Wang Qi didn't know that the two people outside the room were so shocked that their foundations almost collapsed.

A moment ago, he got the book box from Li Ziye, and when he returned to the room, he couldn't wait to empty out all the books in the book box. Li Ziye's book box was really magical. After a while, Wang Qi's room was filled with Xiang Xiaoshan's books.

Wang Qi first found two books that Li Ziye specifically mentioned, "Po Xuan Pian" and "The Arithmetic of the Great Dao".

"Po Xuan Pian" is a method of contemplation. According to the principle of ancient methods, it is a method of "cultivating the truth through falsehood". Visualize a specific object in your mind, such as a real fire, an auspicious cloud, or a dragon or tiger. Gradually, the soul will take on the characteristics of the object being visualized.

However, according to Li Ziye, this is nonsense. Thinking affects the soul, and thinking can make the soul grow stronger, that's all. The content of thinking is not the key, the key is the ability to "think".

"Po Xuan Pian" is such an alternative concept. It actually requires practitioners to directly visualize and think about the avenue to strengthen their souls. The book opens with a clear meaning. The first sentence is: "To seek the Tao, the first step is to break through the mystery. If you can't see the mystery, you can see the Tao."

Wang Qi whistled. Somehow, he liked this statement very much.

"Po Xuan, Po Xuan... I seem to have heard this saying somewhere..."

""Heavenly Transformation Style"" Wang Qi then found a book with an interesting title and couldn't help but flip through it.

"Every form contains Heaven, and the law changes with Heaven, which is the transformation of Heaven..."

Are you just starting to learn something of such a high level?

Wang Qi frowned. The difference between the modern method and the ancient method is indeed huge. According to Zhen Chanzi, understanding the "Dao of Heaven" is a practice that only monks in the distracted period can do. And this Heavenly Transformation Style actually involves studying the Heavenly Transformation at the very beginning of practice?

However, a book placed together with "Heaven Change Style" made Wang Qi realize that something was wrong.

"Tian Yuan Style".

Perhaps in the eyes of native Chinese people, this should be the name of a certain Qigong practice. However, Wang Qi knew that in ancient China, the so-called "Tian Yuan" was the "equation" in modern mathematics!

"If the 'Tian' in "Tian Bian Shi" refers to Tian Yuan..."

Wang Qi turned the pages of the book to verify his suspicions.

"Sure enough! Today's variation is to study the correspondence between numbers in two sets! In other words, it is what is called a function on earth!"

Wang Qi's breathing suddenly became heavier. He finally remembered a question that he had, deliberately ignored for more than ten years.

As the pages of the book turned, one after another classic function images recorded in "Tianbian Shi" seemed to turn into spirits, shouting loudly in his ears, making him unable to ignore this problem.

Wang Qi dropped "Tianbian Shi", stumbled to the desk, took out rice paper and a brush, and polished the ink with trembling hands. After thinking about it, he threw away the pen again, stretched out his hands, and raised an index finger on his right hand. Hold up your index and middle fingers.

"Boy! You're crazy!"

Zhen Shanzi shouted in Wang Qi's consciousness, but Wang Qi turned a deaf ear. He started doing something that Shinkanko couldn't understand - counting his fingers.

"1, 2, 3... counting from the left hand is also 1, 2, 3..., 1+2=2+1, the commutative law of addition is established."

Then, he raised his left little finger.

"1, 2, 3, 4... counting from the right hand is also 1, 2, 3, 4. 1+1+2=1+(1+2), the additive associative law is established."

Then, he used a brush to point out a 2×3 and a 3×2 matrix on the paper.

"They are all six points, and the commutative law of multiplication holds."


Wang Qi's breathing became as rough as the bellows in a blacksmith shop, but he still verified mathematical laws from his previous life and from the earth on paper.

The rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the same as those of the earth.

The concept of fractions...established...the definition of the number cannot be used as a denominator...2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13...the prime number table is still there...factorization...consistent...

The definition of natural numbers is consistent with the earth... Peano's axioms are established...

Two points form a line, and three points form a plane... There is only one straight line in the same plane through a point outside the straight line that is parallel to the straight line... The sum of the interior angles of a triangle...

Euclidean geometry holds true.

If the curvature changes... past a point outside the straight line...

Roche geometry and Riemannian geometry are established.

Everything is established!

Wang Qi's mind buzzed, but he still picked up the pen and drew several intersecting, inclusive, or independent circles on the paper.

"If these circles are regarded as sets...or, and, and not are established. The most basic logical structure is established, then further logic..."

Countless propositions from previous lives appeared in Wang Qi's mind.

The connective... coincides with the earth.

The law of contradiction, the law of identity, the law of excluded middle, the law of sufficient reason... are established...

The deduction method... is established!

Snapped! The pen in Wang Qi's hand fell on the table. But Wang Qi himself was completely unaware. He just felt like someone had stuffed a hornet's nest into his head, and his consciousness was completely in a mess. And the whole world seemed to be just a few pieces of paper on the table roaring at him!

"this world……"

Wang Qi murmured, unable to stand, his legs went weak and he fell to his knees.

"Wang Qi! Wang Qi!"

The spirit body of Zhen Shanzi roared in the ring. The things that happened in the past few days were getting weirder and weirder in his eyes. For the first time, he felt that ten thousand years of time were so terrifying. Wang Qi's crazy behavior in front of him made him realize that he was no longer the omnipotent Mahayana monk ten thousand years ago!

Suddenly, Wang Qi's shoulders trembled.


As if remembering some big joke, Wang Qi shrank into a ball with laughter and punched the ground desperately.

This world is knowable.

This world can be explored.

This world can be conquered!

