Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 202 Fuzzy Mathematics

What should mathematics look like?

precise? Mechanical?

totally not.

Mathematics can also be random, haphazard, chaotic, and fuzzy.

From precision to fuzzy, from certainty to chaos, this is another major breakthrough in mathematics.

And Wang Qi's behavior of explaining fuzzy theory shows that his understanding of mathematics has gone deep into the essence, and there is even a faint possibility of opening another arithmetic course to be on par with the current world!

That's right, just showing a possibility. Wang Qi has no plans to fully introduce this new mathematics. After all, this is definitely an achievement at the carefree level in this world. It is impossible to find inspiration without a certain degree of immersion in cybernetics and systems theory. The detailed proofs of a large number of concepts and theorems are even more of a pitfall. Without the ten-year investment of a master of mathematics, it would not be possible to complete. The most important point is that without the contributions of Gödel and Turing in mathematical logic, this fuzzy theory would be nothing more than a tower with a weak foundation and cannot withstand the test.

Just throw out something that Wang Qi cannot have time to study, and its foundation is not like the Chinese theory. Is it because he is not suspected of being an immortal enough? Compared with this, whether Wan Dharma Sect or even other accomplished practitioners in arithmetic can accept it is a small question.

What Wang Qi is doing now is to expound on the concept and part of the ideas of fuzzy theory, and talk down the Bo family disciple in front of him, and then talk down all the high-level monks who are watching this competition.

"Senior Brother Wang." Bo Xiaoya was deeply attracted by what Wang Qi said, and her tone became much more polite: "Little sister, I still have a few questions."

Wang Qi was almost flattered. The Bo family is full of crazy people, or to put it in a less pleasant way, they are rich in rude men. When he and Bo Xiaoya met for the first time, the other person sounded arrogant, but he didn't expect that in just a few days, the girl already called herself my little sister!

Hahahahaha, China is indeed a paradise for science men!

"Ask if you have anything."

Bo Xiaoya humbly asked for advice: "Wan Dharma Gate, Tao calculation, calculates all things in the world, and the goal is to calculate all the things in the world. May I ask what this vague calculation is about?"

Wang Qi shook his head with a smile and raised a finger: "First of all, your question is a little inappropriate. Does arithmetic have to talk about 'what'? Before Tai Tianzun, how many people knew that surface geometry calculates space-time? Waves? Before Tianjun, does anyone know that Xiangyu can be regarded as a quantum cloud? "

"Arithmetic is a weapon that breaks through the mystery and removes obscurity. Arithmeticians should not ask for 'what to count', because naturally there will be others who pick up the tools we cast and break through the fog of mystery that obscures the road. We mathematicians , just focus on making good equipment.”

On Earth, the reason why mathematics is known as the queen of science is that it is always ahead of science. Euler's beta function, which Euler studied in the 18th century, was discovered two hundred years later to be able to describe superstrings; the non-Euclidean geometry discovered by Lobachevsky was discovered one hundred and fifty years later by his descendant Einstein. Used to describe the curvature of space-time.

Then, Wang Qi raised a second finger: "Second, did you realize just now, 'These seem to be artificially defined things', was this your exact words just now? You should also realize it. "There are many vague and boundless concepts in people's minds, which are difficult to express using traditional arithmetic."

"Since we have calculated all the people's hearts, how far can we go to create our own people's hearts?"

As soon as Wang Qi said these words, everyone reacted. The new disciples in the square and the grandmaster of the small sect were fine. But how could Chen Jingyun, Deng Jiaxuan and other high-level monks who were at the forefront of the current path and core disciples of the Immortal Alliance such as Su Junyu, Bo Xiaofeng and Ai Qinglan not be surprised? How could you not be surprised?

Create people’s hearts out of thin air! Will is born out of emptiness! Isn't this... isn't this a major topic in calculator research?

This is definitely the cutting-edge field of modern arithmetic!

Wang Qi raised a third finger: "You have already experienced the third point - in some calculations with a high fault tolerance rate, fuzzy computing can ignore some variables and algorithms, saving a lot of computing power!"

Deng Jiaxuan, who prefers empirical evidence in his free life, nodded. For today's Immortal Way, for the Immortal Alliance. For individual monks, computing power is a very important resource. Cultivation requires computing power, seeking the Tao requires computing power, and doing experiments and processing results requires computing power. If the "fuzzy algorithm" Wang Qi mentioned is really true, then when it is mature enough, it can be generalized...

At this time, Wang Qi raised his fourth finger: "The most important point - what is the path we seek?"

Bo Xiaoya hesitated for a moment: "I don't know... My level is too low, I dare not force it."

"It's okay, look for previous descriptions, and you can say whichever sentence you think is more to your liking."

"'There is a mixture of things, born in advance of heaven and earth. Silent! Lonely! Independent without changing, traveling without peril, it can be the mother of heaven and earth. I don't know its name. The strong name is called 'Tao'.' - Ah! "Bo Xiaoya suddenly realized: "You mean, this is the 'Tao'?"

Wang Qi replied with a smile: "We are far from mastering the laws of heaven and earth. What Xiujia can understand now is the 'Tao' defined by people. Since it is defined by people, it cannot be clear and clear everywhere."


Wang Qi's plain words dropped a huge stone into the hearts of all Xiujia on the scene.

What Wang Qi said...seems...probably...makes some sense!

Once this algorithm comes out, it can completely rewrite the foundation of modern arithmetic and open a new chapter in arithmetic!

"But..." Chen Jingyun pondered. At this moment, he is no longer the great master who dislikes Wang Qi because of his status as an immortal, nor is he the leader of the Wanfa Sect who is responsible for his duties, but a pure mathematician: "This is just an idea, an inspiration..."

Deng Jiaxuan also spoke: "This needs proof!"

"Prove it!" "Where's the proof?" Su Junyu and Bo Xiaofeng said at the same time.

All the monks who understood what he said looked at Wang Qi. Those Xiujia who were proficient in arithmetic and loved arithmetic could not wait to stretch out their little hands from their eyes and pinch Wang Qi's neck to force him to tell what was behind.

To prove it! It takes a process! To define!

Bo Xiaoya also bowed to Wang Qi in a daze and said, "I have been taught, does Senior Brother Wang have...do you have similar ideas?"

Wang Qi's words just now seemed to point to a door to a new world, but the door key was still missing.

The young man smiled slightly, pulled out his sword and drew some simple geometry on the ground: "Let's use these pictures to explain. Does the girl know the law of excluded middle?"

Bo Xiaoya came from a family background and immediately replied: "A is B or not B, there is no possibility of a third party. One of the cornerstones of classical logic."

"Then, let's adjust the law of the excluded middle first, and then see what happens to the logical system."

The girl was startled: "How can this work... like this... like this... doesn't it violate logic?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "Surface geometry denies the last postulate of Euclid, the god of geometry, so it is also called 'non-Euclidean'. However, does 'non-Euclidean geometry' really refute Euclidean geometry?"

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