of his body.

He burned his life and himself without hesitation, bursting out with a dazzling momentum, hoping to take down Wang Qi with the next move!

Wang Qi is just the opposite. The brilliance in his eyes gradually faded, the glow from the magic power around him also dissipated, the power was all restrained, and the magic power in the body was directed and orderly. He abandoned most of the mental techniques and used Tianengyue Jue and Tianyan Tulu to the extreme. Relying on the entropy-reducing power of the Tian Entropy Jue and the negentropic nature of the Tian Yan Tu Lu, he can withstand the annihilation trend of the Nirvana Burning Heaven Palm and avoid collapsing without a fight.

As long as you get hit, it's over...

At this moment, a somewhat frightened voice came from behind Wang Qi: "Master, Wang Qi, what are you doing...ah! Uncle Zhong! Uncle Zhao! You..."

Tie Zhu's legs were shaking a little. He had never seen Master's expression like that before. The situation in Wang Qi's house also left him confused - that shot of the Nirvana Burning Heaven Palm confused the stress field of the house, the masonry collapsed from the inside, half of the entire building collapsed, and several people were killed. The villagers who were not smashed to death by bricks and stones were swept away by the aftermath of the Nirvana Burning Heaven Palm, their life fires were extinguished, and they could no longer die.

Wang Qi's tone was a bit sarcastic: "Can't you see it yet? This guy is attacking me with all his face!"

Chi Lianxue burst out laughing wildly: "I originally wanted to continue pretending to be a good master and disciple who are as close as father and son, but I can't play anymore! Hahahahaha, if you want to blame it, it's your little fellow who has become famous, okay? apprentice!"

"Master... why..." Tie Zhu sat down on the ground, his face full of disbelief.

However, Wang Qi's next words made him wake up completely.

"My family was not defeated when we faced the ancient cultivator last year." Wang Qi sneered, and then asked: "What are you doing underground? What are you doing with the corpses in this place? The Chiyang Sect also has a method of refining corpses? "

Chi Lianxue smiled ferociously: "I have nothing to talk about with you heretics!"

Amid a burst of wild and violent laughter, Chi Lianxue raised his palm, and then slapped it. The terrifying flow of entropy gathers and blasts out, causing chaos and extinction everywhere within the reach of the palm!

One palm, silence.

Facing this power of destruction, Wang Qi showed no fear. The trajectory of the entropy flow is reflected in his perception, and is immediately abstracted and calculated. He moved lightly and gracefully, narrowly avoiding the blow. Then, he stepped down hard with his legs and rushed towards Chi Lianxue at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

The middle-aged man in red robe showed a disdainful sneer on his lips. This kid holds swords in both hands, so he must be good at close-quarters swordsmanship. As the distance gets closer, there is a chance to launch an attack, but...

This also means you lack room to dodge!

"Go to hell!" The third Nirvana Burning Heaven Palm was launched flatly, and the red light swallowed up Wang Qi's figure.

Chi Lianxue had no doubt about the power of this palm. A disdainful sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth - after all, he came from the Immortal Academy, and his actual combat skills are weak...

At the moment when his spirit relaxed, a dim sword light came upstream from the entropy flow, turning into a beautiful arc and curling towards Chi Lianxue's wrist. The chaotic and violent Gang Qi had no effect at all, and was broken by this sword!

Chi Lianxue's pupils shrank suddenly - because he saw a miracle.

In a world where the increase in entropy is irreversible, the negative entropic phenomenon of life is the greatest miracle!

Wang Qi was wrapped in the power of Tianyan - this is the power of living beings, the power of negative entropy! The power of Tianyan Atlas and Tianentropy Jue combined made him fearless of the only form of the Silent Burning Heaven Palm, and he re-entered within five steps of Chilianxue!

Although his whole body felt like it was burning, and although the power suppressed in his body had a tendency to riot, he finally included Chilianxue in the attack range!

Wang Qi was faintly excited. I'm afraid only Zhenchanzi understood Wang Qi's mood at the moment - this house is his home after crossing, and this is Wang Qi's hometown. The house that held his childhood memories was destroyed, the bodies of the villagers were desecrated, and his hometown turned into a place of evil. How could Wang Qi not be angry!

In the eyes of Wang Qi's friends, Wang Qi is a person who laughs and laughs as he pleases. If he is angered, he will definitely scold or even fight on the spot. However, Zhenchanzi knows that once Wang Qi is extremely angry, he will not show his emotions on his face.

He will only fight with a calm face.

For example, when I was in front of Li Ziye's corpse, I was not allowed to copy Taoist's manuscript.

Or now...

Kunshan's long sword groaned angrily!


QAQ There are really few recommended votes this week... Maybe I don't have the face to ask for recommended votes when I only update once a day... But for an author who has not signed a contract, recommendation is the only consolation TAT

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