Wang Qi almost laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe. The things that were broken in his heart and abandoned by him fourteen years ago were being picked up little by little.

This is something that no one in this world knows, even Wang Qi himself has almost forgotten.

In Wang Qi's previous life, he was a top student at the University of Copenhagen on Earth, with a double major in mathematics and physics, and he also became an assistant at the Niels Bohr Institute. If it weren't for the sudden notification that his parents were critically ill, he was almost destined to become a generation of scholars!

Later, because the domestic research environment was completely different from that abroad, and his "assistant" qualifications failed to attract the attention of domestic research institutions, he left the research industry.

Then, he traveled through time. Everything I once owned was lost overnight, and everything I believed in was shattered overnight.

In the first few years, he cried and cursed almost every day.

Crying for himself and cursing the heaven!

For a time he cursed everything he had ever learned and this fate. He also once hated the two worlds in which he lived in the past and present lives, where he couldn't see any rationality.

But now, after he finally calmed down and was able to accept everything in this world, Wang Qi woke up for the first time.

In this world, there are also objective laws!

There are all kinds of incredible things here, but they are not supernatural or unreasonable.

This is just a new world that human science on earth has not yet set foot in!

This world can be analyzed and conquered step by step!

And the means of analysis, the means of conquest...

Wang Qi jumped up and rummaged through the pile of books like crazy.

"Tianyanlu"...The theory of evolution is established.

"Introduction to the Tao of Yuanli"...the three principles of heaven...the three laws of classical mechanics are established.

"Treatise on Cold and Heat"...the Yuandao of cold and heat, the three methods of burning the sky...the zero law of thermodynamics and the three laws of thermodynamics are established.

"Preliminary Explanation of the Burning Gold Method"...Chemical reactions exist.

"Celestial Sequence"... The periodic table of elements is highly similar to that of the earth.

"Preliminary Explanation of Flow Method"...Fluid mechanics is established.

Pieces of knowledge from Wang Qi's previous life reappeared in his mind. The change in consciousness was immediately reflected in the little bit of weak magic power in the body.

Zhen Shanzi was surprised to find that Wang Qi had bypassed Li Ziye's seal, and the mana in his body began to flow. The mana fluctuations in his body became more and more obscure and weird!

Makoto calmed down. He has been with Wang Qi for several years, and he has long known that although this kid looks a little crazy, he actually understands better than anyone else. Since he didn't understand the current Dharma, the mighty man from thousands of years ago finally chose to remain silent.

In the practice of the current health-preserving master, the heart-nourishing period strengthens the soul and increases the mind, while the learning period involves learning a lot about the previous summaries of the laws of heaven.

Zhen Shanzi noticed a few years ago that Wang Qi's soul power was more than twice that of ordinary people, almost close to the level of a monk in the foundation-building period in ancient times. Therefore, his soul has already passed the standard of nourishing the heart.

This is the advantage brought by time travel.

And the academic requirements for learning...

"Wahahaha, it's just a high school science subject!"

Wang Qi laughed wildly, constantly recalling what he had learned in his previous life in his mind, and at the same time began to sense the so-called breath of heaven and earth!

Then, Wang Qi's mana fluctuations and the flow of spiritual energy between heaven and earth merged into one place naturally. The aura that was several times stronger suddenly bloomed from Wang Qi's body. The rushing mana washed back and forth in Wang Qi's body. Wang Qi felt a warm current flowing continuously in his body, and every cell in his body was in joy.


This was not the first time Wang Qi felt this way, so he quickly gathered his mind and actively guided the new mana into his Dantian.

"I didn't expect that my biggest golden finger actually came from my previous life!" Wang Qi sighed inwardly. The current method is undoubtedly based on exploring the laws of nature. In other words, as a scientific researcher in my previous life, I have a great advantage in this regard.

After Wang Qi finished his work, Zhen Shanzi asked in an uncertain tone: "Qi training period?"

Wang Qi was in a state of elation. He was eager for someone to ask, so he immediately showed off: "Haha, I didn't expect it, old man, I am a unique genius in cultivating the current laws! I was fooling around with you in the past few years."

Zhen Shanzi did not refute, but sighed: "Today I realize that time is terrible... Hey, I will practice Qi for half a day..."

At this time, the study door was kicked open, Xiang Qi turned into a red shadow and rushed to Wang Qi, touching his body with a pair of bare hands trembling.

Wang Qi was horrified: "I'll go! What's going on? Fairy, please stop, we are not just people! Don't, don't... tell me, don't you eat something that you shouldn't eat... woo woo!"

Wang Qi's words finally made Xiang Qi realize what he was doing. Xiang Qi was so embarrassed that she covered Wang Qi's mouth.

The physical strength of the foundation-building monks is so great that Xiang Qi almost crushed Wang Qi's mandible with his hands!

Damn it, kill people and silence them! Wang Qi had difficulty breathing, with only this thought left in his heart, he immediately struggled desperately.

At this time, Li Ziye came over and removed Xiang Qi's hand in a dumbfounded way: "Junior sister Xiang, if you continue like this, you will kill this genius forever."

Xiang Qi glanced at Wang Qi hatefully: "Boy, try talking nonsense."

Li Ziye put his finger on Wang Qi's forehead, used some mana to help Wang Qi heal his injuries, and also checked the progress of his practice.

Wang Qi suddenly felt horrified and didn't even bother to take a breath: "I'm going to choke you... This is... the rhythm of three people playing... Fairy, you are too harsh, little brother - ah! ah! Kill and kill - -ah!"

Li Ziye looked at the boy who was being beaten by Xiang Qi who had red cheeks, shook his head and said, "If you don't play with fire, you won't get drunk."

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