Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2: With food in hand, there is no need to panic

"Hey, wait a minute."

The one who called Wang Qi was not one of his friends, nor was it a good assistant teacher in the foundation building stage - although it was indeed an assistant teacher that Wang Qi was familiar with.

Wang Qi hadn't seen Geng Peng for a long time. Although this guy had caused him a lot of trouble, he had stopped doing it half a year ago. Su Junyu probably did some work and said that this guy would not come out again, so Wang Qi almost forgot about this guy.

However, Wang Qi was not afraid of this guy when he came out.

After nine months, Geng Peng's tone of voice was still not very polite. Seeing that the other party was not friendly, Wang Qi's tone was not very friendly: "Hey, Brother Geng? What's wrong, do you want to add insult to injury?"

Geng Peng seemed not to hear Wang Qi's words, and directly grabbed Wang Qi's shoulder: "You declined the position of the true disciple of Yangshen Pavilion, and you are treated as an outer sect in Wanfamen? Are you sick?"

Wang Qi slapped Geng Peng's hand: "Hey, be careful with your words. Even if the head of the sect doesn't let me go back to the mountain gate, I am the true disciple of Wanfamen! How dare you, an inner sect, come to point fingers at me, the true disciple?"

Geng Peng had no intention of letting Wang Qi go: "Tell me, do you think that you have no chance to step through the Yuanshen Heaven Gate anyway, so you might as well find a remote place to live your whole life?"

The true disciple of Wanfamen, even if it is not valued, can be arrogant and domineering in the local area for a lifetime even if you do nothing.

Wang Qi stared at Geng Peng's face for a long time, and suddenly laughed: "I didn't realize it before, Brother Geng, you are actually a tsundere."

Although his EQ is not high, Wang Qi can always hear that Geng Peng is worried that he will give up on himself and is specifically trying to motivate himself... Although this method seems to have a low EQ.

——Having said that, it's really disgusting that a grown man is tsundere!

"What the hell is tsundere?" Geng Peng looked at Wang Qi's frivolous look and was furious: "Do you know that your life was saved by others at the cost of their lives! You are in a state of collapse, I... I really feel sorry for Brother Li!"

Wang Qi smiled, turned around and waved to Geng Peng: "Just watch and watch. Your leader will kneel down and beg me to go back in a few years."

After saying goodbye to the last guy who came to see him off, Wang Qi boarded the large spiritual boat. He did not enter the cabin, but stood on the deck, leaning against the side of the ship, and said: "Old man, if you have anything to say, please say it quickly. I can't guarantee that I can communicate normally after the ship leaves."

Zhen Chanzi's voice was strange and dull: "You said you are also a cultivator, why are you still seasick?"

"I use body skills or fly my own sword, and I have a prediction of the ups and downs during the movement process-but the spirit boat is different." Wang Qi didn't want to talk more about this topic: "Tell me, do you have any objection to my choosing Wanfamen?"

Zhen Chanzi said: "I really can't figure it out. Yangshen Pavilion is interested in your mathematics. You entered Yangshen Pavilion to do mathematics?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "No."

His major in his previous life was theoretical physics and mathematics. If he wanted to quickly transform theory into practical application, he could only choose Wanfamen and Piaomiao Palace. But according to Chen Jingyun, Wanfamen and Piaomiao Palace do not welcome exiled immortals, so he can only choose the lesser of two evils.

Scientific research requires a lot of investment. Although theoretical physics has the word "theory", it is also closely related to experimental phenomena. After the research level has developed to the level of Shenzhou, every experiment requires a huge investment.

First of all, if Wang Qi wants to do an experiment to verify the non-conservation of parity, he needs to use instruments with atomic-level observation accuracy. If he wants to study elementary particles or quantum fields, he needs a collision array that occupies several kilometers in radius. According to Su Juyu, the Immortal Alliance has these equipment, but they are all strategic-level. Even the Five Absolute True Transmissions of the Golden Core level may not be able to borrow them, not to mention that Wang Qi is suspected of being a banished immortal.

Fortunately, this world has spiritual energy, and the technological black box is large enough. If you really can't borrow it, you can do experiments with your bare hands-as long as you have the cultivation level of Yuanshen or even above.

As for consumables, it is an astronomical figure. Let alone, the nearly ideal potion with a spiritual energy value almost wiped to one is not a small number.

If the experiment cannot be completed, Wang Qi will have to spend a lot of work points to exchange for other people's experimental reports.

Researchers on Earth will certainly face this dilemma - by the 19th century, scientific research was no longer something that could be done by one person. Most of the real academic masters would complete their studies before the age of 20 as academic masters, and then directly enter research institutions.

It is unlikely to guarantee fair treatment wherever you go. At this time, one of the benefits of mathematics is revealed.

"Ten years of being alone under the window, one day you become famous and known to the world." This kind of thing can only happen to mathematicians.

Ramanujan of India and Hua Luogeng of China are representatives of this kind of mathematicians.

After all, mathematical research does not rely much on experiments.

Zhen Chanzi still did not believe Wang Qi's explanation: "Although this is the case,... the mathematics that can convince the head of the Wanfa Sect should not be simple, right? Are you too confident?"

Wang Qi sneered: "I am not panicked when I have food in my hands."

Knowing a lot of classical mathematical theories that have not yet appeared in Shenzhou, Wang Qi really did not think that it was a big deal to convince Chen Jingyun.

The first-tier scientists are those who change the theoretical system and grasp the general direction of research. The second tier is either responsible for converting basic theories into technology, or specializing in a problem under a large system. As for the third tier, they can basically not be called scientists, and the guys in this tier basically deal with some applied problems.

Chen Jingyun is actually only in the second tier, specializing in a problem in a certain field. In addition, he solved the abacus, which is called the "Goldbach Conjecture" on Earth. The method he used, the "Almost Prime Method", was not proposed by himself, and he did not complete the last step.

In addition, the Goldbach Conjecture is called the "Crown Pearl of Mathematics" on Earth, not because it has a high status, but because this problem is very topical.

As for its status in the mathematical world, it is probably lower than Fermat's Last Theorem. And Fermat's Last Theorem... "Prince of Mathematics" Gauss's evaluation is "I am not interested in wasting time on such a meaningless problem."

And Wang Qi has more than one paper in his mind that is enough to rewrite the mathematical system!

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