Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 184: The Final Martial Arts Test

June 8th, morning.

The sun in the dog days of summer is somewhat scorching. Even though the Yunshan fog array has a slight light-blocking effect, the air in Xinshan cannot avoid being filled with a hint of heat.

The trial ground north of the main altar was expanded five times a few days ago. Thousands of candidates from the top ten celestial academies will undergo the final trial here, which is also the final martial arts test.

Chen Jingyun and Deng Jiaxuan stood on the roof of the main altar, looking down. In the eyes of the two Xiaoyao Daxiu, the dense crowds underground were like dense black dots. But with the eyesight of the monk Xiaoyao, everything below can be seen in detail.

Deng Jiaxuan smiled at Chen Jingyun and said: "These kids have caught up with the good times. There was no such good system as unified trials when we started."

The Immortal Academy and the Unified Entrance Trial both appeared after the Demon Emperor's Rebellion. The era when Chen and Deng entered Taoism happened to be during the turmoil.

Although there are some poor and rotten teachers who jump out and criticize the unified trial, this is not good and that is not good. But every knowledgeable person understands that this trial is the closest system to "fairness" in the history of China's Immortal Way.

As long as you work hard, there will be rewards.

Even wealthy aristocratic families such as the Ai family and the Baling Bo family did not dare to openly cross the line and could only rely on their own strength.

Chen Jingyun ignored Deng Jiaxuan. Tianjian Palace does not belong to the "ordinary sects" and is dedicated to protecting the world. It has nothing to do with the "Common Sects of the Immortal Alliance and the China Unified Entry Trial", so Palace Master Deng can watch the show in peace. But he can't.

Chen Jingyun looked at it for a long time before shaking his head: "Except for Bo Xiaoya, the rest of the Yiwan Dharma disciples are not very good."

Deng Jiaxuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Isn't there Wang Qi..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Jingyun became even more depressed: "I feel even more uncomfortable. That guy is obviously very good in all aspects."

Deng Jiaxuan forced a laugh and changed the subject: "Let's take a look at the arrangements for this competition."

In the unified martial arts test, each person has to compete with other disciples of similar rankings in the Immortal Academy. Each person has to complete thirty competitions in twelve days, and the time is very tight. Therefore, what Xianmeng did was actually to shoot the important scenes in advance and take advantage of the rest.

After calling up this year's "First Echelon" schedule from his calculator, Deng Jiaxuan's expression was a bit strange: "Wang Qi is actually the first one."


"Xinyue Immortal Academy, Wang Qi, Li Jing Immortal Academy, Faxiong, go to the No. 1 trial area to conduct a martial test!"

When the morning bell struck nine, a mechanical synthesized sound reached everyone's ears.

The Xianmeng calculator can't simulate emotions yet, so after finishing this group with a mechanical voice, it continued to announce the follow-up arrangements. However, as soon as the names "Wang Qi" and "Fa Xiong" appeared, there was a burst of whispers in the square.

"Wang Qi? He can actually compete with our big brother in Li Jing? Who is he?"

"I heard it belongs to Xin Yue..."

"It's him! The guy who defeated Ai Changyuan!"

"Tch, haven't you heard, banished to immortality!"

"What a pity... In terms of talent, he is definitely the best this year."

"What's the use of defeating Ai Changyuan ten times? It's just an immortal."

Before even playing, Wang Qi received a round of boos from the surrounding area.

Wang Qi didn't care much about this. These guys who stick out their left cheeks for him to hit will disappear on their own in a short time, and their vitality will not be stronger than the mosquitoes in the autumn. He was more concerned about something else.

"Really, is there no protagonist treatment this time? I still prefer to suddenly appear at the last second to turn the tide."

Wang Qi pretended to sigh, and then Shi Shiran stepped onto the No. 1 training ground.

When another young man wearing a golden cassock and bronze skin also entered the venue, the ban on the venue was opened, isolating the two people inside.

When the referee announced the start of the contest, neither man moved. Wang Qi seemed unmotivated because he had no interest. Faxiong, on the other hand, saw that Wang Qi couldn't bring himself to show his enthusiasm, so he said in a mocking voice: "Hey, that banished immortal over there."

Wang Qi sighed softly: "Although I know that you will be slapped in the face soon, I still feel so unhappy!"

"I feel uncomfortable, huh?" Faxiong slapped his face twice: "Come on, come and beat me up? Ha! The competition has already begun! Banished Immortal, aren't you already beaten to the point of losing your spirits? ”

This guy is stupid, pure... Wang Qi sighed, and the magic power of the Tian Entropy Art surged into his fist.

It’s better to end the battle quickly!

At this time, Faxiong patted his chest: "But you are the one who defeated Ai Changyuan after all. Compared with him, you are still at the same level as six months ago, right? Let me weigh Ai Changyuan's weight with you. !”

After saying that, he shook his sleeves and released a dozen fine iron pieces, awakening high-speed motion with himself as the center of the circle. At the same time, some arcs appeared on his body.

In the audience, Mao Zimiao changed his expression and said: "How can he operate so many magic weapons at the same time! He is obviously in the middle stage of Qi training!"

It is not particularly difficult to control multiple magic weapons while being distracted. It's just that this consumes too much computing power. When the cultivation level is low, manipulating dozens of magic weapons at the same time can only direct these magic weapons to fly around, which cannot form combat effectiveness at all.

Wu Shiqin's expression was a little solemn. She can see electromagnetic waves that are invisible to the naked eye, so she can naturally see through the essence of this spell at a glance: "That's not operating multiple magic weapons at the same time. Those iron pieces should be just ordinary treasures of heaven and earth, and being able to fly is just..."

"It's just a few circles of magnetic tracks arranged around it. Didn't you see that the flight paths of those patches are fixed?" On the other side, Ai Changyuan explained to Lu Qianqian: "A variant of the electric crossbow's magnetic string."

Bo Xiaoya also nodded secretly. Faxiong's emotional intelligence is low, but he is not stupid, and his defense is still very honest.

So, how are you going to deal with it, Wang Qi?

Wang Qi, who was facing this spell, also had his eyes lit up: "Hey, because the field range is not enough and there is not enough distance to accelerate, so he gave up shooting the iron pieces as a Railgun and instead set up defense? More importantly, he seemed to Let me use the Prisoner's Lightning Curse. After all, this spell can only generate electricity, while the electromagnetic gun is pure kinetic energy... If I want to use the Prisoner's Lightning Curse to remove his lightning strike, he will convert the mana into iron. Momentum for the film, great idea.”

After performing this move, Faxiong said proudly: "Ha, I heard that you have also practiced Tiange Xing. You should be able to appreciate the beauty of this move, right? I'm not afraid to tell you that my main skill is Tiange. Okay, the Thunder Combat Body already has seven levels..."

"Thunder combat body?" Wang Qi's eyes suddenly lit up: "You have cultivated the thunder combat body, right?"

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